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2019届高三英语四模试题(含解析)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑21Are you interested in higher education in the United States?The following advice might help youCollege,University or InstituteCollege and universities offer undergraduate degrees in arts and sciencesAnd both can help prepare young people to earn a livingBut many colleges dont offer graduate studiesUniversities are generally bigger,offer more programs and do more researchAn institute of technology can offer a wide choice of programs and activitiesSeventyfive percent of freshmen go there with a strong interest and involvement in the artsThe Application ProcessInternational admissions officers advise students to apply to at least three schoolsYou may be able to apply online and pay the application charge with a credit card,or by mailYou should study the websites of schools to find information about how and when to apply,how much it will cost and whether any financial aid is availableGet a Student CardIf you requesting a visa for the first time,you will have to go to an American embassy or consulate(领事馆)You will need to bring a government form sent to you by your American school that shows you have been acceptedA consular official will also take your picture and your fingerprintsYou will also need banking and tax records that show you have enough money to pay for your educationFinancial AidAmerican schools provide aid,like scholarships,fellowships,to almost half of foreign graduate students,but only ten percent of undergraduatesBut grants,which,unlike a loan,does not have to be paid21It can be inferred from the passage that American colleges and universities Ahave their own origins in institutes of technologyBhave both similarities and differencesCcan offer a wide choice of programs and activitiesDprovide about seventyfive percent students with art courses22In what order should the steps for applying to an American school be pleted by a foreign student? aApply onlinebFind out how much it will cost and whether any financial aid is available onlinecPay the application charge with a credit card,or by maildChoose at least three schoolseFind information about how and when to apply onlineAacedb Bedcab Cdaceb Dbceda23To apply for a vise for the first time,youll have to do the following things EXCEPT Apaying an American embassy or consulate some moneyBtaking your picture and your fingerprintsCshowing a government form given by the American school admitting youDproviding evidence that you have enough money to pay for your education24The purpose of the passage is Ato make some moneyBto provide foreign students with a guideCto improve education qualityDto attract foreign visitors to America25After spending the first five years of his life in San Diego,Adam Drivers family packet up and moved to a small town in Indiana,where Adam enjoyed a relatively routine adolescenceThen the horrific events of September 11th made Adams life bee anything but routineJust a few months following the events,Driver decided to join the United States Marine CorpsHe considered 9/11as being one of the reasons for joining the army,with his desire to leave Indiana providing the restHe once said,Im grateful for having grown up in Indiana,but I needed to go out and the Marine Corps was a nice,stable optionAfter serving for two and a half years,and just two months before he was sent to Iraq,Driver injured his sternum in a biking accidentAfter he was healed,he injured it again during military training,which resulted in an honorable medical dischargeAfter leaving the military,Driver decided to try his hand at actingAt first he studied close to home at the University of Indianapolis,but after just a year,he transferred to Julliard in New York CityHe lived in a tiny apartment in Hoboken,New Jersey apartment while studying drama at a prestigious performing arts conservatory(音乐学院)Following his graduation in xx,Driver immediately began appearing in plays,including xxs MrsWarrens ProfessionAdams first major television experience was a guest spot on Law & Order,and was soon followed by a small role in the awardwinning film You Dont Know Jack,which was Drivers first experience working with Home Box OfficeThen after landing his starmaking role on Girls,Driver was cast in a handful of feature films,including xxs JEdgar and xxs Gayby,Not Waving but Drowning and Frances HaHell appear next year in the Coen brothers Inside Llewyn Davis and Steven Spielbergs Lincoln25According to the passage one important reason why Adam Driver joined the army was that Ahis father was an army officerBhe wanted to