2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 6 Accidents.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 6 Accidents1 I want to be the victim. 我想演受害者2 I want to do something. 我想做点事3 Dont be scared. 别害怕4 Thats right. ,Danny.很对詹妮5 Thats better.这更好6 Why didnt you listen to my warning?你为什么不听我的警告?7 No, Danny. Dont be mad.詹妮别发脾气8 Be a nice friend.做个友善的朋友9 Take care of Danny.照顾詹妮10 Why dont you pretend to be Jennys friend ?你为何不扮做詹妮的朋友呢?11 Look at this yellow star. 看这个黄色的星12 Let me get the ladder for you.我来给你搬梯子13 Shall I call an ambulance ?要我叫救护车吗14 Are you hurt?你受伤了吗15 Are you all right ?你还好吗16 Are you OK?你还好吗17 No, Im not injured. 不我没受伤18 My tail hurts a little, but its not serious.我的尾巴有点疼但不严重19 I;m sorry. Brian!很抱歉布莱恩20 I feel so bad. 我难受极了21 Be careful when you zoom down the waterslide. Climb up the mountainside ,race on a bike ride.当你进行水道滑水运动或爬山骑自行车比赛时一定要小心22 Have fun but please take care. 玩得开心但一定要小心23 Dont be careless when you go to ride your bike.骑自行车不要粗心24 Dont go too fast on your bike.骑自行车不要太快25 Dont stand on chairs.不要站在椅子上26 Keep the floor dry.保持地面干燥27 Use baking soda or salt instead.用食用苏打或盐28 Be careful with knives.小心用刀29 Dont keep poison in the kitchen.不要把毒药放在厨房里30 Never use electrical appliances in the shower or bathtub.洗澡时不要用电器31 Dry the floor before you use electrical appliances.使用电器之前把地板擦干32 Keep soap in a soap dish.把肥皂放在肥皂盒里33 Take care!当心34 Dont slip !别滑倒35 merry Christmas !圣诞快乐36 Dont use water to put out kitchen fires.不要用水去灭厨房里的火37 I wanted to stop her from running after the ball, but she didnt hear me.我想阻止他去追赶那球但她没听见38 You know Santa Claus, dont you ?你知道圣诞老人是吗39 Hes that man in red clothes. 他就是穿红衣服的那人40 You had warned him to use the ladder.你已经警告过他用梯子 41 She watched me climb higher and higher.他看着我越怕越高42 I took me three hours to recover.用了三个月的时间我才康复练习_ _ _ your brother while Im away. 照顾2 She gave her child a _not to play football in the street. ( 警告)3 he pretended to be _an important paper when we entered. ( read )4 The victim is the person _is hurt. 5 _ _e more often ? 为何不6 Listen! Cn you hear someone _? ( cry )7 Knowledge _ _practice. ( 以开始)Put this book _ _ _that dictionary. 在之上Im not _. ( injure )10 _ it beautiful! 难道不漂亮吗11 Please tell him about it . “Yes, I _.” Dont forget to post the letter for me. “ I _ . ”

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