2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit 1How do you study for a test 教学教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit 1How do you study for a test 教学教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit 1How do you study for a test 教学教案 人教新目标版I. 单元教学目标SkillFocus技能目标Skill Goals Talk about how to study Listen, describe and talk about different ways to learn English Write about language learning Learn to deal with new problems or situations using what you knowII. 目标语言LanguageFocus功能句式Talk about ways to learn English (P2-6)How do you study for a test?By doing .Have you ever studied with a group?Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. they learned by using English.Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.He finds watching movies frustrating.What things are difficult for you?. it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher .词汇1. 重点词汇pronunciation, differently, quickly, excited, slowly, realize, afraid, secret, term, trouble, fast, deal, unless, regard, duty, easily, influence, friendship, lose, soldier2. 认读词汇flashcard, vocabulary, aloud, specific, memorize, grammar, frustrate, frustrating, pronounce, spoken, ma, challenge, solution, plete, sentence, learner, impress, soft, essay, unfair, solve, disagreement, adult, unimportant, psychologist, Pierre, Antonio, Lillian, Stephen Hawking3. 词组not at all, end up, make mistakes, later on, be afraid to, laugh at, take notes, look up, make up, deal with, be angry with, go by, try ones best to, break off语法verb + by with gerundStrategyFocus1. Personalizing 2. Role playingCulture FocusChallenges are used to take the place of difficulties.II. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和重组1. 教材分析本单元以Learning how to learn为话题,共设计了四个部分的内容:Section A 该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕How do you study for a test?这一话题展开思维(1a)、听力(1b)、口语(1c)训练;第二模块围绕Talk about something done in the English club 进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块继续就上一模块中的The best ways to learn English这一话题展开训练,训练形式为填表(3a)和pairwork (3b);第四模块仍就The best ways of learning English以Pairwork形式展开讨论(4)。Section B该部分有4个模块:第一模块是思维训练(1a)与运用(1b);第二模块围绕Challenges in learning English对What things are difficult for you 进行听力(2a-2b)、口语(2c)训练;第三模块继续围绕How to learn English 这一话题展开阅读(3a)和写作(3b, 3c)训练;第四模块以interview的形式继续就上一模块中How to learn English这一话题以口语训练形式展开活动(4)。Self check该部分有2个模块:第一模块以填空形式对所学词汇进行训练(1);第二模块以Xu Zhengs note展开阅读和写作训练(2)。Reading该部分共设置了4项任务:第一项任务以问题讨论的方式谈论学生最近遇到的困难并进行词汇训练(Section 1);第二项任务进行阅读训练,并通过做练习加深学生对阅读内容的理解(Section 2);第三项任务要求学生对什么是最好的方法发表自己的看法(Section 3);第四项任务要求学生能运用所学知识解决实际问题(Section 4)。2 教材重组和课时分配Period 1 (Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c)New function presenting Period 2 (Section A: 3a, 3b, 4)PracticePeriod 3 (Section B: 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4)Integrating skillsPeriod 4 (Self check: 1, 2)prehensive reviewPeriod 5 (Reading: Section 1-Section 4)Reading prehension . Teaching plans for each period分课时教案Period 1 New function presentingLanguage goals 语言目标1. Words & expressions 生词和短语flashcard, aloud, pronunciation, skill, voice 2. Key sentences 重点句子 How do you study for a test? (P2) I study by working with a group. (P2) Do you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do. (P3)Ability goals 能力目标Enable the Ss to talk about how to study for a test.Emotion & attitude goals 情感和态度目标Enable the Ss to form a correct attitude to study.Strategy goals 策略目标To understand the target language by reading and listening.Culture awareness goals文化意识目标Different people have different ways to study for a test.Teaching important points教学重点Talk about how to study for a test.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Lead-in (1a: P2)Talk about the summer vacation with the Ss. T: Hello, everyone! Nice to meet you in the new term. How about your summer vacations?S1: Wonderful! During the vacation, I went to Hong Kong and Hainan with my parents. The Hong Kong Disneyland will open in September. S2: I studied English under the guidance of a famous teacher. And my English really improved a lot.T: I want to know what you study for.S3: For the test. S4: For further study. S5: To improve ourselves. T: Of course, we cannot study only for entrance examinations. But to be frank, the most important goal for us to study is to pass exams. Then how should we study for a test? Today well focus on the topic and find out the best ways to improve our English. Ask the Ss to look at the following pictures. T: We know it is not easy to learn English well. Different students use different ways to learn it. Now please look at the pictures and answer my questions!Show the following pictures one by one. T: How does he / she study English? S6: She studies English by reading books. S7: She studies English by watching TV. S8: She studies English by surfing the Internet. S9: He studies