2019-2020年八年级英语教案 牛津英语.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语教案 牛津英语Chaper 1 A letter from a pen-friend 一封笔友的来信 一 单词汇总 chapter n. 章节 below pep在下面 rugby n英式橄榄球运动 hockey n曲棍球 badminton n羽毛球运动 title n标题 signature n署名,签名 top-right adj右上角的 greeting n问候 foot n英尺 hobby n兴趣,业余爱好 chess n国际象棋 own v. 拥有 be keen on 喜爱 physics n物理学 ambition n雄心,野心 enclose v附上 dictionary n字典,词典 steak n牛排 punch n. 伴汁酒 all in 精疲力竭的 trainer n. (无钉的)软运动鞋 idle adj. 懒惰的 inaudible adj. 听不见的 shut v. 关上,关闭 full name 全名 inch n. 英寸 geography n. 地理 probably adv. 可能,大概,也许 meal n. 餐,饭食 university n.大学 leave school (毕业)离校 birth n. 出生 European n. 欧洲人 actress n. 女演员 recently adv. 近来 clearly adv. 清楚地 couple n. 夫妇 adopt v. 收养 omen n预兆 destined adj注定 embassy n大使馆 二 重点难点解析 1. Now my parents own a Chinese restaurant现在我的父母拥有一家中国餐馆。 1)own作动词时,意为“拥有,所有”。例:She owns a car but rarely drives it她有一辆车,但很少开。 2)own作形容词或代词时,意为“自己的”,其前必须要有名词所有格或形容词性物主代词。例: This is Jacks own room这是杰克自己的房间。 I saw it with my own eyes这是我亲眼所见。 3)owner名词“主人,物主”。例:The owner of the restaurant is an oversea Chinese.饭店的主人是位海外华人。 2. 1 have a brother called Edwin我有一个名叫埃德温的哥哥。 called Edwin为v-ed分词短语,作定语时通常后置。例: Ive bought a video camera made in Japan我买了一部日本产的摄像机。 called意为“称呼,名叫”,与它意思相同的还有:named, with the name of. 3. He works as an architect他担任建筑师的工作。 as在句中作介词,意为“以身份,作为”。例:He was famous as a singer作为一位歌手他很著名。 architect n建筑师 architecture n建筑学 4. 1 enclose随信附上 随信寄照片、资料等,都可以用这一表达方法。例: My brother enclosed a photo of my niece in his letter.我哥哥随信附上一张我侄女的照片。 5. How many brothers and sisters has he got? 他有多少兄弟姐妹? 动词have/have got意义相同,但have got用法在疑问句和答语中略有不同。 Have you got three lessons every day? Yes, I have. /No, I havent你每天上三节课吗?是的,上三节课。不,没有。(在have got结构中,have为助动词,可构成疑问句和否定句。)Do you have three lessons every day? Yes, I do. /No, I dont你每天上三节课吗?是的,上三节课。不,没有。(have用作行为动词时,需加助动词do构成疑问句和否定句。) 三 重点语段翻译 A letter from a pen-friend Dear May Hi!I saw your name and address inPen-friendsmagazine,and I would like to be your pen- friend First, I will tell you some things about myself. My name is Sidney Li Pei-chunIm fourteen years old Im about five feet tall I have short black hair and brown eyes My favourite hobby is playing puter games I also enjoy playing chess . I live with my parentsThey came to England about 30 years agoThey came from Hong Kong, but I have never been there Now my parents own a Chinese restaurant in Newcastle We live in a small house near our restaurant I was born in Newcastle in 1986 I can speak Chinese,but I cannot write it very well I have a brother called Edwin He is 23 He works as an architect, in London Im in Form One at Walker SchoolIt is near my house,and so I can walk to schoolI like my school because the teachers are very friendlyMy school has many sports fields I am keen on sports I enjoy playing rugby and badminton in the winter , and tennis in the summer. My best subject at school is physics My ambition is to be an engineer. I enclose a photo of myself and some school friendsI am in the middleI hope you will write to me soon,May,and tell me all about yourself. Best wishes Sidney 一封笔友的来信 亲爱的梅 嗨!我是在笔友这本杂志上看见你的名字和地址的,我想成为你的笔友。首先,我将告诉你关于我自己的一些事情。我叫悉尼,李佩春。我十四岁。