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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Module4DiscoveryUnit7Theunknownworld教案牛津深圳版This part is about the extension of the first part of the text reading, belonging to the second stage, mainly the study of vocabulary and the the knowledge of the unknown world. Through this part of the study.Let students effectively consolidate and master the imprortant words and key phrases and sentences of the unknown world. 教学目标【知识目标】discovered frightened quiet refused unknown feathers received terrible wonders【能力目标】1)To train students skill- grasp the missing words by the related topic2) To train students speaking skill-discuss the topic with classmates.3) To expand students horizons.【情感目标】1) To teach students some skills of listening2) To teach students to explain their own ideas 教学重难点【教学重点】To train studentsbasic skill- grasp the missing words by the related topic.【教学难点】To teach students to explain their own ideas 课前准备 Multimedia 教学过程Part11.1) C2 plete the following newspaper article with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary.discover loud refuse wonder in fear quiet spread “UFO” Seen in West JerseyAt around 7 p.m. last night, the Johnson family heard a 1._ noise and saw a bright light in the sky. Something then fell into the bushes. There were more noises, and then all became 2._.3._,the family called the police.The police 4. _ some feathers in the bushes. Since the feathers were 5. _ out, the police believed that a bird was killed. Next to the feathers, there was a broken power line. The police 6._how the bird was killed.The Johnson family, however,7._to believe it was a bird. “It was a UFO, I tell you!” said Mr. Johnson.2) 根据首字母提示,用正确的单词或词组完成句子。1. Ive sent you the invitation to the party. Have you r_ it?2. K_ _, children! Grandpa is sleeping.3. Excuse me, I w_ if you can help me. I dont know the way to the railway station.Consolidationdiscovered frightened quiet refused unknown feathers received terrible wondersSimon wonders why he always loses in games against eric.When the dinosaur appeared in the film, an the children felt feathersWhy do all birds have frightened Scientists say they help the birds keep warm. I feel terrible today. I lost my key this morning and had my wallet stolen this afternoon.Jason refused to take my advice and failed the exan.Therearestillmanyunknownplacesintheworldthatpeoplehaventvisitedyet.Please draw a inthemiddleanddividethesouareintohalve.sBe quiet,please.letsbeginclass.Ireceivedaletterfrommye-friendJiinstweek.WhodiscoveredAmerics?wasitChristopherColumbus?step2. Look and review 2) Read the three reports and plete the table below. Review some words.Step3 Read and answerRead Paragraphs 2 to 5 of the story. Then, answer the following questions.Why was Tina sure something had landed in the forest near the hills?What did Tina and her brother do the next day?When did they reach the forest?What did they bear? Did they understand it?What did the alien look like?How did ins and om feel when they saw the shien?4). Read Paragraphs 6 to 8 of the story. Then, tell whether the following statements are T (True) or F (False).1. The children thought the aliens were very beautiful.2.The aliens had no hair or feathers.3. Tom found something written on the spaceship.4. The children knew the meaning of the words on the spaceship.5). Read Paragraphs 9 to 10 of the story. Then, answer the following questions.Step4. Summarize 1). D1 Read the story again and summarize the main idea of each part.PartParagraph(s)Main idea1Paragraph 12Paragraphs 253Paragraphs 694Paragraph 10Step5. prehension 1. *D3 In pairs, discuss whether you believe aliens are real. Why or why not? At midnight, a yellow light The next morning, explore At 6 p.m. , reach The next morning, tell their fatherStep6. Homework 1. 根据时间线索,复述主阅读篇章的故事。 2. 把小组讨论prehension部分练习D3的结果整理成发言稿。3. 完成英语(八年级 下册)B 第121至122页Reading B,C的练习。