2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Great scientists分层演练直击高考 新人教版必修5.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Great scientists分层演练直击高考 新人教版必修5.doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 1 Great scientists分层演练直击高考 新人教版必修5.doc_第3页
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Unit 1 Great scientists 阅读理解A(2018湖北武汉调研测试)Elon Musk was born in South Africa, in 1971. A crazy fan of puters, by the age of twelve, Musk had written the code(代码) for his own video game, which he sold for a profit.He attended Queens University in Canada, and transferred(转到) to the University of Pennsylvania, where he earned two bachelors degrees, economics and physics. He was admitted to Stanford University in California, intending to earn a PhD in energy physics.First panyZip2 CorporationIn 1995, at the age of 24, Musk dropped out of Stanford University after just two days of classes to start his first pany Zip2 Corporation. It was an online city guide that provided content for the new online versions of The New York Times and the Chicago Tribune newspapers. In 1999, Musk got $ 22 million from the sale of Zip2.Online BankingIn 1999, Elon Musk started X with $ 10 million dollars from the sale of Zip2. X. was an online bank, and he was credited with inventing a method of securely transferring money using a receivers email address.PayPalIn 2000, X. bought a pany called Confinity, which had started an Internet moneytransfer process called PayPal. Elon Musk dropped the online banking focus to concentrate on being a global payment transfer provider. In 2002, eBay bought PayPal for $ 1.5 billion.Space Exploration TechnologiesIn 2002, Elon Musk started SpaceX. He is a longstanding member of the Mars Society, a nonprofit organization that supports the exploration of Mars, and Musk is interested in building a greenhouse on Mars. SpaceX has been developing rocket technologies to enable Musks project.Tesla MotorsIn 2004, Elon Musk cofounded Tesla Motors, of which he is the only product architect. Tesla Motors builds electric vehicles. The pany has built an electric sports car, the Tesla Roadster.SolarCityIn 2006, Elon Musk cofounded SolarCity, a photovoltaic(光电的) products and services pany with his cousin Lyndon Rive.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文,主要介绍了埃隆马斯克的人生经历和伟大成就。1What was Elon Musk gifted in when he was young?AEconomics.BPhysics.CEnergy.DCoding.D解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的第二句可知,Musk是一位疯狂的电脑迷,十二岁时他就为自己的视频游戏写代码并获利了;据此可知,他小时候就有写代码的天赋,故D项正确。2Which of the following provides international payment transfer service?AX.BConfinity.CPayPal.DeBay.C解析:细节理解题。根据PayPal部分,尤其是该部分的第二句可知,PayPal提供国际转账支付服务,故C项正确。3What has SpaceX been doing to help achieve Musks project?ASponsoring the Mars Society.BDeveloping rocket technologies.CBuilding a greenhouse on Mars.DSupporting the exploration of Mars.B解析:细节理解题。根据Space Exploration Technologies部分的“SpaceX has been developing rocket technologies to enable Musks project.”可知,SpaceX一直在研究开发火箭技术,帮助Musk实现他的项目(目标),故B项正确。4What is Tesla Motors noted for?AIts electric vehicles.BIts photovoltaic products.CIts service as a city tourist guide.DIts business with other panies.A解析:细节理解题。根据Tesla Motors部分,尤其是该部分的第二句可知,Tesla Motors是生产电动汽车的公司,故A项正确。