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2019版中考英语一轮复习9上Unit一、复习单词表A拼读易错单词truthguesswoundenemysupposesingleprobablycouplesafetyguardB重要单词用法1.enemyenemieswealthwealthywealthierwealthiestuntidyuntidieruntidiestshutshutshut-shuttingstealstolestolenlielaylainlying躺,位于lieliedliedlying说谎laylaidlaidlaying放,搁2.missingadj.缺少的,丢失的missv.思念,错过Oh,my god! My food _ _ _.(不见了)()I cant say _ I miss my old friends.A.how muchB. how longC. how manyD. how farItsa pity that I missed _ (read) the detective story with him.3.reportn.报告,报道(可数)v.报告,举报report sth./sb.to sb.report+宾语从句()_ exciting weather report!A.WhatB. What anC. HowD. How anThevictim wanted to _ the crime which his boss had committed_ the police.(向举报)A witness _ that he was breathing heavily and had blood on his shirt._(据报道)that the police are looking for cluestosomething important at the scene of the crime.4.supposevt.猜想,假定,料想suppose+(that)从句We _ that the victim knew his murderer.(我们猜想受害者认识凶手)We _that the victim knew his murderer.(我们猜想受害者不认识凶手)suppose+n./pron.+I supposed him (to be) in the reading room.be supposed to do sth. =should do sth.应该做某事Students_ (suppose) to hand in their homework on time.suppose用于口语I suppose so.我认为是这样。I dont supposeso.我认为不是这样。二、重要词组、句型用法1.Why are you dressed like that?你为何穿成这样?dresssb. like/in sth.sb. be dressed like/in sth.dressup as Monkey King/a monkey()She _ herself and her children in their best clothes.A.woreB.putonC. inD. dressed2.Who do you think is not telling the truth?你认为谁在说谎?疑问词+ do you think +陈述句语序()-Howlong do you think _ asleep?-_.A. he has been, Two and a half hourB. he has been, Two and a half hoursC.has he been, Two and a half hourD. has he been, Two and a half hoursWhodo you think _ (get) the nice present so far?trueuntrue-trulytruthI am _ sorry for my mistake.To tell you the _,sometimes I dont agree with my parents.3.The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result.受害者被一把刀所伤并最终流血致死。wound sb. with sth. (被动)sb. be wounded with sth.() I hear that the victim was wounded _ a gun _ a short man.A.by, withB. with, byC. to, inD. with, inbleed bled bled bleeding - bloodDont worry. Myfinger has stopped _ (bleed).4.We are now checking the scene for more clues which will help solve the case.我们正在检查现场获取更多有助于破案的线索。check sth.forsth.检查获取I will have to _ these _ fingerprints.Japanesewriters have written some great stories which require readers to _ every tiny detail _ possible cluestothe criminal cases.日本作家已经写了一些优秀的故事,它们需要读者核查每一个可能成为刑事案件线索的细微之处。clues to.的线索Adetective is someone who looks for clues _ something important.5.He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year.break-broke-brokenbreakinto强行闯入(有被动)breakout(战争、打斗)爆发(无被动)breakdown损毁,出毛病(无被动)()Someone _ the store and took everything of value.A.broke outB. broke intoC. broke downD. broke off6.However, the suspectcould prove that he was somewhereelse at the time of the crime and insisted that he was not guilty.然而那个人能证明案发时他不在现场并且他坚持认为他无罪。somewhere, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere是不定副词,前面不加介词be killed somewhere else在其它某地遇难gosomewhere else warm去其它某个暖和的地方insist on(doing)sth.insist + that从句Tom insisted on _ (stay) at home all day long.7.The victims parents have offered arewardof50,000 yuanforany information that leads to the arrest of the murderer.受害者的父母已悬赏五万元获取导致凶手被捕的信息。lead to导致,通向Hiscareless driving _ _ the traffic accident last time.Allroads _ _ Rome.lead to引导通向Therehe _ his team _ the national championship.8.It turned out that he had nothing to do with this case.结果是他与此案无关。turn out原来是,结果是(无被动)turnout (to be)turn out +that从句He_ _ a good teacher.原来他是一位好老师。= He _ _ _ _ a good teacher.=It_ _ that he was a good teacher.have nothing to do with 与无关havesomething to do with与有关There_ (be) probably more than one person who _ _ _ _(与有关)the murder.9.He was in a hurry to catch a bus!他忙着去赶公共汽车!ina hurry (n.)急忙,匆忙be in a hurry to do sth.匆忙要做某事hurry (v.)to do sth.Hehad to leave _ _ _.他不得不赶快离开了。()Hewas in _ hurry that he left without breakfast.A.suchB. soC. such aD.so a10.Can you think of any safety tips toprotectyourselvesagainstcrime?你们能想出一些保护你们自己抵制犯罪的安全建议吗?savesafesafelysafetyTom was brave enough to carry the little boy to _.It is dangerous here. Lets go to a much _ place.Luckily, the plane landed at the airport _ finally.11.We need to guard against any possible danger around us.我们需要提防我们周围任何可能的危险。guard sb./sth.守卫,保卫The gate _ (guard) by soldiers, and you cant go without a pass.guard against sth.防范,提防(某事)Ifyou have an enemy, he or she might hate you or speak and act _ you.Someonewho is guilty has done something _the law.YaoMing scored 41 points in a game _ the Atlanta Hawks.12.Bruce gets along with all his neighbours except the man who lives next door.