七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Looking different句式精讲精练 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Looking different句式精讲精练 (新版)仁爱版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Looking different句式精讲精练 (新版)仁爱版.doc_第2页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Looking different句式精讲精练 (新版)仁爱版.doc_第3页
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Unit 2 Looking different句式精讲精练句式精讲 1. Do you have big eyes?本句中的have是行为动词,它的意思是“有,拥有”,是有实际意义的动词。当句子的谓语是实义动词时,在一般现在时中,它的一般疑问句是用助动词来构成,当句子的主语是第一人称,第二人称单复数,或者第三人称复数时,用助动词do放在句子的开头,并且要大写。它的肯定回答是:Yes, 主语+do.否定回答是:No, 主语+dont. 当句子的主语是第三人称单数时,把do换成does。例如: Do you like apples? 你们喜欢苹果吗? Yes, we do. 是的, 我们喜欢。 No, we dont. 不,我们不喜欢。 Does your mother like going shopping? 你妈妈喜欢买东西吗? Yes, she does. 是的,她喜欢。 No, she doesnt. 不,她不喜欢。2. What does he/she look like? What does/do sb/sth look like? 这个句式是用来询问某个人或物的外貌特征的。例如:What does the old man look like? 那个老人怎么样?He is short and thin. 他又矮又瘦。 【拓展】be like意为“像一样”,like是介词。例如:What is the old man like? 那个老人怎么样? He is kind. 他很和蔼。3. Who is that boy? who是疑问代词,意为“谁;什么人”。用它可以构成特殊疑问句。句式是“Who + is + she/ he / it/单数名词. +?”,意为“是谁?”。回答时用“He / She / It +is”。 【注意】缩写的情况:whos= who is shes = she is hes = he is its = it is 例如:Whos she? 她是谁?Shes my ant. 她是我姑姑/姨妈。Whos he? 他是谁?Hes my uncle. 他是我叔叔/舅舅。 当我们需要对复数意义的词提问时,要用“Who are ?”来提问,意为“他们/她们/它们是谁?”;回答用“They are +”。 例如:Who are they? 她们是谁? They are my cousins. 她们是我的堂姐妹。 【注意】我们询问不确定身份的人时,要用代词“it”。 例如:Whos it in the picture? 照片里的人是谁? Its my sister. 是我的姐姐。4. What color is it?这是对颜色进行提问的特殊疑问句,句中color意为“颜色”,答语为“Its+颜色”。例如:What color is the pen? 这支钢笔是什么颜色?Its black. 它是黑色的。类似的句式有:What color do you like? 你喜欢什么样的颜色? 【拓展】color还可以作动词,它的意思是“给某物上色、着色”。例如:Please color your picture. 请把你的画着色。5. I want to buy a T-shirt, a cap and a pair of shoes.want to do sth. 意为“想要做某事”。例如:I want to join the swimming club. 我想加入游泳俱乐部。 want的其他常见用法有:(1)want sth. 想要某物例如:She wants a pen. 她想要一支钢笔。(2)want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事例如:He wants me to play with him. 他想让我和他一起玩。(3)want 还有“招聘,诚聘”的意思。例如:Musician wanted for School Music Festival. 学校音乐节招聘音乐人才。6. Whose jacket is this? whose是疑问代词,意为“谁的”,用来提问形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词及名词所有格,在句中作表语、定语。其主格是who“谁”,宾格是whom“谁”。其用法如下:(1)提问形容词性物主代词结构式为: Whose + 名词 + 一般疑问句?例如: That is your room. 那是你的房间。(对划线部分提问)。 Whose room is that? 那是谁的房间?(2)提问名词性物主代词结构式为: Whose + 一般疑问句? 例如: This room is mine. 这个房间是我的。(对划线部分提问) Whose is this room? 这个房间是谁的?(3)提问名词所有格的结构式为: Whose + 名词 + 一般疑问句?(作定语) Whose + 一般疑问句?(作表语) 例如: The computer is Linglings. 这台电脑是玲玲的。 Whose is the computer? (作表语) 这台电脑是谁的? This is Linglings computer. 这是玲玲的电脑。 Whose computer is this? (作定语) 这是谁的电脑?句式精练I. 补全对话。(从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余)。A. Who is she?B. What class are you in?C. Where is she from?D. No, she doesnt.E. Is your friend a girl?F. Where is he from?G. Yes, she does.A: Hi, Han Mei. 1 B: Im in Class Three, Grade Seven.A: Oh, I have a good friend in your class.B: 2 A: Yes, she is. She has a round face.B: Does she have long black hair?A: 3 She has short black hair.B: Does she have big eyes?A: 4 B: 5 A: She comes from Shanghai.B: Is she Zhang Hong?A: Yes, you are right.II. 句型转换,每空一词。1. I want to take the books to the room. (改为否定句) I _ _ to take the books to the room.2. Lucys brother wants to be an actor. (改为一般疑问句) _ Lucys brother _ to be an actor? 3. That is Lisas book. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is that?4. My pants are black.(对划线部分提问)_ _ are your pants?5. Mike has blond hair and blue eyes. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Mike look like?6. Li Ming and Li Lei look the same. (同义句转换)Li Ming _ _ Li Lei.7. Please give her the pen. (同义句转换)Please give the pen _ _.8. Those apples are red. (同义句转换)Those are _ _.9. He has short hair.(改为一般疑问句)_ he _ short hair?10. Do you have a sister?(作否定回答)_, I _.III. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1.你的第一位老师长什么样? _ does your first teacher _ _? 2. 穿黑色衣服的那个人是谁?_ _ that man in black?3. 那是谁的外套? 是我的。 _ coat is that? Its _.4. 我想要买一支钢笔。 I _ _ _ a pen.5. 她有一张大嘴巴吗? _ she _ _ mouth?.连词成句。(请将下列词语组成完整的句子, 注意字母大小写。)1. like, what, Jim, does, look_2. tall, she, is,_3. old, his, thirteen, sister, years, is_4. does, he, have, hair, brown_5. color, is, what, coat, your_V根据图片和所给的提示词,完成下面的对话。1.Cindy, whats this? _. (photo)2.Bob, is the man (男人) your father? _. (uncle)3.Jack, _? (those) No, they are Mikes.4.Alice, _? (his) Yes, it is. 5._? (who) She is my cousin.参考答案I. 补全对话。 . 1. B 2. E 3. D 4. G 5. CII. 句型转换, 每空一词。1. dont, want 2. Does, want 3. Whose book 4. What color 5. What does 6. looks like 7. to her 8. red apples 9. Does; have 10. No; dontIII. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。1. What, look like 2. Who is 3. Whose; mine 4. want to buy 5. Does, have a wide.连词成句。1. What does Jim look like? 2. She is tall.或Is she tall? 3. His sister is thirteen years old.或Is his sister thirteen years old? 4. Does he have brown hair? 5. What color is your coat?V. 根据图片和所给的提示词,完成下面的对话。 1.Its a photo of my family / Its my family photo / Its a (family) photo. 2.No, he isnt. Hes my uncle. 3.are those your keys? / are those keys yours? 4.is this his watch? /is this watch his? 5.Whos this girl? / Whos she?


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