B(2018东北三校模拟)We were ordinary people taking the bus every day that summer.During the early morning rides,we sat sleepily on our seats.One of the passengers was a small grey man to the center for senior citizens.He walked with a stoop(驼背) and a sad look on his face.We paid little attention to him.Then one July morning he said good morning to the driver and smiled to us before sitting down.The driver nodded politely,the rest of us being silent.The next day,the old man boarded the bus energetically,smiled and said loud,“Good morning!”Some of us looked up,amazed,and murmured“Good morning”The following weeks we were more surprised.Our friend was dressed in a nice old suit with the thin hair carefully bed.He said good morning to us every day and we gradually began to nod and talk to each other.One morning he had a bunch of wild flowers in his hand.The driver smilingly asked,“Have you got yourself a girlfriend?”He nodded shyly,“She lives at the center.”The other passengers whistled and clapped at him.Charlie bowed before sitting down.Every morning after that Charlie always brought a flower.Some regular passengers began bringing him flowers for his bunch.Everyone smiled and joked about it.But one morning he didnt turn up.When he wasnt there the following days,we started wondering if he was sick or.We stopped at the center for senior citizens.The staff told us he was fine,but he hadnt been ing that week.One of his very close friends had died at the weekend.They expected him back on Monday.How silent we were on the rest of the way to work!The next Monday he was waiting at the stop,stooping a bit more and a bit more grey.Inside the bus was a silence,all of us sitting with our eyes filled with tears and wild flowers in our hands.【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。原本寂静的车厢因一位老人友爱、热情的举动变得活跃起来,热情是可以感染他人的。在老人情绪低落时,也收到了来自他人的关爱。5The old man boarded the bus energetically probably because Ahe bought a bunch of flowersBhe got to know other passengersChe fell in love with a ladyDhe had a sweet dreamC解析:推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第三、四句并结合第一段内容可推知,这个老人之所以这么精力充沛可能是因为他恋爱了。故选C项。6What change did the old man bring to the early morning bus?AThe passengers were silent.BThe bus was full of life.CThe passengers were sleepy.DThe bus was punctual.B解析:推理判断题。根据文中的“we sat sleepily on our seats”“the rest of us being silent”“Some of us looked up,amazed,and murmuredGood morning”“we gradually began to nod and talk to each other”并结合第三段内容可知,老人的行为感染了车上的每一个人,让车里充满活力。故选B项。7Why didnt the old man turn up for several days?AHe was in sorrow for the loss of his friend.BHe wondered whether others cared about him.CHe had a quarrel with the staff of the center.DHe wasnt himself for the cold weather.A解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第四、五句并结合上文的描述可推知,是因为老人的朋友去世了,他非常悲伤,所以老人这几天没有乘车去老年中心。故选A项。8What can we infer from the story?AOnly love can affect others emotions.BThe old mans passion inspires others.CThe passengers didnt care about others feelings.DThe center for senior citizens is a good place for love.B解析:推理判断题。原本冷漠、疏离的乘客因一位老人友爱、充满热情的举动,让车厢不再寂静,乘客们开始相互交流、开玩笑;由此可推知,老人的热情鼓舞了他人。故B项正确。 完形填空(2018河北石家庄高三复习教学质量检测)When my sister Diane began playing the violin, she was seven. How did she sound? Terrible. But she didnt 1 . At twelve, she asked our parents if she could 2 a fulltime music school. They said no. Actually, everyone agreed that my sister 3 talent. I was better at my 4 . My teacher had told my parents that I had great 5 . So my parents found the best piano teacher in the area to 6 me. But the only time he was 7 was Saturday afternoons at 3 pm. Back then, I was 8 about the British TV show The Avengers, which was 9 every Saturday at 3 pm. I let nothing take up my The Avengers hour. So I 10 this amazing opportunity.Today, I dont even have a 11 in my house.My sister became an engineer, but she 12 stopped making music. When she was in her 40s, she switched her 13 . She went back