2019-2020年七年级英语 Unit4 I wantto be an actor教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语 Unit4 I wantto be an actor教案 人教新目标版学习目标:1.学会有关职业名称的单词。 2.学会询问某人从事何种职业的问句及答语。 3.结合生活实际,练习对话。学习重难点:学会询问某人从事何种职业的问句及答语。前置学习:1预习:P19页内容2预习检测助手 店员 医生 记者 主角_男警察 服务员 银行职员 医院 现在 3.自主学习。Read the words by themselves 。shop, assistant, shop assistant, doctor, hospital, now ,star展示交流:一、完成1a.二、完成1b: Listing.三、完成1c.(1)My uncle works in that restaurant oh, what does he do? He is a waiter。操练句型,两人一组(2)Groupwork Let the groups act out。Imagine theyre doctor, teacher, waiter, actor。Then talk about the jobs with their partners。合作探究:What do/does +主语+do ?是一个询问职业的常用句型,意为“某人是做什么的?”其答语:主语+be+a/an+职业名称Eg: Whats his _?. =What does he _ ? He is an actor .练习1.What is Annas mothers ? a bank clerk.2. _ _your sister do?Shes a student.3. he want to be ? A doctor.A. what B .what is C .what does 4.What your parents do ?Theys doctors.A. are B. does C. do D. is 达标拓展:一、根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词。1. My mother is a d_ . She works in a hospital.2. -What does your uncle do? -He is a s_ assistant.3. Arent there any w_ in this hotel?4. The p_ caught(抓住) the thief.5. I s_ go for a walk after lunch, but not always(总是).6. I g_ David a book for his birthday every year.7. He is quiet. He doesnt t_ much.8. I e home, but my mother is o_.9. Wang Fang is busy, she likes working l_.10. My work is interesting but kind of d_.二、句型转换。1. What does the young woman do?( 同义句) _ _ the young woman?2. My cousin is a bank clerk.(划线提问) _ _ your cousin _?3. His grandpa is a very good policeman. (划线提问) _ _ his grandpa?4. The little girl wants to be a teacher when she grows up. (划线提问)_ _ the little girl want to _ when she grows up?5. The young man works in a restaurant. (划线提问)_ _ the young man _.三、补全对话A:Hello!Are you new here?B:Yes, Im a new student.A:Where do you_ _?B:Im from Italy.A:_ _your father do?B:He is a bank clerk._about your mother?A:My mother _in a factory.She is a worker.B:What do you want _ _after you finish school?A:I_to be a doctor.And you?B:Me _.Nice to meet you.A:Nice to meet you, too.学后反思 教后反思 Unit4 I want to be an actor.Period 2 (Section A 3a4)学习目标:1.巩固各种职业的名称和询问他人职业的句型。 2.掌握询问他人工作的情况。 Where does your- work?/What does she/he do? She/He works in a -./Shes/Hes a -.3.能从文章中获取有关职业及理想工作的信息。学习重难点:各种职业的名称和询问他人职业的句型。前置学习:1预习:P21页内容2单词检测护士 金钱 给 得到 穿戴 有时 危险的 小偷 晚的_ 在外_谈话 电视台_ 警察局 展示交流:一、完成3a.1.Read 3a freely and match the jobs with the people in the pictures.2.小组讨论,回答下面问题.What does the bank clerk work with? When does the nurse work? What does the reporter do every day? Does the waiter work late? How is the policemans work? 3小组合作翻译句意。4.Read 3a 先小组朗读竞赛,再全班齐读。二、练习3b.Pairwork.: Practice the conversation on the page21, use the jobs and places in3a.先小组结对编造对话,然后小组展示。