(江苏专用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 The environment练习(含解析)牛津译林版必修5.doc

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必修五 Unit 2 The environment检测评价A卷.单项填空1(2019无锡模拟)Where is Jimmy?Just now I saw him sitting under the tree, _ in his video games.Aabsorbed BabsorbingCto absorb Dabsorb解析:选A考查非谓语动词。句意:“Jimmy在哪儿?”“我刚才看见他坐在树下,沉醉于视频游戏。”be absorbed in“专心于,沉醉于”,在句中作伴随状语,故选A项。2This policy, which used to be very successful, is a _, though it no longer meets the needs of the current situation.Asacred cow BPandoras boxCMickey Mouse course Dgood Samaritan解析:选A句意:这项过去非常成功的政策,尽管不再适应现状的需求,但仍然是不可动摇的。sacred cow“圣牛(印度教等的);不可批评的人(思想或事物)”;Pandoras box“潘多拉盒子;灾难之源”;Mickey Mouse course“容易的课程”;good Samaritan“心地慈善的人,乐善好施的人”。3The new bridge under construction, _ twice as long as the old one, is due to be pleted next month.Ameasures BmeasuringCmeasured Dto measure解析:选B句意:正在建造的新桥下月将竣工,其长度是旧桥的两倍。measure为不及物动词,故用现在分词measuring作定语,修饰bridge。4Teachers remend parents _ their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.Amustnt allow Bdo not allowCnot allow Dcouldnt allow解析:选C句意:老师建议父母出于安全考虑不要让12岁以下的孩子骑自行车去上学。remend后面的宾语从句用虚拟语气“(should)动词原形”。5This picture was taken twenty years ago.I wonder if you can _ my younger brother.Afind out Bpick outClook out Dspeak out解析:选B考查动词短语辨析。句意:这张照片是20年前照的,我不知道你能否认出我弟弟。find out“查明;弄清(情况)”;pick out“辨别出;认出来”;look out“当心;留神”;speak out“公开地说出来(尤指冒险表示抗议)”。B项符合句意。6(2019江苏高考考前冲刺)This is the Human Resources Department, _ you made a good impression in your interview. Otherwise, you _ be here now.Awhich; arent Bwhere; wouldntCthat; wouldnt Din which; wont解析:选B第一空格前有逗号,是非限制性定语从句,不能用that,排除C项;从句不缺少主语或宾语,排除A项;先行词指的是地点,in which在此相当于where;由otherwise可知,第二空是与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,故用wouldnt。7Not _ with the quality of your goods, I will certainly not advise others to buy them.Ato impress BimpressingChaving impressed Dimpressed解析:选D句意:对你们产品的质量印象不佳,我当然不会建议其他人购买。impress sb.with sth.表示“某物给某人留下深刻印象”,I与impress之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词短语作状语。8Why does the lake smell terrible?Because large quantities of water _.Ahave polluted Bis being pollutedChas been polluted Dhave been polluted解析:选D答句句意:因为大量的水都被污染了。large quantities of后接名词,无论可数不可数,谓语动词皆为复数。water和pollute之间是动宾关系,所以选D。9Dont worry. I am sure the doctor will be here in time.But what if he _? Its going to rain and its getting dark.Awont e Bdoesnt eCisnt ing Dwouldnt e解析:选Bwhat if引导的是条件句,要用一般现在时。如果出现在复合句中,条件句要用一般现在时,主句用将来时。10When Jason failed to pay his bill, the network pany _ his Internet connection.Acut off Bcut backCcut short Dcut down解析:选A考查动词短语辨析。句意:詹森没有缴费,网络公司切断了他的网络连接。cut off“切断”,符合句意。cut back“削减”;cut short“缩短”;cut down“削减;砍倒”。11Dad, why is it important to have friends?Whenever you have difficulties, friends are always there lending you their hands._.ANo problem BGot itCAll right DGood idea解析:选B句意:“爸爸,为什么有朋友很重要呢?”“无论什么时候你有困难,朋友总是在那儿向你提供帮助。”“我明白了。”根据句意可知,应填got it表示“明白了,懂了”。 no problem“没问题”;all right“好吧”;good idea“好主意”。12Smiling, more often than not, is a good way to avoid any possible _ in our daily life.Aexplanation BdebateCfault Dconflict解析:选D句意:在我们日常生活中,微笑通常是一种能避免任何可能的冲突的好方式。explanation“解释”;debate“辩论”;fault“错误”;conflict“冲突”。由句意可知选D。13(2019苏北四市模拟)So large is the Pacific,_ 30% of the earths surface, that the energy generated by its warming is enough to touch off a series of weather changes.Acovered BcoveringChaving covered Dbeing covered解析:选B现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随动作或状态,其与句子主语the Pacific之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系。14According to the report, people in the _ areas are rebuilding their homes and many roads _ to the area have been repaired.Aflooded; lead Bflooding; leadingCflooding; to lead Dflooded; leading解析:选D句意:据报道,洪灾区的人们正在重建他们的家园,并且很多通往灾区的路也已经修好了。flooded意为“被水淹的”;many roads和lead之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用leading。