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65个商务邮件常用语 (中英对照)1. If youre any questions please let me know. 如有任何问题,请告诉我。2.Please refer tentative schedule as follow: 请参照下面的暂定计划3. Please recheck your record and advise if you find any differences.4.We are following your instruction on the basis of your confirmation 我们在您确认的基础上按您的指示行事。5.Hare are you doing 还好吧?6. Thanks in advance and best regards.7. Looking forward seeing you soon.8.If there is anything else I can help, please let me know.9.heres why: 原因如下10.Please review, and lets discuss how we should move forward. 请检讨,并让我们一起讨论我们应该怎样继续。11.We would like to lock up this business. 我们想锁定这笔生意12.Once you respond to the above questions, we will decide which option we would like to pursue. 你们对上述问题回复后,我们会立即决定我们会选择哪个方案。13.Thanks for your understanding. 谢谢您的谅解14.Also please let me know if you need any other information 另外,你们还需要其他信息吗?15.Will get back to you ASAP. 会尽快回复你!16.Lets discuss this then 到时我们讨论下这个问题。17.Please review the below email our US office and advise.请查看以下我们 US 办公室发的 E-mail 并进行回复18.Noted and understand all below.19.Please review and advise us with any questions.20.Lets give it a try to make it happenIt is for a good cause 让我们试试吧这是值得支持的21.There are a lots of lose ends nowHow once you going to execute this?现在有很多问题,我们怎样处理22.As I explained over the phone, today,如同我今天在电话中解释的那样23.Since we will have one chance only.既然我们只要一个选择24.Please note and proceed as is,请注意,并按现况继续25.Please see the reply below in red 请看如下红色的回复26.Please check at your side and comment 请你们那边检讨一下并回复。27.Noted and understand all below, see reply in bold black (请看黑色粗体回复)28. Please forward to JACK for comment and corrective action. 评价和纠正措施提供给 JACK29.This is good news, You did a really good job!30.Noted all below and attached files with thanks. Here is the summary of our findings:以下是我们的结果总结31.Looking forward to hearing back from you tomorrow (盼明天收到你的回复)32.Please advise us with your comments 请把你的看法告诉我们33.Please advise 请回复34.Noted all below with thanks, see reply in red.35.Sorry for confusion(混乱)36.We will let you know its result soon.37.Any updates on this request? 关于这个问题有什么新的消息吗38.We reviewed (it) and have the following comments:39.As we understand,40.Please review with Jack and advise 请与 JACK 检讨并回复41.Please see corrections in green below 请看如下绿色修正内容42.Can you call me at my cell phone number(+86-137 *-*)43.FYI=just for your reference/information 供参考44.To sum up 总结如下45.Please discuss the above schedule and let us know the results 请检讨以上计划并把结果告诉我们46.Please review and advise with any comment 请检讨,如果有意见请回复47.This is most/very important.48.Noted and thanks for reminding. 知道了,谢谢提醒。49.Please see the attached pictures first 请先看附件的照片50.Please see the attached technical data. 请看附件的技术数据51.Noted below with thanks.52. Please review and advise 请检讨并回复53.Noted all below with thanks!54.Please review and confirm by reply/return. 