七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit2语法篇 _1.熟练指示代词:this, that, these, those的用法2.熟练掌握人称代词I, she, he, they的用法3.熟练掌握连系动词be及其缩略形式的用法一、指示代词:this, that, these, those1. 指示代词是表示“这个,那个,这些,那些”的代词。其中this和these指离说话人较近的人或事物;that和 those指离说话人较远的人或事物。2. 指示代词this, that作主语时,连系动词be用单数形式is,同时后面的名词用单数形式。当these,those作主语时,连系动词be用复数形式are,同时后面的名词用复数形式。(1) 在回答主语是this或that的一般疑问句或特殊疑问句时,在答语中用it代替句中的this或that。当回答主语是these或those的问句时,在答语中用they代替句中的these或those。(2) 在介绍某人时,用this或that,而不用he或she。(3) 打电话时,说自己是谁用This is,问别人是谁用Whos that?3. 如何将单数形式的句子变为复数形式的句子我们在进行句型转换时,常会遇到“将单数形式的句子变为复数形式的句子”这类题。如何将单数形式的句子转换为复数形式的句子呢?(1) 指示代词的变化:this变为these,that变为those。This is a pencil. These are pencils.(2) 人称代词的变化:第一人称I变为we,you不发生变化,he/she/it变为they。Im a teacher. We are teachers.(3) be动词的变化:am或is变为are。Is she your sister? Are they your sisters?(4) 可数名词单数形式变为复数形式。二、人称代词I, she, he, they人称代词是表示“我(们)”“你(们)”“他(们)”“她(们)”“它(们)”的词。人称代词不仅指人,也可以指物,有人称、数和格的变化。I, she, he, they在句中作主语,是主格形式。1. 人称代词“I”在任何情况下都要大写,且与am搭配使用。2. 在口语中,如果人称代词孤立地用于不带谓语动词的句子中作主语,习惯上用宾格;如果用主格,就要带谓语动词。 I like playing baseball. 我喜欢打棒球。 Me, too. 我也是。3. 单数人称代词并列作主语时,汉语中通常把“我”排在前面,而英语中的顺序通常是:第二人称第三人称 第一人称,即:you and he; he and I; you and I; he and I。但在承担责任时,要把“我”排在前面。 Are you and she friends? 你跟她是朋友吗?4. 单独使用时,he, she与is搭配使用;you与are搭配使用;I与am搭配使用;而任何两个人称代词并列作主语时,均表达复数意义,与are连用。 He and I are cousins. 我跟他是表兄弟。三、连系动词be及其缩略形式1. 连系动词be用在一般现在时中,用于说明人或事物的状态,身份以及年龄等。2. 连系动词be随人称或主语的单复数形式的变化而变化。第一人称单数(I)后用am,第一人称复数(we)后用are;第二人称单复数(you)后都用are;第三人称单数(he, she, it)后用is,第三人 称复数(they)后用are。3. be的现在式am, is, are在口语中常和前面的代词或名词构成缩写。通常情况下,am缩写为m,is缩写为s,are缩写为re。如: Im=I am thats=that is whore=who are4. 含有连系动词be的一般现在时的一般疑问句式,是把连系动词be提至句首。其否定句式是在be后直接加not,其变化形式归纳如下:人称代词主格肯定否定疑问II amI am notAm I?he/she/itHe/She/It isHe/She/It isntIs he/she/it?they/we/youThey/We/You areThey/We/You arentAre they/we/you? 缩写形式:is not=isnt are not=arent注意: (1) am not一般不缩写。 (2)在一般疑问句的肯定回答中,连系动词be一般不与主语缩写。 Are you a student? Yes, I am.5. 含有连系动词be的几种常见句式: (1) be + adj. I am tall. (2) be + n. He is a boy. (3) be + prep.短语 The book is on the desk. (4) be + adv. School is over.单项选择1.(xx山东曲阜师大附中期中) are his brothers .A. It B. ThisC. These D. That2.(xx重庆万州二中期中)Here five photos. A. isB. amC. areD. be3.(xx甘肃兰州中考)Bob, can you see the boys over there ? are my cousins . Lets go and say hello to them.A . ThisB. ThoseC. ThatD. These4.(xx四川南充中考)Look at the girl in the red skirt . is my new classmate.A. SheB. ItC. HeD. This5.These are my and this is my . A. parent ; brotherB. parent ; brothersC. parents ; brothersD. parents ;brother解析及答案:1. 由系动词are可知,主语是复数形式,只有these是复数,故选C。2. 考查倒装句的主谓一致,根据主语five photos 可知,主语是复数形式,故选C。3. 根据上文“the boys over there”可知,指示代词要指代距离说话者较远的多个人,故选B。4. 由关键词girl可知,此处用表示女性的人称代词she,故选A。5. be动词are后接可数名词的复数形式,parent 的复数是parents,be动词is后接可数名词的单数形式,故第二空填brother,故选D。基础演练一、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)1. (that) are my grandparents.2. (be) Cindy your aunt, Tony?3. (his) is my brother. His name is Bob.4. - Are these your (picture)? - Yes. They are very beautiful.5. This is my aunt. (she) last name is Green.答案:1. Those2. Is3. He4. pictures5. Her二、排序题(连词成句)1. that, your, uncle, is ?2. your, who, is, friend, good ?3. is, she, cousin, my .4. happy, I, a, have, family .5. photo, the, is, in, first, Paul .