15(2019江苏常熟高三质检)There are now signs, following the decline in house prices in many small and mediumsized cities, _ house prices in major cities may also be set for a slide.Athat BwhereCwhich Dwhat解析:选A句意:现在有迹象表明,随着许多中小城市房价下跌,各大城市的房价也可能出现下滑。同位语从句,先行词是signs(迹象),从句中不缺少任何成分,所以用连接词that引导该同位语从句,故选A。.完形填空(2020届高三镇江期末考试)A Letter from EarthDear Homo Sapiens,As you mark off another “Earth Day” in your calendars, _1_ that for at least 24 hours I remained in your thoughts, I wanted to remind you that I am sick.Im frightened that _2_ I cant soon receive the appropriate medicine and care I need, my illness will bee terminal _3_ all cures.So, I am asking for your help!Geologists (地质学家) _4_ that I have been in _5_ for 4.5 billion years.Current estimates show that I have given a home to approximately 8.7 million different _6_.Currently over 7.4 billion of my inhabitants (居民) are one species _7_, you, or Homo Sapiens to be more precise.In millennia gone by, we lived in _8_ with one another.Your ancestors would take only what they needed from me and in return nurture and protect my fragile environment.Like a proud parent, I have watched in wonder as you _9_ in abilities and intellect.You have travelled to outer space, developed medical cures for the most troublesome illnesses, built great cities and _10_ technology .But at what cost?Did I do something to _11_ you? Was there a point in our mutual (相互的) history where you _12_ that we were no longer equals? Am I only now a modity to you? Why would you pollute my rivers and oceans? Why would you _13_ poisonous smokes into our environment, causing me to _14_? Surely you would not do this intentionally; it would make no _15_.I dont wish to believe that you have bee increasingly _16_.I would like to think that you have _17_ lost your way, _18_ other species have before you.I have faith that like a _19_ teenager, you just need the opportunity to return home and visit for a while.Many of you have begun to recycle the waste you consume and look at _20_ methods of renewable energy.If you are not one of these people yet, then I would encourage you to be mindful of me.Your friend, alwaysEarth语篇解读:本文是地球写给人类的一封信。在信中,地球回忆了与人类和谐相处的历史,诉说了人类对地球的破坏,同时提醒人类要善待地球,因为地球是包括人类在内的所有物种共同的家园。1A.worried BcontentCshocked Danxious解析:选B句意:当你们在日历上再一次划掉“世界地球日”,心满意足于至少在这24小时内曾将我挂念于心时,我想提醒你们,我病了。content意为“满足的”。2A.when BthoughCif Dunless解析:选C句意:我现在万分恐惧,如果我不能尽快得到所需的对症医疗和护理,我将病入膏肓,无药可医。if意为“如果”。3A.within BagainstCunder Dbeyond解析:选D参见上题解析。beyond all cures在此意为“无药可医”。4A.count BwarnCdecide Destimate解析:选D句意:地质学家估算,我已经存在了45亿年。estimate意为“估算”。5A.existence BplaceCcondition Ddanger解析:选A参见上题解析。in existence意为“存在”。6A.organizations BfriendsCspecies Dpioneers解析:选C句意:当前估算表明我已经是大约870万不同物种的家园。species意为“物种”。7A.in particular Bby accidentCin control Dat present解析:选A句意:目前,我的居住者中有超过74亿属于某个特殊物种,那就是你们,或者更确切地说,是人类。in particular意为“尤其,特别”。8A.agreement BharmonyCparison Dline解析:选B由空处后一句可知,此处指彼此和谐共处。in harmony with意为“与协调,与和谐”。9A.evolved BbelievedCdecreased Dwithdrew解析:选A句意:像一个自豪的家长一样,我一直惊奇地看着你们在能力和智力上逐步进化。evolve意为“进化,演变”。10A.understood BanalyzedCabandoned Dmastered解析:选D句意:你们已经能够遨游太空,研制出治疗疑难杂症的许多药物,建成了大型都市并掌握了科技。master意为“精通,掌握”。11A.displease BsatisfyCexplore Dimprove解析:选A句意:我可曾做过任何令你们不快的事情吗?displease意为“使不愉快”。12A.promised BdecidedCplained Dremembered解析:选B句意:我们共同的历史中可曾出现过任何问题,让你们觉得我们不再平等吗?decide意为“决定”。13A.reason BdeliverCpump Dpersuade解析:选C由空后的“poisonous smokes”可知,此处选pump,表示“排放有毒气体”。14A.break up Bheat upCe up Dwrap up解析:选B有毒气体排放到空气中,自然会导致地球温度上升。15A.difference BprofitCsense Dprogress解析:选C句意:当然,你们不会是有意为之的;这没道理啊。make no sense为固定短语,意为“没道理,讲不通,毫无意义”。16A.greedy BdisappointedCrespectable Denvious解析:选A由一段人类的种种行为可知,此处表示人类已经变得愈加贪婪。greedy意为“贪婪的,贪心的”。17A.permanently BlogicallyCtemporarily Dsurprisingly解析:选C句意:我愿意相信你们只是暂时迷失了方向,正如在你们之前出现的其他物种那样。temporarily意为“临时地”。18A.because BasCbut Dfor解析:选B参见上题解析。