劳动合同范本 (2)

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合同范本xxx 商贸有限公司劳动合同BEIJING XXX LIMITEDLABOUR CONTRACT合同范本日期: Date:签约方: By and Between:甲方:北京 xxx 商贸有限公司 Party A: Beijing xxx Limited乙方: Party B:教育程度: Education Level: 性别: Sex: 出生日期: Birth Date:身份证号码: ID Number:邮政编码: Postal Code:通信地址: Address:依据中华人民共和国劳动法,经友好协商,甲方和乙方同意依据下述条款和条件签订本劳动合同。In accordance with the Labour Law of the Peoples Republic of China and through friendly consultation, Party A and Party B agree to enter into this Labour Contract under the terms and conditions as set forth below:第一条:合同期限 Article 1: Term1. 本合同为一年期限劳动合同; 1. The contract term is one year. 本合同生效日期为 2008 年 月 日,包括一个月试用期。This contract shall take effect as of , including a probation period of two months. 第二条:工作内容 Article 2: Scope of Work2 2. Sales in retail store and website Update (二)严重违反劳动纪律或甲方规章制度的; (ii) Has seriously violated labour discipline or the rules and regulations of Party A;(三)严重失职,营私舞弊,对甲方利益造成重大伤害的;或(iii) Has caused serious losses to Party A through gross negligence of duty or malpractice for personal gains; or(四)被依法追究刑事责任的。 (iv) Has been convicted for criminal liability in accordance with the Chinese laws.在上述任何情形下,甲方不给予乙方任何补偿。 In any of the above-mentioned cases, no compensation will be due to Party B by Party A.20.在下列任何情形下,甲方应提前叁拾(30)天以书面形式通知乙方或以支付一个月工资代替通知,可以解除本合同:20. In any of the following circumstances, Party A may terminate this Contract upon prior written notice of thirty (30) days to Party B or one (1) month salary in lieu of the notice:(一)如乙方患病或非因工负伤,医疗期满后不能从事原工作也不能从事甲方安排的其它工作;(i) If Party B is unable to take up his original work or any work assigned by Party A after completion of the period of his or her medical treatment for illness or injury unrelated to his or her work.(二)如乙方由于能力和/或任何其他原因不能胜任工作,经过培训和调整工作岗位仍不能胜任工作;或(ii) If Party B is unqualified for the sake of competency and/or any other reasons for his or her work and remains unqualified even after receiving a training or after readjusting the work position; or(三)如果双方不能依据本合同第 17 项的规定,就变更本合同达成协议。(iii) If no agreement on modification of this Contract can be reached by both parties as per Provision 17 of this contract.21.如果甲方濒临破产或经营面临严重困难,甲方应在解除合同之前向所有员工说明情况,听取其意见,并向劳动管理部门报告后可以解除本合同。21. In case Party A is close to bankruptcy or face bad business situation, Party A shall explain the situation to all its employees. After having solicited opinions from employees and reported the situation to the administrative department of labour bureau, Party A will be entitled to terminate this contract.22.如果乙方有下列情形之一,甲方不应解除本合同:22. If Party B is under any of the following circumstances, Party A shall not terminate this Contract:合同范本(一)患病或负伤,在规定的医疗期内的; (i) Receiving medical treatment for diseases or injuries within the prescribed period of time.(二)女职工在孕期、产期、哺乳期内的; (ii) Being a female staff member during her pregnancy, maternity and lactation;(三)复员军人或因其耕地被建设征用的“农转非”人员,自初次参加工作未满三年的;(iii) Being demobilized army personnel or a farmer-turned-labourer whose cultivated land has been requisitioned for construction and who is within three years after first being employed;(四)义务服兵役期间的。 (iv) Being in compulsory army service.23.如果乙方经北京劳动鉴定委员会确认,因职业病或因工负伤在医疗期满后全部或部分丧失劳动能力,则双方应通过友好协商或根据政府的有关规定解除本合同。23. In case Party B is confirmed by the Labour Appraisal Committee of Beijing, to have totally or partially lost the ability to work due to occupational diseases or work-related injuries after the completion of medical treatment, this contract can be terminated either through amicable negotiation between the parties or by following the related government regulations. 24.乙方解除本合同应当提前叁拾(30)日以书面形式通知甲方。24. If Party B wishes to terminate this contract, a prior written notice of thirty (30) days is required to be given to Party A.25.在下列情形下,乙方可以随时通知甲方解除本合同:25. In any of the following circumstances, Party B may notify at any time Party A to terminate this contract:(一)在试用期内的; (i) Within the probation period;(二)甲方以暴力、威胁或非法限制人身自由的手段强迫乙方劳动的;(ii) Where Party A forces Party B to work by means of violence, intimidation, detention or illegal restriction of personal freedom;(三)甲方未按照本合同约定支付劳动报酬或提供劳动条件的。