bee richChe thought Indiana was a good place to live inDhe didnt want to live in Indiana26Adam Driver had to leave the army because Ahe found the life there boringBhis officer disliked himChis performance in the army was terribleDhis chest was injured27When did Adam Driver begin to study drama? AAfter leaving the armyBAfter moving to IndianaCWhen he was in the armyDAfter his graduation28What does the underlined worddischargeprobably mean in the passage? ADisfortBDismissalCRetirementDDiscouragement29CareerBuilder now offers the most functional and easytouse online job search for Science & Biotech jobsIn fact,there are so many ways to search for Science & Biotech jobs on CareeBuilder that youll be able to get the results you want quickly and easily!At CareerBuilder we bine the power of new search technology with topnotch products and services to give you full control over the Science & Biotech job search processWe offer many ways to get the job searching doneSearch Science & Biotech Jobs by Location:Target your search for Science & Biotech jobs by city or stateStart broad by selecting a desired state,or narrow your search quickly by targeting a top cityWith nationwide job opportunities,there are unlimited possibilitiesSearch Science & Biotech Jobs by Job Type:Refine your search by selecting a specific job typeIf you are certain about your expertise or specialty,narrow your search quickly and search only the jobs that are fit for youSearch Science & Biotech Jobs by pany:Who are the top panies hiring in Science & Biotech?Search,explore and find out more about our preferred Science & Biotech employersFrom cuttingedge corporate firms to thriving small business,CareerBuilder partners with the nations top panied to bring you better Science & Biotech jobs faster 29This passage probably es from Aa magazine Ba newspaper Cthe Internet Da book30CareerBuilder offers the following EXCEPT AScience & Biotech jobsBmany ways to get the job searching doneCnames of the top panies hiring in Science & BiotechDthe most functional and easytouse online job search for Science & Biotech jobs31Which of the following beat explains the underlined sentence? AThe website only cooperates with some powerful panies toBDifferent panies,whether big or small,work with this websiteCAll kinds of panies are likely to appear on the websiteDAll the nations top panies are partners of this website32This passage is written in order to Aintroduce a website Bhelp you find a jobCintroduce some ways of finding a jobDmake you click their website more often33Education is not an end,but a means to an endIn other words,we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating themOur purpose is to fit them for lifeIn some modern countries it has for some time been fashionable to think that by free education for allwhether rich or poor,clever or stupidone can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nationBut we can already see that free education for all is not enough; we find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees refuse to do what they think to belowwork,and,in fact,work with hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countriesBut we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a pletely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professorWe can live without education,but we die if we have no foodIf no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses,we should get terrible diseases in our townsIn fact,when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life,it means that we must be educated in such a way that,firstly,each of us can do whatever work suited to his brains and ability and,secondly,that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society,and that is very bad to be ashamed of ones workOnly such a type of education can be considered valuable to society33According to the passage,the purpose of education is Ato build a perfect world Bto choose a system of educationCto let everyone receive education fit for him Dto prepare children mainly for their future work34Which of the following is true according to the passage? AIts hard for university graduates to find jobsBNo one would like to do work with handsCEducation is not enough to build a perfect nationDUniversity graduates are ashamed of their work35In the writers opinion, Aall the social problems cant be solved by educationBfree education for all probably leads to a perfect worldCfree education wont help to solve social problemsDeducation can settle all of the worlds problems笫二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑选项中有两项为多余选项36A dogs mind is only equal to that of