2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Topic 1 Why all the smilling faces Section C教案 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Topic 1 Why all the smilling faces Section C教案 仁爱版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Topic 1 Why all the smilling faces Section C教案 仁爱版Section C needs 1 period. Section C 需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases:lively, cheer up, mad, at first, please, in the end, America, fall into, everywhere2. Master sentences expressing feelings.Mrs. Von Trapp died, and the family were very sad and tired.The children cried and shouted every day.The father was lonely and often became angry because of the noisy children.The father was almost mad at first, but the smiling faces of his children pleased him and made him happy again.They were very frightened because they were afraid of losing each other. Teaching aids 教具录音机/海报(或照片)/图片/小黑板(或幻灯片)/唱盘(或磁带). Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)复习Section B并了解本课1a和2。(方案一)1. (让学生表演Section B中1和3a的对话,复习表达情感的词句。)T: Act out the dialogs in 1 and 3a, then review the words and sentences expressing emotions.2. (根据表演,回答下列问题。)(1) How does Mr. Lee feel?(2) Why is he disappointed?(3) What happened to Michael?(4) Do you want to see The Sound of Music?(方案二)(教师用多媒体打出Do Re Mi的歌词,准备用歌曲导入新课。)T:Lets review what we learned yesterday. Answer my questions, OK?Ss:OK.T:How does Mr. Lee feel?Ss:He feels disappointed.T:Why is he disappointed?Ss:Because he couldnt get a ticket to The Sound of Music.T:What happened to Michael?Ss:Michael had a temperature.T:How about their tickets?Ss:Mr. Lee could use their tickets since they were not able to go.T:Yes, youre right. Now, Mr. Lee is in the theater. Thats the song he is listening to. Lets listen to it together.(教师放歌曲Do Re Mi。)T:How do you think of the song? Do you think it is lively?Ss:Yeah, its good.(教师在黑板上逐步呈现生词: lively, cheer up, please,并解释。)(板书)lively, cheer up, pleaseT:Why do you think its good?Ss:I think it makes me happy and relaxed.T:I think so. It can please us and cheer us up. I like to hear this song when I am sad. Its the theme song of The Sound of Music. Do you know this movie?Ss:Yeah. Its very popular.T:Do you know the starring roles?Ss:No.(教师拿出The Sound of Music的海报, 展示给学生并讲解学生可能看不懂的地方,必要时在黑板上写出中文解释。)T:Please find out who are the stars and the director.Ss:Julie Andrews and Robert Wise.T:Right. This story happened in Austria.(引出生词: Austria, mad, at first, 并解释。)(板书)Austria, mad, at firstT:Do you know more about this story?S1:Its a story about Maria.S2:Maria went to care for a family with seven children.S3:Their father was mad at their actions at first, but their father became happy at last.(以上内容如果学生不知道,就直接导入下一步。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 5分钟)呈现1a。(方案一)1. (让学生学唱歌:Do Re Mi。)T: Lets sing the song.2. (教师导入新课。)T: What do you think of the song? Its the theme song of The Sound of Music. Do you know anything about this movie? Lets learn 1a.3. (让学生自读1a,根据上下文猜测生词意思并找出表达情感的词。)T: Read 1a by yourselves, and guess the meanings of the new words and phrases, then find out the words expressing feelings.4. (让学生说出表示情感的单词,教师同时板书关键词。)T: Say out the words expressing feelings, please.popularsad and tiredlonelyangrymadpleasedhappy(方案二)(教师将问题读给学生作为听力任务并播放1a的录音,听完回答问题。)T:Now. Lets listen to 1a and answer the following question.What did Maria go to the Von Trapp family for?Ss: She went to care for the Von Trapp family with seven children.(如果不能回答上面的问题,让学生听第二遍。教师可以把所有的生词列在黑板上并与导入中的生词放在一处。) Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 15分钟)复习巩固1a,并完成1b。1. (教师把学生总结的关键词写在黑板上。)