大约五英尺高。我有黑色的短发,棕色的眼睛。我最大的爱好就是玩电脑游戏。我还喜欢下国际象棋。 我和父母生活在一起。他们大约在三十年前来到英国。他们来自香港,但我从未去过那儿。现在我父母在纽卡斯尔有一家中国餐馆。我们住在餐馆附近的一所小房子里。我于1986年生于纽卡斯尔。我会讲汉语,但不太会写。我有一个名叫埃德温的哥哥。他23岁了。在伦敦担任建筑师的工作。 我在Walker学校读一年级。它就在我家附近,所以我可以步行去上学。我喜欢我的学校因为老师们都很友好。我的学校有很多运动场地。我很喜欢运动。冬天我喜欢玩橄榄球和羽毛球,夏天我喜欢打网球。在学校我最喜欢的科目是物理。我的理想是作一名工程师。 随信附上一张我和学校一些朋友的照片。我在中间,我希望你能尽快给我回信,梅,告诉我有关你的全部。 致以良好的祝愿 悉尼 四 语法讲解 1特殊疑问句 (1)常见的特殊疑问词有: What(事情),Where(地点),When(时间),Which(选择人或事),Who(人), How(方式),How old(年龄),How far(距离),How many(数量),How much(数量价格),How big(大小),How long(时间或距离长短),etc . (2)特殊疑问句结构 1)疑问词一般疑问句How do people get drinking water? 2)对主语或主语部分提问时,结构是:疑问词谓语部分Who helps to keep the environment clean? 2不定冠词a/an “a”用在以辅音音素开始的单词前,如:a beautiful girl, a useful book等;而“an”则用于以元音音素开始的单词前,如:an hour, an umbrella, Chapter 2 A day in the life ofwhiz一kid Wendy神童温迪的一天 一 单词汇总 subtitle n副标题 similar adj相似的,类似的 expect v.期待 successful adj成功的 whiz-kid 神童 business n生意,公司 luckily adv幸运地 manager n经理 responsible adj有责任的 be responsible for 对负责 sale v.卖,销售 accountant n会计 boring adj乏味的 simple adj简单的,容易的 achieve v.得到,实现 grade n分数 fail v. 失败,不及格 exam n考试 collect v. 接走 client a顾客,主顾 return v回,返回 attend v参加,出席 assist v.帮助,支援 continue v. 继续,延续 seldom adv很少,不常,难得 duty n责任 gain v. 得到,获得 usual adj通常的,平常的 guard n警卫,保安 messenger n送信者,报信者 construction n建筑,施工 daydream v. 作白日梦,空想 lose ones tempe 发脾气 wish v. 想要某事物,希望 tell the truth 说实话 champion n冠军,优胜者 jogging n慢跑 mathematics n数学 P. E. n体育(课) 二 重点难点解析 1. Wendy Wang must be one of the top students in Shanghai温迪王一定是上海的高材生之一。 *Must是情态动词,在这里表示猜测的意思,意为“一定是”,通常只用于肯定句,在否定句或疑问句中用can表示猜测。例:It must be true那一定是真的。Can it be true?那可能是真的吗? It cant be true那不可能是真的。 *one of the top students = one of the best students高材生之一 one of名词复数”表示“之一” 2. Now all of her family work in her business现在所有她的家人都在她的公司工作。 family表示“家庭”或“家人”,是集合名词,若视为整体,动词用单数,若逐个考虑其个体,则动词用复数。例: My family is very large我家是个大家庭。My family are all very well我的家人都很好。 business n生意businessman n商人(男)businesswoman n商人(女) busy adj忙的busily adv忙地 3辨析:put on穿上,wear穿着,dress穿着,打扮 put on强调穿衣的动作,宾语须是物;wear表示穿着衣服的状态;dress既可指动作也可指状态,但宾语须是人。例:Youd better put on your coat if you want to go out如果想出去最好把衣服穿上。 He is wearing a new suit today他今天穿了一套新的西装。 She dresses her child every day她每天都要给孩子穿衣服。 4. over half a million超过50万 over作介词,意为“超过,多于”,相当于more than。例: He was away over (more than) a month他离开一个多月了。 5. I always go to school in my own car. 我总是坐我自己的车去上学。 in ones car = by car坐小汽车 6. 辨析:enough to,tooto,sothat enough to 和 tooto 构成简单句,sothat 构成复合句;enough to 和 sothat 表示肯定,tooto 和 sothat 表示否定。例:I am not old enough to drive.= I am too young to drive.= I am so young that I cant drive. 我太小了,不能开车。 7. 辨析:attend, take part in, join 三者都有“参加”之意。attend 指参加、出席会议;take part in 多指参加活动;join 指加入组织、团体、党派。例:My father attends a meeting every Thursday afternoon.我爸爸每周四下午要去开会。 Youd better take part in all the activities at school. 你最好参加学校的各项活动。 Do you want to join the League? 你想入团吗? 8. On Friday we have puter Club meetings. 每周五我们都参加电脑社会议。 have用作行为动词,常与一名词连用表示与该名词相当的动词意义,如:have a meeting/a swim/a walk/ a lesson开会/游泳/散步/上课。 否定句和疑问句中要用助动词do/does/did。例:-Do you often have a walk after supper? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 9. I go to my office and continue working on my games. 