Part2step1. Retell the storyAt midnight, a yellow lightThe next morning, exploreAt 6 p.m. , reachThe next morning, tell their fatherRead and pleteplete the following reports after reading the story.Report 1Name:TinaTime:The day before yesterday, at (1) _Place: Flat 7, Floor 20, Tall BuildingOther people: None. I was alone.Report:I (2) _ and looked out of the window. In the sky, I saw (3) _. The light dived towards the ground and then I saw (4) _. I heard (5) _too. I think something landed (6) _ near the hills.Report 2Name:Tina Time:Yesterday, at (7) _Place: The forest near the hillsOther people: With (8) _Report:We flew to the forest. Then we walked around. We heard (9) _, so we hid behind some bushes. We saw (10) _. It was talking but we could not understand it. It was very ugly. It had a round head and (11) _. It had some hair but it did not have (12) _. We saw the aliens (13) _. It was damaged. There was something written on the spaceship. It was not like our writing. The writing was like this: EARTH. Then (14) _appeared in front of us. It made a terrible noise so we ran quickly away.Step2.Talk timeAgreeing and disagreeingI think/believe that the pyramids in Egypt were built by aliens.I dont agree./I think youre wrong./I disagree.So do l./I agree./I think youre right.Read the conversation below.Tony:I think aliens must be more intelligent than humans.Jenny:I dont agree. Tony:But if they could fly to the Earth, their spaceships must be faster than ours.Jenny:I agree with you. Their technology must be more advanced than ours.Answer the following questions about the previous conversation.What is Tonys opinion about aliens? Tony thinks aliens must be more intelligent than humans.What does Tony think of aliens spaceships? Tony thinks aliens spaceships must be faster than ours.Step3. grammar Does Jenny agree that aliens must be more intelligent than humans? No, she doesnt.Does Jenny agree that aliens spaceships can travel faster than humans? Yes, she does.What can we say to express agreement?Yes, indeed.Yes, (thats) exactly what I think.I agree totally/one hundred per cent /pletely.Thats just what I was going to say.I think so.Yes, thats right.How true!What can we say to express disagreement?Im not so sure about that.Do you really think so?Im a bit surprised you said that.Well, thats a matter of opinion.I wouldnt say that.In pairs, make a conversation like the example above. Choose one of the following topics.Aliens are a danger to us. Aliens will bee our friends.Aliens are cleverer than us. We will fight aliens in the future.Agreeing and disagreeingI think/believe that I dont agree./I think youre wrong./I disagree.So do l./I agree./I think youre right.Agreeing and disagreeingWe will live with aliens in the future. We can control aliens. UFOs do exist.People will be able to meet aliens from other planets in the future. A spaceship crashed at Roswell. Aliens do exist. Crop circles were created by people.I think/believe that I think/believe that the pyramids in Egypt were built by aliens.I dont agree./I think youre wrong./I disagree.So do l./I agree./I think youre right.Step4.ListeningRescuing the lost astronautsTwo astronauts, Liz and Gus, are lost on Planet X. Their captain Troy is talking to them from the mother ship.A Listen to the captains instructions and help Liz and Gus label the map with the words from the box. desert landing site spaceship lake mountains town B Listen to the recording again and plete the notes below. Write one word in each blank.Captain Troy:We cannot land the mother ship in the forest because of the(1) .Your spaceship is in B4. We are going to(2) in D1.You must get to D1(3) .You must(4) behind.You can only carry(5) .You mustnt hurt or anyone on this planet.Retell Captain Troys instructions using the map and your notes.Suppose you are Liz and Gus. In pairs, talk about the route you will choose to reach the landing site. Step5.Speak up tent knifeLook at B on page 102 again. The two astronauts must get to their mother ship as soon as possible. They have the following things, but they can only take five of them.A camera a tent 10bottles of waterA knife matches 25gold coinsA map of Planet X medicine 6lunch boxese up with your own list of five things you want to take with you. Then pare your list with your partners list. Explain to your classmate why you need these things and why you agree or disagree with him/her on what you should bring.1 Choose five things to take with you. Explain why you need these things and why you agree or disagree with your classmate;2 Tell the class your list and give your reasons.e.g., desertwater,forestknifeYou