T: Please read 1a carefully and underline the key words and sentences.(板书)popular, movie, story about a young woman, Austria, the Von Trapp family, care for, died, sad and tired, father, angry, lively, perform, play, cheer up, mad, pleased2. (让学生独立完成1b, 找出下列问题的答案。)T: Now, lets read 1a and then find the answers to the questions of 1b.(呈现小黑板或幻灯片。)What did Maria go to the Von Trapp family for?Why were the family sad and tired?Was the father happy or sad in the end? Why?How did Maria cheer up the children?When and where will the movie be on?How much does a ticket cost?3. (教师核对答案,检查学生的理解情况。)(核对完答案后。)T: Excellent. Now, lets read 1a again and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Please work in pairs and discuss it. (给学生两分钟的讨论时间。)T:Group 1, what does Paragraph 1 talk about?G1:The Sound of Music is a story about Maria.T:Group 2, what about the second paragraph?G2:It talks about the family. The family looked sad and tired.T:Group 3, whats your idea about Paragraph 3? G3:Maria cheered up the family at last.4. (把学生分成三人一组,给学生三到四分钟的时间,然后看着黑板上的关键词语,让几组学生读出他们所概括文章的大意,看哪一组表现得好。)T:Very good, every group did a good job. Now, work in groups of three, each member sums up one paragraph, and bine them together into the main idea of the passage. Understand?G1: The Sound of Music is a very popular movie. Its a story about Maria. She went to care for a family with seven children. The family looked sad and tired. The mother died, so the father was often unhappy. Maria cheered up the family. At last, Mr. Von Trapp became happy again.(如果学生有困难,教师可给出示范。)G2: G3: Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 5分钟)完成2,进一步练习关于系表结构及表示情感的词语。1. (播放歌曲My Heart Will Go On或播放Titanic电影片断。)T:Do you know this song?/Do you know this movie?Ss:Yeah.T:So you must know the movie Titanic.Ss:Yes.T:Whats it about?S1:Its a love story about Jack and Rose.S2:They fell in love with each other in the ship Titanic.S3:The Titanic had a serious accident.S4:Jack died, but Rose was saved.(必要时教师可做适当介绍,并导入下一步。) (教师播放歌曲“世上只有妈妈好”。)T:You know this one clearly, right?Ss:Yeah, its a story about a mother and her son. One day, her son was lost and she couldnt find him. She was very sad and almost went mad.T: Yeah, very good. Today well learn about these three movies. The Sound of Music,Titanic and Love Me Once More, Mom.2. (让学生独立完成2。给学生3分钟的时间通读短文,并画出系动词结构。)T: Do 2 by yourselves. Weve just mentioned Titanic and Love Me Once More, Mom. Now, please read through the two passages and underline sentences with the structure of“linking verb + adj.”.3. (理解大意之后,让学生选择正确的形容词填空。)T: Please fill in the blanks.4. (教师在黑板上写下答案及系动词的句子,并提示学生选择正确的形容词,同时展示事先准备好的Titanic和Love Me Once More, Mom的海报,配合教学。)They were happy to bethe Titanic had a serious accidentThey were very frightened .they were afraid of losing each other.Rose felt very sad.She was so lonely!The mother was so worried thatsad and went mad.(以上斜体用红字来表示。)5. (学生做完之后,核对答案。)T: Now, lets check the answers together.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 10分钟)进一步练习喜欢的事物的表达方法。(小组活动。三人一组,讨论最喜欢的电影。)T: Three students in one group and discuss your favorite film. You can use the following questions.(板书问题。)Whats your favorite film?Whats the film about?Are the actors and actresses happy or sad? Why?What happened at last?How do you feel about the film?(教师可以出示一些明星的海报或照片给予提示。)T: After your discussion, please fill in the card below and report to your group.My Favorite FilmFavorite film: Actor(男主角): Actress(女主角): Director: Theme song(主题曲): Time you watch: (教师找几名做得好的学生做汇报。)T: Now I choose some students to report their cards.S1: S2:


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