2019版九年级英语上学期第二次月考试题 人教新目标版.doc

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2019版九年级英语上学期第二次月考试题 人教新目标版一、单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)( )1. You should stick_ your dream and never give up.A. at B. on C. from D. to( )2. How delicious these bananas are.Yeah. They _ here from Hainan yesterday.A. are broughtB. brought C. were brought D. have brought( )3. Ruths friends are _ all girls. Jack is the only boy.A. nearly B. completely C. specially D. truly( )4. Bill said nothing could stop him _ his dream.A. to achieve B. from avoiding C. to avoid D. from achieving( )5.Youre a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of young people _ you. A. look after B. look up to C. look up D. look for( )6._ students in the classroom _ twenty. The others are in the library.A. The number of; is B. A number of ; are C. The number of; are D. A number of; is( )7.Sorry, your car _in front of the hotel. A. can put B.be not put C. cant be put D. can be not put( )8. Something is wrong with my computer. I will get it _ .A. repair B. repairing C. to repair D. repaired( )9. Whats the matter? They said I should not be allowed _here . They dont allow _in the waiting room.A. smoking, to smoke B. to smoke, smokeC. to smoke, smoking D. smoking, smoking( )10. Please stop making so much _ , children. The baby is sleeping. A. soundB. voice C. noiseD. energy( )11. _ volleyball is this? I guess its Lindas. A. WhatB. WhoC. WhoseD. Which( )12. He was looking forward to_ with the new math teacher. A. workB. workedC. workingD. works( )13. The pink hair band _ Linda. She likes pink very much.Amust belong toB.should be C.should belong toD must be( )14. You are _to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time in China. A. supposingB. supposedC. to supposeD. to supposing( )15.Yesterday Li Ming _went to the village lost his way there.A. whenB. whichC. whoD. that二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题一分,满分10分) 阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整,句子通顺。 Once upon a time, there was a lazy poor living in a small house with spider webs(蜘蛛网) on the walls and mice running around. People 16_ coming into such a dirty place and the poor man was lonely and sad every day. He thought it was poverty(贫困) that17_ his unhappy life. One day, the poor man dropped by a wise old man and asked him for 18_ about changing his life. The old man gave him a beautiful vase(花瓶) and said, “This is a magic vase that will bring you 19_.” The poor man looked at the vase 20_ . Why would he need a vase in his poor house? However , he didnt want to 21_ such a beautiful vase, so he brought it home on the table. “It.s not right for something so beautiful to be 22_.” the poor man looked at the vase and thought. Then he picked some wild flowers and put them into it, making it even more beautiful. 23_ he was still not satisfied(满意的) . “It is not good for such a beautiful thing to stand next to a spider web.” At this, he started to do some cleaning in the house and paint the walls. His house turned into 24_ place immediately. The poor man 25_ . He suddenly realized that in the past it was his laziness that made him poor and unhappy. From then on, he worked hard and his life got better and better. ( )16. A .enjoyed B. avoided C. forgot D. considered ( )17. A. led to B. connected to C. made up D. set up ( )18. A. service B. knowledge C. advice D. care ( )19. A. peace B. happiness C. mess D. regret ( )20. A. sadly B. nervously C. proudly D. surprisedly ( )21. A .throw away B. give out C. pay for D. keep off ( )22. A. ugly B. Full C. empty D. dirty ( )23. A. Although B. But C. So D. Because ( )24. A .large B. dark C. strange D. comfortable ( )25. A. cheered up B. rang up C. sped up D. stayed up三、阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面三篇材料,根据材料内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项. A Do you think there is a ghost(鬼)in the world? More than 20 years ago, a student jumped from the top of the clock tower in the University of Birmingham. He did this only because he failed his final exam. After his death, a superstition(迷信)began: Anyone who walks under the clock tower will have bad luck in his exam. Years later, students there still remembered the story of the tower. Although Birmingham is the second largest city in Britain, the university is green and quiet. The grass around the tower has been worn away by the feet of students who refuse to pass underneath the tower. The university had to pave(铺)extra paths, so students could walk to their classrooms without passing under the most terrible area. But, one day just before an important exam, a top student in the university walked under the clock tower because he was lost in thought. However, he got high marks in the exam the next day. Quickly students all knew about it. Then they realized that the most important thing is