2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Friends(V).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Friends(V)Teaching Aims: 1. To use superlatives to pare three or more people or things. 2. To pare two people or things using (not) as +adj.+asTeaching Steps:一、Greeting:二、Revision Review paratives and superlatives三、New Teaching:(一) New words: 1. height n. 高、高度 He is 1.75 metres in height.他1.75米高。 Take sbs height 量某人的身高 2. petition n. 竞赛、比赛、竞争 a drawing petition 美术比赛 3. test n. vt. 测试、考查 an English test 一次英语考试 4. hiking n. 远足、徒步旅行 5. cycling n. 骑自行车 6. camping n. 野营、露营 have a camping trip go camping 去野营 7. skiing n. 滑雪 8. diving n. 潜水、跳水 9. outdoor adj. 户外的、露天的 outdoor sports 室外运动 an outdoor theatre 露天剧场 an outdoor life 野外生活 10.activity n. 活动 different outdoor activities 不同的户外活动(二) Language Points 1. 当表示A与B不一样时,用not so/asas结构 用法:A+be动词+not+as+形(原级)+B eg: John is not as clever as Bob. My picture is not as/so beautiful as yours. 以上否定形式,还可以用lessthan表示 eg: John is less clever than Bob. 2. Some phrases: as interesting as 与一样有趣 as dangerous as 与一样危险 3. I dont think these outdoor activities are dangerous.我认为这些户外运动不危险。think 用法:在从句中如有否定含义,需把否定词移到主句中,称为否定前移(前置否定) eg: I think she is right. I dont think she is right. 我认为她不对。 I dont think its right to do so. 我想这样做是不对的。其它:suppose, believe, imagine 也有如此用法。Think词组: think about考虑 think over仔细思考 The monitor is think about having a meeting.班长正考虑开个会。 Let me think it over. 让我仔细考虑一下。四、Practice Finish the exercises on Page 1011.五、Some exercises(一)、写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级 1. tall 2. big 3. useful 4. brave 5. early 6. long 7. happy 8. good 9. much 10.well 11. large 12. easy 13.hard 14.hot 15.slowly 16. thin 17.important 18.bad 19. little _ _20. ill (二)、选择题( ) 1. John is just _ as Kate. A. so careful B. as careful C. careful D. more careful( ) 2. The flowers are _ beautiful. A. still B. very C. even D. far( ) 3. He is _ than I . A. two years B. two years as old as C. two years older D. as old as two years( ) 4. Tom is taller than _ in his class. A. any other boys B. any other boy C. any boys D. any of the other boy( ) 5. Its winter now. The weather is getting _. A. very oldcolder B. colder and colder C. more cold and cold D. coldest and coldest ( ) 6. Tom is _ of the two. A. younger B. the younger C. the youngest D. youngest( ) 7. Which one is _, the horse or the dog? A. big B. bigger C. biggest D. biger( ) 8. The Changjiang River is one of _ in the world. A. the long river B. the longest river C. the longest rivers D. longest rivers( ) 9. Tom is taller than Mike. But he isnt _Mike. A. strong as B. as strong as C. so strong D. as strong( )10. Nanjing is bigger than _ in Shangdong. A. any city B. any other city C. any cities D. any other cities六、Homework 当作业本Period 6教后感:


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