2019-2020年八年级英语上册 考点剖析+典题精讲 Module 1《 How to learn English》教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 考点剖析+典题精讲 Module 1 How to learn English教案 外研版三点剖析 单词典句考点translate v. 翻译【经典例句】This novel translates well.这本小说译得很好。【考点聚焦】1)注意常用搭配:translate.into./put.into.把译成;translate.for.为翻译2)派生词:translation n. 翻译;translator n.翻译者【活学活用】1.选择Can you translate this letter from German English?A.toB.asC.inD.into答案:Drepeat v. 重复【经典例句】Dont repeat the mistake.不要再犯同样的错误。【考点聚焦】同义词辨析:repeat 意为“重复一遍,再说一遍”,相当于say.again;say 指“说什么(说的内容)”;speak 指“说某种语言”;tell 指“告诉”,常用于tell sb.to do sth.结构中;talk 指“谈论”,常用于talk to/with sb.和talk about sth.结构中。【活学活用】2.选择Sorry,I cant catch you.Could you it again?A.repeatB.sayC.tellD.speak答案:B mistake n. 错误【经典例句】He often makes spelling mistakes.他经常犯拼写错误。【考点聚焦】 1)注意常用搭配:make mistakes 犯错误;correct mistakes 改正错误;by mistake 错误地。2)mistake 还可用作动词,意思是“弄错,误解,把误认为”,常用在mistake.for.结构中,如:We often mistake Lucy for Lily.我们经常把露茜误认成莉莉。【活学活用】3.选择Whats wrong?I a big mistake in my homework.A.madeB.tookC.didD.gave答案:Amessage n. 信息【经典例句】I have sent mother a message to tell her I will go home late.我已经给母亲捎了个信儿,告诉她我晚点儿回家。【考点聚焦】1)注意常用搭配:send a message to.发送消息给;leave a message to.给留个话;take a message to.捎信给2)近义词:news 新闻、消息,是不可数名词。【活学活用】4.选词填空There is a (news,message) for you on the table.答案:message else adj.& adv.其他【经典例句】No one else but Sam saw the accident.除了山姆没有别人看到这起事故。【考点聚焦】1)近义词:other adj.其他的2)else用在疑问词之后,如:What else do you want to say?你还想说什么?它还常用在不定代词之后,如:Id like something else.我想要点别的东西。【活学活用】5.同义句改写What else do you want to buy?What would you to buy?答案:other things,likeExcellentadj. 卓越的【经典例句】Zhang Yining is an excellent ping pong player.张怡宁是个出色的乒乓球运动员。【考点聚焦】同义词辨析:excellent既可形容物,又可形容人,如:excellent work 出色的工作;wonderful只用来形容物,“极好的,令人愉快的”,如:a wonderful place 一个好地方。【活学活用】6.根据句意和首字母提示完成单词Lets have a rest.Thats e.Im tired.答案:excellent improve I v.提高【经典例句】This is not good enough.I want to improve it.这还不够好,我要加以改进。【考点聚焦】improve 在句中用作及物动词,如:The people all over the world should improve the environment.全世界的人都应该改善环境。watchn.手表;v. 看【经典例句】 Would you like to watch the World Cup on TV with me?你愿意跟我一起在电视上观看世界杯吗?【考点聚焦】1)watch作名词,其复数为watches。2)watch作动词,后常接电视、比赛等,有“观望、观看、欣赏”之意。3)同义词辨析:look at强调“看”的动作;see强调“看”的结果,看见;read指看书、报纸、地图、杂志。【活学活用】7.选词并用其适当形式填空watch/see/read/look at1)Please the blackboard.2)Have you him recently?3)Look!He English in the classroom.4)Tim Animal World on TV at that time.答案: 1)look at2)seen3)is reading4)was watchingYourself pron. 你自己【经典例句】You told me the story yourself.你自己亲口把故事讲给我听的。【考点聚焦】反身代词表示某人自己,单数的有myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself;复数的有 ourselves,yourselves,themselves。【活学活用】8.根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子Help (随便吃点儿) some fish,children.答案:yourselves tobreathn.呼吸【经典例句】Take a deep breath,and then you may feel relaxed.深深地吸一口气,那样你会觉得轻松的。【考点聚焦】1)派生词:breathe v.呼吸2)注意常用搭配:hold ones breath屏住呼吸;out of breath气喘吁吁;under (ones) breath 压着嗓音。如:How long can you hold your breath?你能屏住气多长时间?Wish n.祝愿【经典例句】The girl got her wish.那个女孩如愿以偿。【考点聚焦】1)注意常用搭配:best wishes to sb.表示“向某人致以祝福”,best wishes for+节日,表示“祝福节日快乐”。如:Best wishes to you for Teachers Day!祝你教师节快乐!2)wish还可用作动词,意思是“祝愿,但愿”,常用在wish sb.to do sth.