请检讨并回复确认55.Please note and (proceed) accordingly 请相应照办56.so,we would like to proceed as follows 所以,我们想按下列计划进行57.Please confirm you understand. 请确认你能理解58.Based on this information, I need the following to happen:基于这一点,我需要以下事情能做到59.This is a very urgent matter-please make sure the above happens.这是非常急迫的事情-请确认以上能做到60.Thank you very much for you assistance(支持)61.This is good news-thanks for the help with regards to this matter62.Please comment.请评价63.Thanks and best regards,64.缩写LPG=液化气 LNG=液化天然气 Rgds=regardsIMT=同时BP=商业计划MOQ=最小的订购批量IM=网络会议MCU=掩膜P.S.=附言pls=pleaseASAP=尽快65.As discussed before,如我们之前讨论的英文商务邮件必懂句型1. Initiate a meeting 发起会议 I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A。 今天下午我建议我们就 A 项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。 I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben。 我建议我们今晚九点半和 Brown 小聚一下,你和 Ben 有没有空? Wed like to have the meeting on Thu Oct 30. Same time。 十月三十号(周四),老时间,开会。 Lets make a meeting next Monday at 5:30 PM SLC time。 下周一盐湖城时区下午五点半开会。 I want to talk to you over the phone regarding issues about report development and the XX project。 我想跟你电话讨论下报告进展和 XXX 项目的情况。 2. Seeking for more information/feedbacks/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议 Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me knows。 如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。 Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule。 谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。 Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon。 期待您的反馈建议! What is your opinion on the schedule and next steps we proposed? 你对计划方面有什么想法?下一步我们应该怎么做? What do you think about this? 这个你怎么想? Feel free to give your comments。 请随意提出您的建议。 Any question, please dont hesitate to let me know。 有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。 Any question, please let me know。 有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。 Please contact me if you have any questions。 有任何问题,欢迎和我们联系。 Your comments and suggestions are welcome! 欢迎您的评论和建议! Please let me know what you think? 欢迎您的评论和建议! Do you have any idea about this? 对于这个您有什么建议吗? It would be nice if you could provide a bit more information on the users behavior。 您若是能够就用户行为方面提供更多的信息就太感激了! At your convenience, I would really appreciate you looking into this matter/issue。 如果可以,我希望你能负责这件事情。 3. Give feedback 意见反馈 Please see comments below。 请看下面的评论。 My answers are in blue below。 我的回答已标蓝。 I add some comments to the document for your reference。 我就文档添加了一些备注,仅供参考。 4. Attachment 附件 I enclose the evaluation report for your reference。 我附加了评估报告供您阅读。 Please check the attached file for todays meeting notes。 今天的会议记录在附件里查收。 The attachment is the design document, please review it。 设计文档在附件里,请评阅。 For other known issues related to individual features, please see attached release notes。 其他个人特征方面的信息请见附件。 5. Point listing 列表 Today we would like to finish following tasks by the end of today: 1.2。 