19A.confident BtroublesomeCmistaken Dshy解析:选B句意:我坚信,你们就像问题少年,只是需要有一次回家探访片刻的机会。troublesome意为“令人烦恼的,令人头疼的”。20A.changeable BvalidCproductive Dalternative解析:选D句意:你们中有很多人已经开始回收利用你们产生的废弃物,并考虑用可再生能源替代的方法。alternative意为“可替代的”。.任务型阅读(2020届高三无锡模拟)People tend to blame the external (外部的) force when bad things happen and give themselves credit when good things occur.For example, if you passed an exam, the selfserving would lead you to believe that it was because you studied hard.If you failed, on the other hand, you might believe it was because the teacher did not explain the subject correctly, the classroom was too warm or your roommate kept you up all night before the exam.Social psychologists describe this phenomenon as selfserving bias (自利性偏差)A number of factors have been shown to influence the selfserving bias.Generally, older adults make the internal attribution, that is, credit themselves with their success.Men are more likely to make the external attribution, meaning they tend to blame the outside force for their failure.Often when a person is sad, this kind of bias may be opposite: they will attribute positive results to the outside help or even luck, and blame themselves when bad things happen.Experts suggest that while this bias is quite widespread in the Western culture including the US.and Canada, it tends to be much less frequent in the Eastern culture including China and Japan.Why? Individualist cultures such as the US.place greater stress on the personal achievement and selfrespect, so protecting the self from feelings of failure is more important.Collectivist cultures, on the other hand, are more likely to attribute the personal success to luck and failure to the lack of talent.However, there are some situations where the selfserving bias happens less often.Some research has found that people in close relationships, whether the romantic relationship or friendship, tend to be more modest.Your friends or your partner, in other words, would remind you when a bad situation might be partly because of your own doing.Although the bias can mean avoid the personal responsibility for ones action, in many cases, it is a defense mechanism that protects a persons selfrespect.By attributing positive events to personal characteristics, people get an increase in confidence.By blaming the outside force for failure, people make themselves believe they dont need to be responsible for the failure and thus protect their selfrespect.Another advantage of this bias is that it leads people to persevere even in the face of difficult situations.An unemployed worker may feel more motivated to keep looking for work if he attributes his unemployment to a weak economy, for example, rather than some personal failure.An athlete might feel more motivated to perform well if he believes that his failure during a previous event is the result of bad weather rather than a lack of skill.Selfserving BiasThe concept of the selfserving biasThe selfserving bias mirrors a mon phenomenon that people always attribute their success to the (1)_ reasons while failure to the objective ones.Factors (2)_ the selfserving biasThe selfserving bias is linked to (3)_ and gender (性别)The selfserving bias is also connected with ones (4)_For example, an unhappy person tends to blame himself when bad things happen.Different (5)_ backgrounds, whether individualist or collectivist, also have much to do with the selfserving bias.For example, when faced with failure, the former needs more (6)_ while the latter needs to bear appropriate (7)_The bias happens less (8)_ when people are in close relationships.Advantages of the selfserving biasThe bias helps in protecting a persons selfrespect by increasing his confidence and (9)_ him from the personal responsibility for the future.The bias provides people with essential (10)_, which helps them keep struggling.