结构中,如:Do you wish me to leave now?你要我现在就走吗?I wish I were a bird.但愿我能变成一只鸟。3)同义词辨析:hope(希望) to do sth.但不能说 hope sb.to do sth.。【活学活用】9.单句改错He hopes me to go to the party tomorrow. 答案:hopeswishes Togetheradv. 一起,共同【经典例句】The children played together in the street.孩子们在街上一起玩。【考点聚焦】1)together 是副词,常用于动词之后,如:get together集合;2)常见搭配:all together 一起,同时,总共;together with 和,连同。【活学活用】10.根据括号内汉语提示补全句子We should (一起工作) to build our country.答案:work together短语典句考点 write down 写下,记下【经典例句】Id like to write down what the teacher said.我想把老师说的记下来。【考点聚焦】1)同义词组:put down,要注意这里的down是副词,代词要放在中间。2)要记住以down为中心的一些短语:turn down 关小,把(音量)调低sit down 坐下lie down 躺下fall down 跌倒go down 下沉,沿着走slow down 放慢速度look down upon 轻视,看不起walk down 沿着走【活学活用】11.用上面所提到的词组的正确形式填空1) the radio,please.Its too loud.2) the street until the end of it,and youll find the cinema.3)He Lees telephone number in the newspaper.答案:1)Turn down2)Walk/Go down3)wrote down ask for 请求【经典例句】He asked his father for ten yuan.他向他父亲要了10元钱。【考点聚焦】1)可以是ask for sth.要求得到某物,如:ask for advice 请求建议;ask for money 要钱。2)可以是ask sb.for sth.向某人要某物,如:ask her parents for a bike 向父母要一辆自行车。【活学活用】12.选择You can your teacher some advice about it.A.help;withB.ask;toC.tell;aboutD.ask;for答案:Denjoy yourself 过得快乐【经典例句】Did you enjoy yourself at the party?你在宴会上愉快吗?【考点聚焦】1)enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事2)同义短语:have fun doing sth./have a good time【活学活用】13.同义句改写They enjoyed themselves last weekend.Last weekend they .答案:had a good timeall the time 总是,一直【经典例句】He walks to school all the time.他总是步行上学。【考点聚焦】1)同义词:相当于always,用作时间状语。2)all the time常用于句末,而always常用于句中。【活学活用】14.选择恰当的短语填空now and then/all the time1)Wei Ming es to school first .2)Li Ming is a lazy student.He does his homework .答案:1)all the time2)now and then句子剖析拓展 Why dont you write down the correct spelling and grammar next to the mistakes?你为什么不在错误旁边写上正确的拼写和语法呢?【剖析】1)这是一个提建议的句型,Why dont you.?意思是“为什么不呢?”2)next to是一个介词短语,意思是“在的旁边”。【拓展】1)Why dont you.?的同义句型是Why not.?2)其他提建议的句型见下面的语法剖析。Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook every day.每天复习词汇笔记是个不错的办法。【剖析】1)句中it 是形式主语,后面的动词不定式短语to check your vocabulary notebook 是真正的主语。2)其句型是:It+be+adj./n.+to do sth.【拓展】 类似句型还有:It is ones duty to do sth.;It is important for sb.to do sth.;It is not necessary for sb.to do sth.等等。Many people are shy when they speak English,so before you begin,take a deep breath and smile!许多人说英语时会害羞,所以你开始说之前,深呼吸并微笑。【剖析】1)这是一个so连接的并列句。2)前半部分含有when引导的时间状语从句,后半部分含有before引导的时间状语从句。【拓展】 时间状语从句除由when和before引导外,还可由while,after,until,as soon as等来引导。And when youre shopping,how about counting the English words,or saying the English names for everything you see?你在买东西时,数数英语单词或说说你所见到的物品的英语名称怎么样?【剖析】1)这是个含有when引导的时间状语从句的复合句。2)How about.?是一个提建议的句型,意思是“怎么样?”【拓展】1)How about.?的同义句型是What about.?其后可接名词、代词或动名词。2)其他提建议的句型见下面的语法剖析。语法剖析提建议的几种表达方法本单元出现了很多诸如 “You should speak more English in class.”“How about writing down your mistakes?”“Why dont you write the correct words next to the mistakes?”的句子,这些句子都是用来提建议的,那它们该如何使用呢?请看如下表格:句型意思举例You should/shouldnt.你应该/不应该You shouldnt copy others homework.How/What about.?怎么样?What about going for a picnic?Why dont you/Why not.?