English by listening to the cassettes. T: Very good. How do you study English? Could you tell me some other ways besides those in 1a?Sample answers:S1: I study English by listening to the radio.S2: I study English by reading more English books.S3: I study English by doing more exercises.S4: By using puter.S5: By watching TV.S6: By learning from a foreign teacher.Step II Listening and Speaking (1b, 1c: P2) T: Right. Now you will listen to some students talking about how to study for a test. I will play the recording for you two or more times. Please listen for the first time to get the main idea. Keep notes while listening. OK?Play the recording two or more times. Then check the answers.T: We heard just now that how Mei, Pierre and Antonio study for a test. What about you? How about your friends? Please work in pairs to discuss.Ask two students to read the model dialogue in 1c first. Sample dialogue 1:S1: How do you study for a test?S2: I study by reading and writing.Sample dialogue 2:S3: How do you study for a test?S4: I study by asking my teachers for help.Step III Listening Practice (2a,2b: P3)T: OK. We all know that different students have different ways to study for a test. In order to improve English, people use various ways. Now please look at the picture in 2a. Can you see some students in the picture? Please guess what they are doing?S1: I think they are having a meeting.S2: I believe that they are studying English.S3: I think that they are studying together.T: Right. This is an English club. The students meet after school once a week. They use many good ways to learn English well. First listen to the recording and check the questions you hear in 2a.Play the recording twice. Then check the answers.T: Youll hear the conversation again. This time match each question in 2a with an answer from 2b. Play the recording again, and then check the answers.Step IV Oral Practice (2c: P3)T: There are many ways to study for a test. Which way have you ever used?Sample answers:S1: By listening to the cassettes.S2: By practicing conversations with friends.S3: By reading aloud to practice pronunciation.T: Now please read 2c, and you can do ask-answer practice in pairs.A sample dialogue:S1: Have you ever practiced conversations with your friends?S2: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.S3: Have you ever read aloud to practice your pronunciation?S4: No, I havent. I think its too hard.Step V Grammar Focus (P3)Ask the Ss to read the sentences in the box.T: When we want to ask about the ways to do something, we should use this structure “How + do + you / we / they + do + something?” or “How + does + he / she / it + do + something?” and when we answer them, we should use “by + something / doing”.Show the following to the Ss. How + do + you / we / they + do + something?We / They + do + by + sth / doing.How + does + he / she / it + do + something?He / She / It + does + by + sth / doing.Then ask the Ss to read the following examples.T: Now read the following sentences.Show the following example sentences. 1. I often go to work by bike.2. Lucy writes well by practicing again and again.3. Tom cooks food by burning the natural gas.4. Lingling municates with her friends by sending short messages.Ask the Ss to make dialogues with the above sentences.Sample dialogue 1:S1: How do you usually go to work?S2: I often go to work by bike. Sample dialogue 2:S1: How does Lucy write well?S2: She writes well by practicing again and again.Sample dialogue 3:S1: How does Tom cook food?S2: He cooks food by burning the natural gas.Step VI PracticeAsk the Ss to do the following exercises. T: Now whod like to translate these sentences into English orally? Show the following to the Ss.1. 我们可以利用太阳的光和热促使植物生长。2. 现在人们利用手机来进行交流。3. Lily通过少吃减肥吗?不,不是的。4. 中国人通过植树来使环境越来越美丽。Sample answers:1. We can make plants grow well by using the light and heat from the sun.2. Now people can municate with each other by using cell phones.3. Does Lucy lose weight by eating less food? No, she doesnt.4. Chinese people make the environment more and more beautiful by planting trees.Step VII HomeworkT: In order to learn English well, each of us should try our best, but what is the best way to learn English? Work in pairs and ask your classmates what his or her best way to learn English is.Period 2 PracticeLanguage goals 语言目标1. Words & expressions 生词和短语specific, memorize, grammar, differently, frustrate, frustrating, quickly, add, not at all, excited, end up2. Key sentences 重点句子 (P4)They learnt by using English.Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.He finds watching movies frustrating.Ability goals 能力目标Enable the Ss to talk about how to learn English well.Emotion & attitude goals 情感和态度目标Enable the Ss to learn more ways to study English. Strategy goals 策略目标Personalizing. Culture awareness goals文化意识目标Learn the best way to study for a test.Teaching important points教学重点Talk about the best way to learn English.