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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Module3AnimalsUnit5Savetheendangeredanimals教案牛津深圳版This lesson is is helpful to make the Ss learn the knowledge of this unit, for the task in the next periods is to practice reading . It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. Ss can learn and review some useful words, making them knowing more knowledge about save the endangered animals and train their reading ability.Train their four skills of listening,reading,Speaking and writing. 教学目标【知识目标】1Get students to learn the useful words and expressions in this period.endangered,file,giant panda,wild,bamboo,adult,weight,kilogram,population,behaviour,birth,patch,shoulder,central,menu,fur;in the wild,at birth。2Help students to learn about useful expressions.【能力目标】To read the passage and answer some questions about cartoons and ic strips.【情感目标】1Help them understand more about animals.2Develop students sense of cooperative learning. 教学重难点【教学重点】How to train their reading ability step by step.【教学难点】1Develop students reading ability.2Help students understand the difficulties. 课前准备 Multimedia 教学过程Part 1 step1 Getting ready 1). Look at the cartoon and answer the questions.What are Hi and Lo doing?What are the pandas oating?Why doos Hi sayPandas like old films”?2) Look at the cartoon and tell what giant pandas look like.step2. Brainstorm.What do you know about ?How much do you know about pandas? Try the short quiz below. Circle the correctanswers.1 How many pandas still live in the wild?a About 1,600. b About 160,0002 Can pandas climb trees?a Yes, they can. b No, they cant3 What do pandas usually eat?a Bananas b Bamboo.4 How long can pandas live in the wild?a About 20 years. b About 50 years5 Where do pandas live?(There is more than one answer.)a In Sichuanb In Shaanxic In Gansud In Jiangsu Step3. Before reading 1. Look at the pictures, the title, the introduction and the sub-headings of the article on page 67. Then answer the questions below.l Where does this article most probably e from? a A novel. b A science magazine.l What information about pandas can you get from the article? a Their numbers. b Their behaviour. c Their food. d Their relationship with humans. e Their future. f Their uses. g Their looks.Step4. ScanningScanningWhen you need to find certain information in a text, you do not have to readevery word. Instead, you can move your eyes quickly over the text to findthe information you need. This is called scanning. The exercise in B on page66 is a scanning exercise.Look at the article on page 67. plete the facts about pandas.PandafactsAdultweight:about 1 kilogramsLife:Pandasliveforabout 2 inthewildbutinzoostheycanlivefor 3 . Food:Apandaeatsabout 4 ofbambooa day.Home:Pandaslivehighupinthemountainsof 5 .Population:Thereareabout 6 pandasinthewild.Behaviour:Pandasspendmorethan 7 dayeating.Step5. Think and learnPandas are endangered animals.There are not many giant pandas living in the wild because there is not enough food for them.a a natural environment not controlled by peopleb a dangerous placeStep5 Vocabulary C1 The words in italics are from the article on page 67. Circle their correct meanings. 1.The giant panda has a small population.a the total weight of animals in an areab the total number of animals in an area2 Not many pandas live in the wild because there is not enough foodfor thema a natural environment not controlled by peopleb a dangerous place3. A giant panda is tiny at birtha when it diesb when it is born4 A giant panda is about two to three feet tall at the shoulder.a the part ol body between the arms and the neckb the top of the head5 Shuanxi is in Central China. You can see pandas there.a the middle of b the area aroundC2 plete the passage with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary.adult inthewild population atbirth kilogramRabbitfactfileArabbitweighsbetween0.4and2 1 andcanliveforupto12years,However,arabbit 2 canseldomliveformorethanayear. 