然后我到办公室继续设计电脑游戏。 continue doing sth 继续做某事。例:How can you continue writing in such dim light?这么暗的光线你怎么能继续写呢? work on 从事(某工作),例: A day in the life of. whiz-kid Wendy Wendy Wang,15,must be one of the top students in Shanghai Shes already written several successful puter gamesNow all of her family work in her business And shes still at school! 6 a. m. I get up at six, wash and put on my school uniformI have breakfast with my parentsWe have a family business I started the business two”二ago I write puter games Luckily,they are very popular. We sell over half a million games every year场father is the manager of the pany,and my mother is responsible for sales My brother is our accountant Every morning we discuss the business at breakfast Then I usually work on my puter for an hour before school.、 7 30 a. m. I always go to school in my own car. I am not old enough to drive,and so I have a driver. I sometimes make phone calls to clients on the way to school 8 a. m. I start schoolI enjoy seeing my school friends,but some of the work is boring because it is too simple for me I usually achieve A grades in all my subjects,I never fail an exam. 1230 pm. About twice a week my driver collects me from schoolI go and have lunch with a clientThen I return to school 4 15 p. m. After school I usually attend a clubOn Friday have puter Club meetingsThe other students often ask me to assist them On Mondays and Thursdays I play basketballOnce a week I have violin lessonsMy driver always takes me home after school I finish my homework in an hour or two before dinner. 7pm. I always have dinner with my parentsWe discuss our businessThen I go to my office and continue working on my games I seldom go to bed before 2 a. m I do not usually need much sleep. 神童温迪的一天 温迪王,巧岁,一定是上海的高材生之一。她已经编写了几个成功的电脑游戏。现在所有她的家人都在她的公司工作。然而她还在上学! 上午6点 我六点起床、洗脸、穿上校服,我和我的父母一起吃早餐。我们拥有一个家族公司。我于两年前开办了公司。我编写电脑游戏。幸运地是,它们很受欢迎。我们每年能销售50多万个游戏。我的爸爸是公司的经理,妈妈负责梢售。我哥哥是会计。每天早上我们都边吃早餐边讨论生意。然后我通常在上学前的一个小时用电脑 工作。 上午7点so分 我总是坐自己的车去上学。我太小了,不能开车,因此我有一个司机。有时候我在上学的路上给客户打电话。 上午8点 我开始上课。我喜欢看见学校的朋友,但有些课程很无聊,因为对我来说太简单了。通常我所有的科目都会得A。我从来没有考试不及格过。 下午12 ,: 30分 大约每周两次我的司机会去学校接我。我去和一位客户吃午饭。然后回学校。 下午4点15分 放学后我通常会参加社团。每周五我们都要参加电脑社会议。其他学生经常让我帮助他们。每周一和周四我打篮球。我每周上一次小提琴课。我的司机总是在放学后接我回家。我在晚饭前用一到两小时完成作业。 下午7点 我总是和父母一起吃晚餐。我们讨论生意。然后我到办公室继续设计电脑游戏。我很少在凌晨2点以前睡觉。我通常不需要大量的睡眠。 三 语法讲解 1一般现在时 一般现在时表示目前的状态及经常发生或习惯性的动作,常与usually, often, sometimes, every day等状语连用。也可用于表达一种客观事实、习惯和作息时间表。 1)谓语用动词原形;当主语为第三人称时,动词后s/es. I get up at six every morning The sun rises in the east and sets in the west 2)动词第三人称单数变化规则如下: (1)一般动词后s; (2)以s/x/ch/sh结尾的动词es. mixes/discusses/washes/teaches (3)go/do十es,goes/does (4)一些以y结尾的动词如y前是辅音字母,则将Y改成i + es. studies/hurries/worries (5)如y前是元音字母就加s. plays/stays 3)其否定句或疑问句是用助动词do或does构成。 Do you have lunch at school? Yes,I do. /No, I dont Does he go to work on foot? Yes,he does/No, he doesnt I dont go to school on Sundays She doesnt do her homework at home 2.频度副词(always, usually, sometimes, seldom, often.)在句子中的位置 1)位于主要行为动词的前面。例: He often does his homework in the evening. (does是行为动词) 2)位于be 动词的后面。例:She is always late for school.