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电大英语 一 语法与练习 主讲人 侯晓岚 MaanshanTVUniversity English Grammar 电大英语 I 人称代词物主代词反身代词不定代词代词综合练习名词冠词数词介词动词do动词havetherebe结构情态动词时间表达法形容词 副词 的比较级和最高级选择疑问句祈使句感叹句状语从句时态 一般现在时练习现在进行时练习一般将来时练习一般过去时练习 人称代词 代替人或事物的代词叫人称代词 人称代词有主格和宾格之分 主格一般在句子中作主语 宾格在句子中作动词或介词的宾语 人称主格宾格第一人称I 单数 mewe 复数 us第二人称you 单 复数 you第三人称he 单数 himshe 单数 herit 单数 itthey 复数 them注意 it能被用来代替一个东西 一个动物或一个未知的人 they能被用来代替两个或两个以上的东西 动物或人 例 动词的主语动词的宾语介词的宾语IlikeWendy Wendylikesme Wendyisfondofme HelikesWendyWendylikeshim Wendyisfondofhim Grammar 模仿示例 用括号里代词的正确形式完成下列句子 例如 Maryistalkingtome I me onthephone 1 We Us wentswimmingatthebeachyesterday 2 He Him isMichael sgoodfriend 3Ihaven tseen they them foralongtime 4 Ilikemybossbecause he him isveryfriendly 5 Kittyisolderthan I me but I me amolderthanSusan 6 Itold he him towaitbut he him didn t 7 A Whotookmyradio B I Me havenoideawhotook it him 8 A Wherearethefootballplayer B There they them are 9 A IsthatKennethoverthere B Yes that s he him 10 A IsRaymondhard working B Yes he him is Everyoneintheofficerespects he him 练习 物主代词 也称代词的所有格 表明谁的某物或某物归属于谁 分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词 形容词性物主代词只能作定语 后面必须跟有名词 名词性物主代词相当于形容词性物主代词 名词 人称形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词第一人称my 单 our 复 mine 单 ours 复 第二人称your 单 复 yours 单 复 第三人称hisherits 单 their 复 hishersits 单 theirs 复 注意 区分its与it s its是it的形容词性和名词性物主代词 it s是itis或ithas的缩写例 形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词That smypen Thatpenismine Thisisourmoney Thismoneyisours Theseareyourshoes Theseshoesareyours Thosearehisgoldfish Thosegoldfisharehis That sherfile Thatfileishers Thatisitsfood Thatfoodisits Thesearetheirtoys Thesetoysaretheirs Grammar 模仿示例 用括号里的词开头 改写下列句子 例如 Theirbooksareonthetable Thebooks Thebooksonthetablearetheirs 1 Theirredshirtsareonthechair Theredshirts 2 Yourroomisthefirstoneonthefourthfloor Thefirstroom 3 Myschoolbagisunderthetable Theschoolbag 4 Herpianoisinthesittingroom Thepiano 5 Myposteristhebiggestoneonthenotice board Thebiggestposter 6 TheirofficeisnexttoJohn s Theoffice 7 Hiscarisattheendofthestreet Thecar 8 Ourclassroomisthebiggestoneintheschool Thebiggestclassroom 9 HerglassesareontheTV Theglasses 10 Hislettersareonmydesk Theletters 练习 Key 1 Theredshirtsonthechairaretheirs 2 Thefirstroomonthefourthfloorisyours 3 Theschoolbagunderthetableismine 4 Thepianointhesittingroomishers 5 Thebiggestposteronthenotice boardismine 6 TheofficenexttoJohn sistheirs 7 Thecarattheendofthestreetishis 8 Thebiggestclassroomintheschoolisours 9 TheglassesontheTVarehers 10 Thelettersonmydeskarehis 反身代词 ReflexivePronouns 表示反射或强调的代词以 self或 selves结尾 一 反身代词的构成二 用法 1 在句中作宾语 表示动作回射到动作执行者本身 e g Healwaysthinksofhimself Thegirlcanwashherselfnow 2 在句中用来加强语气 表示 亲自 本人 的意思 e g Youcandoityourself Imustseetheheadmasterhimself Grammar 反身代词的构成人称单数复数第一人称myselfourselves第二人称yourselfyourselveshimself第三人称herselfthemselvesitself第一 二人称由形容词性物主代词加 self