九年级英语上册 Module 7 Great books Unit 2 It is still read and loved教案 (新版)外研版.doc

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九年级英语上册 Module 7 Great books Unit 2 It is still read and loved教案 (新版)外研版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语上册 Module 7 Great books Unit 2 It is still read and loved教案 (新版)外研版.doc_第2页
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九年级英语上册 Module 7 Great books Unit 2 It is still read and loved教案 (新版)外研版.doc_第3页
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Unit 2 It is still read and loved.【数学目标】词汇adventure,run away,dead,neighbour,funeral, alive, pay for, action,everyday,dialogue句型1.When and where is the story set?2It tells some exciting stories about a boy who has many adventures.3He does not like people telling him what to do,so he always gets into trouble.4They hide and watch for a time when they see their family and neighbours coming to their funeral in the church.5Everyone is surprised to see them at first,but very pleased to find that they are alive.6 and it is thought to be one of the greatest American stories.重点难点1.本单元词汇和重点句子。2一般现在时的被动语态。【教学思路】本单元的教学内容是第七模块第二单元。这是一篇阅读课,重在培养学生的阅读能力和写作能力。本单元向人们介绍了汤姆索耶历险记这本书及杰克逊先生看后的感想。在学习这篇课文时,首先让学生快速地略读,然后使用方框中的单词回答Activity 1中的问题。再精读,找出文中重点短语和句型,并能熟练完成课后习题,培养学生的阅读能力。然后根据课文体裁,仿写一篇小短文,锻炼学生的写作能力。【教学准备】 多媒体,黑板,录音机等。【教学过程】Step 1 Warming upT:Boys and girls,have you read the book called The Adventures of Tom Sawyer? Who can tell the story?在课前教师让阅读过这本书的学生讲述故事的内容,让其他学生对这本书先有个大概了解,然后让学生们带着兴趣去学习这篇课文。活动小结:教师通过设立的问题自然地导入新课的学习。Step 2 Presentation1教师利用多媒体以图片的形式在屏幕上展示本课的词汇:adventure,southern,run away,dead,neighbour,funeral,alive,state,pay for,action,everyday,dialogue。然后教师按照图片的先后顺序进行讲解,并让学生用这些单词造句。2然后领读。再找读得好的学生领读。3给学生5分钟的时间记单词。然后教师指着大屏幕上的图片让学生进行单词接龙比赛。通过教师快速闪动图片,让学生一个接一个地拼读单词,看谁记得又快又准确。活动小结:通过多媒体展示词汇,刺激学生的视觉感官,避免了枯燥乏味的说教,调动学生的学习积极性。Step 3 Reading 1.首先让学生看Activity 1,了解方框中这些单词的意思,然后让学生翻译下面的问题。 What kind of story is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?When and where is the story set?然后让学生带着这些问题快速地阅读课文,并找出这些问题的答案。2让学生再次精读课文,并在文中画出重点短语和句型,然后教师把这些短语和句子写在黑板上。3让学生分别说出这些短语的意思。然后教师领着学生分析句型,告诉学生它们为被动语态,并讲解什么是被动语态,什么情况下使用被动语态及它的构成方式。本单元的知识点为一般现在时的被动语态。然后教师举例讲解如何由主动语态变为被动语态。aWe plant many trees every year.Many trees are planted by us every year.bLily often do her homework after dinner.Lilys homework is often done by her after dinner.然后教师写出5个句子,让学生把它们变为被动语态。Change the sentences into the passive voice.Many people speak English in China.We clean the classroom every day.People grow rice in South China.My father makes dinner every day.Kate often washes clothes.教师可以分别找5名学生到黑板上做题,检验他们的掌握情况。4教师播放录音,让学生注意听单词发音及长句子的顿点。5再播放一遍,让学生跟读。活动小结:通过反复操练,使学生达到熟练运用的程度。Step 4 Consolidation & Extension1为了检查学生对课文的掌握情况,让学生完成Activity 3的表格关于The Adventures of Tom Sawyer这部分内容。2询问学生:What is your favourite book?Who is its writer?Who are its main characters?What does the story tell?等按照表格中的问题对学生依次进行提问。然后让学生完成“Your favourite book”部分。3T:Hi,kids.We have known the story The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,and then according to the text,lets do Activity 4.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.找一名学生说出方框中单词的意思,然后教师给学生5分钟的时间完成短文填空。当学生完成后,找两名学生分别给出答案,其他学生进行比对,看谁的答案正确。活动小结:通过完成短文,加深对课文的理解。Step 5 HomeworkWrite a passage about your favourite book.Use the passage in Activity 2 and the information in Activity 6 to help you.(写一篇小短文,介绍自己最喜爱的一本书。可以仿照Activity 2和利用Activity 6中的问题。可以这样开头:My favourite book is Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone by JK Rowling.It is a story about a boy )【板书设计】Unit 2It is still read and loved.Phrases:set in,get into trouble,run away,in the middle of,look for,escape from,take away,come back home,for a time,pay for,be surprised to do sth ,be pleased to do sthSentences1One of my favourite great books is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,by Mark Twain.2The story is set in the town of St Petersburg,Missouri,in the US,in the nineteenth century.3It is written in everyday English

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