2019年高考英语一轮基础复习 Unit 4 Global warming限时特训 新人教版选修6.doc

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2019年高考英语一轮基础复习 Unit 4 Global warming限时特训 新人教版选修6. 单词拼写根据提示写单词。1. The temperature r_ from 15 to 35 degress.2. The a_ age of the boys in this class is fifteen.3. Now many panies are more concerned with quality than with_(数量)4. xx北京完形I believe I stayed in a_(状态;情形) of pleasant disbelief until I was halfway through rehearsals(排练) on my first day.5. There is a _(普遍的) belief that the pany is in financial trouble.答案:1. ranges2. average3. quantity4. state5. widespread. 选词填空result in; go up; even if; be opposed to;keep on1. Prices of food in that area have been _ sharply since word came that the war would break out soon.2. His angry words _a fight.3. Her parents _ the program at first.But now they begin to support it.4. They will stand by you_ you dont succeed.5. Although told to stop for a break, he_working.答案:1. going up2. resulted in3. were opposed to4. even if5. kept on.单句语法填空1. Did you take the coat finally?No, it was beautiful, but was out of my price _(范围)答案:range解析:句意:“最后你买下那件外套了吗?”“没有,它很漂亮,但是超出我的价格范围。”out of.range “超出的幅度或范围”。2Dont read the new spaper on the moving bus.I only_ _(glance) the headline in the news paper.答案:glance at解析:根据语境可知“只是看了一眼标题”,强调动作的短暂,故用glance at符合语境。3Janets school work is well _ _ _(高于平均数). Her parents are proud of her.答案:above the average解析:从后面语境的Her parents are proud of her.父母为她感到骄傲,所以她的学习“远高出平均水平”,所以此处要用above the average。4. Specialists can _ _ _(提出) new ways to solve the problem of air pollution.答案:e up with解析:句意:专家们能够提出解决空气污染问题的新办法。“提出,想出”e up with。5. True happiness does not _ _(lie) the possession of money, but the joy of achievement.答案:lie in解析:句意:真正的幸福不在于对金钱的占有,而在于成功的喜悦。lie in表示“在于”。6How did it _ _(发生) that you made such a silly mistake?I havent figured it out yet.答案:e about解析:考查句型How does/did it e about that.?意为:“是怎么回事?”。7. The accident that resulted _ the death of two passengers resulted _ careless driving.答案:in; from解析:句意:导致两名乘客死亡的事故起因于粗心驾驶。result in 后跟结果,意思是“导致”;result from 后跟原因,意思是“由造成;因而产生”。8_he works hard, I dont mind when he finishes the experiment.答案:So long as解析:句意:只要他努力工作,我不在乎他什么时候完成实验。so long as“只要”。9. Under these_(情况), you might agree with us that it is rather difficult for your products to set foot in this market.答案:circumstances解析:句意:在这种情况下,你们会同意我们的看法,你们的产品在这个市场上很难立足。under these circumstances“在这种情况下”。10A quantity of students _(live) in the shabby dormitory,while large amounts of money _ _ _ (spend) on the headmasters new car.答案:lives; have been spent解析:句意:大批的学生住在破旧的宿舍里,而大量的钱花在校长的新车上。“a quantity of名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数;“amounts of名词”作主语时,谓语动词用复数。而此处money与spend为被动,又由句意知钱被花了才造成学生住在破旧的宿舍,强调动作发生对现在造成影响,故用完成时。实战能力提升.完形填空xx新课标全国卷Michael Greenberg is a very popular New Yorker. He is not famous in sports or the arts. But people in the streets _1_ him, especially those who are _2_.For those people, he is “Gloves” Greenberg. How did he get that _3_? He looks like any other businessman, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文箱). But hes _4_. His briefcase always has some gloves.In winter, Mr. Greenberg does not _5_ like other New Yorkers, who look at the sidewalk and _6_ the street. He looks around at _7_. He stops when he _8_ someone with no gloves. He gives them a pair and then he _9_, looking for more people with