selves构成 第三人称由人称代词宾格形式加 self selves构成 所有的重音均在这个音节上 Grammar Fillintheblankswithreflexivepronounces 用反身代词填空 1 SheteachesEnglish 2 TheyenjoyatthepartyeverySaturdayevening 3 TodayI mgoingtobuyatennisracket 4 Pleasemakeathome children 5 Timoftenforcestosleeplate 6 Canyouseeinthephotograph 7 Shelivesby 8 Wemakesandwichesfor 9 Theoldladyalwaystalksto 10 Paulispleasedwithbecausehedoeswellinhiswork herself themselves myself yourselves himself herself herself himself yourself ourselves 练习 不定代词some any no some any no都既可以修饰可数名词 又可以修饰不可数名词 Some一般用在肯定句中 e g Heaskedmesomequestions Therearesomechildrenoutside Thereissomemilkinthefridge Someofusagreewiththestatementandsomedisagree Somepeopleareearlyrisers Motherisdoingsomewashingnow Some也可用在表示 请求 建议 的疑问句中 希望回答 yes e g Willyougetmesomematches Wouldyoulikesomecoffee Whydon tyougetsomepeopletohelpyou Doyouneedsomehelp Grammar Any用在否定和疑问句中 e g Arethereanystampsinthedrawer Ihaven tgotanyworktodo Doyouknowanygooddoctor Letmeknowrightawayifyouhaveanynews Didshegiveyouany Any也可用在肯定句中 表示 任何 e g ShanghaiislargerthananyothercityinChina Comeanydayyoulike Anytimeyouwantme justsendforme Grammar No只能作定语 no notany nota an e g Therearenolettersforyoutoday Heisnofriendofmine Noboyintheclasshaseverseenthesea No用于警告 命令等标识 e g Nosmoking Noparking Grammar 用some any和no填空 Iwanttobuy newclothes butIhaven tgot money Therearen t seatsleftonthebus Ihad sweets butmysisterdidn thave Shesaw squirrelsintheparkyesterday Heheard noisesoutsidehisbedroomwindowlastnight Theydon thave ticketsfortheconcert Whyisn tthere breadinthekitchen Motherbought justthisafternoon Werethere telephonecallsformewhileIwasaway Boy Haveyougot friendsnearwhereyoulive Girl butnotmany some any any some any some some any any some any any some 练习 HaveMrMrsHarrisgot children Wewenttosee clownsatthecircus Janehasgot newshoes They relovely Don tyouhave lessonstoday Peterhas friends Iamsorryforhim Idon twant vegetables thankyou Havethey orangesinthemarkettoday Peter sabadboy Hedoes workatallandplaysallday I vegot potatoes onionsand carrots butIcan tfind tomatoes WhyhasJohngot classestoday Becausetherearen t inourschool today any some some any no any any no some some some any any no 练习 一 阅读下列疑问句或陈述句 然后选出最佳答案 1 John who sthatphonecallfor A That smine B It sforme C Isthatyours D He scallingme 2 IsRosannainherroom A Yes thisroomishers B No shedidn ttellme C No it snotherroom D Yes sheis 3 Isthatmaponthewallmine A Yes it shis B No it snotyours C No mymapisonthetable D Yes I msureit smine 4 Mymotherisanurse A Thenurseismine B Thehousewifeismymother C Mineisadoctor D Metoo 5 Theirschooluniformsarepurpleandwhite A Oursareblueandgreen B Wearethesame C Whiteishiscolor D Yourcolorisgreen 语法练习 6 Doyouknowwheremycamerais A Oh yourcameraisaniceone B No Ionlyknowhowtousemine C No Iknownothingaboutcameras D Yes it sonthesofa 7 Whoseexaminationresultsarebetter A Ido B It sme C Mineare D Theyaremine 8 