working hard. Whenever I go under the clock tower, I will tell myself, “Working hard is the key to success. ”( )26. Why did the student jump from the top of the tower? A. Because he saw a ghost there. B. Because he was very careless. C. Because he didnt passhis final exam. D. Because there was no risk. ( )27. The University of Birmingham lies in _ . A. the largest country B. the middle of AmericaC. the largest city in Britain D. the second largest city in Britain( )28. The grass around the tower has been worn away by the students who _ . A. think the grass is really beautiful and like to walk on it B. think they will fail exams if they walk under the towerC. believe anyone who walks under the tower will die D. know there is a ghost in the tower and are afraid of it( )29. What did the university do with the problem? A. It paved other roads for the students. B. It ordered students to walk under the tower. C. It moved the clock tower away at last. D. It didnt do anything for the students. ( )30. Whats the writers opinion in the passage? A. He thinks its dangerous to risk walking under the clock tower. B. He doesnt believe the story is true. C. He thinks the story is interesting. D. Working hard is important to success. BIts getting hotter and hotter outside. Summer is already here! Summer means high temperature, more outdoor activities and all kinds of fruit and vegetables. How can we stay healthy in this exciting season? Here are some good ideas: Eat and drink properly What is healthy to eat in summer? Fresh and light food. Fish can be a good choice. It can keep your body energetic and help fight against the burning sun. Colorful fruit and vegetables is another good choice. They not only please your eyes, but are full of healthy chemicals (化学物质). Tomatoes can help protect your skin against sunburn. Blueberries are good for your brain and eyes. The more color, the better!With all those summertime activities you will be thirsty. What to drink? Water. Water has zero calories (卡路里) and is the perfect drink to stop your thirst. Try not to drink too many energy drinks, sports drinks and soda drinks which have lots of sugar and caffeine (咖啡因) in them. Stay active and cool Summer is a great season to enjoy outdoor activities and play. Its also a good time to lose weight. If you are lucky enough to be near a body of water, try water sports like swimming, surfing, water skiing and so on. These sports keep you cool and active at the same time. Youll have no problem beating the heat and keeping fit as well. Be careful of the sunshineSummer allows us more chances to get outside, but it also means more possibilities to get burnt by the sunshine. If you are going outside, keep away from the sun when its the strongestusually between 11am and 3pm. If you have to stay in the sun for a long time, sunscreen (防晒霜), a big hat and a long-sleeve jacket will be necessary. ( ) 31. What should we drink in hot summer?A. energy drinks B. water C. . sports drinks D soda drinks( ) 32. Why should we eat fish in summer?A. It is full of healthy chemicals.B. It can keep your body energetic.C. It can help fight against the burning sun.D. Both B and C.( ) 33. Which of the following sports are not mentioned to lose weight in the passage?A. swimming B. playing football C. surfing D. water skiing( ) 34. When is the sun strongest?A. between 9 am and 1 pm B. between 10 am and 2 pm C.between 11 am and 3 Pm D. between 12 am and 4 pm ( ) 35. The writer wrote the passage in order to _A. to tell us what to eat in summerB. to tell us how to lose weight in summer C. to tell us how to protect us from getting burntD.to tell us how to keep healthy in summer CMary Cassatt is considered one of American most famous female(女的) artistsShe was born in Pennsylvania in 1844When she was a child,Mary and her family spent five years travelling and living in EuropeMary saw the great art museums,and she wanted to become an artist When she was seventeen,she said that she wanted to go to Paris to study artAt that time people thought that only men could become paintersIt was not considered common work for a woman. Her father refused to let her study artFinally he said she could study it if she went to a school near their homeShe attended the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts At her graduation(毕业)in 1866,she again said that she had to go abroad to learn more about paintingHer father agreed to let her goAt 22 she sailed for ParisShe lived in France,but she went to other countries in EuropeShe spent a lot of time in museumsShe worked hard to improve her workShe studied the famous paintings of the old masters,and she copied and sketched(画素描)for hoursShe found,though,that she preferred the new ideas used by a group of artists living in ParisThey called themselves impressionists(印象派画家)Like them Mary Cassatt tried to show real people and the real