2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla自我复习与检测 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla自我复习与检测 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla自我复习与检测 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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2018-2019学年九年级英语全册 Unit 8 It must belong to Carla自我复习与检测 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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自我复习与检测(八)Unit 8It must belong to Carla.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. W_ volleyball is this?Its Janets.2Dont make any n_ because my mother is sleeping.3I feel s_ because I stayed up for a test last night.4Mr. Liu is doing an experiment in the l_5Have you heard the story of the race between the tortoise(乌龟) and the r_?.根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词1I can feel _ (能量) from the story.2I _ (收到) a letter from Lily yesterday.3There are lots of _ (宝贵的) things in the museum.4Mr. Smith gave much money to the _ (医学的) research.5If it doesnt rain this Sunday, we will go out for a _ (野餐).根据汉语意思完成句子1我觉得一定有人捡了我的钱包。I think someone _ _ _ _ my wallet.2他的包里有一些贵重物品。Theres _ _ in his bag.3我觉得他是中国最伟大的作家之一。I think he is _ _ _ _ _ in China.4我想去天气暖和的地方旅游。Id like to travel to a place _ the weather is warm.5这些房子是两年前建造的。These houses _ _ two years ago.完形填空One day, I took my two kids to the local playground. As soon as we got there, my daughter ran to the _1_ and asked for a push. When I was helping my daughter, I_2_ another girl trying to make her own swing go high by _3_. Her old grandmother was _4_ on the chair nearby and smiled at me. I gave my daughter one big _5_ and then walked towards the little girl. I asked _6_ she wanted me to give her a push. She smiled and said,“Yes.” For the next two _7_ I pushed the swings, and_8_ with my two children and the little girl. When we went home, I was very tired. But my heart was flying much _9_ than the swings.One day two years later, after a days work, I was a little tired. But I needed to _10_ my kids before going home. While I was _11_ outside the school gate, a little girl came over and smiled _12_ at me. She gave me a big hug before catching her school bus. As I watched her running away, I didnt feel_13_ anymore.In life, the love we give others will find its way back to us. It may travel from heart to_14_ or it may blossom(开花) in the heart which it was planted in. The _15_ we share, the kindness we give, and the happiness we create will always come back to us with a pleasant surprise.()1.A.swing Bchair Cbike Dcar ()2.A.admired Bheard Cdescribed Dnoticed()3.A.her BherselfCme Dothers()4.A.sleeping BsittingCjumping Dstanding()5.A.blow Bbow Cpush Dleg()6.A.how Bwhen Cif Dwhat()7.A.hours Bdays Cminutes Dweeks()8.A.danced Bplayed Ckicked Dran ()9.A.higher BslowerCshorter Dfarther ()10.A.turn up Blook up Cpick up Dgive up ()11.A.working BlearningCdriving Dwaiting()12.A.terribly BsadlyCangrily Dsweetly ()13.A.excited BtiredCinterested Dscared()14.A.head BfootCarm Dheart()15.A.difficulty BtroubleClove Dsuccess .阅读理解Thousands of years ago, in the south of ancient China, there lived Shennong, a man who had an ox (牛) head and human body. Seeing that local people were suffering from disease, he built ladders and houses on a high mountain to store hundreds of medical plants. To remember him, people named the place Shennongjia. The legend(传说) makes Shennongjia in Hubei an inviting place for tourists. Traveling there is a unique experience, as you can see sceneries of the four seasons from different altitudes. “When the bottom of the mountain is summer, the top is spring and while the foothill is autumn, the top is covered with ice,” local people say of the special climate