Myfavoritecolorispurple A He syellow B It sredtome C Theirsisorange D Isheblack 9 Mary sinHospital A I msorrytohearthat B Sheisbad C It sveryunfortunateofherD She llrecoversoon 10 Isthisraincoathis A Yes it smine B Itmustbehim C No Ithinkit syours D Yes hisraincoatisoverthere 语法练习 二 Inthefollowingexercise puttheverbsinbracketsinthePresentSimple putinthemissingpossessiveadjectives andputinthemissingpersonalpronouns 用括号内动词的一般现在时填空 并在 处填上适当的物主代词 在 处填上适当的人称代词 BrianandTom work inLondon James be friend James introduce to motherandfather Jamesalso have asister name be Janeand be anengineer John be afriendofBrianandTomtoo come fromacityinAustralia AndrewandJohn be doctors Andrew like John but not like Tom Tom work with daughter be engineers work is them introduces their likes she his is Her has comes He is is are doesn tlike are his works They 语法练习 三 Fillinthegapsbelowwiththecorrectpronouns 用代词的恰当形式填空 1 Englishpeoplelovedogs buyexpensivefood 购买昂贵的食物 for talktoandsometimessleepwithonbeds Thedogsdon tsleeponown 自己的 bedsbuton 2 Johnlovesbrother Tom alwayswalkstoschoolwithandhelpswithhomework doesownhomework andsometimesdoesbrother stoo Tomdoesn tdoit 3 MyfriendandIloveteacher MissBrown likelessonsverymuch areinterestingandisalwayshappy their their them They them them theirs their his him He himself him his He his his our We They she our 语法练习 四 Completethistable 填写下表 人称代词 PersonalPronouns主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词反身代词SubjectObjectPossessiveAdjectivePossessivePronounReflexiveIyourshimselfheritsourselvesyourselvesThey 语法练习 me yourself herself themselves myself you my your you mine he her hers his him his she it itself its it us our we ours you you yours your them their theirs 五 Fillintheblankswithproperpronounces 用适当的代词填空 1 Wemustnotthinkonlyof us ourselves 2 Whowillgotherewith Nobody she llgothere herself her 3 Helptosomefish MrsGreensaidtoPeter yourself yourselves 4 Ican trepairthemodelship me myself 5 Theycooksupperfor themselves himself 6 Onthistrip youboysneedtolookafter yourself yourselves 7 HegaveapresentforChristmas his himself 8 Hecantypetheletter himself him 9 I moldenoughtodressnow me myself 10 Onemustrespect one oneself ourselves her herself yourself myself myself themselves yourselves himself himself oneself 语法练习 六 在需要的地方 用a an some any many填空 policemeninBritainhaveguns butonlyafewofthem Doyouwant apple Thisis reallybeautifulhouse Thereare fiveChineseinmyclass friendsofmyparentsliveinChina TheyareAustralian Haveyou eggstoday eagleisabigbird Johnhasgot verybignoses What beautifulgarden peopleliveinverybighouses studentsinChinawanttolearnEnglishthesedays Arethere policewomeninHongKong Some an a Some any An a a Some Many any 语法练习 七 用a an some any填空 Haveyougot flat Iwanttobe actor Doyouhave pork Johnhasgot bigfeet buthe s fastrunner Youneed visatovisit foreigncountries Janeis teacherandherparentsare teacherstoolTheseare verynicetrousers Howmucharethey