答案:1. Is that your uncle2. Who is your good friend3. She is my cousin4. I have a happy family5. Paul is in the first photo巩固提高三、按要求完成下列单词1. shes(完全形式)_ 2. his(主格) _3. son(对应词)_ 4. she(形容词性物主代词)_5. this(复数)_ 6. those(单数) _7. that is(缩写形式)_ 8.am(复数) _ 9. father(对应词)_ 10. photo(复数)_11.that (反义词) _答案:1. she is2. he3. daughter4. her5. these6. that 7. thats 8. are9. mother10. photos11. this 四、按要求转换句型1. These girls are my cousins. (对划线部分提问) these girls?2. Those are my sisters. (改为否定句)Those my sisters.3. This is my brother. (改为一般疑问句) your brother?4. Bob is her brother. (改为一般疑问句) her brother?5. This is my cousin. (变为复数句) my .答案:1. Who are2. are not3. Is this4. Is Bob5. These are; cousins一、单项选择1. This is friend. last name is Brown. A. my; HeB. I; HeC. my; HisD. I; His2. girls over there (在那边) are my friends Jane and Linda. A. ThisB. ThatC. ThoseD. These3. Here two yellow jackets. A. amB. isC. areD. be4. - Are those your parents?- No. are my uncle and aunt. A. HeB. SheC. YouD. They5. Look! Here photos of Lee Minho (李敏镐). A. isB. areC. amD. be6. Look at this photo. are her . A. This; parentB. This; parents C. These; parentD. These; parents7. - Is Bob your brother?- Yes, . A. he isB. she isC. it isD. you are8. My father in the photo. A. is; oneB. are; oneC. are; firstD. is; first9. is my daughter. name is Linda. A. She; HerB. He; HisC. She; HisD. He; Her10. - Boys and girls, is our new(新的) English teacher, Ms. Green.- Nice to meet you, Ms. Green. A. itB. theseC. thoseD. this答案:1-5 CCCDB6-10 DADAD二、完形填空 I 1 a girl. My name is 2 . I am 13. I have(有) a big(大的) 3 . My grandparents are Bob and Cindy. 4 are 70. My parents 5 Jack and Alice. My father is 40 and my 6 is 38. I have an aunt. 7 name is Grace. She is 34. I also(也) have 8 uncle. His name is Tom. 9 is 26. My cousin is Mike. He is my aunts(姑姑的) 10 . I have a dog. Its name is Wangwang. I like it (喜欢它).1.A. amB. isC. areD. be2.A. FrankB. EricC. JackD. Mary3.A. friendB. familyC. jacketD. map4.A. HeB. SheC. TheyD. It5.A. amB. isC. areD. be6.A. fatherB. motherC. parentD. parents7.A. HerB. SheC. HisD. He8.A. theB. aC. theseD. an9.A. SheB. HeC. HerD. His10.A. daughterB. sonC. brotherD. sister答案:1-5 ADBCC6-10 BADBB _ _一、阅读理解A(云南腾冲市第八中学xx年期中) Look at the photo. The two girls have big blue eyes and long brown hair. They are ten. They are in the same class. The one in a yellow skirt is Lily. The other one in an orange skirt is Lucy. Bob is their (他们的) brother (哥哥). He is in a blue cap. He is a high school student. Their dad is Mr. White. He is in a brown coat. Their mom is Mrs. White. She is in black shoes. Look!Lucy and Lily are in the green car. 1. What color are the girls (女孩子们的) eyes? A. Blond B. Blue C. Brown D. Black2. Mrs. White is _ mom. A. Lilys B. Lucys C. Bobs D. A , B , & C3. Mr. White and Mrs. White have _. A. one son (儿子) and two daughters (女儿) B. one daughter and two sons C. one daughter and one son D. two daughters and two sons4. Mr. White is _. A. in black shoes B. in a blue cap C. in a brown coat D. in the green car5. _ is in the green car. A. Bob B. Lilys dad C. Lucys mom D. LucyBDear Anna, Thank you for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo. This