of Shennongjia.Shennongjia is also home to 5,000 species of animals and plants. Many animals in danger live there, such as the golden monkey, the clouded leopard and the Asian black bear.One interesting and mysterious thing about Shennongjia is its legend of wild men. Some people once claimed that they saw big prints or bigfoot creatures. Yet so far, scientists havent proved it is true and some say they are just bears.The beautiful place has recently received a new title. On July 17, xx, Shennongjia Forestry District was added to United Nations World Heritage list as a natural site. China now has 50 world heritage sites(遗址), second only to Italy in the world.()1.Which of the following is right about Shennong?AShennong had an ox body. BShennong grew medical plants for people. CShennong helped the local people. DShennong named the place Shennongjia. ()2.In Shennongjia, _. Athere are many medical stores along the way Bpeople can experience four seasons up the mountain Cthere are 500 species of animals and plants Dscientists have proved there are wild men there()3.What does the underlined word “title” mean in Paragraph 5?A标题 B景点 C称号 D职务()4.Which of the following countries has the most world heritage sites?AItaly. BThe USA. CChina. DCanada.()5.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?AThe legend of Shennong BAnimals living in Shennongjia CThe amazing Shennongjia DWorld heritage sites.xx衢州语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入适当的单词或用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。每空不超过两个单词。Roses bedroom was upstairs. 1._ big tree grew outside her window. One day, Rose saw a bird making a little house in the tree. The bird carried bits of small plants into the house 2._ placed some grass in it in order to make it soft. Soon the little house 3._ (build). “It looks like a little brown cup sitting in the tree,” Rose thought. The bird laid three small eggs and day after day she sat on her eggs to keep them warm. One day, a strange sound came 4._ the little house. Three baby birds were inside. 5._ lovely they were! Rose was very happy 6._ (see)them. The new birds were very hungry and very noisy! The mother and father birds fed them every day. The 7._(baby)grew bigger and bigger. They moved around the house more. Soon they were moving their wings 8._ (quick). They were getting ready to fly.9_ she found the little house was empty and the birds were gone, Rose sat by the window feeling sad. She told her brother with tears that she 10._ (not) want them to go. Her brother smiled and told her that birds couldnt stay in the tree all the time, because they had to fly away to do bird things. 详解详析课内基础盘点.1.Whose2.noise3.sleepy4laboratory5.rabbit.1.energy2.received3.valuable4medical5.picnic.1.must have picked up2something valuable3one of the greatest writers4where5.were built课后能力提升.主旨大意 文章讲述的是“我”在陪女儿玩秋千的时候,遇到了一个女孩,那个女孩试图把秋千荡得高一些,于是“我”就主动过去帮她。两年后,“我”遇到了那个女孩,那个女孩亲切地给了“我”一个拥抱,“我”顿时觉得很温暖。1A2D“我”“注意到”另一个女孩也努力让自己的秋千荡得很高,故所缺的词是noticed。3B4.B5C“我”使劲“推”了女儿一下,然后走向那个小女孩,故所缺的词是push。 6C7.A8.B9.A10Cturn up意为“开大,调高”;look up意为“查阅”;pick up意为“捡起来,开车去接”;give up意为“放弃”。结合下文可推断,在回家之前“我”需要“开车去接”“我”的孩子,故答案为C。11D12.D13B由上文“a little tired”可知,“我”看着她离开,觉得不再那么“疲惫”了,故所缺的词是tired。14D 15.C.主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍的是世界闻名的中国自然文化遗址湖北神农架的相关情况。文中大致介绍了神农的传说,可以体验“由于海拔高度不同,一山有四季”的独特风景,神农架丰富多样的动植物资源,以及关于“神农架有神秘野人”的有趣传说等。1C2.B3C词义猜测题。根据第五段中的“Shennongjia Forestry District was added to United Nations World Heritage list as a natural site.”可知,神农架林业区被联合国世界自然文化遗产组织确定为重点保护区。故判断画线词所在句子表示“这个美丽的地方最近荣获了一个新的称号”。故猜测画线词表示“称号”。故选C。4A5.C.1.A2.and/and then3.was built4from/out of5.How6.to see7babies8.quickly9.When/As/After10didnt/did not

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