除了住在隔壁的那个人Bruce与所有邻居都相处得很好。get along/on with 与和睦相处() -_ do youget along with your classmates?-_.A.How,very goodB.How, very wellC.What, very goodD.What, very well三、语法复习限制性定语从句和关系代词在复合句中,定语从句用来修饰一个名词或代词。其中被修饰的名词或代词称为先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词引出。关系代词who指人,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。关系代词which指物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。关系代词that指人或指物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语。注意:在含有定语从句的复合句中,如果关系代词作从句的主语,则从句中谓语动词的人称和数与先行词保持一致;如果关系代词作从句的宾语,则可将其省去。用关系代词who, which, that填空:1.Here is the drawing of the person _ might be the murderer of the young man.2.A knife _ was covered in blood was found in a rubbish bin near Corn Street.3.What about the man _ was seen running down the street?4.The boss did something _ isnt allowed by the law.四、语篇复习A缺词填空The detectives reportA young mans b_ was found in West Town.The v_ was a computerengineerwho worked in East Town. When he l_his office, he said he was going to visit his parents. The murder t_place between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. last night. The victim wasw_ with a knife and bled to d_ as a result. We are c_ the scene for clues which will help us find the murderer.Awitness sawa man running down Corn Street with b_ on his shirt. But the man could p_ that he was somewhere else at the time of the crime and i_ that he was not guilty.(bodyvictimlefttookwoundeddeathcheckingbloodproveinsisted)B书面表达假设你叫张兵。昨天晚上你看完电影,在回家途中目击了一起抢劫案,今天早上你到警察局就自己所见所闻向警方提供书面线索,要求词数100左右。主要包含下表所列内容:案发时间昨天晚上七、八点钟之间案发地点在电影院附近的一条街道拐角作案人情况两个男子,40多岁,一个戴着墨镜,中等身材,一个小眼睛的矮个子受害人情况一位年轻的女士,戴着一条钻石项链和一块金手表案发经过你正在街道上走着,突然听到身后有人呼救。你看到两个男子正抢劫一名女子。当你赶到时,两个劫匪已骑着自行车逃跑。女子的金表被抢走了,但幸运的是,女子没有受伤。Dear SirMadam,Im writing to report a robbery to you._Yours sincerely,Zhang Bing范文:Dear SirMadam,Im writing to report a robbery to you.Sometime between 7p.m. and 8p.m. last night, I was on the way back home from the cinema when I suddenly heard someone crying for help from behind. I turned around and found two men who were in their forties robbing a young woman at the street corner near the cinema. One man was of medium height and wore dark glasses, the other was a short man with small eyes. The woman wore a diamond necklace and a gold watch. I ran towards them but when I arrived, the two robbers had ridden away. They robbed the woman of her gold watch but luckily the woman wasnt hurt.I hope the information will help you catch the robbers.Yours sincerely,Zhang Bing五、四会词组及句型1.make notes onthe four suspects对四个嫌犯作笔录2.an office worker of medium height一个中等身材的公司员工a man of great wealth一位富翁a man of great charm一个有魅力的人3.make (sb.) some enemies树敌4.at the scene/time of the crime在案发现场/时间5.charge sb. with (doing) sth.指控某人犯有罪行sb. be charged with (doing) sth.charge him with murder(n.)指控他犯有谋杀罪chargehim with murdering(v.)the 25-year-old man指控他谋杀那个25岁的男士6.breathe heavily喘粗气arrive out of breath上气不接下气地到达7.crime novels犯罪小说solvethe crime/case破案criminal cases犯罪案件have a criminal record for theft有偷窃的犯罪记录have no criminal record没有犯罪记录8.contact/call the police on 拨打联系警察9.be in prison for 6 months坐牢6个月10.be under arrest for murder因谋杀而被捕11.on the morning of 28 October在10月28日早晨=in the morning on 28 October12.some safety tips against crime预防犯罪的安全提示some safety tips to protect oneself against crime保护自己抵制犯罪的安全提示13.However, according to the record, he was guilty of computer crimes in the past.然而根据记录,他曾电脑犯罪过。be guilty of 犯有罪行14.The elderly couplewerevery sadto hearthat their only sonwas murdered.那对老夫妇听说他们的独生子被谋杀了非常伤心。15.Sherlock Holmes is a character who was created by Arthur Conan Doyle as a master of solving crimes.夏洛克福尔摩斯是阿瑟柯南道尔塑造的一个的擅长破案的人物。create sb. as 将某人塑造成16.Conan is a detective who appears in a cartoon series popular among teenagers all over the world.柯南是一个出现在深受全世界青少年喜爱的卡通连续剧中的侦探。17.Agatha Christie was a female writer who is considered the queen of crime novels.阿加莎克里斯蒂是一位被看做是犯罪小说之王的女作家。considersb. (as)sb. be considered (as)18.Has there been any progress in the West Town murder case?西镇谋杀案有进展了吗?TherebeThere have/has been19.We should remember to lock the door when we leave home.我们离开家时应记住要锁门。20.Wed better shut all the windows too.我们最好也关上所有的窗户。21.We shouldnt carry a lot of money withus.我们不应该随身带很多钱。22.The man never speaks to anyone, and no one knows what he does for a living.那个男子从没有和任何人说过话,并且没人知道他靠什么谋生。dosth. for a living为了谋生做某事make a living谋生23.A witness said that she had seen someone runfromthe jewellery shopintoBruces building right after the theft.一个证人说他在盗窃案后看见有人从珠宝店跑进了布鲁斯家的楼内。


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