(is是be动词) 3)位于助动词和主要行为动词之间。例:I dont usually go to school by bus. (dont是助动,go是行为动词) 3.how often来询问动作所发生的频率。 4.时间状语(once一次 twice两次 three times三次 four times四次 on Monday/every day, etc.)常位于句首或句末。 Chapter 3 Dealing with troubles 处理麻烦事 一 单词汇总 dial v. 拨(电话号码) diary n日记 argue v. 争论,争吵 deal with 对付,处理 argument n争论,争吵 shout at 向大声嚷嚷 hold out 伸出,端出 crowd n人群 stare v盯,凝视 go on 发生,进行 steal v偷,窃取 postcard n明信片 notice v. 察觉到,注意到 handbag n手提包 follow v. 跟随 ring v.(钟、铃等)鸣,响 aboard adv在机上,在船上 wait v. 等候 hurry to 匆忙赶到 strange adj奇怪的 report v报告,汇报 robbery n抢劫(案),盗窃(案) railing n栏杆 detail n细节 as conj当时 handcuffs n手拷 noisily adv .嘈杂地,喧闹地 amusing adj引人发笑的 unusual adj.不平常的,奇异的 law n法律 realize v.认识到,了解 permission n允许,许可 rob v.抢劫,盗取的财物 in time 及时 pleased adj高兴的 definitely adv确定地,清楚地 attack v.进攻,攻击 baseball n棒球 gun n枪 arrest v.逮捕 smash v.粉碎,击溃 daring adj大胆的,勇敢的 take place 发生 gang n一伙 towards prep向,朝 reach v.到达 writer n作家 scientist n科学家 二 重点难点解析 1. No one knew what was happening没有人知道发生了什么事。 这是一句由连接代词what引导的宾语从句,连接词要位于从句的前面,起连接主句和从句的作用,从句用陈述句语序。例:I wonder whose house that is我想知道那是谁的房子。 2. Whats going on?发生什么事了? 与它意思相同的表达还有:Whats up? /Whats happening? 3. Was my father afraid of that man? 我爸爸害怕那个人吗? 1)be afraid of sb/sth害怕。例:She is afraid of dogs她怕狗。 2) be afraid that恐怕。例:Im afraid that Ive broken your pen恐怕我弄坏了你的钢笔。 4. He quickly dialled 110他迅速拨打110。 dial具体电话号码= phone sb 给打电话。 5. Three young men started talking to us三个年轻人开始跟我们交谈。 *start doing sth开始做。例:Its autumn and leaves start falling秋天到了,树叶开始落下。 辫析:tell,speak,talk,say tell告诉,常见的短语有:tell a lie说谎,tell sb to do sth告诉做;tell sb about sth告诉关于的情况,tell a story讲故事。speak说,后面接语言,如:speak German说德语。talk to/with sb (about sth)与某人谈论(有关事)。say说,后面接内容。例: She said he could speak very good English她说他英语说得很好。 Tell him not to talk about the thing any longer。告诉他不要再谈论这件事了。 6. Please meet the ferry请去迎接渡船。 meet sb 意为“迎接某人”。例: Will you meet her at the station?你到车站去接她吗? 7. As we got off, we saw them我们下船时看见他们了。 这是由as引导的时间状语从句。表示“当时”,主句和从句的动作同时发生。例:I thought of it just as you opened your mouth就在你要说的时候,我也想到了。 8.Six policemen stood around the man,who was in handcuffs6名警察站在一名戴手铐的男子周围。 这是一句由who引导的非限制性定语从句。定语从句可分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句是整个句子中不可缺少的一部分,去掉后会影响整个句子的意思,所以不用逗号和主句隔开;非限制性定语从句是整个句子中相对较为独立的一部分,缺少了也不会影响整个句子的意思,因此总是用逗号和主句隔开。例: This is the best film that I have ever seen这是我看过的最好的一部电影。 Last week I saw a very good film,which was about the-UFO上周我看了一部非常好的电影,是关于飞碟的。 * be in handcuffs带手铐。例:The man who is in handcuffs is my next-door neighbour. 带手铐的男子是我的隔壁邻居。 三重点语段翻译 Dealing with trouble Thursday,28 June Today my father and I were waiting for the ferry People usually wait quietly,but this afternoon we heard a big argument Two women tourists were shouting at a big man He was shouting back at them He held out a bag, and showed everyone that it was empty The crowd stared at the three people No one knew what was happening My father moved through the crowd and said quietly to one of the women,Whats going on? They stole my friends purse five minutes ago, said the womanWe were down in the bookshop,buying postcards Three young men started talking to us At first they were very friendly. Then