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2019版七年级英语上册满分冲刺第11讲补全对话练习新版牛津版题一: 小试牛刀从方框中选出合适的句子,填在对话空缺处,使对话内容完整、连贯。有两项是多余的。A: 1 Is it time to go home?B: No, its 3:15. Its time to go and play games. 2 A: I dont know. 3 B: You must lost it. Where did you go?A: I went to the park. Maybe I lost it there. B: 4 C: Whose is this watch? Is it yours?A: 5 C: What color is your watch?A: 6 C: Is this one yours? A: Oh, yes, its mine. C: 7 Put it in your schoolbag. A: 8 A. Its blue. B. But wheres your watch?C. Thank you. D. No, I think its not mine. E. What time is it now?F. What day is it today?G. You must look after (照看) your things. H. You are welcome. I. I cant find it. J. What a pity!题二: 小试牛刀从方框中选出合适的句子,填在对话空缺处,使对话内容完整、连贯。有两项是多余的。A: 1 B: Id like to buy some mooncakes for Mid-autumn Festival. A: We have many different kinds of mooncakes here. 2 B: The one with meat in it. A: 3 B: Ten. A: 4 B: Do you have something to drink? A: Yes. 5 B: I want three bottles of orange juice. A: OK. 6 B: How much are they all together? A: Fifty yuan. B: 7 Heres the money. A: Thank you. B: 8 A. Here you are!B. How much is it? C. Which kind do you like best?D. Ill take them. E. What else do you like to buy? F. Oh, I see it. G. What can I do for you?H. You are welcome. I. They are over there. J. How many do you want? 题三:A: So youre interested in a job as a waitress. 61 B: Yes, for three years at several different restaurants. Now Im working at the Park Hotel dining room on Hill Street. A: They have a very nice dining room there. 62 B: Because I cant work full-time now. Im taking some courses at a university. A: I see. 63 B: All day Thursday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday. A: 64 Were looking for someone who can help us when we get very busy. Thats Thursday afternoon, Friday afternoon and evening as well as all day Saturday. The restaurant is closed on Sunday. B: Thats fine with me. A: When can you start? B: 65 A: Thats fine. The first of May. By the way, youll get $8. 80 an hour, plus tips, of course. B: Good. Thanks very much. A. That suits us very well actually. B. Why do you want to leave? C. What can you pay for a part job? D. Um, have you worked as a waitress before? E. On what days are you free? F. When are you going to start your course? G. Is the first of next month all right with you? 题四:A: Good afternoon. My name is Peter. Im the general manager of the personnel department. Ill be interviewing you. Please sit down. B: 61 Peter. My names Jon. Jon Smash. A: Well, Jon, its a pleasure to meet you. 62 B: Ive been a manager at Nike for over three years. I won manager of the year award two years ago, and I got promoted last August. A: OK. Tell me about yourself, your personality. B: 63 I think before I act, and if something goes wrong in our company I always remain calm. I never scream at my employees. And Ive never lost my temper. A: 64 B: I think Im good at solving problems. 65 I also love challenges. I work well under pressure. When my boss pushes me to finish a project early I always get it done and never complain. A: Jon, you seem like a very good manager. I like your ambition. Youre very confident and motivated. We like that here at Microsoft. Well, our interview is over. A. Im glad its you who will offer me the opportunity to get the job. B. I enjoy solving problems directly. C. Nice to meet you. D. What are your strengths? E. I owe my success to my employees. F. Tell me about your work experience. G. I think Im very level-headed. 补全对话题一: 1. E 2. B 3. I 4. J 5. D 6. A 7. G 8. C解析:1. 句意为是时候回家了吗?回答为不,现在3点15分。应提问现在几点了?所以选What time is it now?2. 句意为现在该去玩游戏了。应提问但是你的手表呢?所以选But wheres your watch?3. 句意为我不知道。你一定是丢了。语境应为我找不到了。所以选I cant find it。4. 句意为我去公园了。我可能是在那里丢的。语境应为真遗憾啊。所以选What a pity!5. 句意为这是谁的表?是你的吗?应回答不,我认为这不是我的。所以选No, I think its not mine。6. 句意为你的表是什么颜色的?应回答颜色。所以选Its blue。7. 句意为哦,是的,这是我的。把它放在你的书包里。应回答你必须照看好你的东西。所以选You must look after (照看) your things。8. 句意为你必须照看好你的东西,应回答谢谢你,所以选Thank you。题二: 1. G 2. C 3. J 4. E 5. I 6. A 7. D 8. H 解析:1. 句意为我想要买一些中秋节的月饼。应提问我能帮助您吗?所以选What can I do for you?2. 句意为我们这儿有很多种月饼。回答为带肉的这一种。应提问您最喜欢哪一种?所以选Which kind do you like best?3. 回答为十个,应提问您想要多少?所以选How many do you want?4. 回答为你这儿有一些饮品吗?应提问您还想买点什么?所以选What else do you like to buy?5. 句意为你这儿有一些饮品吗?是的,它们在那儿。所以选They are over there. 6. 句意为我想要三瓶橙汁。好的,给您。所以选Here you are!7. 句意为给你钱。前一句应为我要这些了。所以选Ill take them。8. 句意为谢谢你,应回答不客气,所以选You are welcome。题三: 61. D 62. B 63. E 64. A 65. G解析:61. 句意为所以你对女服务员的工作感兴趣。回答为是的,在几个不同的饭店里干了三年。应提问你之前做过女服务员吗?所以选Um, have you worked as a waitress before? 62. 回答为因为我现在不能做全职工作。应提问为什么你离职?所以选Why do you want to leave?63. 回答为星期四、星期五、星期六和星期日全天,应提问时间。所以选On what days are you free?64. 句意为我们正在寻找在我们很忙时可以帮忙的人。星期四下午,星期五下午和晚上以及整个星期六都很忙。餐厅星期天休息。由上文可知应聘者星期四、星期五、星期六和星期日全天有空。所以选That suits us very well actually。65. 句意为你什么时候可以开始工作?应回答具体时间。所以选Is the first of next month all right with you? 题四: 61. C 62. F 63. G 64. D 65. B解析:61. 句意为我要面试你了,请坐。应回答很高兴见到你。所以选Nice to meet you。62. 下文介绍了“我”的职业经历,所以应选Tell me about your work experience。63. 句意为请介绍一下你的性格。应回答自己的性格,即我认为我是非常冷静的。所以选 I think Im very level-headed。64. 下文介绍了“我”的一些优点和长处,应提问你的长处是什么?所以选What are your strengths? 65. 句意为我认为“我”擅长解决问题,后接“我”解决问题的方法。所以选 I enjoy solving problems directly。


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