TomalwaysgivesAnn flowersonherbirthday Haveyou rice Hegivesme cardeveryyearformybirthday a an any a a some a some any a 语法练习 疑问句 英语中有四种疑问句 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 选择疑问句和反意疑问句 一般疑问句 是将句中的助动词 情态动词或连系动词放在主语的前面 通常用yes和no来回答 e g Haveyoulockedthedoor Yes Ihave No Ihaven t DoyouknowJack Yes Ido No Idon t 特殊疑问句 疑问词 一般疑问句要根据实际情况来回答 e g Whoisstandingatthewindow Mysisteris Howmuchdoesitcost Fiftyyuan 反意疑问句 前面是一个陈述句 后面是一个简略问句 用yes和no来回答 e g Theirdaughterisveryclever isn tshe Jacklikestea doesn the Youdon tlikeyourjob doyou Sheisneverlateforschool isshe Grammar 选择疑问句 两种 要作具体回答 前面是一个一般疑问句 后面用or连接一个选择项目 e g Shallwegobybusorbytrain DoyouspeakEnglishorFrench ShallIdoitorwillyoudoityourself Areyoureadyornot Doyouwanttobuyitornot 一个特殊疑问句加两个或两个以上的选择 用or连接 e g Whodoyoulikebetter TomorDerek Whichdoyouprefer coffeeortea Whichicecreamwouldyoulike chocolate vanillaorstrawberry Grammar 时间表达法 一 数字表达法 直接读出数字 e g 1 00one o clock 2 05twofive3 15threefifteen5 30fivethirty7 45sevenforty five8 58eightfifty eight二 介词表达法 分钟数在半小时之内 含半小时 用介词past 表示 几点过几分 e g 4 03three minutes pastfour6 10tenpastsix9 15aquarterpastnine2 25twenty fivepasttwo11 30halfpasteleven分钟数超过半小时的 用to 表示 几点差几分 e g 5 35twenty fivetosix1 40twentytotwo3 45aquartertofour7 55fivetoeight12 59onetoone 上午和下午的表达 在时间后加inthemorning或intheafternoon 在时间后加a m 或p m Grammar 用数字表达法和介词表达法讲出下列时刻 6 152 3811 033 5612 254 406 309 051 5010 358 105 45 练习 名词名词分为可数名词和不可数名词两大类 可数名词有单 复数之分 名词的数决定谓语动词的数 不可数名词一般只有单数形式 没有复数形式 可数名词tablebookwalletbagglasslight不可数名词milkwatermoneyinformationteaoilpaper可数名词的复数形式有规则变化和不规则变化两种 不可数名词可以借助单位词来表示一定的数量 adropofwater asheetofpaper apieceofnews atonofcoal注意 名词的规则变化加 s的发音 一些特殊的名词及变化 Grammar 规则变化是在名词后加 s 具体变化规则如下 1 一般情况下 加 se g book booksmap mapsteacher teachersway ways2 在s x sh ch后 加 es e g bus busesbox boxesbrush brusheswatch watches3 以辅音字母加y结尾的 变y为i再加 es e g family familiesfactory factoriesparty partiesdiary diaries4 以f fe结尾的 则变f fe为v 再加 es e g live livesknife kniveswife wiveshalf halvesleaf leaves5 以辅音字母加o结尾的 加 s e g hero heroespotato potatoestomato tomatoes6 以元音字母加o结尾的 加 es e g radio radioszoo zoosbamboo bamboos7 有些词 含外来词 加 s 需记忆 e g photo photospiano pianosmemo memoskilo kilos Grammar 名词的不规则变化 如下 1 变内部元音foot feettooth teethgoose geesemouse miceman menwoman womenpoliceman policemen2 单复数同形Chinese ChineseJapanese Japanesedeer deerfish fishsheep sheep3 词尾加 enchild childrenox oxen Grammar 名词后加 s的读音 如下 1 在清辅音后 读 s lakesdesksmaps2 在浊辅音和元音后 读 z dogsmachinesseasdrivers3 在 s z t d 后 读 iz glassesrosesdisheschurchespagesbridges4 在 t d 后 读 ts dz partsbirdsstudentsseedsboatsfields注意 有些名词复数的发音 有变化 house s houses ziz cloth clothes z Grammar 特殊的名词及变化1 有些名词加 s的形式表示种类 两条鱼是twofish twofishes表示两种鱼 food是不可数名词 foods表示多种食物 people表示 人 时 是复数名词 只能说twopeople manypeople 一个人 不能说apeople 应该说aperson apeople表示 一个民族 twopeoples表示 两个民族 2 有些以 f fe结尾的词 直接加 sroofsbeliefsroofshandkerchiefssafes有些以 f fe结尾的词 变 f fe为 ves或直接加 s皆可 