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2019版九年级英语全册Unit5Whataretheshirtsmadeof背诵卷新版人教新目标版(P33)1.这些衬衣是由什么制成_2.由制成(能看出原材料)_ (不能看出原材料) _3.看上去漂亮_4. 这枚戒指产自泰国_(P34)1. 环境保护_ 2.保护环境_3.飞机模型是由什么制成? _4.油画是由什么制成? _5.以而出名1) _2) _3) _6.作为而出名1) _2) _3) _7.在过去和现在_8.茶在中国的哪里被生产? _9.在许多不同的地区_10.广为人知/远近闻名_11.据我所知_12.茶被种植在山腰上_13.当茶叶长好,它们被手工采摘并被送去加工处理_被送去做某事_14.茶被打包并被送到中国周围许多不同的国家和地区_15. 似乎_ (eg:似乎他没有朋友_ ) 似乎做某事_ (eg:他似乎没有朋友_) 似乎_ (eg:那似乎不可能_) 16.茶对健康和商业都有有好处. _动词的过去式和过去分词:make_ _ know_ _ produce_ _ pick_ _ send_ _ pack_ _ drink _ _grow_ _ see_ _(P35)1.困难的搜寻_ 2.搜寻某人或某物_3.另一个国家_4.又两个学生_=_5.买一个日本的相机_6.无论你可能买什么_=_7.他发现如此多的当地商店的商品是中国制造的是有趣的_8.发现 怎样_9.发现干什么怎么样_10.给某人买某物_=_11.玩具并不是在中国制造的唯一东西. _12.买一双篮球鞋_13.他意识到美国人几乎不能避免买中国制造的产品_ 14.避免干某事_15.继续干某事_16.中国是如此擅长制作这些日常用品. _17.购物经历_18.做某事有经验_19.你认为怎么样(3种) _=_=_(P36)1.你的衬衣是棉的吗?是的。_2.它是用用过的木头和玻璃制成_3.用过的(adj.) _ 4.18岁以下的孩子没有父母的陪伴不被允许看这场表演_5.允许某人干某事_允许做某事_(不)被允许干某事_6.老板给我们付钱在每个月的最后一个周五. _为付钱_7.地球的大部分表面被水覆盖_被覆盖_在表面上_8.粗心驾驶造成许多交通事故. _=_粗心的(adj.) _细心的(adj.) _9. 用来干某事_ (被动语态)被用来干某事_=_10.让某人干某事_ (被动语态)某人被迫干某事_11.戴手套_ 12.看见某人做某事_被看见做某事_(P37)1.怎样放风筝_2. 怎样制作一个风筝_3.去某个有趣的地方度假_4.了解(更多)关于风筝节的知识_5.在风筝节上看到不同种类的风筝_6.放风筝可能是那么有趣_7.国际风筝节在每年的四月被举行_(P38)1.美,美丽(n.)_美丽的(adj.)_2. 自已的(adj.) _物主代词+ own +n.(这是我自己的电脑) _拥有(v.)(我拥有一台电脑)_3.变成_4.根据_5.首次被使用_6.他放出他们寻求帮助当处于困境时_把放出去_7.被点燃_8.升到空中_9.被看作幸福和美好祝愿的光明象征_的象征/重要性_10.剪纸已经存在1500多年_/存在_13.用剪刀剪_14.生动的人物形象_15.这些作品用手仔细地定型而成_16.在高温下_17.去完成每一样事情要花费几周的时间_ (2种花费时间的句型) _=_adj.几个_18.艺术作品_动词的过去式和过去分词:hold_ _ light_ _ cut_ _pay _ _take_ _fly_ _ buy_ _ allow _ _cover _ _ find_ _ speak_ _ turn_ _show_ _turn _ _use _ _shape_ _ cause_ _ put_ _九年级英语Unit 5参考答案(P33) 1.这些衬衣是由什么制成What are the shirts made of ? 2.由制成(能看出原材料)be made of (不能看出原材料)be made from 3.看上去漂亮look nice 4.这枚戒指产自泰国The ring was made in Thailand(P34)1. 环境保护 environmental protection2.保护环境protect the environment 3.飞机模型是由什么制成?What is the model plane made of ?4.油画是由什么制成?What is the painting made from?5.以而出名be famous for be known for be well-known for 6.作为而出名be famous as be known as be well-known as 7.在过去和现在both in the past and now 8.茶在中国的哪里被生产?Where is tea produced in China?9.在许多不同的地区in many different areas 10.广为人知/远近闻名be widely known/famous for 11.据我所知as far as I know 12.茶被种植在山腰上Tea plants are grown on the sides of mountains 13.当茶叶长好,它们被手工采摘并被送去加工处理 When the leaves are ready ,they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing 被送去干某事be sent to do sth /be sent for doing sth 14.茶被打包并被送到中国周围许多不同的国家和地区The tea is packed and sent to many different countries and places around China 15. 似乎It seems +that从句 (eg:It seems that he doesnt have any friends似乎他没有朋友 ) 似乎做某事seem to do sth (eg: He seems to have no friends他似乎没有朋友) 似乎seem +adj.(eg:It seems impossible那似乎不可能)16.茶对健康和商业都有好处.Tea is good for both health and business动词的过去式和过去分词:make-made-made knowknewknown produceproduced-produced pickpicked-picked sendsentsent packpacked-packed drinkdrankdrunk growgrewgrown seesawseen(P35)1.困难的搜寻the difficult search 2.搜寻某人或某物search for sb/sth 3.另一个国家another country 4.又两个学生another two students =two more students 5.买一个日本的相机buy a camera in Japan 6.