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World Animal Day,周景怡,Foreign names :World Animal Day Time :Every year on October 4th Set up the time(成立时间):In 1948 Headquarters :The Swiss grant (瑞士格朗) Hurpose :Expression of love and respect to animals(表达对动物的关爱和尊重) Mark character :St Francis(圣弗朗西斯),Historical origin,World animal day is in every year on October 4, is to commemorate the Italian monk st. Francis (also called st. Francis), and he advocated the “thanked to humans, the animals love“ idea. Ecologist at the original purpose is hoping to arouse the attention to endangered species, gradually develop into care for all animals. “The world animal day“ object is all mankind, and care about animals. Saint Francis in 1182 was born in Italy in assisi a wealthy cloth merchant family. In 1206, he abandoned all the material wealth and created Francis monastery. He loves god created all living beings, regarded animals as his brothers and sisters. He asked the villagers to October 4 day to thank to humans, the animals love “. People celebrate he advocated by the world animal day to express love and respect to animals. In the world animal day that day, the stray dogs in the streets of Rome temporarily from the urban management department, and can enjoy the slaughter provide free meat bones.,历史起源,圣弗朗西斯于1182年诞生于意大利阿西西地区一个富裕的布商家庭。他于1206年摈弃了所有物质财富而创建了弗朗西斯修道院。他热爱上帝所创造的一切生灵,把动物看成是自己的兄弟姐妹。他要求村民们在10月4日这天“向献爱心給人类的动物们致谢”。人们庆祝他所倡导的“世界动物日”是为了表达对动物的关爱和尊重。在“世界动物日”那天,流浪在罗马街头的狗会暂时免遭城市管理部门的追捕,并可享受到由屠宰商提供的免费肉骨头。,Present situation of information,For animal welfare has become one of the worlds top ten environmental work, since the 1920 s has national environmental group activities held on October 4th, on October 4, in honor of world animal day, and honor st. Francis, publicity of cruelty to animals, respect for animals, and be kind to animals is closely related to human in the face. China began in 1997 to commemorate the world animal day, Beijing environmental protection volunteers from all walks of life spontaneously formed a folk environmental protection the spca charity, the capital, actively carry out public welfare activities of various kinds of animals.,现状信息,爱护动物已成为世界十大环保工作之一,自20世纪20年代开始就有各国的环保团体在10月4日举行各种活动,以纪念10月4日世界动物日,和纪念圣方济各,宣传爱护动物、尊重动物,正视、善待与人类息息相关的动物。中国从1997年开始纪念“世界动物日”,北京各界环保志愿者自发成立了民间环保慈善机构首都爱护动物协会,积极开展各种爱护动物的公益活动。,Holiday purpose(节日宗旨),Celebrate the tenet of “the world animal day“ promotes the fun of raising companion animals, make the public aware of animals for human society to contribute, prompted the animal protection organizations work together at the same time, promote people in a responsible attitude raise companion animals. 庆祝“世界动物日”的宗旨在于宣传饲养伴侣动物所带来的乐趣,让公众意识到动物对人类社会所做的贡献,同时促使各个动物保护组织齐心协力,推动人们以负责任的态度饲养伴侣动物。,Red list,Entering the 21st century, “the world animal day“ is becoming more and more heavy, due to the influence of human activity, more and more animals are in danger. In famous environmental protection organization “the world conservation union“ released in September, 2008, 2008, “red list“ of endangered species, says more than 16000 people worldwide have endangered species, which animals in the majority in the red list, apes, bald eagles, bears, hippos, shark, coral, dolphins and other people are very familiar with the animal species are endangered.,红色名录,进入21世纪,“世界动物日”变得越来越沉重,由于人类活动的影响,越来越多的动物濒临灭绝边缘。在著名环保组织“世界自然保护联盟”2008年9月公布的2007年濒危物种“红色名单”,称全球有1.6万多个生物物种有灭绝危险,其中动物在这份红色名单中占据多数,猿、秃鹰、北极熊、河马、鲨鱼、珊瑚、海豚等人们非常熟悉的动物物种都存在灭绝危险。