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英语教学课件系列 Go for it 七年级下册 Unit12Whatdidyoudolastweekend Selfcheck Whatdidyoudo Iwalkedtoschool Whatdidyoudo Iwenttothezoo Whatdidyoudo Iatethedonuts too Whatdidyoudo IsawSantaandhesaid Ho Ho Whatdidyoudo Ihurtmytailandbrokemyshoe Whatdidyoudo Makeasonglikethis 编歌曲 两只老虎 Whatdidyoudo Whatdidyoudo Playedsoccer Playedsoccer WatchedTV WatchedTV Didsomereading Didsomereading Whatdidyoudo Whatdidyoudo Didhomework Didhomework Haddinner Haddinner Cleanedtheroom Cleanedtheroom Whatdidyoudo Whatdidyoudo Wentshopping Wentshopping Tookawalk Tookawalk Hadaparty Hadaparty Howwas Jim s weekend Howwas Jim s weekend Itwasgreat Itwasgreat Whatdidhedo Whatdidhedo Heplayedsoccer Heplayedsoccer Howwas Sally s weekend Howwas Sally s weekend Itwasgood Itwasgood Whatdidshedo Whatdidshedo Shecleanedherroom Shecleanedherroom Let schant 1 Completethephrases go go eat take kite cow by for A Ihadaschooltriplastweek B Really go A Ivisitedthefirestation B gowith A Iwentwithmyclassmates B do A Wewatchedhowfiremenworked Whataninterestingjobtheyhave B learnanything A Sure Welearnhowtocallthefirestationandwhattodowhenthereisafire 2 Completetheconversation Wheredidyougo Whodidyougowith Whatdidyoudo Didyoulearnanything Readthestoryandfindoutwhatyoudon tunderstand Doyouthinkthateveryoneenjoystheirweekend OldHenrydoesnot Lastmonth hewentforawalkwithWangWang hiscutedog ItwasanicedayandOldHenrywashappy HesatdownandwatchedWangWangplaywithafriendlyblackcat Thenitwastimetogohome OldHenrylookedforhisdog ButWangWangwasn tthere NowOldHenryisverysad Hehasnodogandnofriend Hedoesn twanttodoanything Discussion ImagineyouworkfortheHeart warmingProject DiscusswithyourclassmateswhatwilldotohelpOldHenrytobehappyagain Everyonewillgetold Tolovetheoldistoloveyourself WriteareportabouthowyouhelpedOldHenrylastweekend Lastweekend IwenttovisitOldHenry Suggestions cleanthehouseplaychesswatchamovieplaytheguitarcookdinner dointerestingthings helpothers feelhappy great 1 HesatonabeachandwatchedWangWangplaywithafriendlyblackcat 他坐在长凳上 看着 汪汪 和一只友善的黑猫玩耍 1 watchsb dosth 观看某人做某事Ilikewatchingthestudentsplaysoccer我喜欢看孩子们踢足球 Theywatchedthefishswiminthewater 他们看着鱼在水里游 LanguagePoints 2 playwith 玩 和 一起玩 Don tplaywithyourpeninclass 上课时不要玩钢笔 GinalikestoplaywithhercatMimi 吉娜喜欢和她的小猫咪咪玩 2 Itwastimetogohome 该回家了 Itistimetodosth 是一个非常重要的句型结构 意为 该做某事 或是做某事的时候了 e g ItistimetoreadEnglish该读英语了 Itwastimetogotothemovie 去看电影的时间到了 3 Hedoesn twanttodoanything 他不想做任何事 anything 任何事 什么事 常用于否定句和一般疑问句中 例如 Wedon tneedanythingnow 我们现在什么都不需要 Didyoueatanything 你吃了一些什么 4 与dog相关的习语luckydog幸运的人bigdog大亨cleverdog聪明的小孩 伶俐的小孩子Everydoghashisday 人人皆有得意时 单词拼写 1 Howdidyou spend yourweekend I 去 tothemovies 2 Didyoudosomereading Yes I red someEnglishstories 3 Ninekidscleaned 他们 rooms 4 WestudyChinese Englishand 地理 atschool spend went read their geography 5 大多数的 studentslikethatinterestingtalkshow 6 Let sgotothe 海滩 Wecanplaygamesthere 7 IstudiedfortheEnglish 测验 lastSunday 8 Myaunt 烹煮 nicefoodformelastyear Shewasagoodcook Most beach test cooked 动词填空 1 LastsummermyfamilyandI go tothebeach 2 Whenit rain IstayedathomeandwatchedTV 3 We be inDalianlastyear 4 Tom be alwayslateforclasslastterm 5 Whatday be ityesterday went rained were was was 单项选择 1 Lastweek sevenkids amovie A sawB watchC lookedD watched2 Rick upat6 30thismorning A getB getsC gotD gots3 TheBlacks intheparklastSunday A isB are C wasD were D C D 4 I Englishyesterdayevening A studyB studiedC studyed5 Wherewereyouyesterday Istayed home readingbooks A atB inC for6 Mymotherwouldliketovisit onSaturday A relativesB friendC they B A A 7 Everyoneinourclass theirholidays A enjoyB enjoyingC enjoys8 He TVforanhourlastnight A sawB lookedC watchesD watched9 Didhe tobedlatelastnight A wentB goC goes10 Sundaymorning Iplayedsocceronmycomputer A InB AtC On C D B C 11 Wouldyouliketowatchthemoviewithmetonight butIhavetoomuchhomeworktodo 2010年宁波市 A I dlovetoB That sallrightC Itdoesn tmatterD Notatall A 翻译下列句子 1 他昨天晚上为语文考试而学习 He forChinese 2 她假期去看她叔叔了 She heruncle hervacation 3 他没有钱也没有家人 他不想做任何事 He moneyand family Hedoesn twanttodo studied testlastnight visited on hasno no anything 4 你怎样度过周末 you theweekend 5 他们在星期六晚上开晚会 They Saturdayevening 6 在星期日早上 我打网球 morning I tennis 7 上周吉姆去看电影 Jim tothemovieslastweek Howdid spend hadapartyon OnSunday played went 句型转换 1 Hedidhishomeworkyesterday 否定句 He hishomeworkyesterday 2 Hismotheroftengoestobuysomethingafterwork 同义句 Hismotheroften afterwork 3 Shecleanedherroomyesterday 一般疑问句 she herroomyesterday didn tdo goesshopping Did clean 4 Myweekendwasverygood 划线部分提问 yourweekend 5 Heoftenplaysfootballafterschool 改写成一般过去时 Heoften footballafterschoollastyear 6 DidhestudyEnglishwell 肯定回答 He Englishwell Howwas played studied Yes 8 John sweekendwasgreat 划线部分提问 John sweekend 9 Mybrothervisitedhisteacheryesterday 特殊疑问句 yourbrother yesterday 10 Itwastimeforlunch 同义句 Itwastime lunch Howwas Whatdid do tohave Homework Helpothersandwritedownwhatyoureallydid ThankYou


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