今天我们要完成的任务:1.2 。 Some known issues in this release: 1.2。 声明中涉及的一些问题:1.2 。 Our team here reviewed the newest SCM policy and has following concerns: 1.2。 我们阅读了最新的供应链管理政策,做出如下考虑:1.2。 Here are some more questions/issues for your team: 1.2。 以下是对你们团队的一些问题:1.2 。 The current status is as following: 12 目前数据如下:12 Some items need your attention: 1.2。 以下方面需提请注意:1.2 。 6. Raise question 提出问题 I have some questions about the report XX-XXX 我对 XX-XXX 报告有一些疑问。 For the assignment ABC, I have the following questions: 就 ABC 协议,我有以下几个问题: 7. Proposal 提议 For the next step of platform implementation, I am proposing 关于平台启动的下一步计划,我有一个提议 I suggest we can have a weekly project meeting over the phone call in the near future。 我建议我们就一周项目开一个电话会议。 Achievo team suggest to adopt option A to solve outstanding issue Achievo 团队建议应对突出问题采用 A 办法。 8. Thanks note 感谢信 Thank you so much for the cooperation。 感谢你的合作! I really appreciate the effort you all made for this sudden and tight project。 对如此紧急的项目您做出的努力我表示十分感谢。 Thanks for your attention! 谢谢关心! Your kind assistance on this are very much appreciated。 我们对您的协助表示感谢。 Really appreciate your help! 非常感谢您的帮助! 9. Apology 道歉 I sincerely apologize for this misunderstanding! 对造成的误解我真诚道歉! I apologize for the late asking but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP。 很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信息。邮件范文 1. Dear Mr./Ms,Mr. John Green, our General Manager, will be in Paris from June 2 to 7 and would like to come and see you, say, on June 3 at 2.00 p.m. about the opening of a sample room there.Please let us know if the time is convenient for you. If not, what time you would suggest.Yours faithfully,尊敬的先生/小姐我们的总经理约翰格林将于六月2日到7 日在巴黎,有关在那开样品房的事宜,他会于六月 3日下午2: 00点拜访您。请告知这个时间对您是否方便。如不方便,请建议具体时间。您诚挚的Back to TopDear Mr. / Ms,Thank you for your letter informing us of Mr. Greens visit during June 2-7. Unfortunately, Mr. Edwards, our manager, is now in Cairo and will not be back until the second half of June. He would, however, be pleased to see Mr. Green any time after his return.We look forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,尊敬的先生/小姐谢谢来函告知我方六月2-7日格林先生的来访。不巧,我们的总经理艾得华先生现正在巴黎,到六月中旬才能回来。但他回来后愿意在任何时间会见格林先生。希望收到您的来信。您诚挚的Back to Top2. Dear Mr/Ms,I represent the W/P Electronics Company in Dallas, and will be in Kunming from next Monday to Friday, (October 5-9). I should like to call on you to discuss our new monitor. Would 0930 hours on Tuesday, October 6 be convenient?I shall be in Beijing, at the Great Wall Hotel, from Tuesday, September 29, until Sunday, October 4, where a message will reach me. If the day is not convenient, will you please suggest another.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐我是达拉斯 W/P 电子公司的代表,将于下周一到周五( 10月5-9日)住留昆明。我乐于请您商讨我们新的显示器。星期二即10月6日上午09:30是否方便?从周二,即9月29 日,我将住在北京的长城宾馆,直到周六,即10 月4 日,在那会有通知给我。如商讨日期不方便,请另外建议。