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Module 9 People and placesUnit 2 Theyre waiting for buses or trains.1. I can ride a bike and my brother can d a car. I want to be a (drive) when I grow up. 到北京要三个小时的 车程。Its a three-hour to Beijing. 2. Its time to l . Goodbye. 他们打算明天前往伦敦。They plan to London tomorrow. 他们离开南京前往上海。(翻译句子) Tom, where is your homework? Sorry, Mr Green, I my homework at home. A. leaf B. left C. forgot D. dropped 3. My favourite _(地方) is London Zoo. Please_ (放置) all the books on the shelf. 4. These (事情) are too difficult for me. I have something important to tell you. (翻译句子)_ 5. 大多数人都喜欢大熊猫。 _like the panda. 6. Its time for school, Jane. Why are you in bed? A. ever B. never C. still D. yet Sit down and keep still. (翻译句子)_7. 你经常在哪里下车?Where do you often _the bus? Im going to _ the train at 12 oclock. Please meet me at the train station at 12:10.A. get onB. get offC. get intoD. get out of8. 让我们去喝下午茶吧。(翻译句子)_9. 他们想去酒吧喝一杯。They want to go to the bar and_.10. 你现在正在做什么?What are you doing_? Im doing my homework now. (改为同义句)Im doing my homework_. 在世界的不同地方,人们都喜欢美食。People like good food_.11. 很高兴见到你。Im glad _you. 我的父亲经常周末看望朋友。My father often _at weekends.12. 谢谢你告诉我这件事。Thank you _me this. 我必须写信感谢玛丽送给我这份礼物。I must write to Mary and_her_ the present.详解详析Unit 2Theyre waiting for buses or trains.考点直击单词精讲1. drive driverdrive2. leaveleave forThey leave Nanjing for Shanghai.B3. placeplace4. things我有重要的事情要告诉你。5Most people6. C坐下来,保持不动。短语赏析7. get offB8. Lets have afternoon tea.9. have a drink句型解读10. at this/the momentat this/the momentin different places of the world 11to seesees friends12for tellingthank; for


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