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Unit 9 My favorite subject is science第二课时Section A (3a3c), A基础起航 .根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1Whats your favorite_ subject?2He likes art because_ its fun.3My geography_ class is on Monday and Friday.4She has an English class on Monday_5This subject is interesting_, so she likes it very much.6Our Chinese teacher teaches_us a lot about Chinese culture.7Mr. Wang is very kind_ to the students. He is their favorite teacher.8I like Friday_ best because we are free the next day.9Do you like Sundays?Yes, its for sure_. Everyone can do what they like.10Usually the last day of a week is Saturday_.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1_Jims_ (Jim) favorite day is Friday.2How many _subjects_ (subject) do you have?3Whats your _favorite_ (favorite) sport?Football.4His _mothers_ (mother) favorite color is blue.5Why dont you like math?Because its not _interesting_(interest)6We _have_ (have) math and English every day.7What subject does he like best?He _likes_(like) math best.8Who likes English? Lily _does_ (do)9My brother _doesnt_like_ (not like)English. Its difficult for him.10_Does_ (do) Bill like history?B语法扬帆 .单项选择。(B)1._his favorite color?Green. AHowsBWhatsCWhens DWhy is (A)2._ is your math teacher? Mr. Chen. AWho BWhatCWhy DHow (C)3.Why do you like music?_ AYes, I like it.BWhat about you?CBecause its fun.DNo, I dont like it. (B)4._ is his Chinese class?Its _ Monday and Thursday.AWhat; on BWhen; onCWhy; in DHow; in (D)5.Why does your brother like PE.?Because its _Adifficult BoldCboring Drelaxing.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。Saturday, because, like, interesting, relaxing,English, why, have, boring, favorite1.I dont like math because its _boring_2Whats your _favorite_ subject?Its English.3Why do you like English?_Because_ its fun.4We dont go to school on _Saturdays_ or Sundays.5We _have_ PE. on Tuesday.6What is his favorite subject?He _likes_ science best.7_Why_ does she like art?8_English_ is Lilys favorite subject.9The book is _interesting_. I like it very much.10The art class is _relaxing_C提升冲浪 .用所给单词的正确形式填空或根据上下文填写合适的单词。Today is Wednesday.It is a nice day for 1._me_(I) today. Im really glad. 2._At_8:00 I have Chinese. I like it because my Chinese teacher, Mr. Yang, 3._makes_(make) it fun.We all like him.Then at 9:10 I have science.Science is difficult, 4._but_it is very interesting. Many 5._boys_(boy) in my class like science.Then at 10:20, we play sports.We all like 6._playing_(play) sports because its fun and relaxing. Next, at 11:00, we have English. Its my favorite subject. 7._Our_(we)English teacher, Miss Evens, is from America. Shes very kind to us. And she often 8._teaches_(teach) English songs and plays games with us. I have lunch at 12:00. After that, I take a rest. At 2:00 pm., I have Chinese history. I think its very 9._interesting_(interest)Then at 3:00 pm., I have art. Its fun, 10._too_. All my classes finish at 4:00 pm. After class, I play volleyball with my friends.Its relaxing.At 5:00 pm., I go home.任务型阅读。Sams WeekdaysTimeMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday8:008:40FrenchbiologyphysicsgeographyFrench8:509:30EnglishFrenchmathEnglishFrench9:5010:30historymathEnglishchemistryEnglish10:4011:20matharthistoryP.E.physics11:201:30NOON BREAK(午休)1:302:10P.E.Englishsocialstudiesbiologymusic2:203:00socialstudiesgeographyFrenchmathselfstudy(自习)根据表格内容,回答下列各题。1Which lesson does Sam have each weekday?_He_has_English_each_weekday._2What time does he finish his morning lessons?_He_finishes_his_morning_lessons_at_11:20._3Does he go to school on Saturday?No, he doesnt.4How many geography lessons does he have in a week?_He_has_two_geography_lessons_in_a_week._5How many subjects does he have altogether(总共)?_He_has_twelve_subjects_altogether._.完形填空。My name is Ann. _1_ favorite day of the week is Sunday. _2_ Sundays I usually get up late in the_3_. I have breakfast from 9:10 to 9:40. _4_ I play games with my parents. My parents and I usually go out for a big _5_at noon. I like it very much. In the afternoon, I often go to the park with my _6_. We _7_ games in the park. We talk about the things happened(发生) in our school. Sometimes we go to Mr. Cools Clothes Store. Now all the clothes are on great_8_. After _9_ I do homework at home. I like Sunday so much _10_ there is no class on Sunday. I can do what I like to do.(A)1.A.MyBYourCHis DHer(B)2.A.In BOnCAt DFrom(A)3.A.morning BafternoonCevening Dnight(A)4.A.Then BAfterCLate DSo(C)5.A.day BpartyCmeal Dlife(A)6.A.friends BbrothersCgrandparents Dteachers(D)7.A.have BwriteCdo Dplay(A)8.A.sale BsellCprice Dbuy(D)9.A.school BhomeCclass Ddinner(A)10.A.because BwhyCso Dhow 猜出画线单词的中文意思及词性,并收入自己的小词典。Sometimes _adv.有时_


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