2019年六年级上册Unit 5《Signs》word练习题.doc

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2019年六年级上册Unit 5《Signs》word练习题.doc_第1页
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2019年六年级上册Unit 5Signsword练习题一、语音( ) A. rubbishB. rubberC. museumD. summer( ) A. skirtB. shirtC. herD. teacher( ) A. dearB. nearC. wearD. year( ) A. lookedB. happenedC. climbedD. listened( )A. windyB.flyC. honeyD. cloudy二、英汉词组互译1. 步行上学 6. pick it up_ 2. 干净的街道 7. throw it on the floor_3. 肮脏的河流 _ 8. the monkeys around me_4. 种更多的树 _ 9. black smoke_5. 从搬走 _ 10. slip on the banana skin 三、首字母填空1. We should clean our desks and c_ every d_.2. The students had an o_ today. They climbed up the h_.3. To k_ the park beautiful, we can grow more f_.4. Lets p_ the r_ in the bin.5. Wheres the h_ m_?6. Dont t_ a b_ skin on the g_.Please p_ it up.四、翻译句子1.我们应该把工厂从城市里搬走。 We _ _ the factories _ from the _2.这个标记是什么意思?意思是我们不可以在这大声说话。 What_ this _ _? It _ we _ _ _ here.3.什么使街道变乱变脏?垃圾。What _ the streets _ and _? _.4.我们可以多种树和花,它们能帮助净化空气。We can _ _ _ and _ . They _ _ the _clean.5.下午天气晴朗,他们骑自行车去农场。It was _ in the afternoon. They _ to the _ by bike.6.昨天晚上我父母去电影院看了一场电影。 My parents _ to the _ and _ a film last night.小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 2 页 共 2 页


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