答案:1.subjective2.influencing/affecting/impacting3age4.mood/emotion(s)/feelings5.cultural6protection/encouragement(s)/fort(s)7responsibility8.often/frequently9.freeing10motivation检测评价B卷阅读理解AYuletide (圣诞节) Brunch With Dickens Thursday, December 8, 10:00 am1:00 pmJoin us for a special brunch featuring delicious foods free from much salt and fat, soft beverages, and a special appearance of Gerald Charles Dickens! Reservations and advance payment are required.30 per person.More information can be found by calling 8004483883.Yuletide Brunch With SantaDecember 17&18, 9:00 am2:00 pmSanta will appear in the morning. 35 per person. Children, ages 2 to 12, half off; children under 2 are free. Members receive 10% discount on parties of up to four. For reservations, call 3028884826. About Glass Matters Wine Seminar and TastingHosted by Riedel, the wine glass pany Wednesday, December 14, 6:30 pm7:30 pm,Brown Horticulture Learning CenterJoin us for a unique and fascinating wine seminar featuring Riedel crystal and delicious wine. Our speaker will demonstrate how the shape of the glass influences our enjoyment of the wine. Price includes parative tasting of four different wines and four crystal glasses from Riedels Veritas Collection to take home (a retail value of 138). The option to purchase more wine glasses sets at special pricing:80 per member;90 per nonmember. Purchase tickets online or by calling 8004843283. Tickets to this event include admission to Yuletide Jazz & Wine in the Galleries Reception Atrium on that evening.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了三个活动,在这些活动中,人们可以品尝美食,与圣诞老人互动,品尝美酒等。1How much would four adults pay for attending Yuletide Brunch With Santa?A31.5.B35.C126. D140.解析:选C数字计算题。根据“Yuletide Brunch With Santa”部分可知,该活动的门票价格是每人35美元,团购人数达到4人时,可享受9折优惠。因此,4个成年人需要支付126美元(35美元40.9)。2What can people do when attending About Glass Matters Wine Seminar and Tasting?AEnjoy the performance of Santa.BTaste all kinds of different wines.CAppreciate Gerald Charles Dickens.DLearn how glasses influence the taste of the wine.解析:选D细节理解题。根据“About Glass Matters Wine Seminar and Tasting”部分中的“Our speaker will demonstrate how the shape of the glass influences our enjoyment of the wine.”可知,该活动的发言人会讲解杯子的形状怎样影响了酒的风味。BFirst of all, I believe that in order to get something we must be willing to give. And it works with love, too. The more of it you give away, the more you get it back from others. Secondly, I am convinced that love is not only a feeling, it is also an attitude. So, if you want to attract love into your life, you must be willing to think about it and wele it.Most people would not agree with me on that. They would say that they do think about it more than anything else. But what kind of state are you in when you think about it? Most ladies when they turn 2430 bee hopeless. They tell themselves and sometimes others that they are missing the chance and most probably will never get married. Their focus is in the wrong area. This only strengthens their disappointment and doubts.Thirdly, you have to learn how to love yourself. Too many people hate themselves. How can they expect that others will love them? You change the focus by looking at how wonderfully God made you. You are beautiful in his eyes and you must love yourself.Fourthly, love es when you learn how to forgive others. Do not keep hate in your heart for it will destroy your ability to receive and give love. Try to forgive the person or people who have offended (冒犯) you.Fifthly, do some love actions. Very often love is there, but you have to express it. Do something good for other people. Do something nice for the person whom you have warm feelings for. Do not rely only on thoughts and words. Move to actions and love will be there.So I do believe that thoughts on love can inspire you to have the most desirable quality of life in the world.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。