3 ababyrabbitcannotsee.An4 rabbitcannotseeveryfar,butitcanseebehinditselfwithoutturning itshead.Adultrabbitscangivebirthtomanybabyrabbits,their 5 cangrowveryquickly.Thiscancauseproblemstofarmers,becauserabbitsliketoeatthefarmersvegetables.Step 6 prehensionD1 Mandy wrote a passage about pandas for the school newspaper, but she has made some mistakes. Read the article on page 67 and help her correct the mistakes.PleasehelpusHello.Iamapanda.MyhomeisinCentralandSouthernChina.Iliveclosetothemountains.Ihaveablackfacewithwhitepatchesaroundmyeyes,alsohaveblackears,shouldersandlegs.Iloveeatingbambooand Ispendmorethan/18hoursadayeating.Thereareabout3oooofusinthewild.Howeversomepeoplearestill killingusforourteeth.Pleasehelpus!Step7 Practice 一、根据汉语写出英文单词 1.成年动物(n.) _ 2.重量(n.)_ 3.人口;族群(n.)_ 4.出生;诞生(n.)_ 5.在中心的;中央的(adj.)_ 6.残忍的(adj.)_ 7.巨大的(adj.)_ 8.档案(n.)_ 9.菜单(n.)_10.肩;肩膀(n.)_ 11.组织;机构(n.)_ 12.亚洲的(adj.)_ 二、根据汉语写出下列词组 1. 在野生环境中_ 2. 出生时_ 3. 独自_ 4. 几乎;接近_ 5. 把扔进_ 6. 写信给_ 7. 谈论_ 8. 照顾_ 三. 完成句子。根据提示完成英文句子,每空一词。1. 亚洲象是一种濒危动物,人们应该保护它们。Asian elephants are a kind of _. People should _ them.2. 由于很多森林消失,许多野生动物处于危险之中。 Many wild animals are _ because of the disappearance of a lot of forests.3. 你有这么多的作业要做,别看动画片了。You have so much homework to do. Stop _ _!4. 上周,Jack写信邀请我去参加他的生日聚会。Last week, Jack _ me _ _ to invite me to his birthday party. 四 翻译1.它身上其他部位都是白色的。_2.熊猫在野生环境中通常以竹子为食。_3.熊猫喜欢独立生活。_4.虽然它们又大又重,但是爬树对它们来说一点困难都没有。_5.一些人正在为得到它们(熊猫)的皮毛而捕杀它们。_五英汉互译。1. 出生时 . 2. lose ones home . 3. on ones own . 4. 在野生环境中 . 5. 几乎;接近 . 六根据要求写出相应的词。6. file (复数)_7. weigh (名词)_8. face (现在分词)_9. centre (形容词)_10. born (名词)_Step 5. Homework 1. 模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。2. 抄写单词和短语:endangered,file,giant panda,wild,bamboo, adult,weight,kilogram,population,behaviour,birth,patch, shoulder,central,menu,fur;in the wild,at birth。2. 完成综合练习册第78页Vocabulary和第85页Reading A的练习。Part 2 step1 Consolidation 11). plete the sentences with the words you have learnt. The initial letters have been given. A newborn baby usually weighs about three k_. Many people are working hard to keep e_ animals from dying out. We can find wild giant pandas in the mountains in C_ and Western China. Now lets read the fact f_ about South China tigers. I hurt my s_ when I was throwing the ball. Nowadays, we cannot see many giant pandas or South China tigers in the w_. China has a large p_. Giant pandas mainly eat b_ for food. Millie was only 47 centimetres long at b_. Scientists keep giant pandas in reserves to learn about their b_. You are too fat. I think you have put on too much w_. Some people are c_ to their pet dogs. We should be friendly to them. Would you like to order now? This is todays m_.step2. Consolidation 21). Read the text.2). plete the table. Then ask and answer questions about giant pandas using the table as a guide. Follow the example on the following slide.ColourWeight at birthAdult weightWhat they eatWhere they livehigh up in the mountains of Central and Western ChinaBehaviourHow long they can live in zoos: for up to 35 yearsPopulationExampleS1: What colour is a giant panda?S2: It is black and white.S1: How heavy is a panda at birth?S2: It is about 100200 grams.Step3. prehension1). the futurePeople are cutting down forests, sothe pandas are losing their homes.Some people are killing them for theirfur. It is cruel of them to do so. Thereare not many pandas in the world now. It is important for us to protect them.D2 You are writing about the future of the giant panda. Read the article again and plete the notes below. You may also add some other facts.Why are giant pandas endangered?They are losing their homes because .2). * D3 In pairs, discuss how you can help the giant panda. Plant trees. Protect forests. Punish people who killed pandas.Step4. See them again.Extinct animals大熊猫是世界上最珍贵的动物之一,数量十分稀少,属于我国国家一类保护动物。 2). Think and sayIn groups, discuss the following questions.a Why are there more endangered animals noadays?b.what can ve do to help them?Step5.Practice 同义替换。 1. The central light has been turned off. A. main B. big C. lovely2. I have got the file about the birth of the organization. A. pattern B. beginning C. task3. Children should try to understand adults. A. lives B. grown-up C. gestures4. Jack always learns to dive on his own. A. differently B. quickly C. alone5. Zoo keepers should pay attention to any specific behaviour of the animals. A. illness B. sound C. action单选填空。