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Language 在英语句子中 有些动词后面的动词要用to连接 to前面的动词要根据句子的时间状语用不同的时态 to后面的动词用原形 不定式的肯定式为todo 否定式为nottodo 动词不定式 常用的不定式结构有 wanttodo arrangetodo decidetodo agreetodo hopetodo plantodo refusetodo forgettodo remembertodo asksb not todo invitesb todo tellsb not todo 等 Exercise 1Willyoulendhimamagazine A tobereadB forreadingC toread2Couldyoutellme theInternet A howtosearchB howsearchC howcanIsearchD howsearching C A 3 WecanuseMSNtotalkwitheachotherontheinternet Really Willyoupleaseshowme A whattouseB howtouseitC wheretouseit4 Whataboutgoingswimmingwithme Sorry Ihavealotofhomework A todoB doneC doD tobedone B A Exercise 你想让我和你一起去吗 老师经常告诉我们上课不要讲话 上星期天林丽邀请我和她一起打乒乓球 Doyouwantmetogowithyou Ourteacheroftentellsusnottotalkinclass LinLiinvitedmetoplaytabletenniswithherlastSunday AtfirstIfeltabitshyaboutspeakingEnglishinfrontofsomanypeople P54 一开始我觉得在那么多人面前讲英语有些害羞 解析 abit 一点点 可以用于修饰动词 形容词和形容词的比较级 例如 HeturneddowntheTVabit 他把电视关小了点 Iamabittallerthanmyfather 我比父亲高一点点 此外 abitof还可以修饰不可数名词 例如 Heknowsabitof alittle Japanese 他会一点点日语 选择最佳答案填空 Letmegiveyou advice A abitB abitofC alittleofD alittle B though和although都可以表示 虽然 但不要根据汉语习惯 在后面使用连词but 不过有时它可与yet still nevertheless等副词连用 如 他虽然年纪很大了 但还很强壮 误 Althoughheisveryold butheisquitestrong 正 Althoughheisveryold yet heisquitestrong though although 有时用于主句之后 起补充说明的作用 相当于however but 如 Heispoor althoughheisalwayshappy 他很穷 然而却过得很开心 Thepriceincreasewillobviouslybeunpopular althoughit sunlikelytoreducedemand 价格升高显然会不受人欢迎 然而这不大可能降低人们的需求 though although 相同点 用作连词表示 虽然 两者大致同义 可换用 只是although比though更为正式 Though Although itwasraining wewentthere 虽然下着雨 但我们还是去了那儿 Though Although itwasbarelyfouro clock thelightswerealreadyon 尽管才四点钟 灯已经亮了 Though Although wearepoor wearestillhappy 我们虽然穷 但仍然很快活 though although 1 thestoryisshortandsimple itisdifficulttounderstand A ButB AlthoughC AndD For 2 Sheclosedhereyes sheweretired A thoughB asalthoughC althoughD asthough B D 选择最佳答案填空 3 It snoteasy aforeignlanguagewell A learningB tolearnC learnedD tolearning 4 heisinpoorhealth heworkshard A Although butB Though howeverC Although D but B C 选择最佳答案填空 Pleasefillinthefollowingblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords 1 Wedecided lunch have 2 Theyfailed thetest pass 3 Sheforgot herbook bring 4 Ihope inCanada study 5 Hemanaged hispen find 6 Theyoffered us help 7 Weplan hertomorrow visit 8 Ipromise good be tohave topass tobring tostudy tofind tohelp tovisit tobe Pleasefillinthefollowingblankswiththerightformsofthegivenwords 1 Sheenjoys swim 2 Theyfinished theirhomework do 3 Heprefers read to write 4 Ihate medicine take 5 Ilike English learn 6 Ilove abroad travel 7 Wouldyoumind me help 8 Shepractised everyevening sing swimming doing readingwriting taking learning travelling helping singing PartA动名词的构成 动名词由动词原形加 ing构成 其构成法与现在分词一样 如do doing Communicatingisnotjustspeaking 动名词在句子中可以充当主语的作用 InWesternculture makingeyecontactinconversationsisnecessary 动名词作主语时 谓语用单数形式 PartAGerundsassubject 主语 Communicatingisnotjustspeaking InmanyAsiancultures avoidingeyecontactshowsrespect Staringatpeopleisalsoconsideredrude 动名词作主语时 谓语用单数形式 Communicatingisnotjustspeaking PartAGerundsassubject 主语 动名词用法小议 一 构成 动名词由 动词原形 ing 构成 其变化规则与现在分词的变化规则相同 二 用法 动名词既有名词的特征 也有动词的特征 它可以在句中作主语 宾语 表语和定语 在本单元我们主要学习它作主语和宾语的用法 动名词用法小议 动名词 短语 作主语时 谓语动词要用单数 例如 Communicatingisnotjustspeaking 交流不仅仅是说话 Sittingstraightmeansapersonisconfident 端坐表明一个人是自信的 三 动名词作主语或介词宾语时还要注意以下几点 英语中有一些动词 短语 后面常接动名词作宾语 如 finish enjoy mind keep suggest avoid miss practise admit deny can thelp等 动名词用法小议 常见的 动词 介词 动名词 的短语有 prefer to be getusedto lookforwardto feellike giveup keepon insiston succeedin等 例如 Hedoesn tfeellikedoinghishomework 他不想做家庭作业 Youmustgiveupsmokingatonce 你必须马上戒烟 用于某些惯用法中 例如 1 bebusydoingsth 忙于做某事 Motherisbusycookingdinnerinthekitchen 妈妈在厨房忙着做饭 2 beworthdoingsth 值得做某事 Thebookisworthreading 这本书值得一读 3 It snouse gooddoingsth 做 无用 无好处 It snouseaskinghimforhelp 向他寻求帮助没有用 强化训练 一 选择最佳答案填空 1 Theyinsistedon anotherchancetotry A gotB gettingC beinggotD tobegot 2 Jacksaidthathewouldn tmind forus A towaitB waitC waitingD waited 3 Mybrotherkeeps myfavouritebook AndIwantitback A totakeB takeC takingD took getting waiting taking 4 Weshouldoftenpractise Englishwitheachother A tospeakB spokeC speakD speaking5 Whatabout totheconcertwithus A wegoB wegoingC goingD togo D speaking going 巩固练习 1 Thefilmisworth see 2 smoke isforbiddeninclass 3 Thekeyisfor lock thedoor seeing locking Smoking 4 Theyarelookingforwardto travel toBeijing 5 do moreexerciseisgoodforourhealth 6 Whatabout go forawalk Doing going traveling


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