suddenly my friend noticed that her purse was not in her handbag. Two of the men ran away We followed this man here Then the bell rang, the gates opened, and everyone started going down onto the ferryThe man hurried aboard,and the two tourists went after him Wait, said my father. I dont want to go on that ferry This was strange Was my father afraid of that man? I wanted to go and watch the action But he hurried to an ice-cream shop,“Can I use your phone? he asked the shop assistant He quickly dialled 110 I want to report a robberyThe man is on the ferry now. It just left a few minutes agoHe looked down through the railingsIts theNo.3Ferry,he said,Please meet the ferryHe gave some more details,and then put the phone down We took the next ferryAs we got off, we saw themSix policemen stood around the man,who was in handcuffs The two women were talking to the police Well done,Dad,I said as we walked by“Good thinking!” 处理麻烦事 6月28日,星期四 今天我和爸爸正在等渡船。人们通常都是安静地等,但是今天下午我们听到很大的争吵声。两个女游客正对一个男人大声嚷嚷。他也对她们喊。他翻出包,让大家看那是空的。 人们都盯着这三个人。没有人知道发生了什么事。 我爸爸从人群中走出来,轻轻地对其中一个女人说:“发生什么事了?” “五分钟前他们偷了我朋友的钱包,”那个女人说。“我们正在逛书店,买明信片。三个年轻人开始跟我们交谈。起初他们都非常友好。突然我的朋友注意到她的钱包不在手提包里了。其中的两个人逃跑了。我们跟着这个人一直到这儿。” 就在这时铃响了,门开了,人们开始上船。那位男子匆匆上船,两位游客紧随其后。 “等一下,”我爸爸说。“我不想上那艘船。” 这真是奇怪。我爸爸怕那个男人吗?我想去看个究竟。 但是他匆忙赶到一家冰淇淋店。“我能用一下电话吗?”他问店员。他迅速拨打110. “我想报告一宗抢劫案。那个人正在船上。刚离开几分钟。”他穿过栏杆往下看。“是三号渡船,”他说。“请去接船。”他又说了一些细节,然后挂了电话。 我们坐了下一艘船。我们下船时看见他们了。6名警察站在一名戴手铐的男子周围,那两个女人正在和警察交谈。 “爸爸,干得好,”我们一边走我一边说。“好主意!” 四 语法讲解 一般过去时 一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或情况(包括习惯性动作),常用yesterday, last, ago, once, one day, the other day, before xx等表示过去的时间状语连用。 1用动词的过去式表示。如:do-did is-was 2动词过去式的构成及ed的发音规律。 动词过去式的构成:由动词原形ed/d的这类叫规则动词;另一类则为不规则动词,需记住它们的变化形式。浊辅音或元音因素ed发d/;清辅音ed发t/ ;以一ted/一ded结尾的,ed发/id/。 3其否定句或疑问句需用助动词did/didnt。如:One day I met a friend of mine in the street I didnt work more than ten hours a day He didnt e to school today Did you pass the exam? 五 写作技巧-日记 日记常用来记述自己一天生活中所发生的事情,故多用过去时或现在完成时,有时若表达自己对未来的打算也用将来时。英文日记和中文的写法大体相同,都是在写正文之前依次写明日期及天气情况。 1日期的写法 September 10,xx,Sunday或Sunday September 10,xx 2天气的写法 Fine/Clear/Sunny(晴),Rainy(有雨),Cloudy(多云),Windy(有风),Snowy(有雪)等。 3日记的格式 日期 天气 正文 Chapter 4 Numbers:Everyones language 数字:每个人的语言 一 单词汇总 decimal n小数 protractor n量角器 measure v. 量,测量 angle n角度 odd adj奇(数)的,单数的 passses n圈规 fraction n分数 subtract v. 减,减去 multiply v. 乘,使相乘 divide v. 某数除某数,(某数)除以(某数) percentage n百分比,百分率 even adj. 偶数的 especially adv特别,尤其 at least 至少 time n时代,时期 consist of 由组成或构成 invent v. 发明 invention n发明 develop v. 发展 calculate v. 计算,估算 calculator n计算器 calculation n. 计算,推算 abacus n算盘 accurate adj准确的 bead n有孔之珠 represent v. 表示,代表 electronic adj电子的 square root 平方根 powerful adi. 强大的,作用大的 lifetime n一生 brain n大脑 living adj活的,有生命的 human n人类 following adj下列的,接着的 amazing adj令人惊奇的 program v. 为(计算机)设计程序 be made up of 由组成 figure n数字 cardinal n基数词 ordinal n序数词 decimal n小数 copy v. 抄写 wrongly adv错误地 gift n礼物 announcement n宣告,通告 decision n决定 fellow n伙伴 graph n. 图表 not at all 别客气 二 重点难点解析 1 In ancient times,people wrote numbers in many different ways,as these pictures of the number 6 show在古代,人们用各种各样的方法记录数字,就像这些图片所表示的数字6一样。 *in ancient times意为“在古代”。