A:Where does your- work?B:She/He works in a -.A:What does she/he do?B: Shes/Hes a -.合作探究:翻译下列短语并举例:1 和一起工作 2 给某人某物 3 从某人那里得到某物 4 在白天/在夜里 5 与某人交谈 6 外出吃晚饭 达标拓展: I.用所给词的适当形式填空1.His parents are_(doctor)2.My father often_(watch)TV after supper.3.I think they are _(she)friends.4.I want _(be) a police officer.5._(thief)are afraid of the policemen.6.His father _(work )in a car factory.7.My work is very _(interest)but kind of dangerous.8.His teacher _(go )to work on foot every day.II.按要求进行句型转换1.His brother wants to be a teacher.(变为一般问句)_his brother _to be a teacher?2.He often goes to school by bus.(变为否定句)He _often _to school by bus.3.She wants to be a shop assistant.(对画线部分提问)_ _she _to be ?4.Whats your fathers job?(改写句子,句意不变)_ _your father _?5. My father works in a TV station. (划线提问)_ _ your father _?. 根据汉语完成句子。1.人们把他们的钱他们给我或者把他们的钱从我这里取走。Peple their money me or their money me.2当人们出去就餐时,我很忙。Im very when people to dinner.3我喜欢和人们交谈。I like people.4他的工作很有趣,但有点危险。His work is very but .5.我的姐姐在一家医院工作。My sister .学后反思 教后反思 Period 2Section B (1a2c)学习目标:1.掌握记忆21个单词及初步了解它们的用法。 2.熟练谈论不同职业的特点。 3.练习询问别人的职业及工作地点。学习重难点:掌握文中重点短语及句子。前置学习:1预习:P22页内容2预习检测忙碌的_ 困难的_ 无聊的_危险的_ 刺激的_展示交流 :Step one : 先跟老师读1a 中的单词,弄懂意思然后和图片配对。Step two:口语听力训练1b, 1c 和2a, 2b,巩固职业和人们对职业的看法。同时解释:at the TV studio在电视录制室, not really(也不是), 然后进行2c groupworkStep three: 知识巩固:写作练习,写你的朋友想成为什么和原因。至少提到三个朋友。然后读给你的同学听。例如: My friend Mike wants to be an actor. Because he thinks it is exciting.a. Read and translate in pairs 。b. Match the jobs with the people in the picture 。c. Practice the conversation like this 。 Where does your sister work? She works in a hospital。 Shes a doctor。合作探究:用所学的知识完成下面的句子:1我有很多英语书。I have _ _ _ English books.2. 我想成我一名医生。因为我我觉得很有趣。I _ _ _ a doctor. _ I _ its _3成为一名警察是很刺激的,但有点危险。To be a policeman is very_,but_ _ _用适当的单词完成下列对话A: Hello, Bill!B: Hello, Lin Bing!A: What does your mother ?B: She is a shop in a supermarket.A: What do you want ?B: I want to be a .A: Why?B: its interesting job.A: I think so. Thank you.B: Youre .达标拓展: 一、完成下列句子。1. 我想和演员一块工作。 I _ _ work with the actors.2. 她经常和她的妈妈聊天。She often _ _ her mom.3. 安娜的妈妈是干什么工作的?她是个医生。What _ Annas mother _? She _ a doctor.4. 服务员很忙,工作到很晚。Waiters work_, they _ _.5.有时她不穿校服。Sometimes she _ wear school _.二、句型转换。1. My sister is a nurse.(划线提问) _ _ your sister _?2. He wants to be a policeman. (划线提问)_ _ he _ to be?3. I want to be a policeman because its an exciting job. (划线提问)_ _ you _ to be a policeman?4. My father works in a TV station. (划线提问)_ _ your father _?5. He wants to be an actor.(改为一般疑问句) _ he _ to be an actor?6.Whats your mother?(同义句) What _ your mother _?7. My father works at a police station.(否定句) My father _ _ at a police station.8.He often goes to work late.(改写句子,句意不变)He is often_ _ _学后反思 教后反思 Period 2Section B (3a-4)学习目标:1.学会谈论自己与他人的职业。 2.谈论自己或他人将来想从事的职业并陈述原因。