为什么不?Why not ask the teacher for help?Dont forget.别忘了Dont forget to read an English story.Try to.努力Try to remember ten words a day.Try not to.尽量不要Try not to look up the words in a dictionary while reading.Shall we.?我们好吗?Shall we go to see Mr.Black?Lets.让我们吧。Lets listen to music and films in English.Youd better (not).你最好(不要)Youd better not play with fire.典题精讲经典题型例1 (xx烟台中考)Would you mind if I close the window? .A.With pleasureB.Yes,please C.Of course not D.Thats a good idea思路解析:问句为“你介意我关上窗子吗?”With pleasure.是用来回答别人让自己做事的时候表示“非常荣幸”。B项内容自相矛盾,Yes是指“介意”,但是please表示“请关吧”,不合适。C项“当然不介意”符合句意。D项用来回答别人的提议,而此处前句是请求。答案:C例2(xx乐山中考)This backpack doesnt look smart.Could you show me one?A.the otherB.othersC.otherD.another思路解析:语境为买背包时的对话。A指“另一个”,暗示只有两个,卖的包不可能只有两个。B项others与one不搭配,C项other通常后加复数,D项表示很多中的“另一个”。答案:D例3(xx厦门中考)You speak English very well.You must have a good English teacher.But no one taught me.I learned it all by .A.meB.IC.mineD.myself 思路解析:此题题意是“你英语说得很好,你一定有个好的英语老师吧。”“没人教我,我是自学的。” learn.by oneself“自学”。答案:D绿色通道:解此类题应注意反身代词常用于一些固定搭配中,如:teach oneself(自学),hurt oneself(伤到自己),look after oneself(照顾自己),enjoy oneself(玩得高兴),leave.by oneself(把 单独留下),help oneself to.(随便吃点儿),behave oneself (举止得体)。例4(xx湖北宜昌中考)Fathers Day is ing.Im going back home to see my father. .A.Give my best wishes to himB.Its very kind of youC.Say goodbye to him,pleaseD.See you soon思路解析:此题是一道考查交际用语的题目,题意是“父亲节就要到来,我要回家看我父亲”。另一人说“请转达我对你父亲的问候”。转达问候还可以用say hello to sb.或 remember me to sb.。答案:A黑色陷阱:本题有两处陷阱。一是受汉语言文化的影响可能认为回家探望父亲很有孝心,故错选B,意思是“你真是太好了”。二是认为你就要回家了应向你告别,因此错选D项,意思是“再见”。例5(xx潍坊中考)People everywhere celebrate(庆贺) the New Year. is a time to say goodbye to the past and to think about new beginnings.A.ThatB.ItC.ThisD.Such思路解析:it可以用于指代时间,表示“新年是一个辞旧迎新的时刻”。此处it代替“新年”这一时间。答案:A原创题阅读刘畅在学英语过程中遇到的问题,利用下面的表达完成外籍教师Rose给他的回信(每词只能用一次)。dont forgethow aboutshouldtry toyoud betterwhy dontHi Rose,I like English very much,but my grades are not very good.What should I do to improve my English?From Liu ChangHello Liu,Id like to hear that you like English very much.You want to improve your English.Then you 1 always practice your listening,speaking,reading and writing.2 listen for the important words,not every word.Reading English stories is also good for you.If you are not interested in it,3 watching Englishlanguage movies?4 to take grammar notes in class.Then try to use the grammar to write your own sentences.Finally,I know we have “English Corner” in our school,so 5 you join it to practice speaking?Whats more,6 keep a diary in English every day because its a good way to improve your writing.Best wishes,Rose参考答案: 1.should2.Try to3.how about4.Dont forget5.why dont6.youd better思路解析:本题旨在考查本单元交际项目提建议,由上文“want to improve your English”可推断出后面是“应该总是练习听、说、读、写能力”;在练习听力时,努力听出重点单词即可,而无需听出每个词,故第二空应填Try to;如果对读英文故事不感兴趣的话,那么看英文电影怎么样?后面是“watching”,而只有how about 后面接doing;后文紧接着说别忘了课堂上记语法笔记,后面是“to”,故只能填Dont forget;第五空出现在问句中,而且后面是“you”,故填Why dont,意思是为何不加入英语角来练习口语呢?要想提高写作能力,最好每天坚持写日记,故最后一空填youd better。绿色通道:这篇文章中的句型都是提建议的句型。判断句子的意思,并且熟悉句型的具体用法,在充分联系上下文的基础上才能做好。巧学法园地巧记英语学习方法学英语,四能力,听说读写要牢记。听力要听关键词,说话不要怕出错。读杂志,看电影,不要总想查单词。学语法,记笔记,多造句,多练习。写作也得加把劲,勤学苦练见成绩。学习方法须可取,考试才能争第一。

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