is my grandfather. These are my parents. My fathers name is Mike Smith. He is an English teacher. My mother is Linda Smith. She is not a teacher. This boy is my brother. His name is Mark. He is 12. He is in Class Two, Grade Five. And this is me. Im 14. Im in Class One, Grade Seven.Susan6. There are people in the photo. A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 77. Susans last name is . A. MillerB. SmithC. WhiteD. Brown8. Who is Mark? A. He is Susans father.B. He is Lindas brother. C. He is Susans brother.D. He is Mikes father.9. Mark is . A. 12B. 13C. 14D. 1510. What class is Susan in? A. Class Two, Grade Five.B. Class One, Grade Seven. C. Class One, Grade Five.D. Class Two, Grade Seven.C Look! Its a photo of a big family from the U.S.A. This is Father Peter and this is Mother Shannon. They are in the middle. They have nine children: eight boys and one girl. They live on a big farm(农场). They like the farm very much. Shannon says, We live with farm animals, such as chickens, pigs and horses. We live with dirt(泥土). Dirt is our friend. We dont always wash hands. We are very healthy.11. The family is from . A. the U.S.A.B. the UKC. ChinaD. Japan12. There are people in the family. A. eightB. nineC. tenD. eleven13. The boys have sister(s). A. oneB. twoC. threeD. seven14. The family like the very much. A. cityB. farmC. photoD. car15. 下列哪项陈述是错误的? A. Peter has a big family. B. The family are healthy. C. There are some horses on the farm. D. The children always wash their hands.DName: Tom SmithAge(年龄): 12Class(班): 4Grade(年级): 1School: No. 6 Middle SchoolFamily membersNameAgeGrandmotherJane Smith60FatherJohn Smith40MotherMary Smith40BrotherMike Smith816. The first name of Tom Smith is . A. TomB. SmithC. Tom SmithD. Smith Tom17. Is Tom in Class Four, Grade One? A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isnt. C. Yes, he is.D. No, she is.18. Tom has a . A. sisterB. brotherC. cousinD. boy19. There are people(人) in his family. A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. two20. You think Mike is a . A. doctor(医生)B. student(学生)C. teacher(教师)D. girl二、阅读与表达(填空式) Jack: Welcome to my home, Henry! Grandpa, this is Henry. Henry, this is my grandpa. Hes 90 years old.Henry: Nice to meet you, Grandpa.Grandpa: Nice to meet you, too. Hen.?Henry: My name is Henry.Grandpa: Hello, Peter. Let me show you my family photo.Henry: .Grandpa: This is Jacks mother.Jack: No, this is my aunt, Susan.Grandpa: This is my son, Jacks father.Jack: No, this is my uncle.Grandpa: Jack, your cousin is here.Jack: No, this is my friend, Henry.根据对话内容完成下列句子。1. Henry is at home.2. Jacks grandpa is years old.3. Jacks grandpa shows to Henry.4. Susan is Jacks .5. Henry Jacks cousin.三、补全对话(选择) A: Good morning, Kate!B: 1. A: Is this your family photo, Kate?B: 2. Im here!A: Oh, youre cute(可爱的).B: Thanks.A: 3. B: They are my parents.A: 4. B: No, it isnt. She is my aunt.A: 5. It is a nice photo. A. Oh, I see.B.Good morning, Paul! C. Yes, it is.D.Is this your sister? E. Who are they?答案:一、阅读理解1-5 ADACD 6-10 BBCAB11-15 ADABD16-20 ACBCB二、阅读与表达(填空式)1. Jacks2. 903. his family photo4. Aunt5. isnt三、补全对话(选择)1-5 BCEDA


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