worldBecause these ideas were new,it took some years before people recognized(承认)her as the great artist that she was36. Where was Mary Cassatt born? A. Britain B. France C. America D. Canada 37Mary Cassatt went to art school Dear home because_ A. she did not have enough money to go away B. she was frightened about leaving home C. her father would not let her leave home D. it was the best school38Mary Cassatt improved her work not by _ A. listening to a lot of music B. spending a lot of time in the museums C. studying the famous paintings of the old masters D. copying and sketching for hours39From this passage we can learn that in the 1800s_ A. all careers(职业) were open to women B. some careers were not open to women C. women wanted to stay at home and have children D. male(男的) artists welcomed female artists40We learn from the passage that Mary Cassatt became a great artist because she_ A. came from a rich family B. worked hard and never gave up C. had good teachers D. travelled in EuropeII卷四、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句中所缺单词。每个单词一分共10分41. My parents_(支持) my decision to give up going to college last year.42. Let me give you some _(建议) about Chinese customs.43. The headmaster_ (出席) the class meeting last week.44. I sensed a strong_(悲伤) and pain in Erquan Yingyue.45. There are four_(季节) in China, spring, summer, autumn and winter.46. My mother always worries about my s_ when I stay out late.47. Rizhao r_ thousands of visitors every year.48. The book is w_ reading. It is very interesting.49. We should v_ the time we spend together.50. People go to work every day e_ Saturday and Sunday.五、阅读填空(共10小题,计10分) 阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(每空不多于三个单词)。 In Switerland , 51_is very important to be on time. We are 52 _ capital of clocks and watches, after all! If someone invites you to meet him or her at noon, then you are 53_( expect) to be there at noon. If you are 15 minutes late, your friend 54 _ get mad. 55_ I make an effort 56_(is) on time when I meet my friends. I always leave the house early 57_(avoid) heavy traffic because I think its impolite to keep others 58_(wait). Also, we never visit a friends house without59_( call) first. We almost make plans to see friends. We 60_( usual) plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere together. 六、阅读表达. (共10小题,计10分)Its always a happy moment when you get some pocket money (零花钱). But have you ever thought about how to spend your pocket money wisely? Here is some advice. Make a list. When you get your pocket money, dont get too excited. We all have a lot of things that we want. But do you really need them? Thats why it is necessary to make a list before you spend money. Start with the thing you want most. You can also write down how much it costs or how important it is in your life. By doing this, you will see if it is really necessary to buy it. 63_ How about being more selfless (无私的) and using your pocket money to help others? We all know that there are many people in the world who are in need of our help. Helping others brings out the best in us and is one of the greatest joys in our lives. So consider using your pocket money to do something useful and helpful, and feel how you can make a difference. Save (储蓄) as much as you can. There is an old saying that “Money doesnt grow on trees.” If you spend all your pocket money right away, youll have no money until your next “pay day”. A wallet sometimes might not be the best place to save money because it may make it easier for you to spend your money. Get a piggy bank (储蓄罐) or ask your parents to start a savings account (账户) for you. Someday when you look back, youll get a strong feeling of achievement by saving so much money by yourself! 61. How many pieces of advice does the writer give us? 62. List two ways to save money.63. Fill in the blank with proper words. (no more than 3 words) 64. Try to put the underlined sentence into Chinese. 65. Give a proper title (题目) to the passage.七、 书面表达.(15)假如你是刘英,你的一位美国笔友Teresa 来信说她今年暑假要来中国度假,她向你询问 中国的礼仪。请你根据下面的问题给她回一封80词左右的信,告诉她相关情况。问题:1. What is she supposed to do when she meets her host family for the first time?2. How should she behave at the table?Dear Teresa,Thank you for your message. Yours, Liu Ying1-5 DCADB 6-10 ACDCC 11-15 CCABC 16-20 BACBD 21-25 ACBDA26-30 CDBAD 31-35 BDBCD 36-40 CCABB41. supported 42. advice/ suggestions 43. attended 44 sadness 45. seasons 46. safety 47. receives 48. worth 49. value 50. except 51 it 52 the 53 expected 54 may/ will 55 So 56 to be 57 to avoid 58 waiting 59 calling 60 usually61 three/ 3 62(1) Get a piggy bank (2)ask your parents to start a savings account for you. 63. help others/ help other people 64 如果你把所有的零花钱立即花完了,你直到下次有零用钱前都没有钱花。65.How do you spend your pocket money wisely?/ advice on how to spend your pocket money.


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