2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter复习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 What’s the matter复习 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 1 Whats the matter复习 (新版)人教新目标版一、默写课文中的单词。1.问题;事情n._2.胃痛;腹痛n. _3.脚;足n. _4.颈;脖子n. _5.胃;腹部n. _6.咽喉;喉咙n. _7.躺;平躺v. 8.放松;休息v. &- n. _9.咳嗽n.&v. _10. X射线;X 光n. _11.间歇;休息;n. _12.(使)疼痛;受伤v. _13. sore adj. _二、默写课文中的短语1.感冒 _2.胃痛_3.背痛_4.拍X光_5.嗓子痛_6.量体温_7.发烧_8.牙痛_9.躺下_10.休息_三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.“你怎么了?” “我感冒了。”Whats _ _?I_ _ _.2.朱迪怎么了?Whats_ _ _Judy?3.她现在嗓子疼得很厉害。She _ _ very _ _ now.4.你需要远离电脑休息一下。You _ _ _breaks away from the puter.5.我认为你应该躺下来休息。I think you _ _down and rest.6.如果你的头和脖子明天仍然疼的话,那么去看医生。If your head and neck still _ tomorrow, then _ to a doctor.默写2 Section A 3a4c一、默写课文中的单词。1.乘客;旅客n. _2.向;朝prep. _3.离开(某处);不工作;从去掉adv.&prep. _4.问题;苦恼n. _5.(用手或器具)击;打v. _6. (she的反身代词)她自己pron. _二、默写课文中的短语1.大声呼救_2.毫不犹豫地_3.下车_4.得了心脏病_5.使惊讶的_6.同意做某事_7.多亏了_8.及时_9.考虑_10.挽救一个生命_11.立即;马上_12.陷入麻烦之中_三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.在昨天上午九点钟,26路公交车正行驶在中华路上,这时司机看到一位老人躺在路边,At 9:00 a. m. yesterday, bus No. 26 bus going along Zhonghun Road when the driver _ an old man _ on the side of the road.2.但是使他想到惊讶的是,他们全都同意和他一起去。But _ _ _, they dl agreed to go with him.3.多亏了王先生和乘客们,医生及时挽救了老人的生命。_ _Mr. Wang and the passengers, the man was saved by the doctors _ _.4.“她应该做什么?”“她应该量体温。”What _ she _?She _ _ _ temperature.5.你在踢足球的时候受伤了吗?Did you hurt yourself _ _?四.根据课文内容填空The bus driver Wang Ping _ the bus without think twice. He _ and asked the woman what happened. She said that the man _ a heart problem and _ go to the hospital. Mr. Wang told the _that he must take the man to the hospital. He _ most or all of passagers to get off and _ for the next bus. But _ _ _, they all agreed to go with him. Some passagers _ Mr. Wang to move the man _ the bus.默写 3 Section B la 1d一、默写课文中的单词。1.生病的;有病的adj. _2.膝;膝盖n. _3. press v. _4. nosebleed n. _4. bandage n. _ v. _二、默写课文中的短语1.去医院_2.休息几天_3.低头_4.感到不舒服_5.穿上_6.流鼻血_7.量他的体温_8.在上面上药_9.带去医院_10. 弄伤自己_11.摔倒_12.清洗创口_13.按压她鼻子的两边_三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.在它上面包扎上绷带。_ a bandage _ it.2.在水下冲洗它。_ it _ water.3.有人感觉不舒服。Someone _ _.4.有人擦破了膝盖。Someone _ his _.5.有人流鼻血了。Someone _ _ _.6.有人弄伤了背。Someone _ his _.7.有人撞到了头。Someone _ _ on the head.8.他在体育课上把他自己弄伤了。He _ _ in P.E. class.9.发生了什么事?What _?知识积累当句子的主语和宾语指同一个人时,宾语应用相应的反身代词,hurt oneself意为“受伤;伤着自己”,常与反身代词连用的动词有enjoy,help,hurt,teach等。如:enjoy oneself玩得开心,过得愉快;help oneself随便吃点;teach oneself自学默写4 Section B 2a2e一、默写课文中的单词。1.死;死亡n._2.登山者;攀登者n. _3.情况;状况n. _4.千克;公斤n. _5.岩石n. _6.刀n. _7.血n._8.意思是;打算;意欲v. _9.重要性;重要n. _10.决定;抉择n. _11.限制;约束;管理n.&v. _12.勇气;意志n. _13.(we的反身代词)我们自己pron. _二、默写课文中的短语。1.摔倒_2.呼吸有困难_3.晒伤_4.对感兴趣_5.习惯于;适应于_6.冒险_7.失去生命_8.用尽;耗尽_9.切除_10.离开;从出来_11.做决定_12.掌管;管理_13.放弃_14.坚持做某事_三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯了冒险。As a mountain climber, Aron is _ _ _ risks.2.然后,他用他的左胳膊给自己包扎上绷带,以免失血过多。Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself _ _ he would not lose too much blood3.对登山的爱是如此的强烈,以至于甚至在这次经历之后仍坚持登山。His love for mountain climbing is _ great _ he kept on mountains even after this experience.四.根据课文内容填空On that day, Arons arm was caught under a 360 kilo _ that feel on him when he was climbing by _ in the mountains. Because he couldnt _ his arm, he stayed there far five days and hoped that some would find him. But when his water _ _, he knew that he would have to save his own life. He was not _ to die that day. So he used his knife to _ _ half his right arm. Then with his left arm, he _ himself _ _ he would not lose too much _. After that, he down the mountain to find help.