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2019-2020年九年级英语下册Module2EducationUnit1Itwasgreattoseeheragain学案1无答案外研版学习目标:1.掌握U1单词。 2.理解对话大意,并流利地朗读。学习重难点:归纳U1重点语言点,并完成相关的练习。学习过程:导 学 案 设 计达成情况1、 自主学习(一)、单词学习(PPT)(二). 理解对话大意:(1)独学:完成表格P11 Act 4. (PPT)(2) 对学:解决表格P11 Act 4.问题二、合作探究重点句及语言点归纳1. Whats it like? 它什么样的?句中like为介词, 意思为“像”,如:(1)今天天气如何?_ the weather_ today? (2)你们英语老师人怎么样? _your English teacher_? (3)你看上去像你舅舅。You_ your uncle. 2. Lets have a look. 让我看一看。have a look at 看 let sb. do sth. 意思为“让某人做某事”。注意:lets 开头的反意疑问句的附加疑问部分为:shall we? (1)我能看看这本有趣的书吗?Can I_ this interesting book?(2)我们明天一起去看电影,好吗? Lles go to see a film, _?3. It isnt as big as ours. 他们的学校不如我们的学校大。 asas 和一样; not as (so) as 没有,不如 (1)他的书与我的书一样有趣:His book is_mine.(2)他的英语不如我的英语好: His English _mine.4. Both schools are very nice. 两个学校都很好。(1) both 两者都; 也可以说:Both of 两个学生都跳得很高。_ jump very high _ jump very high(2) bothand连接两个并列成分表示两者都Tom 和Tony 都是英国人: _Tom_ Tony _English5. Neither school has anything the other hasnt got.一个学校有的东西,另一个学校也有。 neither表示两者任何一个都不,后面用单数形式,例如:(1)两个男孩都不是美国人:_boy_ American. 同时也可以用neither of. 例如(2)两个男孩都不是中国人:_ is Chinese.(3)Neithernor 既不也不,两者都不。同时做主语时,就近原则。我和Jim 都不是学生。_ Jim _I _a student.三、课堂检测Ex1:( )1. I have two sisters. One is farmer, _is a driver. A. other B. another C. the other( )2. There is _ water left in the thermos. Would you go and get some? A. little B. a little C. few( )3. We had _ people this year than we had last year. A. fewer B. less C. few ( )4. You dont like the same colours and I dont like them_. A. too B. also C. either( )5. I asked Kate and Mary to e for a talk, but _ of them came. A. both B. either C. neither( )6.Neither he nor I _ interested in English. A. is B. are C. am( )7. Hello, John! e here please. I have _ to tell you. A. important something B. something important C. important anything ( )8. “Mum, Anns ing tonight. Lets give her _ to eat.” “Good idea!” A. anything nice B. nice anything C. something niceEx2:完成句子:1.我们俩都去过北京_ have been to Beijing.2. 我们俩都没有去过北京_ has been to Beijing.3.Which would you like,tea or coffee? - I dont mind. _ OK.( 我不介意, 任何一种都可以)4. 他给我两本书,但对我来说两本书都不容易。He lent me two books, but _ is easy for me.四、知识视窗背诵词汇及对话学后反思


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