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完成句子1.我哥哥是个又高又强壮的男孩。 My brother is a boy.2.Kate经常读许多有趣的书。 Kate often interesting books.3.我的许多学生喜欢运动。 like sports.4.我希望你的梦想能够成真。I _ your dream 5.我们在七年级七班。 We are 7 , _ 7.6.李华足球踢得好。 Li Hua _ football 7.请合上书,看黑板。_your books and _the blackboard.8. 天空没有风筝。_ any kites _.9. 这只玩具猴不会跳和跑, 所以它从不感到累。The toy monkey cannot _, so it never_.10. 我经常九点半上床,好好睡一觉。I often _ at 9:30 and _.11- 她看起来怎么样?-她看起来很苗条。 She ? - She looks very .12.让我们一起见见我的新朋友吧! Lets together!13.每天早上别忘了相互打招呼 Dont forget to every day.14.你知道如何照顾你的电子狗吗? Do you know ?15.在冬天做雪人是极大的乐趣。It is making a snowman .16.踢足球让我们感觉很棒。Playing football .17.我们经常谈论网球,看电视上的网球比赛。We often tennis, and on TV.18.Amy总是从学校步行回家,但今天她骑自行车回家。 Amy always from school, but today she goes home 19.你希望成为一个像你父亲一样的警察吗?Do you a policeman like your father?20.我应该努力学习,实现梦想。I should study hard and make my dream .21.如果你需要我,我总是愿意帮助。Im _if you need me. 22.他看起来很强壮,足球踢得很好。He and he plays football .23.他们的教室是大还是小? their classroom big or ?24.他们很快乐吗? they very ?25.我的同学们对我很好。 My me.26.看,她在那边。 Look, she is 27.-现在几点了?-八点半。 -_ is it now? -Its _.28.我很幸运住在城市花园小区内。Im very lucky in City Garden. 29.这个周末你将为我修自行车吗?Are you going to this weekend? 30.你要到哪儿去? Where_ ? 31. Sandy 又高又苗条,她擅长游泳。 Sandy _ tall and _ and shes good at_.32. 你不是我的主人,你是我的电子狗。You _ my _. You are my _. 33. 你知道怎么样照顾老人吗?Do you know an old man?34. 我总是和我的狗在一起玩的很高兴。 I always my dog there. 35.我喜欢坐在那儿看外面的海滩和大海。 I love_ and the beach and the sea. 36.她让儿子努力学习。She_ hard at his study. 37.你需要一些帮助吗?Do you_? 38.我的自行车坏了。.My bike_. 39.玛丽让我帮助她今晚做工作。Mary asked me her lessons this evening. 40.我打算和我的父母下周六看场电影。I with my parents 41.医生和护士将会使你的感觉更好。Doctors and nurses_ 42.在周末我们经常一起买东西。On weekends we often _together 43.他们正在开会。They are 44.他妈妈叫他晚上不要出去闲逛。His mother _hang out at night. 45.不要像那样看我。Dont look at me_ 46.你的电脑怎么啦?请一位电脑工程师为你检查一下吧! Whats _your computer?Ask a computer engineer to . 47.一位社工能帮助我们解决各种问题。 Some social workers can_ us_ problems. 48.恐怕他们不会欢迎想你这样的客人。 _they wont visitors like you. 49.它们中的绝大多数有14层。 _have 14 floors. 50.你们街区周围有什么?What_ _your neighbourhood? 参考答案:1. tall and strong2.reads a lot of3.many of my students4.hope ,comes true5. in Class Grade6.plays, very well7. Please close, look at 8. There arent, in the sky 9. jump or run, feels tired10. go to bed, have a good sleep11.What is ,like,slim12.meet my new friends13.greet each other 14.how to look after your e-dog 15.great fun ,in winter16.makes us feel great17.talk about ,watch tennis matches18.walk home,by bike19.hope to be20.come true21.always willing to help you22.looks strong,very well23.Is,small24.Are ,happy25.classmates are friendly to26.over there27. What time, half past eight/eight thirty28.to live29.fix the bike for me30.are ,going31. is thin swimming 32. arent master e-dog 33. how to look after 34.play happily with35.to sit there ,look out at36.lets her son work37.need some hope38.is broken39.to help her do40.am going to see a film,next Saturday.41.will make you feel better42.do some shopping43.having a meeting44.tells him not to45.like that46.wrong with,check it47.help, solve all kinds of48.Im afraid welcomes49.Most of them50.do you have around


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