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高考英语三轮复习冲刺模拟试题08第卷第一部分:听力 (共两节,30分)略第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. On the way home, sky grew dark, and cold rain began to fall.A. the; 不填 B. 不填; the C. the; a D. 不填; a22. Whats that noise, John? Oh, dont you know that the school library ? A. is rebuilt B. is being rebuiltC. was rebuilt D. has been rebuilt23. The Diaoyu islands have been part of Chinas territory since ancient times, _ as important fishing grounds of Taiwan. A. served B. to serve C. serving D. having served24. He liked to go to dances and parties, _ he could have a good time just sitting and watching.A. whereB. whenC. whichD. why25. Hurry up! Flight 4406 off at 18:40.A. takesB. tookC. will be taken D. has taken26. The exam poster will be on Friday afternoonA. put off B. put downC. put upD. put away27. To know more about Japans recent claims about Diaoyu Islands, you can use the Internet or watch CCTV news, or A. both B. noneC. someD. Neither28. You have a big mouth, Li Fei. You _ have told everybody the secret.A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. mightnt29. Paper bags produced every year are _ the worlds production of vehicles. A. three times weight of B. three times the weight of C. as three times heavy as D. three times as heavier as30. - Where did you get such a beautiful skirt? - It was at the department store _ we used to shop. A. that B. there C. where D. which31.Since there are other applicants, we cant let you know our decision _ all of them have got their chances for interview. A. until B. once C. when D. because32. - Halloween is ing.- _? We have no holiday anyway. A. What if B. So what C. Why D. Really33. The Great Wall is _ tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.A. so a well-known B. a so well-known C. such well-known a D. such a well-known34 delighted me most was my son was admitted to Beijing University.A. That, what B. That, that C. What, that D. What, what35Do you like some more chocolate? , Bob, but I dont want to gain weight.A. Forget it B. Thanks C. Never mind D. Not at all第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。“Down-to-earth” means someone or something that is honest, practical and easy to deal with. It is 36 to find someone who is down-to-earth. A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to and 37 other people as equals. A down-to-earth person is just the 38 of someone who acts important and proud.Down-to-earth persons 39 be important members of society, of course. 40 they do not let their importance “go to their heads”. They do not 41 themselves to be better persons than others of less importance. Someone who is filled with his own importance and pride, often without cause, is 42 to have “his nose in the air”. There is 43 way a person with his nose in the air can be down-to-earth.Americans 44 another expression that means almost the same as “down-to-earth”. The expression is “both-feet-on-the-ground”. Someone with both-feet-on-the-ground is a person with a good 45 of reality. He 46 what is called “mon sense”. He may have 47 , but he does not allow them to 48 his knowledge of what is real.The opposite kind of 49 is one who has his “head-in-the-clouds”. A man with his-head-in-the-clouds is a dreamer whose 50 is not in the real world. 51 , such a dreamer can be brought back to earth. 52 words from a teacher can usually bring a day-dreaming student down-to-earth.Usually, the person who is down-to-earth is very 53 to have both feet on-the ground. 54 we have both our feet on-the ground, when we are down-to-earth, we act 55 and openly towards others. Our lives are like the ground below us, solid and strong.36. A. pleasantB. sadC. monD. surprising37. A. meetsB. welesC. receivesD. accepts38. A. caseB. kindC. oppositeD. example39. A. mustB. mayC. shouldD. will40. A. But B. SoC. ForD. And41. A. wishB. expectC. desireD. consider42. A. saidB. toldC. askedD. made43. A. someB. aC. noD. every44. A. discoverB. findC. makeD. use45. A. understandingB. wishC. reasonD. expectation46. A. demandsB. lacksC. hasD. likes47. A. fortunesB. dreamsC. achievementsD. disadvantages48. A. blockB. protectC. ownD. gain49. A. ideaB. peopleC. attitudeD. person50. A. mindB. lifeC. bodyD. head51. A. AlwaysB. ThereforeC. HoweverD. Sometimes52. A. SharpB. AllC. NoD. Bad53. A. possibleB. probableC. likelyD. able54. A. ThoughB. SinceC. WhenD. Unless55. A. kindly B. directly C. friendly D. honestly第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AStrange