3.能够阅读招聘广告,并写一份招聘广告。前置学习:1预习:P23页内容2预习检测报纸 辛苦的 年轻的 夏天 故事 杂志 展示交流:读3a内容,在文章空格填空。并熟读文章,弄懂3a 的内容,再根据图片填3b单词。然后学会写一份招聘广告 重点讲解: work hard 是努力工作或努力学习的意思,另外study hard也是努力学习的意思。 talk to+Sb.= talk with sb和某人说话,谈话。 as 是“作为”的意思。例如,As a student, we must study hard. 作为一个学生,我们必须努力学习。一用所学的知识完成下面的句子:1. 我的爸爸每天都努力工作,所以我也要努力学习。My father _ _ every day, so I must _ _.2我的姐姐喜欢和老师谈话。My sister _ _ _ her teachers.3做为一名医生,他喜欢帮助别人。_ _ _, he _ _ helping others.合作探究:A、重点词语:1. wanted ad招聘广告2. news 消息。不可数名词a piece of news一则消息 two pieces of newsB、重点句型。1. We have a job for you as a waiter.我们可以为你提供一份做侍者的工作。(1)for为某人(2)as作为。又如: He works in the school as a teacher. 他在学校当老师。2. Do you want to work for a magazine?你想为杂志社工作吗? “work for+机构”为某机构工作。如:He works for a puter pany.A、英汉短语互译1 看报纸 2 看杂志 3.在夏天 4.弹吉他 5.弹钢琴 6.拉小提琴 a piece of news a piece of paper work hard work for B、填介词使句意连贯。1.Would you like to work us ?2.She works at a TV station a reporter。3.You can call me 564-9853。4.I like to work the day ,and I hate to work night 。5.Peaple can get money the bank clerk。达标拓展:一、根据汉语或首字母提示完成单词。1.We read the n_ every day. 2.Whats the latest _(新闻)?3.You must work h_. 4.It is hot in s_ here.5.He writes stories for m_. 6.She looks y_, but she is sixty.7.We enjoyed the new p_ at the theatre(剧院).8.Marion works a_ a bank clerk. 9.He is good a_ football.10.She likes reading interesting s_.能力提高二、单项选择( )1.He and I _ good friends。A.am B.is C.are D.be ( )2. _ a student,you should study hard。A. Like B. As C. he D. she ( )3.She wants _ a policewoman。A. to be B. to C. to being D. for ( )4.We have _ for you。Aa work B. a job C. works D. a jobs( )5.Whats your mother?- _ A. She is a worker B. She is nice C.She is cooking D.She works in a shop ( )6.Here _ some good news in todays newspapers。A.is B . are C. am D. be ( )7.We play games _ Saturday afternoon。A. in B. on C.at D. for( )8.There _ a pencil and some books on the desk。A. be B.is C. are D.am ( )9.The teacher _ a story to the boy every day。A. tell B. tells C . speaks D. talk三、句型转换:What does Annas mother do?(同义句)What _ Annas mother?-_ do you do?-Im a doctor.A.What B.Where C.How D.Why-Where does your father work?-He works _.A.at a hospital B.in hospital C.in a hospital D.on the hospitalHis brother is a policeman.(对画线部分提问)_ _ his bother?My sister works in a police station.(同上)_ _ your father _?I am a teacher.(同上) _ _ you _?-What do you want _?-A teacher. A.be B.to be C.to do D.to go我想做一名医生。I _ _ _ a doctor.I want to be a doctor. _ _ _want to be?四、翻译下列句子。请给我那本书。Please _ _ that book.=Please _ that book _ _.Mum , I want my pencil-case,can you give _?A.it me B.me it C.me to it D.it to me从书中我们可以获得很多知识。We can _ much knowledge _ book.Please give _ that pen,I want to use it.A.I B.me C.my D.mine学后反思 教后反思


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