例:Pepole used wood to cook in ancient times古代人们用木柴做饭。 辫析:as,like两者都有“像”的意思,但as是连词后跟从句;like是介词后跟名词或代词,例: Do as I do,照我的样子做。Do it like this照这样做。 2This was a very important invention because it made it easier to write big numbers and calculate 这是一项十分重要的发明,因为它使书写大数目和计算更容易。 because后为原因状语从句。 make it easier to do使做更容易。例:Today telephones make it easier to talk with each other. 当今电话使人们交谈起来更容易。 3 Abacuses are so fast and accurate that people still use them today 算盘计算很快并且很准确,因此人们至今仍在使用。 sothat引导的是结果状语从句,表示结果,意为“如此以致”。结果状语从句须里于主句之后。例: The sound was so weak that nobody could hear it声音如此小,没人能听见。 4 Use your own living puter to solve the problem above用你自己的活电脑来解决上面的问题。 *a living puter一台活电脑。例:The brain is called a living puter大脑被称作活电脑。 辫析:question,problem两者均可表示“问题”o question多指对不懂的事情提出的问题,往往期待他人给予解答,常与answer连用;problem指客观存在的并有待解决的难题,常与solve连用。例: She couldnt answer the question她未能回答这个问题。 We have some problems to solve我们有些问题需要解决。 5 If it is not powerftil enough,you will find the answer on page 59.如果它不够强大,你可以在59页找到答案。 if后为条件状语从句,表示“如果”,主句用一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时。例: Will you e if he es here? 如果他来,你会来吗? 6. 0”的不同表达 zero/naught(nought) /nothing/nil 三 重点语段翻译 Numbers:Everyones language How many languages do you know? Everyone knows at least two-his or her own language and the international language of numbers Ancient numbers In ancient times,people wrote numbers in many different ways,as these pictures of the number 6 showHowever, they nearly all counted in the same way-一一in tens Zero The system of numbers that nearly everyone uses today consists of the numbers from 1 to 9 and 0(zero)With these ten numbers,we can write any number from the biggest to the smallest The Indians first invented and developed the 1 to 9 system of numbers They then invented the zeroThis was a very important invention because it made it easier to write big numbers and to calculate Calculating machines One of the first calculating machines was an abacus Abacuses are so fast and accurate that people still use them today On the abacus in the picture,the beads on the wires represent ones,tens,hundreds and thousands,starting from the bottom wire The picture on the right shows a modern electronic calculator. It can add,subtract,multiply and divide It can also calculate percentages and square roots This picture shows a puter. puters are very powerful calculating machines In a flash,a puter can do a calculation that you could not do in your whole lifetime Brain against puter Some people call the brain a living puter Is a human brain a more powerful calculator than a puter? The following story may give an answer: Shakuntala Devi is a lady from India with an amazing brain She can calculate like lightning In America,Shakuntala and a very powerful puter were given this problem to solve Find the number that, when it is multiplied 23 times by itself, *gives.this.answer:9167486769xx91580986609275853801624831066801443086 2240712651642793465704086709659327920576748080679002 2783016354924852380335745316935111903596577547340075 681688305620821016129132845546805780158806771 Shakunt

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