things happen when you travel, because the earth is divided into twenty-four zones. The time difference between two zones is one hour. You can have days with more than twenty-four hours and days with fewer than twenty- four hours. You can have weeks with more than seven days and weeks with fewer than seven days.If you make a five-trip across the Atlantic Ocean , your ship e into a different time zone every day. As you e into each zone, the time changes one hour. If you travel west, you set your watch back. If you travel east, you set it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours.If you make a trip by ship across the Pacific Ocean , you cross the International Date Line. This is the point where a new day begins when you cross the line, you change one full day. If you travel east, today bees yesterday, if you travel west it is tomorrow.56. Something interesting will happen to the time if you travel because _.Aa day has always fewer than twenty-four hoursBa day has always more than twenty- four hoursCa day has more or fewer than twenty-four hours,Dsome time zones are large and some time zones are small57. The time difference between two time zones is _.A twenty-four hours B one hour C two hours D twenty-three hours58. If we travel east across the International Date Line on July 5th, the date bees July _.A 3rdB 4thC 5thD 6thBThink about the last time you felt a negative emotionlike stress, anger, or frustration. What was going through your mind as you were going through that negativity? Was your mind cluttered with (充斥) different kinds of thoughts? Or was it paralyzed, unable to think?The next time you find yourself in the middle of a very stressful time, or you feel angry or frustrated, stop. Yes, thats right, stop. Whatever youre doing, stop and sit for one minute. While youre sitting there, pletely immerse yourself in the negative emotion. Allow that emotion to consume you. Allow yourself one minute to truly feel that emotion. Dont cheat yourself here. Take the entire minutebut only one minuteto do nothing else but feel that emotion. When the minute is over, ask yourself, “Am I willing to keep holding on to this negative emotion as I go through the rest of the day?”Once youve allowed yourself to be totally immersed in the emotion and really feel it, you will be surprised to find that the emotion clears rather quickly. If you feel you need to hold on to the emotion for a little longer, that is OK. Allow yourself another minute to feel the emotion. When you feel youve had enough of the emotion, ask yourself if youre willing to carry that negativity with you for the rest of the day. If not, take a deep breath. As you exhale, release all that negativity with your breath. This exercise seems simplealmost too simple. But, it is very effective. By allowing that negative emotion the space to be truly felt, you are dealing with the emotion rather than stuffing it down and trying not to feel it. You are actually taking away the power of the emotion by giving it the space and attention it needs. When you immerse yourself in the emotion, and realize that it is only emotion, it loses its control. You can clear your head and proceed with your task.59. What should you do when you are into negativity according to the article? A. Listen to some music. B. Ignore it and do something else. C. Just do nothing and truly feel that emotion. D. Think about it and try to deal with it immediately. 60. The underlined word “immerse” (Paragraph 2) most probably means _. A. break down B. get rid of C. cut off D. throw into 61. Whats the best title of this text? A. Clear Your Mental Space. B. Deep Breath, Trouble Away. C. Try to Avoid the Negative Emotion. D. Keep Holding on to This Negative Emotion as Long as Possible. 62. The authors opinion towards negative emotion is _.A. doubtful B. optimistic C. frightened D. confused CPresident Barack Obama has plained about the loss of privacy that es with being leader of the United States, regretting the loss of simple pleasures such as a long walk or a trip to the car wash or supermarket.I just miss I miss being unknown, he said. I miss Saturday morning, rolling out of bed, not shaving, getting into my car with my girls, driving to the supermarket, squeezing the fruit, getting my car washed, taking walks. I cant take a walk.His dream, he said, was to go through Central Park and watch folks passing by . spend the day watching people I miss that.Faced with criticism for playing more golf than most previous