2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 7 Know Our World全单元教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 Unit 7 Know Our World全单元教案 冀教版Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: geography, population, ever, abroad, Asia, Japan, Japanese, village, town, India, worldOral words and expressions: some day, It is fun to travel around the world.Teaching Aims: 1.Talk about the countries.2.Be proud of ones country.Teaching Important Points:1.Talk about the geography.2.Learn something about the foreign countries.Teaching Difficult Countries:What languages do they speak in other countries?Teaching Preparation: a globeTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a globeType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Look at the globe. Point to our country. Ask the students the questions: What country are you in?What language do we speak?Have you been abroad? Has anyone in your family been abroad? Where has he been? When?Step2. e to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Whats your favourite subject?What is geography? Do you like geography?Step3. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1.Has Danny been abroad?2.What language do they speak in Japan?3.How long has Brains father been in Africa?4.Wheres Jennys mother pen pal from?Step4. Read and check the answers. 1.Read the text in roles. 2.Let some students act the dialogue out.Step5. Discuss the details in groups.1.Where would Danny love to go?2.What countries has Brian been to?3.Does Danny speak Chinese?4.Where is Brian from?5.Can you explain the meaning of “pen pal”?Step6. e to “LETS DO IT”.Talk about the countries that you have visited. If you havent visited, what country would you like to visit? Why?Give a report to your class.Step7. Homework1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:Travel around the world and know about the culture and customs of other countries. Thats all what we want to do. How many countries do the students know? What do they know about them? Can they have a vivid explanation of the countries that they are interested in? Lesson 50: The World Is a Big Place!Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: land, Europe, America, ocean, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, earth, surface, island, riverOral words and expressions: Antarctica, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, Arctic, the Arctic Ocean, Greenland, northeast, NileTeaching Aims:1.Learn more about the worlds geography.2.Master the words and expressions of the continents and oceans in English.Teaching Important Points: 1.The words and expressions in this lesson.2.Know about the worlds physical features.Teaching Difficult Points:Some geography features in the world.Teaching Preparation: a map of the worldTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a map of the worldTeaching Procedure:Step1. Talk about the question: 1.Where do you live? 2.Do you like to live here? Why?Step2. e to “THINK ABOUT IT”.1.Which part of the world do you live in?2.What do you know about the place where you live?3.How many people are there in the world?Step3. Listening taskListen and answer the following questions:1.How many people are there in the world?2.Where do all the people live?3.How big are the worlds oceans?4.How many deserts does the world have?5.Whats the worlds biggest island?6.Whats the worlds longest river?Step4. Reading taskRead the text and finish Exercise 2 in activity book.1.Scientists predict the worlds population will be _ by 2050. There will be 9.1 billion people by _.2.About _ of the world is land. The land that is very _ is called desert. The deserts cover _ of the earths surface.3.There are _ continents. They are _, _, _, _, North America, South America and Antarctica. Antarctica is the worlds _ and the worlds _ continent.4.There are _ main oceans. They cover _ of the worlds surface. They are _, _, _ and the Arctic Ocean. _ is the biggest ocean. _ is the smallest ocean.5.The worlds _ island is Greenland.6.The Nile River in Africa is the _ river.Step5. Listen to the tape again and ask the students to imitate after it. Step6. Read the text again and talk about the details about the text.How many deserts does the world have? What are they? Which is the second largest desert in the world?Whats the worlds longest river? What is the second longest river? What is the third longest river? What are the physical features of them?Step7. e to “LETS DO IT”.Prepare a dictionary before the class. When they meet new words, encourage them to look them up in the dictionary.Step8. Homework1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:Ask the students to prepare a dictionary before the class. Some words are new for the classmates. Especially some names of places. When the students are discussing, help them if it is necessary.All the questions have only one answer. When you have questions, remember to search on the Internet.Lesson 51: AsiaTeaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: area, Russian, mountainOral words and expressions: square kilometer, geographical, feature, Mont Everest, Qomolangma, Himalayas, the Yangtze River, TokyoTeaching Aims:1.Use the Internet and the tools to search the information.2.Create the students interests in learning English.Teaching Important Points:1.Learn the geographical features of Asia.2.Name the main countries in Asia. What are in the