to college,got a(n) 14 in music education,and became a music teacher. She starts kids off on their first instrument and gives them all the encouragement and support she never 15 Recently, she and a pianist pal put on a recital. A big crowd of friends and family 16 for her. As she played, I looked around at the 17 . Everyone was 18 enjoying the music. It occurred to me that I was the only person that remembered that 7yearold kid making those perfectly 19 sounds and knew how far she had e, despite 20 Talent is important. But enthusiasm is even more important.【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文,通过讲述妹妹追求梦想的经历告诉我们:天赋很重要,但更重要的是热情。1A.advance BquitCreflectDlistenB解析:根据上文的“How did she sound?Terrible.”可知,“我”妹妹的小提琴演奏得糟糕透了;结合本句的“But”表示的转折意义可知,但她没有放弃(quit)。2A.inspect BopenCattendDvisitC解析:根据上文可知,尽管妹妹的小提琴演奏得很糟糕,但是她仍不愿放弃;据此可以判断,本句句意为:在十二岁时,她问父母她是否可以去全日制的音乐学校上学。attend school为固定搭配,意为“上学”。3A.lacked BspottedCpossessedDadmiredA解析:根据上文的“They said no.”和父母没有答应让她去全日制音乐学校学习可以判断,每个人都认为“我”的妹妹缺乏(lacked)天赋,故A项正确。4A.majorBprojectCpositionDinstrumentD解析:根据本段第三句的“So my parents found the best piano teacher in the area”可知,“我”的父母为“我”找了当地最好的钢琴老师教“我”学钢琴;据此可以判断,与妹妹相比,“我”更擅长“我”的乐器。5A.patienceBenthusiasmCpotentialDambitionC解析:根据下文的“So my parents found the best piano teacher in the area”可知,“我”的父母为“我”找了当地最好的钢琴老师来教“我”学钢琴;据此可以判断,老师告诉父母说“我”很有潜能(potential)。A项意为“耐心”,B项意为“热情”,D项意为“抱负”,都与语境不符。6A.trainBexamineCcorrectDchallengeA解析:参见上题解析。A项意为“培训,教育”;B项意为“检查”;C项意为“改正”;D项意为“挑战”。7A.punctual BskillfulCoccupied DavailableD解析:根据语境可知,钢琴老师只有每周六下午三点有空。D项意为“有空的”,符合语境,故D项正确。A项意为“准时的”,B项意为“技术好的”,C项意为“使用中”,都与语境不符。8A.sensitiveBcrazyCseriousDparticularB解析:根据本句中的“about the British TV show”可判断,“我”热衷于一档英国电视节目。be crazy about为固定搭配,意为“热衷于”,故B项正确。A项意为“敏感的”,C项意为“严肃的”,D项意为“特别的,挑剔”,都与语境不符。9A.filmed BdesignedCairedDmentedC解析:根据该句中的“every Saturday at 3 pm.”可知,这档英国电视节目在每周六的下午三点播放。air在本句中意为“播出,播送”,属于熟词生义,故C项正确。A项意为“拍电影”,B项意为“设计”,D项意为“评论”。10A.jumped at Bturned downCwaited forDopened upB解析:根据前一句可知,“我”不让任何事情占用“我”看这档节目的时间,据此可以判断,“我”拒绝了这一机会。B项意为“拒绝”,符合语境,故B项正确。A项意为“迫不及待地接受”,C项意为“等待,等候”,D项意为“打开”,都与语境不符。11A.tutorBviolinCmusicianDpianoD解析:根据本段的“So my parents found the best piano teacher in the area”可以判断,由于“我”拒绝了学钢琴,所以现在家里甚至一台钢琴也没有,故D项正确。12A.neverBonceCalreadyDevenA解析:根据空后两句可知,“我”妹妹在四十几岁时上大学学习音乐;据此可知,尽管“我”妹妹成了一名工程师,但是她从未(never)停止对音乐的追求,故A项正确。13A.attitudeBcareerCplanDpositionB解析:根据下文的“and became a music teacher”可知,在她四十几岁时,她改变了职业(career),从工程师成为一名音乐老师,故B项正确。A项意为“态度”,C项意为“计划”,D项意为“地位”,都与语境不符。14A.scholarshipBsponsorCdegree DassistantC解析:根据句中的“She went back to college”和“and became a music teacher”可知,她重返大学学习音乐,并取得了音乐教育的学位(degree),成了一名音乐老师。A项意为“奖学金”,B项意为“赞助人”,D项意为“助手”,都与语境不符。15A.provided BimaginedCreceived DexpectedC解析:根据上文可知,“我”的父母认为妹妹没有音乐天赋,拒绝了妹妹上全日制音乐学校的请求,据此可以判断,妹妹做音乐老师时,给了孩子们她未曾得到(received)的鼓励和支持。A项意为“提供”,B项意为“想象”,D项意为“期望”,都与语境不符。16A.votedBfearedCstayed upDturned upD解析:根据上文的“put on a recital”可知,妹妹和一位钢琴家举办了一场演奏会;据此可以判断,朋友和家人们都到场了。A项意为“投票”,B项意为“担心,害怕”,C项意为“熬夜”,D项意为“到达,露面”。17A.students BaudienceCspotlightsDplatformB解析:根据下文的“enjoying the music”可知,所有人都在欣赏妹妹演奏的音乐;据此可知,“我”环顾了四周的观众(audience),故B项正确。A项意为“学生”,C项意为“聚光灯”,D项意为“平台,讲台”。18A.obviously BdesperatelyCappropriatelyDanxiouslyA解析:根据本句中的“enjoying the music”可知,很显然(obviously),所有人都在欣赏妹妹演奏的音乐。B项意为“极其”,C项意为“恰当地”,D项意为“着急地”,都与语境不符。19A.booming BpleasingCawful DpowerfulC解析:根据上文的“How did she sound?Terrible.”可知,七岁时,“我”妹妹的小提琴演奏得糟糕透了(awful),故C项正确。A项意为“迅速发展的”,B项意为“令人愉快的”,D项意为“有力量的”,都与语境不符。20A.everythingBsomethingCeverybodyDsomebodyA解析:根据本句中的“and knew how far she had e,despite”并结合上文可知,“我”想起了妹妹七岁时演奏小提琴的糟糕的声音,只有“我”知道她不顾一切(everything)走了多远。


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