can use the following expressions for reference.Offering suggestions:Lets I suggest that Why dont we ?What about ?Accepting suggestions:Yes, thats a good idea.We need because we must Rejecting suggestions:No, we dont need to take that.We dont need because Discuss the things you will take and plete the table below.ThingReasonAgree/Disagree LizGusMake a report about the five things you want to take with you and give reasons. Use the expressions below to help youFellow students,We have decided to carry these five things. Firstly, we will carry because Secondly, Thirdly, Then, Lastly, Have you got any questions?Rescuing the lost astronautsTwo astronauts, Liz and Gus, are lot on Planet X. Their captain Troy is talking to them from the mother ship.Listen to the captains instructions and help Liz and Gus label the map with the words from the box.desert landing site spaceshiplake mountain town(1) desert (2)landing site (3)lake (4)mountains (5)spaceship (6)townListen to the recording again and plete the notes below. Write one word in each blank.Captain Troy:We cannot land the mother ship in the forest because of the (1) _.Your spaceship is in B4. We are going to (2) _ in D1.You must get to D1 _ _ _.You must (4) _ _ _ behind.You can only carry (5) _ _.You mustnt hurt or (6) _ anyone on this planet.Agreeing and disagreeingI think/believe that the pyramids in Egypt were built by aliens.I dont agree./I think youre wrong./I disagree.So do l./I agree./I think youre right.In pairs, make a conversation like the example above. Choose one of the following topics.Aliens are a danger to us.Aliens are cleverer than us.Aliens will bee our friends.We will fight aliens in the future.Look at B on page 102 again. The two astronauts must get to their mother ship as soon as possible. They have the following things, but they can only take five of them.A camera a tent 10bottles of waterA knife matches 25gold coinsA map of Planet X medicine 6lunch boxesWork in pairs. Imagine you and your classmates are Liz and Gus.1 Choose five things to take with you. Explain why you need these things and why you agree or disagree with your classmate;2 Tell the class your list and give your reasons.e.g., desertwater,forestknifestep6. Homework 1.抄写单词和短语:desert,tent,knife,explain;as soon as possible,agree with,disagree with。2.列出如果去外星球你最想带的五件物品,并陈述理由。3.完成英语(八年级 下册)B 第117至第118页Listening和第119页Speaking的练习。Part3Step1 language points1.receive v. 接收 accept v. 收到汤姆收到了一份礼物,但是他没有接受。Tom received a gift, but he didnt accept it.2.explore v.探究,探索我们一来到岛上就急不可耐地考察起来。We were eager to explore as soon as we arrived at the island.explorer n.探险者exploration n.勘探;探索,探究3. discover v. 发现哥伦布在1492年发现了美洲。Columbus discovered America in 1492.* find 找到 (某物)* invent 发明I found a bag under the desk.Bell invented the telephone.4. frightened adj. 惊吓的,害怕的 frightening adj. 令人害怕的当他看到那只可怕的狗时,他很害怕。He was frightened when he saw the frightening dog.*interested * excited * surprised * amazed*interesting * exciting * surprising * amazing5. wonder v. 想知道 = want to know我想知道他什么时候回来。I wonder when he will e back.6. pleased adj. 高兴的 = happy = gladbe pleased to do sth. 高兴去做某事He was very pleased to go to the party.去参加聚会他十分高兴。根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Who is the _ of the letter?(receive)2. The _ children were calling for help. ( frighten)3. The _ of America changed the whole world. (discover)4. The man is _ lazy. (terrible)5. How _ the movie is! (wonder)6. She _ his invitation yesterday.(refuse)7. You plan needs some _.(explain)8. Thanks very much anyhow.- It is a _. (pleased)9. Lets get into an _ world. (know)10. I think this is a good idea, but the other students _ with you. (agree)Step2 conclusionWords:hill; loud; explore; bush; quiet; round; damage; crash; frightened;discover; terrible; fear; creature; feather; wonder; line; refuse; spread; markPhrases:keep quiet; because of; make a terrible noise; in fear; refuse to do sth.; power linePatterns:I think/believe thatStep6 Homework1.抄写单词和短语:keep quiet/because of/in fear/landing site/as soon as possible/agree with/disagree with2.完成英语(八年级 下册) 本部分对应的练习。Part4step1GrammarAdverbial clauses of reason because ofObjectivesTo know the usage of adverbial clauses of reason because ofTo learn to use themhave a look1.HedistrustedmebecauseIwasnew.2.Asalltheseatswerefullhestoodup.3.Thecountryisnotstrongbecauseitislarge.4.Since/Aswevenomoney,wecantbuyit.