2019年二年级英语下册 Unit 7 Can I help you教案1 牛津译林版.doc

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2019年二年级英语下册 Unit 7 Can I help you教案1 牛津译林版教材分析:本单元的主要教学内容是“购物”和jacket,dress,shirt,blouse四个服装类单词。“购物”是孩子们熟悉和感兴趣的话题。教学中,教师应该积极创设“购物”的情景,让学生在情景中学、在情景中用,使学生在学习英语日常交际用语的同时能充分地感受到语言的生活气息、进而增强学生学习英语的热情。在进行A部分对话教学时,教师要结合生活实际,在对话的操练中适当使用一些学生已经学过的食品、文具、水果等类词汇,使购物的内容更丰富,购物的情景更真实,使学生的思维更活跃,兴趣更浓厚。学情分析:为使学生掌握更多的单词,这一单元补充了三个单词.The first period教学内容:2B 第七单元第一课时,书A部分教学目标:1、能听懂Can I help you?并会用Id like作出应答,语音语调正确。教学准备:多媒体 图片教学过程:Step1.Preparation.1.Greetings.2.Say a rhyme.3.Free talk.How are you?/How old are you?/Do you like?/What do you have?/What lessons do you have?Step2.Presentation.1.Present:T:Boys and girls,I have some clothes here.Do you remember how to say them in English?Ss:Yes.T:Lets have a try.(逐一出示coat,sweater,T-shirt,skirt)What is this?(顺势将衣服挂在黑板上的挂钩上。)Ss:Its a coat/T:(出示jacket)What is this?Ss: 教学生词jacket。T:(在黑板上衣服的上方标上“服装店”字样,并在衣服旁贴上Wang Bing,WangBingsmother和Salesgirl的人物头像。)Look!Wang Bing and his mother are in the clothes shop. What does Wang Bing want to buy?Lets listen to the tape.(播放本课对话录音。)Step3.Practice.1.Listen.个性化设计及反思共享资源2.Listen and repeat.3.Read in groups.4.Ask and answer in pairs.Step4.Consolidation.进一步拓展对话内容。Step5.Homework.Read the sentences five times.The second period教学内容:2B 第二单元, 第二课时(Look and learn)教学目标:能听懂、会说、初步认读单词jacket,dress,shirt,blouse,发音正确。教学准备:图片 单词卡片 多媒体教学过程:Step1.Preparation.1.Greetings.2.Free talk.How are you?How old are you?What do you have?3.Revision.Ask and answer.Step2.Presentation.1.Present:T:Boys and girls,look .I have some clothes.Do you want to know what they are?Ss:Yes.T:(出示T-shirt )Whats this?Ss:Its a T-shirt.T: (出示shirt )Is this a T-shirt?Ss:No.T: Its not a T-shirt. Its a shirt.教学生词shirt.Read one by one.Read in groups.2.The same as the following words: dress, ,blouse.Step3.Practice.个性化设计及反思1.Listen and repeat.2.High and low voice.3.Have a guess:Which is in my hand?Step5.Homework.Read the words five times.The third period教学内容:2B 第二单元, 第三课时(Say a rhyme.)教学目标:1.四会jacket,dress,shirt,blouse五个服装类单词.2.会说歌谣Zip.zip,zip,发音正确。教学准备:图片 单词卡片 多媒体教学过程:Step1.Preparation.1.Greetings.2.Enjoy a song: My clothes.3.Free talk.How are you?How old are you?What do you have?Do you like3.Revision.Revise the words of Unit2.Step2.Presentation.1.Enjoy the rhyme.2.Read the words.3.Say after the tape.4.Say the rhyme together.Step3.Practice.1.Listen.2.Listen and repeat.3.Say and act.Step4.Homework.Say the rhyme for their parents.个性化设计及反思The fourth period教学内容:2B 第二单元, 第四课时(补充的三个单词)教学目标:能听懂、会说、初步认读单词tie,belt,vest,发音正确。教学准备:图片 单词卡片 多媒体教学过程:Step1.Preparation.1.Greetings.2.Enjoy a song: My clothes.3.Free talk.How are you?How old are you?What do you have?Do you likeWhat do you want to be?Step2.Presentation.1.Present the words.2.Play games:A:Listen and repeat.B:High and low voice.C:Listen and guess.Step3.Practice.1.Listen.2.Listen and repeat.3.Spell the new words.Step4.Consolidation.Spell the words.Step4.Homework.1.Copy the new words.2.Spell the words.The fifth period教学内容:个性化设计及反思共享资源2B 第二单元, 第五课时(书D部分和活动手册)教学目标:1.复习本单元的知识点。2.和小朋友一起完成活动手册.教学准备:图片 单词卡片 多媒体教学过程:Step1.Preparation.1.Greetings.2.Sing a song: My clothes.3.Free talk.How are you?How old are you?What do you have?Do you likeWhat do you want to be?Step2.Revision.1.Recite the sentences.2.Spell the words.3.Say the rhyme.Step3. Presentation.1.Act and say.2.Listen and number.3.Listen and tick.4.Read and circle.5.Colour,act and say.Step4.Consolidation.Spell the words.Step4.Homework.1.Copy the words.2.Spell the words.3.Listen and repeat Unit7 four times.个性化设计及反思


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