Back to TopDear Mr/Ms,Thank you for your letter of September 26.We shall be very pleased to see you and discuss your new monitor, but October 6 is not suitable. We will be happy to meet with you at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 7, if the time is convenient for you.We look forward to meeting you. Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐我们将很高兴与您会面并与您商谈新的显示器,但10月6日不太合适。如方便的话,我们愿在10 月7日与您会面。期待与您见面。您诚挚的Back to Top3. Dear Mr. / Ms,I am at present in Hamburg visiting the harbour with a view to making known our new type of container for use in Europe.I shall be in Antwerp on Wednesday, 4th June, and should like to call on you at 2.00 p.m. on that day.If I do not hear from you to the contrary, I shall assume that it will be convenient for me to call at that time.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐我现正在汉堡参观港口,以让欧洲了解并使用我们的新型集装箱。星期三即六月4日,我将到安特卫普,我会于当天下午2 :00 打电话给你。对此约定如不来信,我将认为于这个时间打电话是方便的。您诚挚的Back to Top4. Dear Mr. / Ms,Mr. Jack Baron, our personnel director, has asked me to acknowledge your application for the post of accountant and to ask you to come to see him on Friday afternoon, 5th July, at half past two.I will appreciate your letting me know whether you will be able to come.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐 杰克巴伦先生,我们的人事主任,让我向你申请会计职位表示感谢,并请你于7月5 日星期五的下午两点半来见他。是否能来,请告知,多谢。您诚挚的Back to TopDear Mr./ Ms,Thank you for your letter of yesterday inviting me to come for an interview on Friday afternoon, 5th July, at 2:30. I shall be happy to be there as requested and will bring my diploma and other papers with me.Yours faithfully尊敬的先生/小姐谢谢昨日来信通知我面试,我将于要求的7月5 日,周五下午两点半到达,并带去我的证书及其它书面材料。你诚挚的 英文商务函电措辞讲究 良好的第一影响试着用“salutation”制造一个好印象。作为一封信的开始,你还要确定收信人的名字和称呼是正确的。例如 Dear Ms. Jones。使用 Dear Sir or Madam 如果你不知道他们的姓名的话。表明你的目的你应该在信的第一段阐明写信的原由,例如:As per our phone conversation, I am writing to provide the information you requested.写信的原因写商务信件的原因有很多种,例如 inquiry 询问信息, request 求某人做某事, apology 道歉, complaint 投诉一个问题。这就决定了信件的形式和语气。申请信如果您在写一封请求信,你就可以写 Could you possibly. 或是 I would be grateful if you could.转达坏消息如果你是写一些坏消息或是道歉,那你就应该写的礼貌而得体,并说明问题的原因。例如:Unfortunately we are not hiring any new staff at the moment. 或是 I am afraid that we will be unable to meet your order on time due to the problems with our supplier。信件收尾在最后一段中,你可以把一些 closing remarks 写进去,就像 Please contact us if you have any further questions。如果你的信中还包括了文件等等,你可以在信尾处写上 Please find enclosed. 或是 I am enclosing.提到今后的联系时间信尾处你还应该提到今后联系的时间,例如:I look forward to seeing you next Thursday.结束信件如何写 close 信件的结尾,要看你和收信人的关系如何。 Yours faithfully 比 Yours sincerely 更正式,而best regards 用于好朋友或是熟悉的人之间。签名在结束语后签上你的 signature(手签的名字),然后在下面加上你的名字和你的职位。检查错误你该在你发信前仔细的 proofread 你写的信,看看有没有语法、拼写、或发音的错误。最后检查一下你的信是否清晰、简短、正确、谦恭,有说服力以及完整。外贸英语函电学习方法 根据 外贸 函电课程的性质及学习目的与要求, 外贸 函电是一门实践操作性很强的课程。