生活中,每个人都想得到爱,但如何得到呢?对此,作者提出了五条建议。3What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?AGiving love much thought.BFeeling love in your heart.CGetting love sooner or later.DWeling any love ing to you.解析:选A代词指代题。根据第二段最后一句中的“you must be willing to think about it and wele it”和第三段第二句可猜测,此处that指多思考关于爱的问题,故选A项。4To get the love we desire, we should _.Aexpect others to love usBhelp those in needCnever offend othersDexpress love with actions解析:选D细节理解题。根据倒数第二段最后一句可知,要想获得爱,我们必须用行动表达爱,故选D项。5Whats the purpose of the author in writing the text?ATo give some advice on how to get love.BTo explain the meaning of love.CTo stress the importance of love.DTo pare “give” with “receive”解析:选A写作意图题。通读全文可知,作者主要提出了五条获得爱的建议,帮助我们提高生活品质,故选A项。CGoing GreenFor career changers thinking about growth and advancement potential, forget the bluecollar and whitecollar categories: Green is the way to go. According to Bracken Hendricks, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Progress, careers that promote environmental responsibility will bee main stream within a decade. “The growth in green careers will be like the Internet Boom, which not only created new jobs, but also had an influence on the overall economy,” he says.The increasing environmental problems and need for ecofriendly products and services are creating a new job section of greencollar jobs. Many countries of the world have realized the importance and need for energysaving products and services. It is expected that by 2025 about 25% of the jobs in developed countries will be of greencollar jobs. Doesnt the data look promising for the future?Greencollar jobs have bee a bright career chances for all. And jobs will pop up at every ine level, from environmental manager to gardener. For example, many countries including the United States have understood that fossil fuels have negative effect on the environment which can later bee a serious danger to mankind. As a result, possibilities are being explored to find alternatives to satisfy demands in a better way. The increasing demand of newer resources has been creating the need for experts and researchers who can find better ways to deal with the ongoing needs. In addition, in order to meet the increasing demands of environmentfriendly equipment, both green product designer and educated and trained workers are needed. Management of environmental organizations also demands a large number of environmental managers.Where can you find greencollar jobs? Internet is undoubtedly the best way to find information on almost any matter. Nowadays, different kinds of jobs are being posted online. Search through a couple of job websites to look for a bright future in energy conversion and recycling of waste management. Check regularly and find the right work for yourself. People who read newspapers can also find different kinds of greencollar jobs.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。随着各国环保意识的增强,劳动者行列又多了一个群体:greencollar worker(绿领工人),文中列举了其具体岗位,说明了其发展趋势。6Why does Bracken Hendricks mention the Internet Boom in Paragraph 1?ATo explain the importance of technology.BTo provide evidence of his recent research.CTo indicate the bright future of green careers.DTo inform us of the way of finding greencollar jobs.解析:选C细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句,尤其是其中“The growth in green careers will be like the Internet Boom”可知环保类职业的增长会像互联网的兴旺一样,因此答案选C。7Which of the following probably creates greencollar jobs?APromoting services.BTraining employees.CConsuming fossil fuels.DDeveloping new resources.解析:选D细节理解题。解答本题首先需理解greencollar jobs的定义,然后采用排除法,选项A、B、C创造的工作与绿领工作定义不符合。另外结合第二、三段的内容也不难确定D为正确答案。8What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3?AThe requirements for green employees.BThe development of the green industry.CThe econom


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