cold _10_.On winter days, Mr. Greenberg _11_ gloves. During the rest of the year, he _12_ gloves. People who have heard about him _13_ him gloves, and he has many in his apartment.Mr. Greenberg _14_ doing this 21 years ago. Now, many poor New Yorkers know him and _15_ his behavior. But people who dont know him are sometimes _16_ him. They dont realize that he just wants to make them _17_.It runs in the _18_. Michaels father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the _19_. A pair of gloves may be a _20_ thing, but it can make a big difference in winter.1A. know aboutB. learn fromC. cheer for D. look after2A. old B. busy C. kind D. poor3A. job B. name C. chance D. message4A. calm B. different C. crazy D. curious5A. act B. sound C. feel D. dress6A. cross over B. drive alongC. hurry down D. keep off7A. cars B. peopleC. street numbers D. traffic lights8A. helps B. chooses C. greets D. sees9A. holds up B. hangs outC. moves on D. turns around10A. hands B. ears C. faces D. eyes11A. searches for B. stores upC. gives away D. puts on12A. borrows B. sellsC. returns D. buys13A. call B. send C. lend D. show14A. delayed B. rememberedC. began D. enjoyed15A. understand B. dislikeC. study D. excuse16A. sorry for B. satisfied withC. proud of D. surprised by17A. smart B. rich C. special D. happy18A. city B. familyC. neighborhood D. pany19A. honor B. pain C. same D. cold20A. small B. useful C. delightful D. forting文章大意本文描述了一个广受欢迎的纽约人,他一直坚持在冬天赠人手套。手套虽小,但它在冬天却能发挥很大的作用。1A。由句中But可知上下文构成转折关系,Michael Greenberg 并不出名,但街上的人都知道他。know about“知道,了解”。2D。由下文可知,他总是赠人手套,受益人一定是穷人居多,因此本题选D。3B。由上句“他是手套先生”可知,人们会发出这样的疑问“他是如何获得这个称谓的”。name意为“名称”,符合题意。4B。由上文可知他看起来与其他商人无异,穿西装,提公文箱,但他又与众不同,他的公文箱里总装着一些手套。5A。由句末的定语从句可知,他走路不像其他人,那些人总是看着人行道,匆匆忙忙赶路。此处指他的行为和其他人不一样,故选A。6C。根据常识,冬天,路人都会沿着街道匆忙赶路,hurry down意为“沿着匆忙而行”,符合句意。cross over“越过(河等),横穿过(道路、屋子等)”,drive along“沿着开车”,keep off“(使)不接近”,均不符合文意。7B。由下文可知,他在赠人手套,故他四处看的应该是人。故选B。8D。看到有人没戴手套,他就停下来。9C。他遇到没有戴手套的人就停下给他们一副手套,然后继续走,继续寻找没有戴手套的人。move on“继续行进”,符合文意。10A。他要赠的是手套,一定是寻找“手”冷的人。11C。他在冬天时赠送手套。give away“赠送”,符合语境。12D。呼应上句,在冬天以外的日子里,他一定是“购买”手套。13B。由下文“他房间里有许多手套”可推知,听说他事迹的人都“送”他手套。14C。他是在21年前开始做这件事的。故选C。15A。现在许多纽约穷人认识他,并理解他的行为。16D。由but可知,前后为转折关系,认识他的人能理解他的行为,但不认识他的人有时会对他的行为感到惊奇。17D。由下一句可知,他们没有意识到他只是想使他们高兴。18B。由下文的内容可知,他家代代如此(都是这样做的)。19C。Michael Greenberg也是这样的感受,帮助人能使大家更幸福。20A。一副手套可能是很小的物品,但它在冬天却可以发挥很大的作用。. 阅读理解xx东北三省四市教研联合体高考模拟Headphones are those things you put over or in your ears to listen privately to your music, podcasts or anything else that makes sound.People love to use their headphones for different reasons. There are different opinions about using headphones though. Be aware of all of them so that you can make a wise decision about whether to use them or not.You keep your sound private so that you dont bother others with noise. Other people appreciate your effort at keeping the noise to yourself. Not everyone likes the same kind of music. Not everyone wants to listen to what you are listening to. This is one of the best reasons for listening through headphones.Headphones are great devices when you are walking or jogging outside. You can listen to your music while you are doing exercise and it wont disrupt others. There is nothing better than walking or jogging to the beat of your favorite music.However, there are some problems that you cant avoid.Your eardrums can be damaged for the use of