也就是说,要达到正确拟写 外贸 业务信函的目的,仅有理论是远远不够的,必须学习大量外贸实务中有一定代表信的信函,深入体会何为七个“CS”Completness 完整 Conciseness 简练 Consideration 得体 Concreteness 具体 Clarty 清楚 Courtesy 谦恭 Correctness 正确等等写作的基础理论知识,更重要的是通过学习信例,熟悉大量 外贸业务 中各个环节中常用语,包括 词汇 、短语、句型以及习惯表达方式等等,再通过一定量的练习,对常用语进行操练运用,从而达到掌握并熟练使用的目的。因此,总结起来,学习方法有三步:1.学习信例。俗语说, “熟读唐诗三百首,不会吟诗也会偷” 。这说明了一个从量变到质变的过程。学习 外贸函电 的道理也一样。 外贸函电 是一门讲述专门用途语言课程,它有别于一般性的语言。尽管当今 外贸函电 的语言趋于简单化,口语化,但毕竟专业性很强,有一定的格式。从许许多多具有代表性的信例中,我们可以总结出: 外贸业务 书信的开头句子通常是:(1)介绍性的,告诉对方什么诱惑你写封信,你写这封信的目的是什么。例如:We have been looking for a reliable manufacturer to supply us with cotton ladiess dress on a regular basis. recently from the advertisement in China Daily we have learned that you are a firm who is engaged in import and export business and believe that you can meet our requirements(2)或者是谈及对方某日期的来信来电等。例如:In response to your letter of February 24 enquiring forour cotton ladies dress, we have the pleasure of enclosing our Quotation Sheet No.TEX1346 foryour consideration.结尾句子或段落往往是用来表达写信人的期望,因而结尾句子要具体,说明你的请求等。例如:we are looking forward to your favoufable reply. Your prompt attention to our order will be much appreciated.此外,就同一业务环节选择具有代表性的信函进行系统性的学习,正确理解其内容,体会它们的语言风格和写作技巧,对同一意思而不同意思而不同表达方式所收到的效果进行比较,我们学习外贸函电就能从量变到质变了。2. 归纳常用语。一个天才的语言学家,他的成功奥秘,也许就是他善于日积月累起来的常用 词汇 、短语、句型等进行归纳分门别类,当然更善于应用。我们试比较下面的各组句子:1) A. Wed like to buy your Crocodile Brand Mens shirts.B. We are interested in your Crocodile brand Mens shirts.2) A. We want you to send us your lowest quotation for the subject goods.B. We should be grateful if your could make us your lowest quotation for the subject goods.3) A. Therefore, you have to ask your bankers to make amendments to the said L/C.B. You are, therefore, kindly requested to instruct your bankers to make amendments to the said L/C accordingly.4) A. We now tlee you the goods are ready for shipment.B. We are pleased to inform you that the goods are now ready for shipment.外贸信函的协作最重要的是用词准确,表达的意思清楚,但语调也要自然,友好,有礼。3. 练习掌握。 外贸函电是一门模仿性、实践性、操作性都很强的课程,不通过练习实践,很难加深认识,巩固所学知识。只有进行大量的有针对性的反复操练,尤其是 外贸业务 各个环节设计特定情景进行反复操作,进行大量填空、填词、选择题、句子 翻译 和中译英信件的 翻译 等各种类型的练习,我们才能熟练掌握运用外贸业务这些常用的句型、 词汇 和短语以达到能够正确 翻译 并能拟写同类信函的目的。商务邀请函商务邀请函范文是指做商务的企业需要使用邀请函范文,商务邀请函有简单的也有复杂的,需根据 外贸 企业的需要来使用商务邀请函范文。尽管如此,对于实际操作中的 外贸 企业而言,当与国外客户进行商务贸易往来时,掌握商务邀请函范文是件很有必要的事情。一般而言,商务邀请函很简单的,只需要出具一份有公司抬头的邀请函,上面注明邀请对方来的原因,对方个人信息, 护照 号码及有效期,邀请对方在华时间,费用承担等。在发给对方时,最好附一张公司营业执照复印件,一份对方在华日程表。不需要的,但是肯定要有你们公司和他之间的关系证明了。商务邀请函概述邀请函又叫请柬,也称请帖,是单位、团体或个人邀请有关人员出席隆重的会议、典礼,参加某些重大活动时发出的礼仪性书信。它不仅表示礼貌庄重,也有凭证作用。商务邀请函的基本内容1、邀请人的具体资料(全名、 护照 的号码、任职的公司及职务 )。2、商务邀请的目的(参加交流会议、洽谈业务、签定合同等 )。3、行程安排(比如什么时候的会议、何处召开、多长时间等 )。4、旅行费用有谁支付。5、保证访问者遵守当地法律,按时离开目的国。6、邀请人的具体资料(任职的公司、职务、公司地址、联系电话、手机、 E-MAIL)。7 、邀请人的签字、公司盖章。商务邀请函和访问安排商务访问和谈判是商务活动的一项重要内容,为使访问能够顺利、成功,在成行之前都需通过信函作细致的旅行和访问安排。主要的信函包括:1. 提出访问建议2. 邀请访问3. 组织访问团组,提供名单及有关资料4. 正式邀请函5. 访问日程安排6. 答谢信商务邀请函格式商务邀请函标题是全要素标题,即包括发文单位、事由及文种。其中事由应是对正文主要内容的标准而精炼的概括。正文函的正文是文件的主要部分。强调就事论事,应直陈其事。第一部分是叙述事项,第二部分说明希望和要求。去函的正文先写商洽、请求、询问或告知的事项,然后提出希望、请求或要求。