(iii) Failure on the part of Party A to pay labour remuneration or to provide working conditions as agreed upon this contract.26.如本合同为固定期限,则期限届满时本合同自动终止。甲乙双方经协商同意可以延长或续订劳动合同。26. If the Contract has a fixed term, it will be terminated automatically at the end of this term. An extension or renewal of this Contract may be made through amicable consultation between the two parties.第九条:经济补偿与赔偿 Article 9: Economic Compensation(二)与技术、软件、技术秘密、产品、程序开发、方法或发明有关的,公司使用或直接或间接拥有的,或者本人受雇于公司,公司可能制作或发现的;(ii) relating to know-how, products, workings of any of processes, methods which are used or owned directly or indirectly by the Company or which the Company may make or discover during my employment;(三)与公司的所有领域的活动有关的商业和经济信息,包括但不限于顾客名单或详情,价格或商业关系或谈判;(iii) relating to all commercial and economical information concerning all domains of activities of the Company including but not limited to lists or details of customers, prices or commercial relationships or negotiations;(四)与公司对第三方负有保密义务有关的; (iv) in respect of which the Companies are respectively bound by an obligation of confidence to a third party;本人承诺并同意在本人不再受雇于公司之后的无限期内,本人将不:I undertake and agree that I will not for an unlimited period after I cease to be employed by the Company:(一)为本人自身目的使用该信息;或者 (i) use this information for my own purpose; or(二)除非为公司之目的并且经本人雇主书面授权,导致或允许向公司之外的人披露或传播该信息。(ii) cause or suffer any disclosure or communication of this information to anyone outside of the Company except for the purposes of the Company unless I have a written authorization from my employer.本限制不适用于通常为公众所知悉的信息和知识。 This restriction shall not apply to information or knowledge which becomes available to the public generally.贰、本人进一步认可并同意,本人为公司制作的与本人工作有关的所有的笔记、备忘录、记录和文件均为公司完全的独占的财产,为目B. I further acknowledge and agree that all notes, memoranda, records and documents I make in relation to my work for the Company are the 合同范本前或将来的行为、研究和公司发展之目的,由本人部分或全部设计、筹备、发展或书写的一切计划、发明、产品、任何过程的工艺,方法(包括一切书面的文件)和所有成果亦为公司完全的独占的财产,并且本人承诺一旦离开公司,则应公司之要求,将上述财产移交。entire and exclusive property of the Company as well as all know-how, products, workings of any of processes, methods (including all written documentation) and all works devised, prepared, developed or written partly or totally by myself for the present or future activities of the Company, and I undertake to hand them over when requested by the Company upon leaving its employ.叁、本人进一步同意,本人为公司执行工作或使用公司提供的技术或数据的计划、发明、设计、程序及所有创造,即使本人没有接受公司指令而完成的,均为公司的完全的独占的财产。C. I further agree that all ideas, resulting from any work performed by myself for the Company or any use of the techniques or data provided by the Company, even those for which I do not receive any order, are the entire and exclusive property of the Company.肆、本人同意,在本人受雇于公司期间,全部或部分由本人完成的作品和交流信息(在公司的营业范围内并使用公司的资源),例如出版物、书、文件计算程序或者电子邮件,公司为唯一的作者,无需指明本人为上述作品的作者之一。本人进一步认可公司拥有完全的独占的著作权,包括复制和代表权。本人也同意公司有权对上述作品进行翻译、改编或修改。D. I agree that the Company will be considered as the sole author of any works and communications (in the scope of business of the Company and using the resources of the Company) of authorship such as publications, books, documentation, calculation tables or emails achieved partly or totally by myself in the course of my employment with the Company, without designating myself as one of the authors of these works. I further acknowledge that the Company has the entire and exclusive property of copyrights including reproduction and representation rights on all supports. I also agree that the Company is entitled to perform any translations, adaptations or amendments of the above mentioned works of authorship.伍、本人也同意公司没有义务出版这些作品。 E. I also agree that the Company has no obligation to publish these works of authorship.陆、为保护公司利益之目的,本人同意立即向本人的经理或法律顾问披露本人受雇期间或本人受雇结束之后叁(3)年之内,本人单独或与他人共同构思、制作、发现、书写或创造的发明或作品(在公司的营业范围内并使用公司的资源)。本人在此同意向公司转让本人在受雇于公司期间创作或本人为作者的一切发明或作品。