dwarf dwarfs dwarvesscarf scarfs scarves3 复合名词的复数形式 一般是将主要部分变为复数 lookers onpassers bysons in lawbus driversfootball playersboy studentsgirl servants Grammar 由man或woman作为第一部分的复合名词 两个部分皆变复数menwriterswomendoctorsmencookswomensingers4 有些名词总是用复数形式 apairoftrousers shoes gloves glasses shorts scissors jeans5 单数集体名词可看作是一个整体 也可看作若干个体 familyclassgroupteampolicestaffcrowdaudience6 有些名词形式上是复数 却用作单数 maths mathematics newsmeanseconomicsphysics7 表示时间 金钱 距离 重量的复数名词 在作为一整体看待时 当作单数对待 Tenpoundsistooexpensiveforthispen Twomilesisnotlong Fifteenminutesisquiteenough Threepoundsisnotsoheavy Grammar Choosethecorrectnounsinthesentencesbelow 1 Idon twear trouser trousers toplayfootball Iwear short shorts 2 Abicycleisaverycheap mean means oftransport 3 Shecan tseeverywell Sheneeds glass glasses 4 Shewantstocuthishair Sheneeds scissor scissors 5 weneedfour people persons toplaythisgame 练习 Choosethecorrectformoftheverb singularorplural e g BecauseIamgoodwithnumbers mathematics is are easyforme 1 Thenews isn t aren t verygoodtoday 2 Threedays is aren t longenoughforagoodholiday 3 Haveyougotyourscissors Mine isn t aren t sharpenough 4 Englandalways loses lose atbadminton 5 Phoneforataxi Sixmiles is are alongway 练习 Completethesentencesafterthemodel Model ourholidaylaststhreeweeks Itisathree weekholiday Thegirlsare14yearsold Theyare14 year oldgirls 1 Thewomanis30 Sheisa 2 Theflightlastssixhours Itisa 3 Thebookhasgot200pages Itisa 4 Theticketscosttwentyyuan Theyare 5 ThisChinesecabbageweighsfivejin Itisa 30 year oldwoman six hourflight 200 pagebook 20 yuantickets five jinChinesecabbage 练习 Rewritethesentencesandcorrecttheerrors 1 Thereisfivepersonsontheroom 2 Istheretwobusesnearaentrance 3 Thisboysovertherearemyfriend 4 Theyhasknifesandforkesinacoffeeshop 5 Aretherenostudentsofeconomicsinauniversity 6 Theyhasgotthreechildandnowanewbaby 7 Aoldwomenwantsadoubleroomsforthehotel 8 Isthisanyboxesonthekitchen arefivepeoplein are the Those friends haveknivesandforks any the have children Anoldwoman room Arethereanyboxesin 练习 改正下列句中的错误 Thereismanystudentsintheseschool Ihaveverygoodmother HisparentisChineses Anyofmyfather sfriendslivesinBeijing Ohdear Haven tyougotsomemoneys ThebankerandherwifelivesinLondon WehaveaholidaysinAugust Somepolicemenisverytall are this a parentsareChinese Some anymoney live are live 练习 冠词 是置于名词之前 说明名词所表示的人或事物的一种虚词 冠词也可以说是名词的一种标志 它不能离开名词而独立存在 英语中冠词有三个 即定冠词 不定冠词和零冠词 定冠词the相当于this或that 表示特指 定冠词the在元音音素前读 i 在辅音音素前读 如 Theairwasfullofbutterflies Thebattlestartedonthemorningofthetwenty fourth 不定冠词a an相当于one 有单一的含义 有时也可指一类 a an在含义上并无不同 只是a用于辅音音素前 读 而an则用于元音音素前 读 n 如 Armstrongisamanoffewwords Weliveaboutanhourfromthecity 零冠词是名词前一种无形的冠词 即一般所说的不用冠词的场合 很多专有名词 抽象名词和物质名词都用零冠词 如 BeijingisthecapitalofChina Knowledgeispower Grammar 定冠词的用法 1 用于单数或复数名词 可数或不可数名词之前 表示特指 e g Theoldmanoverthereishisgrandfather Thewaterishot There sabookonthedesk Thebookismine 2 表示世界上独一无二的事物 e g Thesunislikeagreatballoffireinthesky 