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Id like some noodles教学目标1. New words :meat2. Be able to use the target language to order food and writing activities.3. Train students speaking skills and municative.过程与方法:通过复习归纳总结Grammar Focus 中的可数名词与不可数名词以及重点句型;模拟饭店点餐的场景,让学生回顾顾客和服务员分别可能说的话,然后自己完成3a的对话。情感态度价值观:通过学习就餐的对话,培养学生良好的就餐习惯与礼仪。教学重难点重点:would like 的用法。难点:可数名词与不可数名词的使用。教学方法任务型教学法;自主活动法。学习方法合作学习法;小组检查法。教学准备多媒体课件教 学 过 程设计意图Step1.完成 Grammar Focus参考学案p. 57单元语法透析归纳语法知识并完成配套练习。Step 2.完成教材3a3c的任务1.认真读3a的两组句子,然后将两组句子组成一个完整的对话,集体核对答案。2.两人一组练习对话,学生也可以根据自己的实际情况来练习,并请几组学生表演,完成3a。3.让学生利用所给的信息提示来写出问题和答语,并请学生将答案展示在黑板上。要求学生识记句子,两人一组互相提问,完成3b。4.以小组为单位,每个学生用Whatwould you like to eat?这个问题来采访其他的学生,其他学生用3c中所给的食物进行回答,然后把学生的名字填 在相应的食物上面的卡片上,最后利用采访的结果完 成一篇小短文。参考案例:In our group, X X would like hamburgers. XXX and Kate would like tomato and egg rice. XXX and X X would like beef and carrot noodles.Step 3.重难点解析1.May I take your order?请问您点菜吗?本句为餐馆里服务员常用语。order此处用作可数名词,意为“点菜,订购”。例如:I want to give the bookshop an order for this book.我想向书店订购这本书。order也可用作动词,意为“点菜,预订”。例如: Would you like to order some bread?你想不想来些面包?2.Is there any meat in the tomato and egg soup? 西红柿鸡蛋汤里面有肉吗?(1)meat是不可数名词,意为“肉,肉食”。例如:Some animals, like tigers and lions, eat meat.有些动物,如老虎、狮子是食肉的。(2)短语 tomato and egg soup 中 tomato and egg 作名词soup的定语。名词作定语,修饰名词时,修饰词一般为单数形式。例如:Shed like beef and carrot noodles.她想要牛肉胡萝卜面。【拓展】当man,woman作修饰语,修饰名词复数时,它们本身也要变为复数。例如:that woman teacherthose women teachers 3.Id like beef noodles with carrots.我想要胡萝卜牛肉面。介词短语with carrots作后置定语修饰名词beef noodles。beef noodles with carrots 相当于 beef and carrot noodles。 What size would you like?你要多大碗的?Large,please.请来大碗的。what size是用来询问物体大小、尺寸的常用句型。 size是名词,意为“大小;尺码”,既可表示物体的大小,又可用来表示服饰、鞋帽等的尺码、号码。例如:What size shoes does your father wear?你爸爸穿多大号的鞋?He wears size 8.他穿8号的。【拓展】medium意为“中号的”,表示物体的型号,可缩写为M。另外,small意为“小号的”,可缩写为 S;large意为“大号的”,可缩写为L。Step 4.小结训练1.一Well, my sons take great interest in most of the food on the menu.Thanks.D ?一Yes, fried fish, beef, chips and cola, please .A. Can I do for you B . At your service C. What to follow D . Shall I take your order2.All the D in our school enjoyed themselves on March 8th because it was their own holidayA.man teachers B.men teachers C.woman teachers D.women teachers3.Project Hope has built many schools D big classrooms and libraries.A in B of C.for D with4.一What Bnoodles would you like?一Small,please.A kind B size C kinds D sizes环节说明:通过本环节的学习,学生对前一阶段所学的知识进行复习巩固,同时也锻炼了学生的口语和写作能力。 板书设计 Unit10 Id like some noodles. Section A (Grammar Focus-3d) 1.May I take your order?请问您点菜吗?本句为餐馆里服务员常用语。2.Is there any meat in the tomato and egg soup西红柿鸡蛋汤里面有肉吗?短语 tomato and egg soup 中 tomato and egg 作名词soup的定语。名词作定语,修饰名词时,修饰词一般为单数形式。教后反思


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