如果事项复杂些,或要求多些可以单列一段来写,甚至分条列项来写,而且无论是哪一种内容,也不论是对哪一级,要求的口气都是谦和的。如何写好外贸函电 外贸 函电又叫商业书信,包括 外贸 书信、传真和电子邮件等形式。 外贸 函电的使用贯穿对外贸易交往的各个环节,是互通商业信息,联系商业事务及促进贸易关系的重要桥梁。一封得体、规范的 外贸函电 ,既能与外商建立和保持良好的业务关系,又避免了因纠纷而产生的不愉快。我们在写作 外贸函电 时并不要求使用华丽优美的词句。只需要用简单朴实的语言,准确的表达自己的意思,让对方可以清楚的了解您想说什么就可以。围绕这一点,小编总结了几方面的内容,希望能对写作外贸信函有借鉴作用。1、口语化每一封信函的往来,都是跟收信人彼此之间的一次交流。人都是感性的,所以需要在您的信函里体现感性的一面。其实我们简单的来理解一下,每次信函的往来只需要将交谈的内容写在纸上而已。多用一些简单明了的语句,用我/我们做主语,这样就能让我们的信函读起来热情,友好,就象两个朋友之间的谈话那样简单,自然,人性化。2、语气语调由于这封 外贸函电 是有其目的性的,所以在信函里所采用的语气语调也应该符合您的目的。在写之前先不妨仔细考虑一下,写这封信函是想达到一个什么样的目的,您希望对收信人产生一种怎样的影响呢? 是歉意的,劝说性的,还是坚决的,要求性的。这完全可以通过信函中的语气语调来表现。3、礼貌这里所说的礼貌,并不是简单用一些礼貌用语比如 your kind inquiry, your esteemed order 等就可以的。而是要体现一种为他人考虑,多体谅对方心情和处境的态度。如果本着这样的态度去跟别人交流,那么就算这次拒绝了对方的要求,也不会因此失去这个朋友,不会影响今后合作的机会。4、简洁就象前面提到的,要用简洁朴实的语言来写信函,使信函读起来简单,清楚,容易理解。用常见的单词,避免生僻或者拼写复杂的单词。一个单词可以表达,就不要用词组。多用短句,因为短句更容易理解。在同一封信函里,避免使用多个相同含义的单词。5、回复迅速及时给买家的回复,千万要迅速及时。因为买家通常只看最先收到的几封回复,从中去选择合适的供应商。如果卖家回复不够及时,就可能因为抢不到先机而失去商机。6、标题这一点是特别针对写电子邮件的。也许很多人都没有意识到,事实上,E-mail 的标题是很重要的一个部分,您的邮件给对方的第一个印象就是通过标题来完成的。如果标题没有内容,看起来象群发的垃圾邮件的话,很多买家就会直接删除。7、精确当涉及到数据或者具体的信息时,比如时间,地点,价格,货号等等,尽可能做到精确。这样会使交流的内容更加清楚,更有助于加快事务的进程。8、针对性请在邮件中写上对方公司的名称,或者在信头直接称呼收件人的名字。这样会让对方知道这封邮件是专门给他的,而不是那种群发的通函,从而表示对此的重视。如果无法确定收信人的名字,那就在称呼一栏里写“Dear Sirs”or“Dear Sir or Madam”。外贸函电翻译技巧外贸 函电 翻译 技巧对于 外贸 信函,译者 翻译 的时候,应注意选取适合的词,使用 翻译 具有“信、雅、达”的美感。针对 外贸 英语 信函所带有的书面语体的语言结构特点,译者在翻译时,应该选择相应的书面语。要做到这些,就要掌握一些翻译技巧。函电文体的特点之一是大量使用固定句型。这在 外贸函电 翻译时特别要注意,要保持它的习惯表达法,不能随意意译。此外,在中文 外贸函电 中,使用的是介于文言文与口语之间的半文言文体与之相对应。如Since rely yours 汉译为“谨上”即可。而针对有些地区保留大量古语的特点,译者在翻译时,还应该把开头的“先生”之类词婉译为“敬启者” 。在传统外贸 英语 辞令中,大量套语,更应该恰当增减。如:We are pleased to;We have pleasure in;We acknowledge with thanks这些套语,产生了诸如 We are looking forward with interest to your reply.等句式,这里若直译为“我们带着极大的兴趣盼望您的答复。 ”显然,这种翻译拖沓而且生硬,只要稍微套用一下格式,采取婉译方式,译为“盼复” ,则简洁明了。类似的Youre your prompt reply would be greatly appreciated。(直译为“贵方的快速回复将使我们不胜感激”;婉译为“即复为谢”)外贸函电 翻译水平的提高,在于翻译工作者了解函电句型特点,积累专业词汇,掌握翻译技巧。怎样回复苛刻客户The prices are very high for us. For us to have the option to sell your products here in (country), we need an additional 30% discount.-Dear xxx,I am glad to hear from you, and much concerned about your requirement in the letter.Regarding our last quotation, you consider the price to be high for you. I do think it is the common issue we face currently. As you know, the price of raw material goes up beyond our predict. We are proceeding to improve craft to lower the cost effectively.The market goes big for these products day by day. Most clients have urged us to complete their orders in spite of high price. They all agree that these products are of most potential high profits in the near future.Provided we offer 30% discount to you, could you like to double your volume? If not, I would like to kick off 10% price to start an initial friendly cooperation between us.Your further comment is highly appreciated.Yours truly,William运输函电写作范例 