3 用在序数词 形容词最高级和方位名词前 e g Sundayisthefirstdayoftheweek Whichisthebiggest thesun themoonortheearth Thesunrisesintheeastandsetsinthewest 4 与单数可数名词或某些形容词连用 表示一类 e g Thehorseisausefulanimal theold theyoung therich thepoor thesick theblind Grammar 5 用于乐器名称前 e g thepiano theviolin theorgan6 用于表示阶级 党派的名词前 e g theworkingclass theCommunistParty7 用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前 e g theGreatWall thePeople sRepublicofChina theUnitedNations8 用于表示江河 海洋 山脉 岛屿的名称前 e g theChangjiangRiver thePacificOcean theHimalayas9 用于姓氏的复数前 指一家人 e g theGreens theBlacks10 用于固定词组和习惯用法中 e g Inthemiddle inthemorning tellthetruth 11 用于报刊 杂志 历史时期及其它名词前 e g TheTimes theBible ThePeople sDaily theStoneAge Grammar 不定冠词的用法 1 指一个或一种 e g Givemeapost card Agirlwantstoseeyou AMissSmithcamejustnow 2 指一类 e g Aelephantismuchheavierthanahorst Aknifeisanimportanttool 3 表示事物的单位数量 e g eighthoursaday twiceamonth fivedollarsakilo4 用于固定短语 e g haveabreak inahurry allofasudden Grammar 零冠词的用法 1 有些复数名词和不可数名词不是特指时 通常不用冠词 e g Ihadeggsforbreakfast Helikestodrinkbeer Thedeskismadeofwood 2 三餐前没有修饰词时 通常不用冠词 e g Whatdidyouhaveforlunch 3 在球类名词前 e g playbasketball football tennis4 在固定短语中 e g bybus atnoon gotoschool inhospital Grammar Fillintheblankswitha anorthe What beautifulhorseitis Whendoes sunsetinwinter Iamgoingto Philippinesnextmonth Don tforgettobuyme T shirt Look there s elephantwalkingdownthestreet It scheapertotake busthantotake taxi Johnisstayingat DragonHotel EveryoneknowsKittyis honestgirl a the the a an a a the an 练习 Fillintheblankswitha anorthe wherenecessary Igoto schoolby ferry Whichpenislonger blueoneor redone Theyhave dinnerearlyintheevening Christiansusuallygoto churchonSundays Haveyoueverseen realdragon Theysenttheparcelby airmail Jackisstayingwithhisauntin UnitedKingdom Everyoneneeds food Himalayasare highestmountainrangeson earth the the a the The the the 练习 Thatshopsells fruitand drinks Fatherwentto bedquiteearlylastnight Thedograninto school Nooneknowshowdeep AtlanticOceanis Whatsortof gamedoyoulikebetter footballor basketball Wecan tlivewithout air Peteris universitystudent Thecompanygaveus wonderfuldinner Selinagoestowordby samebuseverymorning the the a a the 练习 数词分基数词 cardinalnumbers 和序数词 ordinalnumbers 一 基数词 cardinalnumbers 1 12onetwothreefourfivesixseveneightnineteneleventwelve13 19 teenthirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteen20 90 tytwentythirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninety21 99twenty onethirty twoforty threeninety nine100201122onehundredtwohundredandoneonehundredandtwenty one1 0001 53210 000100 000onethousandonethousandfivehundredandthirty twotenthousandonehundredthousand1 000 0001 000 000 000onemilliononebillion Grammar 二 序数词 ordinalnumbers 123first 1st second 2nd third 3rd 4 19基数词后加 thfourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtentheleventhtwelfththirteenthfourteenthfifteenthsixteenthseventeentheighteenthnineteenth20 