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Revision and Lead-inTalk about the best ways to learn English with the Ss. T: You know that learning English is very useful and important. Different people learn English in many different ways. Now we are learning English by reading our textbooks. Can you tell me what the best way to learn English for you is?S1: I think the best way to learn English is reading a lot.S2: I think doing more exercises is the best way to learn English.S3: I believe the best way to learn English is listening to the cassettes.T: Besides the ways that you mentioned, we can learn other kinds of ways from the passage on page 4. Before reading, please talk about the following pictures. Show the following pictures on the screen.Sample answers: 1. They are having an English class.2. She learns English by talking with a foreigner. 3. She learns English by listening to the cassettes / doing exercises. 4. They learn English by joining an English club / talking with friends.Step II Reading (3a: P4)Ask the Ss to read the passage in 3a.T: Now read the passage quickly then match the names with the best ways of learning English. Many studentsA: By studying grammar.Lillian Li B: By reading English magazines.Wei Ming C: By joining the English club.Liu Chang D: By using English. Sample answers:Wei Ming A Lillian Li BLiu Chang C Many students DAsk the Ss to read the passage again and then fill the chart in 1a.T: Now read the passage again and find out “How do Lillian Li, Wei Ming and Liu Chang study English?” Lets look at the chart in 1a on page 4 and try to plete it.Sample answers:Ways of learning EnglishNot successfulOKSuccessfulLillian Listudying grammarmemorizing the words of pop songsreading English magazinesWei Mingwatching English moviesstudying grammarLiu Changhaving conversations with friendsjoining the English clubStep III Speaking (3b, 4: P4)Ask the Ss to read the model dialogue in 3b first, and then act out the scene. T: Now lets have a survey about learning English. First, please read the dialogue in 3b together. Then you can act out your own dialogues in pairs. A sample dialogue:S1: Im doing a survey about learning English. Can I ask you some questions?S2: Sure.S1: Great!How do you learn English?S2: I learn English by listening to the cassettes / watching English-language videos .T: Great! Lets go on with the survey. This time you can ask the students in your groups some questions according to the chart in 4 and write down all the answers.A sample dialogue:S1: Do you write vocabulary lists? S2: Oh, yes. I do it sometimes. S1: Do you read English books? S2: Oh yes, I do it often.S1: Do you watch English-language TV?S2: Oh, no, I never do it.Step IV HomeworkAsk the Ss to learn the passage by heart.Period 3 Integrating skillsLanguage goals语言目标1. Words & expressions生词和短语pronounce, spoken, slowly, make mistakes, ma, challenge, solution, later on, be afraid of, laugh at, plete, sentence, secret, learner, take notes, enjoy doing, term, impress, fast2. Key sentences重点句子I cant pronounce some of the words. (P5)I dont have a partner to practice English with. (P5)Maybe you should join an English language club. (P5)First of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked to the class. (P6)Then I started to write my own original sentences using the grammar I was learning. (P6)Ability goals能力目标Enable the Ss to talk about difficulties in learning English.Emotion & attitude goals情感和态度目标Enable the Ss to learn to deal with difficulties in learning English.Strategy goals策略目标Role playing. Culture awareness goals文化意识目标Learning English can be difficult. Teaching important points教学重点How to deal with the difficulties in learning English.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Lead-in (1a, 1b: P5)T: In the last period, weve learned many ways to learn English well. Do you think doing your homework is the best way to learn English? S1: I think doing homework is a very useful way to help us remember what we havelearned. S2: I think doing homework can help us understand what we learned well. S3: Doing homework does not help much, I think. We should remember everything important in the class. We dont have enough time to do more homework.S4: Most homework is boring. I think we should be given more free time. Talk about the difficulties in learning English with the Ss. T: We are trying our best to learn English well, but we have many difficulties in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Do you think so? What things are difficult for you to learn English? You can choose the statements in 1a that are true for you and you can also say other things which are difficult for you.S1: I found it difficult for me to memorize the new words.S2: Sometimes I dont know the exact pronunciation of the new words.Step