a twoyearold baby(36) So,they are probably the first to notice any change in the behavior of their mastersLets do some deepdigging to understand the amazing ability of a dogThey sense your feelingsIsnt it strange(37) This is trueA study published in the Animal Cognition(认知)journal says that dogs are known to e to people who appear sad or depressedIt doesnt matter if the person is their owner or a strangerThey have an ability to sense sadness and are attracted to troubled souls(38) Dogs can easily tell when youre playing with favorites,and if you reward or play more with other pets,your dog might notice it and feel unfortableAs they cant say how they feel,they will scratch,yawn or lick their mouthsThey smell fearLets say you are faced with your worst fearWould you get scared and run away or just face it?Before choosing how to deal with it,you should remember one thing(39) Research shows that dogs often sense their masters response in dangerous situationsIf you fear something and choose to back away,chances are that your pet is going to do the same thingTheyre watching youWe are all raised as responsible individuals who are taught to respect elders,obey the law and help out people in need from time to time(40) But if you have a dog at home,it is time to be serious about themDogs like generous peopleSo just be careful around your pet; it may judge you on how you behave with othersAThey sense health problemsBThey understand when ignoredCThey know when no ones looking at themDYou would be setting an example to your petEEvery time you feel sad,your dog just knows itFBut dogs are able to sense everything around themGHowever,not all of us take these three things seriously第三部分 英语知识运用 第一节 完形填空(满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑41An important part of any business relationship is informal conversationBefore you start a discussion,(41) ,make sure you understand which topics are (42) and which are considered taboo (禁忌) in a (43) cultureLatin Americans enjoy (44) information about their local history,art,and customs(45) questions about your family,and be sure to show pictures of your childrenYou may feel free to ask (46) questions of your Latin American friendsThe French think of conversation as an art (47) ,and they enjoy the value of lively discussions as well as (48) For them,arguments can be interestingand they can (49) pretty much or any topic(50) they occur in are spiteful and intelligent mannerIn the United States,business people like to discuss a(51) range of topics,including opinions about work,family,hobbies,and politicsIn Japan,China,and Korea,however,people are much more privateThey do not share much about(52) thoughts,feelings,or emotions because they feel that doing so might take away the harmonious business relationship theyre trying to(53) Middle Easterners are also private about their personal lives and family (54) It is considered (55) ,for example,to ask a businessman from Saudi Arabia about his wife or childrenAs a general (56) ,its best not to talk about politics or religion with your business friendsThis(57) get you into trouble,(58) in the United States,where people hold different religious viewsIn addition,discussing ones salary is usually considered unsuitableSports is(59) a friendly subject in most parts of the world,although be careful not to(60) a national sportInstead,be friendly and praise your hosts team41AbesidesBhoweverCthusDthen42AenjoyableBrespectableCavailableDsuitable43AparticularBspecialCespecialDusual44ArequiringBrequestingCspeakingDsharing45APrepareBCollectCExceptDImaging46AsimilarBstrangeCinterestingDfavorable47AlessonBshowCformDexhibition48AagreementsBequipmentCdisagreementsDinstruments49AsayBcoverCmakeDhold50Aas far asBeven thoughCas long asDfor fear that51AlongBvariousCwideDsmall52AotherBourCyourDtheir53AinstructBdirectCcontrolDbuild54AhistoryBmattersCtreeDpictures55ArudeBpoliteCcuriousDdangerous56AideaBruleCregulationDdirection57AcanBmustCneedDshould58AevenBstillCneverDnot59AhardlyBinstantlyCnearlyDtypically60AbeatBcriticizeCstrikeDorganize第三部分 英语知识运用 第一节(满分15分)阅读下面材料,在题后空白处填入适当的内容(每空一词)或括号内单词的正确形式61When we plant a rose seed in the earth,we notice it is small,but we do not criticize it asrootlees and stemlessWe treat it as a seed,(61) (give)it the water and nourishment required(62) a seedWhen it first(63) (shoot up)out of the earth,we dont condemn(指责)it as(64) (mature) and underdeveloped,(65) do we criticize the buds for not being open when they appearWe stand in wonder at the process(66) (take) place,and give the plant the care it needs at each stage of its developmentThe rose is a rose from the time it is a