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中考一轮复习 B 开头词汇(一)(讲义)以字母 B 开头的单词baby / beb/n. 婴儿back / bk/adv. 回(原处);向后 :Now Im an adult, thinking back to those times. call backtalk backn. 背后,后背;背on your back behind /bhand/prep.(表示位置)在后面background /bkgrand/n. You can see beautiful snow mountains in the background of the photo.Show the background of the story.bad /bd/adj.坏的;有害的,不利的;严重的be bad for 近义词: bad/badly- - Are you feeling better now?No, even .ball / bl/n. 球打棒球: balloon /blun/n. 气球bamboo /bmbu/n. 竹banana /bnn/n. 香蕉bank /bk/n.(河、海、湖的)岸,堤;银行the bank of the riverbanker /bk/n. 银行家basic /besk/adj. basic informationbathroom /brum/n. 浴室; 盥洗室take a bathWC: water closetbe /bi/v. & aux v.是;变成其人称和时态形式有 beach /bit/n. bench bear /be/n. 熊a bear marketv. (bore borne) cant bearHe cant bear people (smoke) while hes eating. She might never be able to bear children.birth /b/n. 出生;诞生She gave birth to a fine healthy girl.birthday /bde/n. 生日beautiful /bjutfl/adj. 美的; 美丽的; 美观的 adv. 美好地;美丽地 n. 美丽beat /bit/v. ( , ) 敲打;跳动;打赢 His heart beats fast.The rain began to beat heavily against the windows. beat , , vs win , , Our basketball team will theirs and the match.because /bkz/conj. 因为Tom didnt go to school because he was ill.because + &because of+ 四个“因为”: I went to see him, for I had something to tell him. As were both tired, lets just grab a takeaway.Since you cant answer the question, you can ask someone else for help.become /bkm/v. ( , ) 成为;变得Relations between my parents have become difficult.become 较常用turn(颜色) go (坏)come(好)bed / bed/n. 床 去睡觉bedroom /bedrum/n. 寝室; 卧室bee /bi/n. 蜜峰as busy as a beebeef /bif/n. 牛肉beef noodlesbeef soupbefore /bf/prep. 在以前;在前面before (ask) for helpadv. 以前I have been there before.conj. 在之前Make sure to turn off all the lights before you leave. 很久以前begin /bgn/v. 开始;着手( , ) begin = to start with 首先beginning /bgn/n. 开端;起点;起源We make resolutions at the beginning of the year.behave /bhev/v. 表现Im sorry about last nightI behaved like a child. n. 行为,举止U = behaviourbelieve /bliv/v. 相信;认为变词性: 变词意: 我相信这是不对的。 Believe it or not! Seeing is believing. bell /bel/n. 铃;钟belong /bl/v. 属于The hair band might be Lindas.The hair band might belong to .below /bl/prep. 在下面Because of the bad weather, we couldnt see anything below.beside /bsad/prep. 在旁边;靠近Wendy came up and sat beside me. (= )besides /bsadz/prep. 除之外(还有)We all knew about the news besides Jim. We all knew about the news except Jim.adv. 还有,此外If you have a good team, you should support each other. Besides, winning or losing is only half the game.between /btwin/prep. 在(两者)之间between A and Bbetween the classesbeyond /bjnd/prep. 在的那边;超过 毫无疑问big /bg/adj. 大的bike = bicyclen. 自行车bill /bl/n. 帐单;法案;议案;(美)钞票,纸币 付账bird /bd/n. 鸟A little bird told me.biscuit /bskt/n. 饼干bit /bt/n. 一点,一些,少量的bitlittleI think its a little bit silly. a bit + a bit of + a little+ a little of + not a bitShe is not a bit tired.not a littleShe is not a little tired.bit by bit 一点一点地little by littlebitter /bt/adj. 有苦味的;痛苦的,难过的;严酷的Good medicine always tastes bitter.black /blk/adj. & n. 黑色的;黑色a black dayblue /blu/n. 蓝色adj. 蓝色的;悲伤的,沮丧的feel blueblog /bl/n. 博客microblog blow /bl/WeChat v. ( , )吹气;吹;刮风If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true.n. (用拳或武器的)击;打击He went to the hospital after a blow to the face.blind /bland/adj. 瞎的go blind the blindIm as blind as a bat without my glasses.board /bd/n. 木板;布告牌;委员会;(政府的)部on board 在船(车或飞机)上v. boarding school寄宿学校与 B 字母相关的谚语Kill two birds with one stone. Birds of a feather flock together.A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. An early bird catches the worm.Bad news has wings. Beauty lies in lovers eyes.Bad times makes a good man.Bee that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails.精讲精练一、单项选择()1. The relation between the two countries gets .A war seems to break out soon.I hope they will make peace with each other.A. worse and worseB. better and betterC. more and more peacefulD. good and good()2. Im surprised to hear from her. , we last met ten years ago.A. On one handB. That is to sayC. Believe it or notD. In other words()3. Choose words that “th” and repeat them over and over again until you are comfortable with them. Lets try! This, that.A. end up withB. beginC. begin withD. end ()4. Are these books yours, Mike?No, they arent. They belong to .A. himB. hisC. hersD. she()5. Jiefangbei is not far from Chaotianmen. You can easily visit in a day.A. eachB. noneC. bothD. neither二、根据提示填空1. Li Lei b all the runners in the 100-metre race, so he w the game finally.2. The truth of the news is b doubt.3. You should consider it carefully before (write) a composition.4. 玛丽除了法语还会日语;她除了周日,每天都会去学校。Mary knows Japanese French, and she goes to school every day Sunday.5. 为了避免撞到卡车,他撞到了墙上,胳膊伤得很厉害。To hitting the truck, he ran into the wall and his arm was hurt.【参考答案】以字母 B 开头的单词动词+back;仰卧;背景;对不利;be harmful to;worse;worse;worse; play baseball;基本的; 海 滩 ; 长板凳;忍受,生产;smoking;beautifully;beauty; beat,beaten;sb.,team,group;prize,match,game;beat,win; 句子,名/代/动名词;because,since,as,forbecame;becomego to bed;go to sleep asking;long beforebegan,begun;to do sth./doing sth.;to begin with behavior;belief,believable;disbelieve,disbelief,unbelievable;I dont believe that it is right.;信不信由你!;眼见为实。Linda; next to; pay the bill;adj.,n.,一点也不;adj.,n.,非常; 微博,微信blew,blown; 寄宿与 B 字母相关的谚语1. 一箭双雕。2. 物以类聚,人以群分。3. 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。4. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。5. 坏事传千里。6. 情人眼里出西施。7. 艰难困苦出能人。8. 口蜜腹剑。精讲精练一、单项选择15:ACCAC二、根据提示完成句子1. beat;won 2. beyond 3. writing4. besides,except 5. avoid,badly


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