6. _ girl in a red skirt shows_ great love for her Chinese teacher. A. The; / B. A; the C. The; the 7. It is difficult _ a child to remember 100 words _ such a short time.A. of; in B. for; on C. for; in8. Mary is good enough _ the stranger the way to the hospital. A. to pass B. to show C. to give9. It is _ of the driver to wait for the old man a moment so that he can catch the bus. A. nice B. important C. dangerous 10. It is _ to learn English well, because language learning needs more practice. A. useless B. impossible C. difficultStep 5. Homework 1. 模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读课文。2. 抄写单词和短语:cruel,organization; on ones own,in the mountains,the rest,stay healthy, enough to do ,lose ones home,kill for 。3. 利用图书馆或互联网等资源查找一种濒危动物的信息,包括导致濒危的原因和拯救措施,为下节课Speak up部分的内容作准备。4. 完成综合练习册第86至87页Reading B,C的练习。Part 3 Step1 Culture cornerWWFTheWorldWideFundforNature(WWF)wasfoundedin1961.ItwascalledtheWorldWildlifeFundinthe past.Itusesapandaasitslogo.TheWWFisanimportantenvironmentalorganization.It aimstobuildafuturewherepeopleliveinharmonywith nature.Itworksonaround1,300projectsinover100 countries,andhas5millionsupporters.What does this picture stand for?What does the WWF do?step2. ListeningA Jason is listening to a speech about endangered animals at school. Listen to thespeech and tick () the animals that are mentioned in it. B Jason is telling his mum about the speech. Listen to the recording again andplete their conversation below. Write one word or figure in each blank.Jason: Mum, today I listened to a speech by a man from the World wide Fund for NatureMum:I know this organization. It looks after endangered animals. How many members does it have?Jason: It has close to members in around thecountries. I know that there are of endangered animals around the world.Mum: Why are they endangered?Jason: its because people forests and the water.Mum: What do people from the WWF do to help these endangeredanimals?Jason: They work to the endangered animals and their .step3. Talk timeRead the conversation and answer the questionWhat words do the students use when they are talking about obligations?Should /must 2). ListeningRead the conversation below and practise it in pairs. Pay attention to the words inblue.Kevin: What should we do to protect the fish in the river?Amy: We mustnt throw rubbish into the river. The fish will die ifthe river is pollutedKevin: What else should we do?Amy: We should write to factories and ask them to stop polluting theriverKevin: Good ideaStep4. Speak upHow can we help save endangered animals? In groups, choose one endangeredanimal from A on page 70 to talk about. Use the questions below to help you.Which endangered animal are we going to talk about?What dangers do they face?S1: Which endangered animal are we going to talk about?S2: We are going to talk about S1: What dangers do they face?S2: They are killed every year.S3: There is not enough food for them.S4: Their homes are destroyed.Step 5. Words1.endangered 【用法】endangered是形容词,意为“濒危的”。 There are thousands of kinds of endangered animals around the world. 全球有成千上万种濒危动物。(1)danger n. 危险 Swimming in this area will be in danger. 在这个区域游泳可能会有危险。(2)endanger v. 危及;使遭受危险 It was foolish to endanger your life in that way. 用那种方式危及你的生命是愚蠢的。(3)dangerous adj. 危险的 Dont get close to those dangerous things. 不要靠近那些危险物品。( )They work to protect the_ pandas and their homes. A. endangered B. endanger C. dangerous2. weight 【用法】weight 是名词,意为“重量”。 Whats the weight of a panda at birth?=How heavy is a panda at birth? 一只刚出生的熊猫有多重呢? (1)weigh v. 称重;重达 The car weighs 1.5 tons. 这辆小汽车有1.5吨重。 (2)put on weight 增肥lose weight 减肥Will you_(weight)this letter for me?3. population 【用法】population 是名词,意为“(统称)某领域的生物;族群;人口”。The worlds population is being larger and larger. 全世界的人口正变得越来越多。 (1)population 常与定冠词the连用,作主语时,谓语动词常用第三人称单数形式。当主语表示“人口的百分之几,几分之几”时,谓语动词用复数形式。 The population of Guangdong is over one hundred million now. 