2019-2020年八年级英语下册 unit4 A good read Reading教学案 (新版)牛津版一教学目标 1.读懂文章,对有初步的了解。2.根据上下文猜测单词的意思。3.理解句子之间的因果关系,增强整体的阅读能力。4.激发学生阅读名著的兴趣。二教学重难点 学习重点: 1.理解文章大意,2.对学生进行阅读方法的指导3.学习新单词,词组。 学习难点:对课文的理解。三学习与交流 背景知识格列佛游记是英国讽刺作家乔纳森.斯威夫特的小说。小说以第一人称叙述,通过主人公英国外科医生格列佛周游“小人国”“大人国”“飞岛国”等地的奇遇,对十八世纪前半期的英国进行了全面的讽刺和批评,抨击了当时的议会,司法等方面的黑暗,揭露了英国统治者的殖民政策,歌颂了劳动人民的反抗精神,具有鲜明的民主主义思想特色。本文选自小说的第一卷“小人国”。1699年5月14日,格列佛应“羚羊号”船长的邀请,乘船到太平洋一带航海,因遇风暴,“羚羊号”触礁沉没了。他和五个水手跳入救生艇中求生,可是在半途中救生艇也翻了。格列佛只身被刮到利立浦特岛上。因为过度疲劳,他在草地上睡了一夜。醒来后被小人捆住献给国王。后来格列佛温顺的表现逐渐赢得了国王和人民对他的好感,他也渐渐熟悉了小人国的风俗习惯。在格列佛的帮助下该小人国打败了另一个小人国,但是格列佛不愿灭掉该国,国王对此很不高兴。这时,王后寝宫失火,格列佛急中生智,撒了一泡尿把火灭了,谁知却让王后非常生气。于是,小人国君臣准备除掉格列佛。格列佛听到风声,逃到那个被打败的小人国,后来辗转平安回到英国。三当堂检测 Skimming :1. Which adventure(冒险) does this extract belong to ? 2. In this extract,who am I? 3. How many tiny people did “I”meet in the end? Scanning: 1.Did Gulliver know where he was when he woke up?2.Why did the tiny people tie Gulliver to the ground?3.Did Gulliver do anything to help himself out?What did he do?4.What were those tiny peoples reactions to Gulliver when he tried to help himself out?五达标检测。 一英汉互译 1.be tired out _2.冲撞到了岩石_3.the same size as_4.跌倒在沙滩上_5.feel something_6.对某人大叫_7.a huge army of tiny people_8.设法去做某事_9.how to get away_10.径直朝我走来_二词汇1.Its terrible for your car to crash _() the big tree.2.There are five _() on each hand.3.You can wait for him _() he es back.4.It was dark.The police _() searching for the lost chilren.5.Tom _(fall) down on the ground and hurt his leg.6.My father began _(talk) to me after he knew I failed my exams.7.Look! He _(tie) his horse to the tree.8.The man found himself _(able) to walk.9.Mike was tired out after _(swim) for a long time.10.You cant do it. I cant ,_(也)三单选。1. I will wait _I hear from you.A.until B.since C.while D.because2.If you _your name on the paper, you can get a magazine.A.cut down B.look down C.turn down D.write down3.-Excuse me.Could you tell me _get to the nearest post office?-Sorry,I am new here.A. how can I B.how I could C.how to D.what I can4.The man managed _the ropes and ran away quickly.A.work B.to work C.to working D.worked5.I saw a very small man _into a large house just now.A.run B.running C.ran D.is running四完成句子1.刚刚我们的车撞到了一块打石头。Our car _ a big stone just now.2.在汤姆到达山顶时,他筋疲力尽。Tom _when he reached the top of the hill.3.你应该把狗拴在树上。You should _the tree.