,The polar bear,As the arctic climate warming, the arctic ice time later and later. In the past 50 years, the arctic ice has disappeared, 40% did not have enough ice, polar bears have been trapped in the land. What does this mean for the their hunger. Although the polar bear can swim in the water several kilometers, but swimming in the way the polar bear will not “hunting“, because in the water, they are by no means the seal. The iucn red list “, points out that if the situation, is expected to reduce the number of polar bears will in a few decades to 30%,北极熊,随着极地气候的变暖,北极结冰的时间越来越晚。在过去50年里,北极冰层已经消失了40%,没有足够的冰,北极熊被困在了陆地上。这对它们意味着饥荒。虽然北极熊能在水里游数公里,但在游泳途中北极熊不会“打猎”,因为在水里,它们绝不是海豹的对手。 世界自然保护联盟“红色名单”指出,如果任由现在的状况发展下去,预计北极熊的数量将在几十年内减少30%,Tiger,The global number of wild tigers is continues to decline, “land king“ tiger also faces the threat of habitat loss and forest land. It is estimated that only about 5000 7000 tigers left in the world, most of them live in India, in southeast China, and Russias far east, the island of Sumatra and Indonesia in the forest. 全球野生老虎的数量持续下降,“地王”老虎也面临栖息地的丧失和林地的威胁。据估计,世界上只剩下大约5000 7000只老虎,他们中的大多数生活在印度,中国东南部和俄罗斯的远东地区,印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛和在森林里。,The world conservation union,The world conservation union (IUCN), founded in 1948, headquartered in Switzerland, is the worlds earliest and largest global conservation organization. The aim is: use scientific way to promote the utilization and protection of natural resources, so as to serve the interests of the current and future human; Protection potential of renewable natural resources, maintaining the ecological balance; Protection is not under the jurisdiction of the special protection of the land or sea, make it to the protection of natural resources; The number of animal and plant varieties and its many to keep within the appropriate number; Protection of surviving, representative, or special groups of plants and animals of the land and fresh waters; Making special measures in place to ensure that plant and animal population varieties from harm or extinction.,世界自然保护联盟,世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)成立于1948年,总部设在瑞士,是世界上成立最早、规模最大的世界性自然保护组织。其宗旨是:利用科学途径促进自然资源的利用和保护,以便为人类目前和未来的利益服务;保护潜在的再生自然资源,维护生态平衡;保护未被特殊保护的土地或管辖的海域,使其自然资源得以保护;使其众多的动植物品种和数量得以保持在适当的数量范围内;保护幸存的、有代表性的或特殊性的动植物群体的土地和新鲜海域;制定特殊措施以保证植物和动物群体品种不受伤害或灭绝。,Behavior guide(行为指南),1, the best protection for animals, just dont interfere with their free life. 对动物最好的保护,就是不干扰它们的自由生活。2, wild animals, not a commodity, life is priceless, not to murder for money . 野生动物不是商品,生命无价,不要图财害命。 3, dont buy wildlife products, otherwise, you are indirectly slaughter. 不要购买野生动物制品,否则,你就是间接屠杀者。 ,memorial,Cruelty to animals is one of the worlds top ten environmental work, so start since the 20th century 20 s has a national environmental group activities held on October 4th, on October 4, in honor of world animal day, and honor st. Francis, publicity to love animals, respect, and be kind to animals is closely related to human in the face. China since 1997, face up to the existence of world animal day, and began to organize activities to commemorate the day. Beijing, China, small animal protection association, etc of the spca has several private public interest groups, they each year to commemorate world animal day.,纪念活动,爱护动物已经是世界十大环保工作之一,所以自二十世纪20年代开始就有各国的环保团体在10月4日举行各种活动,以纪念10月4日世界动物日,和纪念圣方济各,宣传爱护动物、尊重动物,正视、善待与人类息息相关的动物。中国自1997年,正视世界动物日的存在,并开始组织有关的活动来纪念这一天。中国北京有爱护动物协会、小动物保护协会等多家民间公益性质的团体,它们每年都会纪念世界动物日。,Thanks,


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