2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Friends.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 FriendsI. 重点句型讲解。1. Can I have some more food too? 我也能再吃点东西吗?一般来说,Some用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句, 而该句是一个一般疑问句,为什么不用any而用some呢? 因为在一些征求对方意见或表达自己意愿的句子里我们常常用some,而不用any。例如:Could I have some bread? 我能要点面包吗?Would you like some coffee? 你想喝咖啡吗?Do you want some,too? 你也想要点吗?2. We have been best friends for a long time我们已是多年的好友。have been是现在完成时结构,一般与“for十一段时问”连用,表示一个延续性动作持续了一段时间。例如:The film has been on for twenty minutes电影已经开演20分钟了。They have been away for half an hour他们已经离开半小时了。Jill has been in the League for two months吉尔已经入团两个月了。3. She is willing to share things with her friends. 她乐意和朋友分享东西。She is ready to help people any time. 她愿意随时帮助他人。be willing to do sth. / be ready to do sth. 乐意、愿意做She is willing to share anything with others. 她乐意与别人分享任何东西。Are you ready to help them? 你愿意帮助他们吗?。A1l the students are willing to go out in summer holidays. 所有学生都愿意在暑假外出旅游。4. She always gives seat to someone in need. 她总是让座位给有需要的人。A friend in need is a friend indeed患难之交才是真正的朋友。She always gives seats to people in need on the bus. 她总是在车上把座位让给需要的人。5. I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret. 我能告诉她任何事情,因为她能保守秘密。一般来说,because of后接名词或代词,而because后面则接句子,如:He became ill because of hard work=He became ill because he worked hard因为劳累,他病了。I came home because of the rain. = I came home because it rained因为下雨我回家了。6. She is kind and never says a bad word about anyone. 她很善良,从不说任何人的坏话。word除了有“单词”的意思,还有“话语”“谈话”之意。例如:He is a man of few words他是个少言寡语的人。Can I have some words with you? 我能和你谈谈吗?I dont believe a word of it我一句话也不相信。7. Betty is generous to old people only. Betty只对老人很慷慨。类似的词组有:be kind , 对和善,be friendly to对友好。例如:The students in this school are friendly to each other这所学校的学生彼此很友好。 Granny Ma is kind to all the children in the neighborhood马奶奶对邻里所有的孩子都很和蔼。8. She has short hair.Her hair is short她的头发短。short在这两个句子中用法不同:short hair中short作定语,而is short里的short跟在is后作表语。除了be以外,grow,bee,keep,sound,look,taste,smell,feel,seem,get,turn等作为系动词,后面须接形容词,而其他的实义动词后则须接副词。例如:The eggs smell badThrow them away鸡蛋闻起来臭了,把它们扔了吧。The cakes taste deliciousLet me have another one蛋糕很好吃,让我再吃一块。Its spring nowIt gets warm现在是春天了,天气变暖了。The man is very angryHe is shouting angrily这个人很生气,他正在生气地大叫。9. Hes one of the nicest boys in my class他是我们班上最好的男孩之一。one of后所接名词应用复数,所接代词也应用复数, 如: one of them他们中的一员10. I try my best to help them我尽力帮助他们。trydo ones best to do尽力做某事。例如:Theyll try their best to finish the work today他们将尽力在今天完成任务。Im sorry Ill try not to be late again对不起,我将尽力不再迟到。Hes trying his best to catch up with his classmate. 他正在尽力追赶上他的同学。11. She always helps me with my homework她常帮助我做功课。help sb. with sth., help sb(to) do sth帮助某人做某事。例如:We must help to plant more trees我们一定要帮忙多植树。Can you help me with my English? 你能帮我学英语吗?Would you help me to mend my bike? 你能帮我修自行车吗?12. She always wears a smile on her face她总面带微笑。wear本意为“穿,戴”,此处意为“(面容)显露” “呈现”。例如:Look! She is wearing a new jacket today. 看!她今天穿件新夹克。My father wears a pair of glasses我爸爸戴副眼镜。The old man is wearing an angry expression now。老人正面带怒容。13. He has a long faceHis face is long他很生气。他的脸很长。这两个句子看似一样,但表达的含义有差别。要描述某人的脸长,应用His face is long而He has a long face意为“He is angry or sad” 他很生气或闷闷不乐(的脸色)。II. 备用练习题。A单项选择1. Toms English is as _ as Mikes Agood Bbetter Cwell。Dbest2. Im sorry Im lateThere is _with my bike Aanything wrong Bsomething wrong Cwrong anything Dwrong something3. He doesnt feel very _ today Agood Bbetter Cnice D. well4. I think PE is _ any other subject Athe most important Bthe more important Cmore important than Das important as5. John is _ his brother Aas clever as Bso clever as Cmore clever as Dcleverer as6. This book is so _ that we are _in it Ainterested;interesting Binterested;interested Cinteresting;interesting Dinteresting;interested7. Shanghai is one of _ cities in China A1arger B1arge C1argest Dthe largest8. Of all the students in our class,Betty works _ Avery carefully Bthe most carefully C. the more carefully Dthe more carefully9. The children are laughing_They look very_Ahappy;happy Bhappily;happily Chappily;happy Dhappy;happily10. Now China has joined WTO,so I think English is _ than before A. more useful Bmost useful Cmuch useful Dvery useful11. We must do _ work with _ money Amany;much Bmore;less Cmuch;fewer Dfewer;least12. There is _ h and_“u” in the word “hour” Aa:an Ban;a Can;an Da;a13. Would you like to buy _ oranges? No,thank you! Acheap a lot B1ess cheap Cmore cheap Dmuch cheaper14. He hopes his son _ a doctor in the future Ato be Bbe Cwill be Dto bee15. Kitty goes to have dancing lessons _ every Tuesday Aon Bin Cat DB找出错误并改正1. She is very younger than Mary. 2. Beijing is one of the biggest city in the world3. She sings as beautiful as you do. 4. Of all the workers,he is very busy. 5. She is a tallest boy of all. C翻译句子1.贝蒂很善良,从不说别人坏话。 Betty is kind and never _ anyone2.玛丽希望长大后能周游世界。 Mary hopes that she can _ when she grows up3.苏跟她的姐姐一样苗条。 Sue I _ her sister4.她总是乐于与别人分享。 She is always _ others5. 当我感到害怕与伤心时,贝蒂会来帮助我。When I _ or unhappy,Betty will e to help meKeys: A: 1-5 ABDCA 6-10 DDBCA 11-15 BBDCDB: 1. very much 2. city cities 3. beautiful beautifully 4. very busy the busiest 5. a theC. 1. says a bad word about 2. travel around the world 3. as slim as 4. ready to share her things with 5. feel frightened


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