广东现有人口超过1亿。 About seventy percent of the population live in towns. 大约70%的人口居住在城镇。(2)表示人口的“多”或“少”,不用much或little,要用large或small。 The population of Australia is small. 澳大利亚的人口很少。(3)表示“某地/某一范围内有多少人口”时,用 have/has a population of。 London has a population of more than 7 million. 伦敦的人口超过700万。(1) ( )_is the population of the city? A. How many B. How much C. What(2)Seventy percent of the population_ (be) farmers. 4.behaviour【用法】behaviour 是名词,意为“(动植物的)活动方式;行为;举止”。 We should mind our behaviour in the public. 在公众场合,我们应该注意自己的行为。【拓展】behave v. 表现;举止He behaved unusually today. 他今天表现不正常。To protect the environment, we must start from our own_ (behave). 5.central【用法】central是形容词,意为“在中心的;中央的”。The pany lies in central New York. 这家公司位于纽约中部。【拓展】centre n. 中心We drove to the centre of the city this morning. 我们今天上午开车到了市中心一带。【应用】(1)I went to the_ (centre)Park in New York yesterday. (2)I went to the shopping_ (centre) to buy something just now. 6.face【用法】face为动词,意为“面对”;也可以为名词,意为“脸面”。We should learn to face all kinds of difficulties. 我们应该学会面对各种困难。【拓展】(1)make faces 做鬼脸 He is very naughty. He likes making faces in the classroom. 他非常调皮,他喜欢在教室里做鬼脸。(2)face to face 面对面 I think we need to have a talk face to face. 我认为我们需要面对面谈谈。【应用】 ( )He turned and_ her. A. faces B. faced C. faced toStep6. Homework 1. 模仿录音的语音、语调,朗读Talk time部分的对话。2. 根据课堂上的讨论,就保护某种濒危动物的措施写一篇汇报。3. 完成综合练习册第82至84页Listening and speaking的练习。Part 4 step1Show timePlease share your idea about how you can save an endangered animal.step2. Grammar 1Read the sentences on page 71 and plete “Work out the rule”.1) Using It is + adjective + for + noun/pronoun + to + verb2). Use the adjectives to make sentences. E.g. It is difficult for us to get high marks in tests. It is difficult for me to do the job alone. 3) Read the notes below. Then write a short notice to remind your classmates abouthow to protect endangered animals.4). Read the sentences on page 73 and plete “Work out the rule”.Using It is + adjective + of + noun/pronoun + to + verb 5). plete the following sentences.1. It was kind of to 2. It was naughty of to 3. It was clever of to 4. It was helpful of to 6). Below are some pictures of Helens visit to the zoo. Write captions for the pictures.step3. Grammar 21). Think and work out the rules.(1). Its very kind of you to help me. (2). Its very dangerous for children to cross the busy street.2). plete the following sentences.l Its clever _ (for/of) you to work out the Maths problem.l Its very dangerous _ (for/of) children to cross the busy street.l Its difficult _ (for/of) us to finish the work on time.Step4. Grammar 31). Read the sentences and plete “Work out the rule”. Then read “Things to remember”.Using adjective + enough + to + verb2). Simon is talking about his trip to the nature park with Emma. plete theirconversation with the adjectives and verbs in brackets.Step5. Grammar 4形容词的有关句型1.句型:It is+adj.+for/of sb. to do sth. (1)it为形式主语,to do sth.为真正主语。(2)结构中如果形容词与人的品质或性格特点有关, 如kind,good,nice,right,wrong,clever,careless,polite,foolish等,用of sb.;如果形容词仅仅是描述事物,不是对不定式行为者的品格进行评价,如difficult,easy,hard,important,necessary 等,则用for sb.。It was wrong of him to tell lies. 他说谎话是错的。It is important for students to learn English well. 学生学好英语是很重要的。2.句型:adj.+enough to do sth. 表示“足够做某事”。 The boy is old enough to go to school. 这个男孩年龄够大,可以上学了。(1)enough有形容词和副词两种词性,作副词使用时可修饰 形容词或副词,位于被修饰词的后面,如:strong enough;作形容词使用时可修饰名词,位于名词前面, 如:enough money。(2)not+adj.+enough to do sth. 表示“不够做某事” =too+adj.+to do sth. 表示“太而不能做某事” =so+adj.+that 从句表示“太所以” The girl is not old enough to learn swimming. =The girl is too young to learn swimming.=The girl is so young that she can not learn swimming. 这个女孩太小(不够大)不能学习游泳.( )1.The street is not_ for a truck to go through. (xx福州) A.enough wide B.wide enough C.enough widely D.widely enough( )2.It is important_people_ learn team spirit. (xx雅安) A.of; of B.of; to C.for; to D.to; to( )3.Its dangerous_ with the wild animal. (xx湖北) A.for us to play B.of us playing C.for us playing D.of us to play语法填空。 Green sea turtles are reptiles(爬行动物). They are 21. _


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