以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解,下面就让我们根据之前练习的考察情况进一步选择讲解该语法项的重难点。知识脉络原因状语从句引导词用法 Because of 句型状语从句状语修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子。当状语为句子时即为状语从句,一般可以用来表示时间、地点、原因、结果等概念。原因状语从句常用引导词:because,since,as,Mark is absent today because he is ill.马可今天没来,因为他病了。As he was in a hurry, Jack left his bag home.由于走的匆忙,杰克把包落在了家里。because1.because 表示的原因是必然的因果关系;语气最强;通常在主句之后,有时也在主句之后2.回答why提出的问题,只能用because回答_ Why cant I go?_ Because you are too young.3. because 引导的从句可用于强调句,其余不能Its because he is kind that we like him.4. because 可用作表语,其他不能This is because the earth is traveling around the sun.5. 表示“的原因是因为”时,一般要用The reason why is thatThe reason why he cannot e is that he is ill.Since1.since 引导的从句置于主句之前,表示已知的,显然的理由。“既然”较为正式,语气比because弱。Since you are free today, you had better help me with my English.2. Since 可用于省略句,其他不能Since so, there is no more to be said.asas 引导的原因状语从句时表示附带说明的“双方已知的原因”,语气比since弱,较为正式,位置灵活(常置于主句前)。As it is raining, youd better take a taxi.Because of句型becauseof是固定短语,后接名词,或名词性短语。表示“由于”,“因为”。它可引导介词短语作表语,也可引导短语作状语。Hecantgotoschoolbecauseofsickness.他因病不能上学。 Becauseofhiswoundedleg, hecouldnotwalksofastastheothers.因为一条腿受了伤,他不能和其他人走得一样快。Step2 Practice. 单项选择。 1. -Tom isnt feeling very well. -He seems to have a cold _ the weather changes suddenly. (xx安徽)A. before B. so C. because D. though2. _ youve got a chance, you might as well make fun use of it.A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as3. He found it increasingly difficult to read, _ his eyesight was beginning to fail. A and B. for C. but D. or4. A man cannot smile like a child, a child smiles with his eyes, while a man smiles with his lips alone. (xx 湖南)A. so B. but C. and D. for5. The doctor told the patient to go on a diet _ he was overweight.A. on the condition that B. because C. for D. when 6. _ the weather was fine, I opened all the windows.A. As B. Because of C. For D. With7. _ you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight.A.For B. Since C. Before D. While8. The fuel must have been finished, _ the engine stopped.A.since B. as C. because D. for9. _ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.A. For B. Now C. Since D. Despite10. I hate traveling by air _ you usually have to wait for hours before the plane take off.(xx 上海,43)A. because B. though C. until D. unless11. Mr. Green cant go to the meeting _ he has a bad cold.(xx 北京,39)A.because B. unless C. whet D. although12. How time files ! Its almost three years_ we met last time.(xx 江苏,10)A.when B. before C. while D. since13. It is ten years _he smoked.A. that B. when C. since D. while14. _ you are so weak,youd better stay at home.A. Since B. For C. Because D. ThoughPart5step1. Some useful words1.a strange noise Captain Troybird-like people with wingsmother ship2.Liz wanted to make friends with the people of Bird World. Discuss with your classmates how she might do this. Use the ideas from the box and the example below to help you. Then fill in the table with your ideas. dance for the people of Bird World smiledraw some pictures for them singgive them somethingNo one knew what to do.Then Liz had a good idea.She started to sing as she wanted to show the people of Bird World that she was friendly.Liz had a beautiful voice.Because the people of Bird World liked her song,they started to sing too. They were happy.3.Write the story of Liz and Gus with your idea from A and B.Liz and Gus finally reached the landing site and saw Captain Troy. “Liz! Gus! Wele back!” said Captain Troy. “Im very pleased to see you. Now lets get on the mother ship and ”Suddenly _ No one knew what to do. Then Liz had a good idea._ _ And so the people from the Earth and Bird World became friends!Step2.More practiceWhat can you see in the pictures? UFO Unidentified flying object1.Skim the article and answer the questions.1.Whats the passage mainly about? 2.Did the four people have the same opinion? UFOMany people say they have seen UFOs. Here is one famous story. It is called the Roswell Incident and it happened in the US in 1947.Person A (name not given): My wife and I were sitting outside beca


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