2019-2020年八年级英语上册 The Sixth Period教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 The Sixth Period教案 人教新目标版Teaching Aims and Demands1Knowledge ObjectsKey vocabulary.Target language.Writing practice.2Ability ObjectWriting skill.3Moral ObjectDo before talk makes a man.Teaching Key Points1Key vocabularypractice, move , write, enjoy, travel2Target languageWhat are you going to be when you grow up? Im going to be a puter programmer. How are you going to do that? Im going to study puter science.Teaching DifficultyTarget language.Teaching MethodsWriting method.Reading method.Groupwork.Teaching AidsA projector.Chart.Teaching ProceduresStep Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Ask one student to read his plan of making the school yard beautiful.Step Introduction and new words learning:Today we are going to finish the unit. We will do some exercises to help us review what we have learned in the unit. This falls on the vocabulary and target language. First lets review some useful words.Show the words on the screen. Ask students to read and try to say their meanings.practice movewriteenjoytravelStep Self Check 1Fill in the blanks with the words given.Then make your own sentences with the words. (This activity focuses on vocabulary introduced in the unit.) Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own. In some cases, students may need to use another from of the word, for example adjusting for tense or subject/verb agreement. Tell them that they can find all the words in the preceding unit.Check the answers.Ask students to make their own sentences with the words, preferably sentences that are meaningful.Write a number of students answers for each word on the board. Underline any mistakes and ask student to suggest how to correct the mistake.Answers:1Im going to move from Dalian to Beijing after high school.2I want to write for international magazines when Im older.3First I have to practise my English.4I want to travel to interesting places and see new things.5I want to be a reporter because I enjoy talking with people.Step 2Some American exchange students are going to visit your school next week. Discuss what youre going to do with them. Make a list.(This activity provides speaking and writing practice using the target language.) Read the instruction and the sample answer to the class. Elicit a few more examples.Divide the class into small groups to do the activity.Walk around the class offering language support where necessary.Ask the groups to tell you their lists.Write any mon problems on the blackboard. Elicit where the problems are and how to correct them.Step Just for Fun!(This activity provides reading practice with the target language.) Ask students why they think the mouse wants to he a pilot.Step Exercises on Workbook4plete the questions and answers.(1) Q: What are you going to be when you grow up?A: Im going to be an airline pilot.(2) Q: _science?A: No, Im going to study maths.(3) Q: Are you going to go to flying school?A: No, _ to college.(4) Q:_ do that?A: Im going to get a job at the college.(5) Q: Are you going to have a big plane?A: No, _ a little one.5Circle the correct word in each conversation.(1) A : Is he going to be an actor?B: No, hes going to be a professional (instrument/singer) .(2) A: How are you going to get good(grades/food) ?B: Im going to study a lot.(3) A: What is your New Years (exercise/resolution) ?B: Im going to work harder in school.(4) A: What are you going to be when you (take lessons/grow up) ?B: Im going to be an engineer.(5) A: How are you going to buy a new car?B: Im going to get a (healthier/ part-time) job.6Read the article. Then answer the questions.Teens think about the FutureWe talked to four students about what they are going to do in the future. Some of their ideas may surprise you. We asked each person, “What are you going to be when you grow up?”LindaIm going to study a lot of maths and science. I enjoy both of those subjects. When I finish college Im going to be a puter scientist.JimIm going to be a professional basketball player. I know that it will be difficult, but there is nothing else I want to do. I really love basketball and know I can be great.CarolIm going to be a singer and dancer. I already take dance lessons after school on Wednesdays. And next year Im taking singing lessons. Youre going to see me on TV someday.Song HaoYou know what Im going to be when I grow up? Im going to be a father. Im going to take my kids camping and help them with their schoolwork. What could be more important than that?(1) What kind of lessons is Carol going to take?Shes going to take singing lessons.(2) What is Song Hao going to do with his children?_(3) What does Linda want to be?_(4) What is Jim going to be?_7Talk to three friends. Ask what classes they like and dont like. Ask what they are going to study and what they are going to be. Then write a paragraph about each person.Answers for workbook:Section B4(2) Are you going to study(3) Im going(4) How are you going to(5) Im going to have5(1) singer(2) grades(3) resolution(4) grow up(5) part-time6(2) Song Hao is going to take his kids camping and help them with their schoolwork.(3) Linda wants to be a puter scientist.(4) Jim is going to be a professional basketball player.7Answers will vary.Step SummaryThis class we have reviewed the words we learned in this unit. And we have done some exercises to review the target language What are you going to do? Another unit es to the end. Lets do more things for study before we could tell others what is that.Step HomeworkReview the vocabulary and sentences to talk about future intention.Step Blackboard DesignUnit 10 Im going to be a basketball player.Students answers


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