无论你可能买什么no matter what you may buy =whatever you may buy 7.他发现如此多的当地商店的商品是中国制造的是有趣的He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in China.8.发现 怎样find it +adj.+that从句9.发现干怎么样find it +adj.+to do sth 10.给某人买某物buy sb sth =buy sth for sb 11.玩具并不是在中国制造的唯一东西.Toys are not the only things made in China 12.买一双篮球鞋buy a pair of basketball shoes 13.他意识到美国人几乎不能避免买中国制造的产品He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China 14.避免干某事avoid doing sth 15.继续干某事continue to do /doing sth 16.中国是如此擅长制作这些日常用品.China is so good at making these everyday things.日常的(adj.)everyday 每天 every day 17.购物经历shopping experiences 18.做某事有经验have experience doing sth 19.你认为怎么样(3种)How do you feel about sth? =What do you think of sth? =How do you like sth?(P36)1.你的衬衣是棉的吗?是的。Are your shirts made of cotton? Yes, they are 2.它是用用过的木头和玻璃制成Its made of used wood and glass 3.用过的(adj.)used 4.18岁以下的孩子没有父母的陪伴不被允许看这场表演Children under 18 are not allowed to watch this show without their parents 5.允许某人干某事allow sb to do sth 允许做某事allow doing sth (不)被允许干某事be (not) allowed to do 6.老板给我们付钱在每个月的最后一个周五.We are paid by the boss on the last Friday of each month 为付钱pay for 7.地球的大部分表面被水覆盖.Most of the earths surface is covered by water被覆盖be covered by /with 在表面上 on the surface 8.粗心驾驶造成许多交通事故.Careless driving causes many traffic accidents.=Many traffic accidents are caused by careless driving.粗心的(adj.)careless细心的(adj.)careful 9. 用来干某事use sth to do sth (被动语态)被用来干某事be used to do sth=be used for doing sth 10.让某人干某事make sb do sth (被动语态)某人被迫干某事sb be made to do sth 11.戴手套wear gloves 12.看见某人做某事see sb. do sth.(被动语态)被看见做某事 be seen to do sth.(P37)1.怎样放风筝how to fly a kite 2. 怎样制作一个风筝how to make a kite3.去某个有趣的地方度假go somewhere interesting for a vacation 4.了解(更多)关于风筝节的知识know (more) about the kite festival 5.在风筝节上看到不同种类的风筝see many different kinds of kites at the festival 6.放风筝可能是那么有趣Kite flying could be so exciting 7.国际风筝节在每年的四月被举行The international kite festival is held in April every year.(P38)1. (n.)美,美丽beauty(adj.)美丽的beautiful 2. (adj.) 自已的own物主代词+ own +n.(eg:Its my own computer)拥有(v.)I own a computer 3.变成turn into 4.根据according to 5.首次被使用be first used by 6. 当处于困境时他放出他们寻求帮助He sent them out to ask for help when in trouble/danger把放出去send out7.被点燃be lit/ lighted 8.升到空中rise into the air 9.被看作幸福和美好祝愿的光明象征be seen as bright symbols of happiness and good wishes的象征/重要性the symbol/importance of 10.剪纸已经存在1500多年Paper cutting has been around for over 1500 years/存在be around 13.用剪刀剪be cut with scissors 14.生动的人物形象lively characters 15.这些作品用手仔细地定型而成The pieces/works are carefully shaped by hand 16.在高温下at a very high heat 17.去完成每一样事情要花费几周的时间It takes several weeks to complete everything2种花费时间的句型 it takes (sb)some time to do sth /sb spends some time on sth /doing sth adj.几个several 18.艺术作品art pieces动词的过去式和过去分词:holdheld-held lightlit/lightedlit/lighted cutcut-cut paypaid-paid taketooktaken flyflewflown buybought-bought allowallowed-allowed covercoveredcovered findfound-found speakspoke-spoken turnturnedturned showshowedshowed useusedused shapeshapedshaped causecausedcausedputputput


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