2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 3教案(二)仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 3教案(二)仁爱版 The main activities are 1 and 4a.本课重点活动是1和4a。.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.Main words and sentences:be full of,e from, casual clothes, in most parts of, in the Qing Dynasty Chinese fashion is different from not only western fashion, but also fashion from other Asian countries such as Japan and Korea.2.Improve listening, speaking and writing skills.3. Learn to get some information about Chinese fashion.Teaching aids 教具挂图/旗子/解说棒/唐装/标签.Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:10分钟)1.(复习Senction B中对话内容,采用师生对答方式。)(老师手指第一个模特。)T: Look, class. Here es a model. What is she wearing?S1:She is wearing a cheongsam.T: How do you think of her dress?S2:What a nice dress!T: How does the first model like?S3:She looks very beautiful.(老师手指第二个模特。)T:Look at the second one. What is she wearing?Boys:She is wearing a minority costume.T:Do you know what it is made of?Girls:Its made of silk.(老师手指第三个模特。)T:Look,what is the third model wearing?Ss:A traditional Russion costume.2.(呈现唐代美女杨玉环身着唐装像,老师引导学生展开讨论要抓住服装这个主题。)T:Boys and girls, guess, who is she?S1:Lin Daiyu.T:No. Its wrong.S2:Xi Shi.T:No.S3:Yang Guifei.T:OK. She is Yang Yuhuan. She is one of the Four Beauties in ancient China.T:What is she wearing?Group A:She is wearing a Tang costume.T:What do you think of the Tang costume?Group B:Its very beautiful.T:How does Yang Yuhuang like?Group C:She looks attractive.T:What the Tang costume is made of?Ss:Its made of silk.T:Do you want to know more about the Tang costume?Ss:Yes.(过渡到Section C 1。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现 (时间:5分钟)knotbanner1.(呈现新单词。) (图略)(借图学习)wearerpersonalManchu学生自学(结合wear理解) 老师引导(结合person学习)(由Zhuang minority引入)2.(老师出示重点句型结构形式,老师范读,学生划出重点句子。)T:Listen to me carefully,boys and girls. Underline the main sentences.becausenot only,but alsoasStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 (时间:5分钟)1.(老师出示重点词组,学生复习或学习。)full of,e from,all over the world,so-called,western-style2.(学生自读课文,对不理解的词语提出质疑,小组讨论或老师帮助解决并完成课本练习题。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习 (时间:15分钟)1.(学生解说唐装,先二人结合写解说词,后由小组选出最佳解说词,再推选一人解说。)T:Write a position about the Tang costume. Then choose a player in groups to e here and explain it orally.(老师出示一件唐装实物,让学生仔细观察,也可以学生用手触摸一下。)(学生解说只要能简单讲出唐装的特征、历史背景即可。)Example:The Tang costume stands for Chinese fashion culture. The Tang costume stands for the long history of China. Chinese fashion is not only different from that in the West, Chinese fashion is also different from Japan and Korea2.(完成Section C 2。)(出示Page 97下6幅图,学生试着说出这些衣服的名称。)(图略)(出示标签,让学生和相应的服装搭配。)T:Please label the different clothes.(板书。)Tang costume,Tibetan costume,cheongsam,business suit,wedding dress,sportswear3.(完成听力3。)T:Listen and fill in the blanks.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:15分钟)1.(学生运用对旗袍知识的掌握,写一篇简介旗袍的片断。)Example:The cheongsam is called “Qipao”. It came into history in the Qing Dynasty. It is different from 2.(学生解说旗袍。)Example:(一位学生指着老师准备好的旗袍实物。)This is a cheongsam. It is called“Qipao”in most parts of China3.(完成4a。)T:Here is some information about“cheongsam”,check() what you know.4.(完成4b,根据前面自己的解说词。)Read the information again and write a passage about“cheongsam”.5.Homework:Please give Jane a letter about the Tang costume and the cheongsam.(搜集美、日、苏格兰服装有关的资料。)Collect the information about clothes of America, Japan and Scotland.


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