90变 ty为 tiethtwentieththirtieth Ninetieth21 99十位数用基数词 个位数用序数词twenty firstfifty fourth ninety ninth1001 0001 000 0001 000 000 000直接加 thonehundredthonethousandthonemillionthonebillionth2081 937只在个位数用序数词 其它用基数词 twohundredandeightonethousandninehundredandthirty seventh Grammar 用英语读出下列数字 1112267051 0984 56875 137425 7121 306 5272 032 67836 441 000900 745 0221 280 532 866 练习 onehundredandone twohundredandtwenty six sevenhundredandfive onethousandandninety eight fourthousand fivehundredandsixty eight seventy fivethousand onehundredandthirty seven fourhundredandtwenty fivethousand sevenhundredandtwelve onemillion threehundredandsixthousand fivehundredandtwenty seven twomillion thirty twothousand sixhundredandseventy eight thirty sixmillion fourhundredandforty onethousand ninehundredmillion sevenhundredandforty fivethousand andtwenty two onebillion twohundredandeightymillion fivehundredandthirty twothousand eighthundredandsixty six 用基数词或序数词填空 1 The dayoftheyearisNewYear sDay 2 There sonly Sundayinaweek 3 July sthe monthoftheyear 4 Threetimesfourequals 5 Thenumber195hasthreedigits The digitisa nine andthe digitisa five 6 NextWednesdayismyeleventhbirthday ThatmeansI llbe yearsoldbythen first one seventh twelve second third eleven 练习 7 I vejustdonethefourthexercise andamnowworkingonexercise 8 Teacher Haveyouanyquestionsaboutthe chapter Student No Ithinkchaptersixisquitesimple 9 Teacher What sfiveplusten Student It s 10 Manager Howmanyticketsweresoldtoday Clerk Onethousand Manager Whosoldthelastone Imeanthe ticket Clerk Judydid five sixth fifteen onethousandth 练习 Writedownthenounphrasesusingnumbersgiveninbrackets e g bag 2 twobagsgirl 8 eightgirlsbike 3 box 2 bus 6 carrot 4 case 2 child 9 factory 12 foot 2 glass 4 house 5 knife 10 potato 15 radio 8 scarf 7 watch 6 woman 20 threebikes twoboxes sixbuses fourcarrots twocases ninechildren twelvefactories twofeet fourglasses fivehouses tenknives fifteenpotatoes eightradios sevenscarves sixwatches twentywomen 练习 介词 Preposition 介词在英语中十分活跃 介词与其后面的名词 代词或相当于名词的词或短评等组成介词短评 用于表示地点 时间 目的 方式 原因和伴随情况等 e g 地点Judylivesinabeautifulhouse 时间Hehassportsinthemorning 目的I monlydoingthisformybrother 方式Pleaseanswerinafewwords 原因Hefoughtoutofanger 伴随Sheissleeping withthedooropen 介词后的部分称作介词宾语 当介词宾语为人称代词时 人称代词用宾格形式 介词短评常驻在句中作状语 定语或表语 e g 状语JaneandTomoftencomeherewiththeirmother 定语Thewomanatthedoorisournewteacher 表语MrSmithisfromBritain 下面着重介绍常见的表示地点的介词 Grammar 用适当的介词填空 Thechildrenswim theriver Thegirlsits hermotherandfather Theteacherstands theblackboard Theblackboardis theteacher Allthefreshvegetablesherecome agreenhouse I mlost Isthesupermarket theleft Janeis theChinesecoursetoo Isthewallet yourpocket TheyhaveEnglishlessons eightthirty It s9 10 Yes it sten nine in between before infrontof behind from on on in at past 练习 动词do的用法动词do既可以用作行为动词 也可以用作助动词 1 do作为行为动词时的意思相当于汉语的 做 干


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