II Listening (2a, 2b: P5)T: Next well listen to Paul talking about his difficulties in learning English. Now listen for the first time to get the key words. Keep notes while listening. OK? Play the recording the first time. T: Please listen again and find out the answers to 2a and 2b. Play the recording again. Then check the answers.Step III Pairwork (2c: P5)T: In the listening practice, Paul talks about the learning challenges and solutions. You may have different challenges in learning English. You should find ways to solve them. Can you tell me how you solve your problems in learning English? Please make a conversation with your partners using the information in 2a and 2b.Sample conversation 1:S1: I dont have enough time to speak English in class.S2: Maybe you should use your free time after class.Sample conversation 2:S1: I dont have a chance to practice my English with a foreigner.S2: Maybe you should watch the English programmes on TV.Sample conversation 3:S1: It isnt easy for me to understand what the teacher says in class.S2: You should do a lot of listening practice. Sample conversation 4:S1: I couldnt make plete sentences. S2: You should remember more example sentences for future use. Step IV Reading (3a: P6)T: All of us want to learn English well. But in what ways? What should you do when you meet difficulties? Now please read the passage in activity 3a on page 6 quickly and find out “What does the writer find difficult to learn English?” and then decide which sentences are True or False.A few minutes later, check the answers.T: Read the passage again and correct the false sentences.Step V Language Practice First ask the Ss to make sentences using the following expressions. T: Here are some useful expressions in the reading passage. Practice making sentences using these expressions. Show the following on the screen. first of all, begin with, later on, be afraid to do sth, laugh at, enjoy doing sthSample sentences: S1: First of all, you must finish your homework on time.S2: The word “spring” begins with the letter “s”.S3: The radio says that it will be sunny later on today.S4: The girl is afraid to go out at night.S5: Its impolite to laugh at others when they make mistakes.S6: I enjoy reading this book. .Step VI Writing (3b, 3c: P6)Ask the Ss to learn to write a letter as required in 3b on page 6.T: You have read the article about how to learn English well. Can you write a letter to tell one of your friends how to bee a better language learner? First, you should pay attention to the form of a letter. You can refer to 3b. A sample version:Dear Li Lei,I know it isnt easy to learn English well, but I have some ideas that may help. You said you couldnt understand people who talked fast. Well, you can try to listen for the most important words, not every word. You can also do lots of listening practice. I think its one of the secrets of being a good language learner. Another thing that I think important is English grammar. In order to learn it well, you have to take a lot of grammar notes in every class. You can write English sentences using the grammar you are learning. You can also read more English books. Reading is as important as listening for us to learn English well. If you do so, I believe that you can learn English very well later on.Yours,MeimeiAsk the Ss to talk and write about the ways to learn another language. T: Chinese is our native language. What are your ways to learn Chinese?S1: I often read some famous novels in my free time.S2: I usually keep a diary in Chinese.S3: I ask my teachers for help.Ask the Ss to write about the things that have helped them most in learning Chinese or other languages. T: Next, please write something about what have helped you the most in learning a language. You can follow the model in 3a.A sample version:Last term I felt it was difficult to have Chinese classes. First of all, it was hard to understand the structure of the sentences. I didnt know how to write an article. My Chinese teacher told me that I should read more famous Chinese novels. I began to read in my free time. I extracted a lot of wonderful sentences from the books that I had read and used them in my articles. Later on I could write Chinese articles wonderfully. Now my Chinese is very excellent.Step VII Pairwork (4: P6)Ask the Ss to talk about learning English. T: You may find it easy to learn English if you find good ways. But if your ways arent that good, it bees hard. Do you think so? Now work in groups and talk about English learning. Take notes of what you are talking about. A sample dialogue:S1: What isnt easy about learning English?S2: Remembering the new words quickly.S1: What do you do about this?S2: I use flashcards.S1: What is your favorite way to learn more English?S2: To read more English books after class.


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