occupants of the White House, he explained that the sport was simply the best way of getting relaxed.Its the only excuse I have to get outside for four hours, he told Hearst magazines.Though he said he enjoyed his life in the White House, he felt disillusioned(醒悟的,幻想破灭的) with the some of the ways of Washington, which he has failed to change, such as the kabuki dance(日本歌舞) among political parties before serious policy discussions begin. His ments may be seen as excuse by critics who have accused him of appearing too detached(漠然), and being slow to engage in important issues such as Libya and the near shutdown of the US government last week.Since arriving at the White House in January 2009, Mr Obama has already racked up(打)60 rounds of golf in office, more than George W Bush did in his eight years.In terms of ability, Golf Digest magazine has ranked Mr Obama eighth out of the 18 presidents who played the game since it became established in the early 20th century.63. What do the second paragraph and the third paragraph mainly tell us? . A. Obama wishes to enjoy simple pleasures.B. Obama likes going shopping with his girls. C. Obama likes to take a walk.D. Obama likes to watch folks passing by.64. According to Obama, he plays golf to _. A. avoid criticism B. show his ability C. get relaxed D. show his advantage over the former presidents65. What does the underlined word “It” refer to in the fifth paragraph? A. Playing golf. B. Getting relaxed.C. Changing some ways of Washington. D. Watching people66What is the best title of the passage? AObama plains about lack of privacy as president BObama cant live a normal life CObama is often criticized DObama likes to play golfDLondon taxis, with their friendly drivers who actually know where they are going, are ranked best in the world, according to an annual taxi survey.The survey by travel website hotels. found London taxis, despite being the most expensive, beat rivals(对手)across the globe to head the list for the third consecutive(连续的)years, scoring a total of 59 percent in votes on several categories by travelers.London taxi drivers were voted both friendliest and most knowledgeable. Drivers in the English capital must pass a rigorous examination called The Knowledge to earn their taxi license.New Yorks yellow taxis came second in the list, scoring 27 percent which was up 10 percentage points from last year even though Manhattans cab drivers tied (打成平局)with Parisian taxi drivers as the rudest.Travelers said New York had the most convenient taxis.Taxi drivers in Rome were voted the worst drivers in the world with almost one in 10 travelers thinking the Italian capital had the worlds worst taxi drivers when it came to the quality of driving.Traveling by taxi is one of the first experiences that many travelers have upon arrival in a new city. In fact, the research found that cabs are by far the most popular method of traveling from the airport to their hotel, a spokesman for hotels. said in a statement.The global survey scored city based taxis for their levels of cleanliness, value, quality of driving, knowledge of the area, friendliness, safety and convenience.Rounding out the top five were Tokyo with a total score of 26 percent, Berlin with 17 percent, and Bangkok famed for its tuk-tuks scoring 14 percent.The survey for hotels., part of the Expedia group, was conducted among over 1,900 travelers between May 11-28 this year.67. Which of the following about Londons taxi drivers is wrong? A. They are the friendliest. B. They are the most knowledgeable. C. They charge the most money. D. They drive fastest. 68. What does the underlined word “rigorous” mean in the third paragraph? .Astrict Bimportant Cofficial Dlawful69. The writer introduced the result of the study by _.A. interviewing city leadersB. interviewing the taxi driversC. listing the ranks of cities concernedD. reading forms concerned70. Romes taxi drivers are lack of _. A. good mannersB. driving skillsC. the sense of cleanlinessD. the sense of safety第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。