headphones. Sound isnt really made to go directly into your ear without anything there to cushion the blow. If someone gets close to your ear and yells, it hurts. Headphones are much like people being right next to your ears and screaming as loudly as they can. You have to be extremely careful of how loudly you turn up your sound when you decide to use headphones.Although it is true that others cant hear your music when you use headphones, which doesnt mean some noise cant escape. You may find that if you turn the headphones up too loud, others will get an annoying than of your sounds. That is sometimes more annoying than listening to the music without headphones. Its just an enough sound to hear the beat but not to hear what it is.It can be unsafe to use headphones. You cant hear things that are going on around you. You cant hear if someone walks into your home or if someone is right behind you. This can be very dangerous and you should keep yourself aware of what is around you.1This passage tells us _.A. the benefits of using headphonesB. the shortings of enjoying music through headphonesC. some advantages and disadvantages of using headphonesD. some measures when you use headphones2What is the primary cause of listening to music through headphones?A. Walking or jogging to the beat of music.B. The pursuit of better sound quality.C. Peoples lifestyle and habits.D. Not bothering others.3Why may using headphones be harmful to our body?A. Because it may cause someone to scream at you.B. Because it may make the eardrums injured.C. Because you may be lost in music and fall over yourself.D. Because someone may walk into your home.4Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Headphones may still disturb others.B. Headphones prevent annoying others pletely.C. You may be caught singing out loud.D. Someone else cant hear the music beat.文章大意本文主要讨论了人们戴耳机听音乐的原因及其优点,同时又讨论了这样做的坏处。1C。主旨大意题。根据第四段“However, there are some problems that you cant avoid.”可知,本文主要介绍了使用耳机听音乐的优点和缺点,故C项正确。2D。细节理解题。由第二段及其最后一句“This is one of the best reasons for listening through headphones.”可知,人们使用耳机听音乐的主要原因是不想去打扰别人。3B。细节理解题。由第五段中的“Your eardrums can be damaged for the use of headphones.”可知,使用耳机听音乐可能会使耳膜受损,故B项正确。4A。细节理解题。由倒数第二段可知,即使使用耳机听音乐,旁边的人仍然有可能听到音乐的节奏,这会打扰到别人,故选A项。. 书面表达某中学计划增加一门英美文学鉴赏课,消息一出立即引起了同学们的广泛讨论。假设你是该校的一名学生,请你根据下表写一篇文章反映学生们的意见。支持者30%反对者70%1.能在短时间内了解名著,扩大阅读量。2.可以提高阅读能力和写作能力。1.增加学生负担,没时间阅读。2.只能粗略了解名著,不能领会其精髓。要求:1如实反映图表内容,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯;2词数120左右;3谈谈你自己的看法。参考词汇:精髓 essenceOne possible version:Recently word came that our school is planning to open a new subject, known as Appreciation of British and American Literature. It soon causes a discussion among my fellow students.Students who are in favour of it make up 30% of all. They think they can know many worldfamous great books in a short time. Meanwhile, they can benefit a lot from reading, such as improving the reading ability as well as writing ability. They can expand their reading.But the other 70% of the students hold a different opinion. Now that they have so many subjects to learn, they wont have time to read the books, which must be a burden. Besides, they cant grasp the essence of the books.For me, I strongly support the school to provide the opportunity to read the great books.


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