seed to the time it diesWithin it,at all times,it contains its whole potentialIt seems to be(67) (constant) in the process of change:Yet at each state,at each moment,it is perfectly all right as(68) it isA flower is not(69) (good)when it blooms than when it is merely a bud;at each stage it is(70) same thinga flower in the process of expressing its potential第二节 短文改错71假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下短文短文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分One day,a young man,whom couldnt get back home,came into my office to ask for helpHe said his mother was disabledHis phone had stolen with his wallet and he hadnt contacted her for the past two daysHowever,his job was assessing housing applications,not provide money for travelI asked him to wait outside unless I finished my workAfter work I drove him all the way homeWe arrive at his mothers house at 10:30pm.She was in a wheelchair and she answered a doorI saw tears in her eye as she thanked for meI just hoped that if my son experienced nothing similar,someone would be nicely enough to bring him home to me第三节 书面表达81假设你是新华中学的学生会主席近来,随着网络的普及,学生的汉字书写能力降低为了保护传统民族文化汉字,校学生会提出倡议请你根据以下内容提示,为学校英语沙龙的同学们写一封倡议书内容要点:1少上网,多读书、勤记笔记;2养成练书写和写日记的习惯;3自拟一项其他方面的倡议内容注意:短文字数不少于100词参考词汇:汉字Chinese charactersDear friends,In recent years,many of us spend a lot of time on the Internet with its popularity Lets take action now!StudentsUnionxx辽宁省实验中学高考英语四模试卷参考答案与试题解析第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑21Are you interested in higher education in the United States?The following advice might help youCollege,University or InstituteCollege and universities offer undergraduate degrees in arts and sciencesAnd both can help prepare young people to earn a livingBut many colleges dont offer graduate studiesUniversities are generally bigger,offer more programs and do more researchAn institute of technology can offer a wide choice of programs and activitiesSeventyfive percent of freshmen go there with a strong interest and involvement in the artsThe Application ProcessInternational admissions officers advise students to apply to at least three schoolsYou may be able to apply online and pay the application charge with a credit card,or by mailYou should study the websites of schools to find information about how and when to apply,how much it will cost and whether any financial aid is availableGet a Student CardIf you requesting a visa for the first time,you will have to go to an American embassy or consulate(领事馆)You will need to bring a government form sent to you by your American school that shows you have been acceptedA consular official will also take your picture and your fingerprintsYou will also need banking and tax records that show you have enough money to pay for your educationFinancial AidAmerican schools provide aid,like scholarships,fellowships,to almost half of foreign graduate students,but only ten percent of undergraduatesBut grants,which,unlike a loan,does not have to be paid21It can be inferred from the passage that American colleges and universitiesBAhave their own origins in institutes of technologyBhave both similarities and differencesCcan offer a wide choice of programs and activitiesDprovide about seventyfive percent students with art courses22In what order should the steps for applying to an American school be pleted by a foreign student?CaApply onlinebFind out how much it will cost and whether any financial aid is available onlinecPay the application charge with a credit card,or by maildChoose at least three schoolseFind information about how and when to apply onlineAacedb Bedcab Cdaceb Dbceda23To apply for a vise for the first time,youll have to do the following things EXCEPTAApaying an American embassy or consulate some moneyBtaking your picture and your fingerprintsCshowing a government form given by the American school admitting youDproviding evidence that you have enough money to pay for your education24The purpose of the passage isBAto make some moneyBto provide foreign students with a guideCto improve education qualityDto attract foreign visitors to America【考点】O3:广告布告类阅读【分析】本文是一篇广告布告类阅读,您对美国的高等教育感兴趣吗?以下建议可能会帮助您本文以此展开,主要向我们介绍了美国的高等教育,并给出了申请流程,获得学生证的方法以及财政援助的方法,给国外的学生一些指导【解答】21B细节理解题根据College and universities offer undergraduate degrees in arts and sciencesAnd both can help prepare young people to earn a livingBut many colleges dont offer graduate studiesUniversities are generally bigger,offer more programs and do more research可知,它们提供艺术和科学本科学位,都可以帮助青年人谋生但是,许多College不提供研究生学习universities多样性大,提供更多的课程,做更多的研究故colleges和universities有相同点和不同


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