main cities in the countries?Teaching Difficult Points:Some words and expressions are too difficult for the students.Teaching Preparation: a map of the worldTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a map of the worldType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Say some countries and the capital cities.Country Capital CityU. K. LondonU. S. Washington, D. C.Canada OttawaAustralia CanberraChina BeijingStep2. e to “THINK ABOUT IT.”1.What continent do you live in?2.What languages do people speak in Asia?Talk about the countries and the languages that they speak.Step3. Listening task:Listen and answer the following questions;1.How big is Asia?2.What countries are in Asia?3.How many people live in Asia?4.What languages do they speak?5.What are the main geographical features of Asia?6.What are the biggest cities in Asia?Step4. Read the new words for the students. Then let them read after the teacher for several times. Now ask them if they have some words that are new to them. Let them talk about the words and guess the meanings together.Step5. Reading task Read the text and check the answers. Read the text again and finish Exercise3 in the activity book.How big is Asia? Asia is the _ continent. It _ more than 44 million square kilometers. There are over _ countries. China is the biggest country in _ and population. More than three _ people live in Asia. Thats more than _ the worlds population. Mount Qomolangma is the highest _ in the world. The Yangtze River in China is the _ longest river in the world. Tokyo and _ are two of the biggest _ in Asia. The _ city of China is Beijing. The Great Wall in China is world-famous. Step6. Read together. Find the mistakes and help them correct them.Step7. e to “PROJECT”.CHOOSE A CONTINENTTalk about the project in groups of three of four. Each group chooses a region of the world. Students collect the facts of the region. They must work together and give a report to the class.Instruct the students to begin writing their reports. Let them draw a map of their region. Can they locate cities and other features of the map?Students continue to work in the same group. Instruct the students to begin writing their reports. Remind the students to think about illustrations for their presentations.In the next class, students continue to work in their groups. Go on writing their reports. Encourage them to search more information on the Internet.Step8. Homework1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:It is difficult to finish the project. Students must search more information on the Internet. They must work together to finish different parts by different students. If they want to give a good report to the class, they must have good translation. When they need help, the teacher should help them at once because this is a challenge for them.Lesson 53: Ringing Up Li MingTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: ring, ring upOral words and expressions: ring up, What doesmean? Hold on, please. This isspeaking, a fewTeaching Aims:1.Learn to make a telephone call in English.2.Know about the following culture.Teaching Important Points:1.How to make a telephone call.2.What does “ring up” mean in the U. K.?Teaching Difficult Points:How to make a telephone call?Teaching Preparation: a telephoneTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a telephoneType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. First sing the song together.Step2. Ask the students if they have previewed the lesson. Let the students ask questions about the lesson.Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about this lesson.They can ask like this:1.What does “Ring up” mean in Canada?2.Is Li Ming at home?Step3. Listen to the tape and try to finish Exercise 2 in activity book.1.What would Brian like to do for his report on Asia?2.Who tells Brian Li Mings telephone number?3.What time is it in China when it is afternoon in Canada?4.Does Brian ring up Li Mings apartment?5.How is the weather in Shijiazhuang?6.Can Li Ming help Brian with his report?Step4. Read the text and check the answers.First let the students read the text silently. Then read it in roles. After a while, ask some students to e to the front and act the dialogue out.Step5. Explain the main expressions in this text. Make up sentences with “May I speak to?” “This is.speaking.” “Whos thats?”Step6. Discuss the details of this lesson. What questions can the students ask? Can others find the right answer?Step7. e to “LETS DO IT!”Step8. Homework1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:Ringing up is the main content of this lesson. Making a telephone call is so different from Chinese. It is a good teaching tip to give the students more time to practice in class. Lesson 54: EuropeTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: England, European, seaOral words and expressions: German, Italian, Greek, the Alps, the Caspian Sea, the Volga River, Moscow, Paris, the Triumphal ArchTeaching Aims:1.Know more about the worlds geography. 