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2019年深港版小学六年级上册Unit1Ahealthybody练习题1:仿照例子写出下列形容词的比较级(1)talltaller Light_short_ fast_ weak_ (2) large -larger Nice_ late_ wide_ (3) heavyheavier Early_ happy_ lazy_ (4) bigbigger Thin_ fat_ wet_ hot_2:改写句子,使意思相同(1) Pat is lighter than Candy.Candy is _ _ Pat. (2) Tim is stronger than last year.Tim is stronger_ _. (3) John and Peter are slower than Tim.Tim is _ _ John and Peter. (4) Candy exercised a lot.Candy_ very _.(5 ) Too much sugar is bad for your body and your teeth!Too much sugar is _ _ for your body your body and your teeth!3:用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)Jack is _(tall) than his brother.(2) Betty looks _(young) than her friend. (3) I think the weather in spring is _(wet )than it is in winter. (4) Tom is _(heavy) than he was last year. (5 ) Grace is the _(old) of the two. (6 ) Who do you think is _(strong),Carl or Mark ?(7)It is_(warm) today than it was yesterday.4:根据所学课文,填入适当的单词。(首字母已给出)Yesterday, Ted and Haley had a r _.Lots of animals c_ to cheer。Haley is f_ than Ted but is also very l_。So,what h_.。 It was a hot day。The race s_ in the morning .Haley w_ faster。In the afternoon, Haley Was h_ and tired。Ted was slower so Haley had a r_ under a tree. Then,she f_ asleep. Ted was slower b_ he did not stop. Soon he was f_ .Ted was n_ the finish line. Then,Haley w_ up. She ran very fast but it was too late。She did not g_ to the finish line before Ted. C_,Ted!6,选出最佳选项完成句子。( )(1)Tim likes to do pullups。He is very_. A. weak B. tall C. strong( ) (2) Jack is _ than his brother. A. heavier B. heavy C. heaviest( ) (3 ) Candy is stronger this year .She can _ some heavy weights。 A. life B. leave C. lift( )(4 )Too _sugar is bad for your body and your teeth! A. many B. much C. little( )(5 )To be healthy ,you need to eat _ kinds of food. A. different B. all C. some( )(6 )The TV set is 50 _ long. A. m B. cm C. mm( )(7 )The boy was very tired. He fell _ quickly. A. sleep B. asleep C. sleeping( )(8 )Students like to play _ puter games A. a lot B. lots C. a lot of小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 3 页 共 3 页


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