71Today,kids have more worries and face more pressures than ever before. Here are a few tips to help your child focus on and do well in school.Create a personal schedule Recording everything that must be done on a calendar or “to do” list will help him to keep track of important dates and deadlines. If he keeps it in a visible place he will have no problem acknowledging uping events and will be better able to plan how and where to spend his time.Watch the clock 72 I also remend setting his clock or watch five minutes ahead since its always easy to run late. When it es to something like catching a bus,just five minutes can make a significant difference.FocusHe should train himself to be able to concentrate alone on one specific task. This is much easier in a noisefree environment. No TV or radio should be on to distract him.73Lack of sleep is proven to harm us physically. The more sleep we get,the more alert we are. We thus have more energy to handle lifes daily tasks. The average adult needs at least six hours of sleep a night and the average child needs at least eight.Stay in shape Through spending time outdoors or playing sports with friends,he can “blow off some steam” so to speak,as well as reenergize.74Talk through your problems Be able to share his concerns with you. 75 If you make it clear that you understand him and are willing to help,not only will you contribute to his emotional health but youll help build an open and honest relationship as well.ASharing feelings often makes them easier to deal with.BHelp your child work better to realize his aim.CSetting an alarm for the morning is a must.DGet enough sleep.EHelp your child do better in school.FEncourage your child to be positive.GEncourage him to get outside.第卷第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词。2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。The first time I decide to leave home was when I was upon graduation in high school. I was having trouble get along with my parents. I had about fifty dollar in my pockets, and I thought about leaving home. It took me only two weeks away from home while I started to feel homesick. Living on my own is a total different experience for three main reasons: being more responsible, more decisive and more creative. Because of Im on my own, I get to deal with my duties without being told. I have to be more careful because my parents are not here to give me their advices. In the other hand, I can make my own future plan. I have made rules for me to follow.第二节 写作(满分25分)假如你是李华,在十一旅游期间入住北京友谊宾馆301房向,10月2日入住,6日退房。你回家后发现一个中等大小的蓝色背包遗失在那里,内有几本参考书籍,一个白色限量版iPod,一张信用卡和少量现金。请用英文给该宾馆外籍经理写一封信,请他帮忙寻找并寄回。信件要点包括:1陈述写信原因;2简要描述该背包; 3说明其重要性; 4期待回复并感谢。 注意:1150词左右;2信件格式已给出。Dear Sir, Yours sincerely,Li Hua参考答案单选21-25 CBCAA 26-30 CACBC 31-35 ABDCB完型:3640 ADCBA 4145 DACDA 4650 CBADA 5155 DACCA这是一篇议论文。文章首先阐明“down-to-earth”是什么意思,然后描述“a down-to-earth person”是什么样的人,有什么样的品格特征,与“head-in-the-clouds”这类人有什么不同。文章最后提倡我们要脚踏实地地生活。36. A 由下文“A person who is down-to-earth is easy to talk to”以及上文的“honest, practical and easy to deal with”可以推断:遇到脚踏实地的人是一件令人惬意的事情。37. D 脚踏实地的人很容易与人相处,他们将其他人都视为平等的。acceptas“认为是,把当作”。38. C 由修饰“someone”的定语从句的内容可知,这类人与“a down-to-earth person”的性格相反。39. B “down-to-earth persons”可能是社会上的重要人物。“down-to-earth”是指人的内在品质,并不是重要人物所特有的。May在这里表推测(可能);must表推测时,可能性很大,表示“一定是”;should“应该”;will不表示推测。40. A 前一句与后一句构成意义上的转折。他们有可能是重要人物,但不以此自居。41. D consider to be“认为是”。其他选项与句意不符。42. A 句意为:据说那种自以为是的人常常会毫无理由地趾高气扬。Be said to do“据说,人们说”。其他选项与句意不符。43. C 一个趾高气扬的人是没办法脚踏实地的。44. D 美国人使用另一种表达方式来表示“down-to-earth”的意思。45. A 常识判断题。脚踏实地的人当然是对现实有很好的理解和认识。46. C 这类人具备一种被称为“常识”的东西。Has与上文的“with a good understanding of reality”和下文的“He may have dreams”相对应。47. B 这里的“dreams”与上文中的“reality”相对应,说明实际的人有梦想但不脱离实际。48. A block是“阻碍”的意思。脚踏实地的人善于把握现实,他们可能有梦想但不会让这些梦想阻碍他们对现实的认知。49. D 上文说到的是实际的人,这里当然是指与之相反的另一类人。后面谓语是单数,故不能选B。50. A 在这里“mind”是“想法,思维(方法)”的意思。51. D “such a dreamer can be brought back to earth”这句话中的“can(可能会)”表推测的语气,所以与此相对应的应该是D。52. A 老师一些尖锐的话常常能将那些爱做白日梦的学生拉回到现实中来。all和no不合常理;bad words “坏话,粗言秽语”不合题意。53. C be likely to do sth.“很可能做某事”。上文提到的“down-to-earth”和“both-feet-on-the-ground”意义相同。54. C 此空的选项与后一句“we are down-to-earth”相对应,故选C。55. A 与文章首句呼应,故选A。阅读:CBB CDAB ACAA DACB ECDGA改错:The first time I decide to leave home was when I was upon graduation in high school. I was decidedhaving trouble get along with my parents. I had about fifty dollar in my pockets, and I thought getting dollarsabout leaving home. It took me only two weeks away from home while I started to feel homesick. whenLiving on my own is a total different experience for three main reasons: being more responsible, totallymore decisive and more creative. Because of Im on my own, I get to deal with my duties without being told. I have to be more careful because my parents are not here to give me their advices. to adviceIn the other hand, I can make my own future plan. I have made rules for me to follow.On


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