2pare the physical features with the Asian physical features.Teaching Important Points:1.Learn about the physical features of Europe.2.Know about the customs and habits in Europe.Teaching Difficult Points:the physical features of EuropeTeaching Preparation: a map of the worldTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a map of the worldType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Make up a telephone dialogue. Let the students act it out in front of the class.Step2. Listening taskListen and finish the exercises:1.The worlds _ smallest continent is Europe.2.Europe has more than thirty _.3._ is the biggest country in Europe. And London is one of the largest _.Step3. Reading task1.How big is Europe?2.What countries are in Europe?3.How many people live in Europe?4.What languages do Europeans speak?5.What are the main geographical features of Europe?6.What are the biggest cities in Europe?Step4.Read prehension First read the text silently. Then read the text loudly. If they have some trouble, lets listen to the tape again. Step5. Read the text again. Encourage the students to ask questions. Discuss the details in class.Step6. PracticeWrite some words and expressions on the blackboard. Such as:Europe, Britain, French, German, Russian, Italian, the Alps, the Caspian Sea, the Volga RiverStep7. Talk about the countries and the languages that they speak.Country LanguageEngland EnglishFrance FrenchGermany GermanRussia RussianItaly ItalianGreece GreekStep8. Homework1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:Many words and expressions are too difficult for the students to read. So write them on the blackboard and read them loudly. It refers many languages in this lesson. Sum the content and present to the class in order to make them remember more clearly.Lesson 55: Report on the Report!Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: interview, onOral words and expressions: province, go/be abroadTeaching Aims:1.Learn about the foreign culture and customs.2.Know about more about the worlds geography.Teaching Important Points:1.Sum what we learn in this unit.2.Master something about the geography.Teaching Difficult Points:Demonstrate the things that have passed. Pay attention to the indefinite pronouns.Teaching Preparation: picturesTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Review the countries and the languages. Let some students make a list on the blackboard.Step2. Listening taskListen and finish Exercise 2 in activity book. Answer true (T) or false (F) 1.Li Ming kept thinking about Brians report today in school.2.Li Ming didnt tell his mother about Brians geography class.3.Most people in North America know Shijiazhuang well.4.Brians report was the only one with an interview.5.Brians teacher thought talking to people from other parts of the world is a good way to learn geography.6.Danny gave a very good report on Asia.7.The Europes longest river is in England.Step2. Read and check the answers. First read silently. Then read it loudly in class. The teacher walks around the classroom to see if the students need some help.Step3. Read the text again. Then discuss the questions in listening task. Discuss the details with the students to see if they have some questions to ask.Step4. Make up sentences with the language points:Keep doing: I keep thinking practicing the spoken English.With an interview: Beijing is a city with many places of interest Step5. Listen to the tape again. Pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation.Step6. Let some students sum the main content in this lesson, but not word by word.Step7. e to “LETS DO IT”.Step8. Homework1.Finish off the exercises in activity book.2.Do the exercises on Page 69.Summary:How to express ones idea in English is difficult for the students. Sometimes they understand the words but they dont know how to use them. The teacher should spend some time on written English. Writing is an important ability for the students. It must be cultivated in daily English class.Lesson 56: Unit ReviewTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions from Lesson 50 to Lesson 55.Oral words and expressions from Lesson 50 to Lesson 55.Teaching Aims:1.Know the main geographical features of the world.2.Be familiar to the Internet.Teaching Important Points:1.Learn about the foreign culture.2.Know about the situation of our country.Teaching Difficult Points:The names of some places, including the places in China and foreign countries.Teaching Preparation: a globe, a map of China, a map of the worldTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, a globe, a map of China, a map of the worldTeaching Procedure:Step1. Look at the map of China. Introduce the main places of China. Discuss the places of interest in China.Step2. Look at the map of the world. Point out the seven continents and four oceans on the map.Introduce the situation in the seven continents.Step3. Look at the globe and sing the song in Lesson 52. Let volunteers e to the front and sing the song. Do a survey: How many students can sing the song? Do they all have good listening ability?Step4. Finish the exercises in this lesson. Step5. Check if they have some difficulties. Explain them on the blackboard. Step6. e to “Do You Know”?First let the students read together. Then ask them to sum the main meaning of this part. At last, make up sentences with the important grammars.Step7. Homework1. Read the text of Unit 7 in activity book. 2Finish the writing exercises.Summary:The knowledge in the book is limited. Encourage the students to get more from the Internet and other books. Let the students present what they get in the class. They can improve their municate ability. They also learn to use the Internet and tools.


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