默写 1 Section A Self Check一、默写课文中的单词。1. _ n.脚;足_ 复数2. _ n.胃;腹部_ n.胃痛;腹痛3. _ n.牙痛_ n.牙齿4. _ n.头痛_ n.头5. _ v.躺;躺平_ 现在分词_ 过去式6. _ v.(使)疼痛;受伤_过去式7. _ pron.她自己_主格8. _ pron.我们自己_主格9. _n.登山者;攀登者_v.攀登10. _ n.刀_复数11. _n.重要性;重要_adj.重要的12. _n.决定;抉择_v.决定13. _n.死;死亡_v.死14.勇气;意志n. _15.护士n. _二、本单元词语的默写、拓展。1. _下车_反义短语2. _多亏了_为而感谢3. _及时_准时4. _ take breaks _ 同义短语5.发烧_6.弄伤自己_7.陷入;参与_8.使惊讶的_9.立即;马上_10.单独;独自11.冒险_12.用尽;耗尽_13.对感兴趣_14.做决定_15.掌管;管理_16.离开;从出来_三、用括号中的句型结构翻译句子。1.朱迪怎么了?(whats the matter)_2.我认为你应该躺下来休息。(die down)_3.作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯了冒险。(be used to)_4.然后,他用他的左胳膊给自己包扎上绷带,以免失血过多。(so that)_5.他对登山的爱是如此的强烈,以至于甚至在这次经历之后仍坚持登山。(so that; keep on)_Unit Whats the matter?默写1 Section A 1a2d一、1. matter 2. stomachache 3. foot 4. foot 5. stomach 6. throat 7. lie 8. rest 9. cough 10. X-ray 11. break 12. hurt 13. 疼痛的;酸痛的二、 1. have a cold 2. have a stomachache 3. have a sore back 4. get an X-ray 5. have a sore throat 6. take ones temperature 7. have a fever 8. have a toothache 9. lie down 10. take breaks/ take a break三、 1. the matter; have a cold 2. the matter with 3. has a; sore throat 4. need to take 5. should lie 6. hurt; go默写2 Section A 3a4c一、 1. passenger 2. onto 3. off 4. trouble 5. hit 6. herself二、 1. shout for help 2. without thinking problem 5. to ones surprise 6. agree to do sth. 7. thanks to 8. in time 9. think about 10. save a life 11. right away 12. get into trouble三、 1. saw; lying 2. to his surprise 3. Thanks top; in time 4. should; do; should take her 5. playing soccer四、 stopped; got off; had; should; passengers; expected; wait; to his surprise helped; onto默写3 Section B 1a1d一、 1. sick 2. knee 3. 压;挤;按 4. 鼻出血 5. 绷带;用绷带包扎二、 1. go to the hospital 2. rest for a few days 3. put ones head down 4. feel sick 5. put on 6. have a nosebleed 7. take his temperature 8. put some medicine on 9. taketo the hospital 10. hurt oneself 11. fall down 12. wash the cut 13. press the sides of her nose三、 1. Put; on 2. Run; under 3. felt sick 4. cut; knee 5. had a nosebleed 6. hurt; back 7. got hit 8. hurt himself 9. happened默写4 Section B 2a2e一、 1. death 2. climber 3. situation 4. kilo 5. rock 6. knife 7. blood 8. mean 9. importance 10. decision 11. control 12. sprit 13. ourselves二、 1. fall down 2. have problems breathing 3. get sunburned 4. be interested in 5. be used to 6. take risks/take a risk 7. lose ones life 8. run out (of) 9. cut off 10. get out of 11. make a decision 12. be in control 13. give up 14. keep on doing sth.三、1. used to taking 2. so that 3. so; that; climbing四、 rock; himself; free; ran; out; ready; cut off; bandaged; so that; blood; climbed默写5 单元复习 Section A Self Check一、 1. foot; feet 2. stomach; stomachache 3. toothache; tooth 4. headache; head 5. lie; lying; lay 6. hurt; hurt 7. herself; she 8. ourselves; we 9. climber; climb 10. knife; knives 11. importance; important 12. decision; decide 13. death; die 14. sprit 15. nurse二、 1. get off; get on 2. thanks to; thanks for 3. in time; on time 4. 休息; have a rest 5. have a fever 6. hurt oneself 7. get into 8. to ones surprise 9. right away 10. by oneself 11. take risks/ take a risk 12. run out (of) 13. be interested in 14. make a decision 15. be in control 16. get out of三、 1. Whats the matter with Judy? 2. I think you should lie down and rest 3. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks 4. Then, with his left arm, be bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood 5. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.


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