2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 7 Feelings and impressions教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 7 Feelings and impressions教案 外研版Language goals语言目标1. Key vocabulary重点词汇feeling, smell, feel, salty, sour, tight, shoe, soup, dear, matter, cheese, fresh, try, lovely, sweater, both, smart, pretty, must, introduce 2. Key structures重点句式Sense verb+ adjAbility goals能力目标 Enable students to use sense verbs. Teaching methods教学方法municative approach. Teaching aids教具准备A tape recorder, some pictures and some objects. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Lead-in Read and explain these words. Ask the student to look at the pictures and decide what they think is happening. Play the tape for them to number the pictures, let them check with a partner, and then call back the answers from the whole class.Write “taste” on the board. Then go on with the other pictures. Ask students to read the words and sentences in activity 2 repeatedly. Step II Listening and reading Listening In this step, students will listen to the tape and number the pictures and then match the sentences with the pictures. A few minutes later, call back the answers. Then call attention to the structure: Subject + sense verb + adj Reading Ask students to read through the conversation individually and then play the tape and have them read and follow.Ask them some questions to check their prehension.What is Betty doing? What is Lingling doing?How does the onion taste?How does the pizza taste?Who is going to the airport? And why?Then ask students to answer the questions in activity 4 in pairs and then check their answer. Call some students to say their answers in class. One student asks and the other one answers. After that, call their attention to match different body parts and different sense verbs. Point out that in the right column, one word can be put in several blanks, for example, fresh can be put in the blanks after “eye, mouth, nose”, three of the blanks.Check the answers.Step III Pronunciation and speaking Do the task 7 on page 57, play the recording with pauses for them to repeat chorally and individually. Then ask them to work in pairs and make dialogues, talk about likes and dislikes.Step IV HomeworkAsk students to 1.read the conversation repeatedly.2.learn Everyday English on page 57 by heart. 3.finish activities 1, 2 and 6 in the workbook.Period 2 Reading and writingLanguage goals语言目标 1. Key vocabulary重点词汇nervous, hair, dark, fair, glasses, dance, especially, proud, stupid, angry, stranger, excited, bicycle 2.Key structures重点句式Shes tall with short hair. Shes wearing Shes carrying Ability goals能力目标 Enable students to learn to write about a person. Teaching methods 教学方法 Bottom-up approach. Teaching aids教具准备A puter and a projector. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I RevisionTalk about feelings and impressions with students. Ask students who wear jeans e to the front of the class. Ask one of the students who e to the front the following questions. Help them to recall all the sense verbs and write the sentence structure on the board. Let students read and consolidate these words and structures. Step II Vocabulary Introduce some new words and talk about the pictures to prepare for the reading.Show the following. Ask students to read and makes sentences with them. dark, fair, glasses, long, old, pretty, short, tall, young Step II Reading Ask them to read the letter individually and find out the right photo. After a while, ask students to read out loud the sentences, and then find out the right photo. Ask some students to point out the picture and describe the picture. Then ask students to read again and find the sentences showing her likes and dislikes and those describe her feelings. Ask students to read the above sentences repeatedly. Then ask them to work in pairs and ask and answer the questions in activity 5. After this, ask them to read the letter again and then match the questions in activity 3 with the paragraphs. Check the answers and ask them to state their reasons. Step III SpeakingAsk students to do activity 4. Then ask students to work in groups of five or six. Each group describes a person in the class, and let other groups to guess who she or he is.Encourage students to talk about their hobbies using the following sentence structures and phrases.:I spend a lot of time with I love I enjoy As well Pairwork Ask students to read the letter and underline the sentences with “when”. Call someone to read the sentences they underlined with “when”. Ask someone to put the sentences down. Point out “when” means time here, not a question word and then ask them to work in pairs and ask and answer the question in activity 5. Then ask students to work in pairs and ask and say about their feelings as instructed in activity 6. Step IV WritingAsk students to write a reply to Lingling and describe themselves in the letter. Step V HomeworkAsk students to 1. read the letter repeatedly.2. write a description of a friend or a family member. Period 3 Speaking and listening Language goals语言目标1. Key vocabulary重点词汇afraid, angry, excited, nervous, proud, sad, shy, sorry, stupid, sure, dark, fair, friendly 2. Key structures重点句式 : I feel when I Ability goals能力目标Enable students to use “when” structure and describe others. Teaching methods教学方法municative approach.Teaching aids教具准备A projector and a puter. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I RevisionAsk some students to show their work. Step II Speaking and listening Likes, dislikes and feelings Ask students to do activities 2 and 3 individually. Then check the answers by asking some to read the sentences. For activity 3, point out in sentences 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, we add “s” after sense verbs, but in sentences 4, 5, 7, we dont add “s” after sense verbs.Describing others Ask students to do activities 46 on page 60. For activity 4, point out: Usually when we describe a person we use these words, but there are some differences between these words. For example, we can see someone is “tall” or “short”. We cant see “friendly” or “nice,” but we can judge from someones behavior. Then ask them to match the words with the questions and put them in the box. Check their answer with the whole class. Then ask them to do activity 6. Pairwork Go on with activity 5. Step III HomeworkAsk students to do activities 3, 4 and 7 on pages 136 to 137. Period 4 Integrating skills Language goals语言目标1. Key vocabulary重点词汇afraid, angry, excited, nervous, proud, sad, shy, sorry, stupid, sure, dark, fair, friendly 2. Key structures重点句式 I feel when I Ability goals能力目标Enable students to write a description of someone. Teaching methods教学方法Task-based activities. Teaching aids教具准备A projector and a puter. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Revision Do activity 7 on page 62.Read the examples with some students and then ask them to work in pairs and do the game. Step II ListeningEncourage students to guess what the listening material will be: Where is the speaker? What is he / she doing? What happened?Then ask them to listen to the recording carefully and plete the table in activity 8. Play the tape again. Call back the answers from the whole class.Step III Reading and writing Ask students to read the passage in Around the world. Then ask students to do activity 9. After this, ask students to do activities 10. Check the answers with the class. Step IV Module task Ask students to write a description of someone. Step V Homework Ask students to 1.summarize what they have learned in the module.2.finish the rest activities in the workbook as a self-assessment.


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