13 June 200#Mr. Li MingyangExport ManagerUnitech M & T Co. Ltd963 Tianmu Road, 14th FloorShanghai 200070ChinaDear Mr. Li:Our order No.3979: 50 Electric DrillsAs it is now more than two months since we opened a letter of credit in your favor, We should like to know exactly when you could arrange shipment of the goods. Your prompt response will be highly appreciated.SincerelyMarco FillmoreManaging Director催款函范本介绍 我们已收到你们7月17 日的来信,非常感谢。 我们分别在7月2日和7 月9 日收到275 美元和525美元两笔付款。这样还剩下欠款余额 320美元。我们想提醒你们,在你们6月22 日的来信中,你们答应在6 月底前付清欠款。 随函附上到7月31 日为止的结算表。我们将非常感谢你们迅速结清此账。 A Letter to Urge Prompt Settlement Dear Sirs, We have received your letter of the 17th July with thanks. We received payments of $275 on the 2nd July, and $525 on the 9th July respectively. This leaves a debit balance of $320. We would like to remind you that in your letter of the 22nd June you promised to repay before the end of June. We enclose a statement for the period ending on the 31st July. We would appreciate a prompt settlement of this account. Yours sincerely, 要求支付逾期款 我们已收到你们3月2日的来信,谢谢。 遵照你们的要求,我们随函附上一份新的发票,即有关我们于1994年8 月25 日提供的服务,此前我们曾开出第829 号发票,或许你们没收到。 由于该款逾期已久,我们将万分感谢你们立即处理付款事宜。 A Letter to Demand the Payment of Overdue Account Dear Sirs, We have received your letter of March 2 with thanks. As requested, we are enclosing a fresh invoice for our services offered on August 25, 1994, previously billed under our invoice No.829, which you could not find. Since the account is long overdue, we would very much appreciate your prompt processing of payment on your side. Yours faithfully, 答复客户延期付款要求 谢谢你们3 500美元的支票。现在你们账上的欠款尚有3000美元。 我们理解你们遭遇未曾预料的财政困难,我们也及时注意到你们延期付款的请求。考虑到我们之间长期的业务关系,我们向你们提供如下支付计划:在此后的三个月内,每月15日支付1000美元。 如果你们另有设想,请用电话与我们联系,以便我们讨论。否则,我们将在12月15 日期待着你们下一张1000 美元的支票。 A Reply to a Customers Request for an Extension of Payment Dear Sirs, Thank you for your check for US3 500. The balance remaining on your account is now US$3 000. We understand that you have come across some unexpected financial difficulties and note with due attention your request for an extension. Considering our long-term business relations, we offer you the following payment plan: US$1 000 by the 15th of the month for the next three months. If you have another plan in mind, please contact us by phone so that we may discuss it. Otherwise, we will expect your next check for US$1000 on December 15. Sincerely yours外贸函电通知外商已经寄样 Thank you for your inquiry of October 1. We are now sending you our catalog together with some samples of the materials you require.We think the colors and quality of the materials we use, and the designs and workmanship of our products will be totally satisfactory to you. 字串3Our representative in your area is Mr. Floyd Schrock, whom we have instructed to send you samples of made products as soon as pos


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