F. In order to preserve and to protect the interest of the Company, I agree to promptly disclose to my manager or to the legal counsel in writing all works (in the scope of business of the Company and using the resources of the Company) of authorship that I conceive, make, discover, write or create alone or jointly with someone else during my employment and for three (3) years after termination of my employment. I hereby assign to the Company all rights to works (in the scope of business of the Company and using the resources of the Company) of authorship created or authored 合同范本by myself during the course of my employment with the Company. 此外,本人同意向公司提供其完善、保护和使用发明或作品所必须的权利的合理支持。本人也同意,即使是在本人终止或解除与公司的雇佣关系之后,本人也将及时签署一切文件及从事一切行动,如果公司认为该文件或行动对于本人的发明或作品的全部权利和利益的转移或该转移的记录是必要的,并且对确保公司取得发明或作品的专利、版权或其他法律保护是必要的。Additionally, I agree to give the Company assistance reasonably required to perfect, protect and use its rights to inventions and works of authorship. I also agree to promptly sign all documents and do all things that the Company considers necessary to transfer or record the transfer of my entire rights, title and interest in works of authorship and to enable the Company to obtain copyrights or other legal protections for such works of authorship even after termination of my employment with the Company.柒、本人同意做对公司遵守中国地方政府或合同的法律义务所必须的一切事情。G. I agree to undertake all actions necessary to ensure the Companys compliance with its legal and contractual obligations vis-vis Chinas national and local governments. 本人在此签字盖章,以兹信守。 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I set my hand and seal this.姓名:Name: 签字:Signature:签订日期:Date:合同范本附件叁:非竞争协议 APPENDIX III: NON-COMPETEAGREEMENT致:北京 xxx 商贸有限公司 To: Beijing xxx Limited本人在此同意严格遵守下列非竞争义务: I hereby agree to strictly comply with the following non-competition obligation:一、在本人与公司劳动关系结束之日起贰拾肆(24)个月内在中华人民共和国境内不参予任何与公司或公司股东的业务及有关业务有直接、间接竞争关系的雇佣或其它经营活动,包括作为雇员、雇主、顾问、合伙人、股东、高级行政人员、董事或任何其它相关的有违非竞争条款的业务活动。(i) Not to engage in any employment or other business activities that are competitive with the Companys business activities or those of its shareholders, directly or indirectly, as an employee, employer, consultant, partner, shareholder, officer, director or in any other capacity, within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China for a period of twenty four (24) months after leaving the Companys employ.二、在公司雇佣本人期间,在中华人民共和国境内,以及在雇用关系终止后的贰拾肆(24)个月内,本人不得从公司客户,合作方,竞争方接受工作。(ii) Not to accept a job offer from any of the Companys customers, partners or competitors during the period I am employed by the Company, within the territory of the Peoples Republic of China for a period of twenty four (24) months after leaving the Companys employ.补偿金: Remuneration for Compliance:一、此非竞争协议的补偿金为本人离开公司前拾贰个月平均基本工资的佰分之叁拾叁(33% )。(i) Remuneration for this non-compete agreement is set at thirty three percent (33%) of my average base salary over the twelve (12) months immediately prior to leaving the Companys employ.二、公司保留权利向本人要求遵从此协议的根据并凭其实际情况将在本人离开公司拾贰(12)个月后以及贰拾肆(24)个月后分别支付非竞争补偿金。(ii) Remuneration payments will be made at twelve (12) and twenty four (24) months following my last day in the Companys employ conditioned upon my provision of evidence, if requested by the Company, demonstrating my compliance with this non-competition agreement.保留放弃权利: Right of Renunciation Reserved:尽管有上述条款,公司保留自行决定放弃适用上述非竞争协议的权利。Notwithstanding the preceding provisions, the Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to renounce the application of this non-competitive 合同范本agreement.一、在此情况下,公司应在本合同终止之日起八(8)个公历日之内,将放弃权利的决定以书面形式提供明确通知。(i) Should the Company opt to exercise this right, the Company shall provide express written notification of its decision within eight (8) calendar days following the effective date of my termination of this Contract.二、在此情况下,公司同时也解除给予相应补偿的义务。(ii) In such case, the Company simultaneously absolves itself of any obligation to provide additional compensation.姓名:Name: 签字:Signature:签订日期:Date:


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