2019年高考英语 6.1 Introduction Reading课后强化作业 外研版必修5.doc

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2019年高考英语 6.1 Introduction Reading课后强化作业 外研版必修5.单词拼写1A line of forts was built along the border to _(保护)the country against attack.2The location of the new house is _(理想的)3That mistake seriously _(危及)the future of the pany.4There is always beautiful scenery in nature _(保护区)5If we dont protect this kind of animals,they will be _(灭绝的)soon.6The teacher c_ Toms MP4 because she saw him playing it in class.7We had a s_ to stop the criminal.8The doctor will see you again next week.M_,you must rest as much as possible.9The sea is a h_ for many fishes and plants.10C_ in the office made concentration impossible.答案:1.protect2.ideal3.endangered4.reserves5extinct6.confiscated7.struggle8.Meanwhile9habitat10.Conditions. 根据给出的汉语完成下面句子1He was wearing dark glassed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (保护眼睛免受阳光的伤害)2_ _ _ _ _ (在一个极冷的夜里),my sick cat was frozen to death.3Long skirts have _ _ _ _(不流行了)again.4The government has decided to _ _ _(强硬对付)people who avoid paying taxes.5_ _ _(尽管很失望),we are still proud of our teams final performance.6Last night the police _ _ (搜查)the night clubs.7I feel better now.The medicine _ _ _ _ (似乎起作用了)8With more and more forests cut down,the golden monkeys are _ _ _(为生存斗争)答案:1.to protect his eyes from the sun2On a freezing cold night3been out of fashion4get tough with5Although very disappointed6raided on7seems to have worked8struggling for survival.单项填空1Is it _ sparing some time for your hobby while your classmates are concentrating on their lessons?Aworth BworthyCworthwhile Dvaluable答案:C句意:你的同学们在集中精力学习,而你却抽出时间搞你的业余爱好,这值得吗?worthwhile指“值得花时间、精力去做”,并常用于“It is worthwhile doing sth.”句式。2Experts say we should take more strict control of the Internet, so that we can _ our children from harmful websites.Aprotect BpreventCkeep Ddefend答案:A句意:专家们说我们应当更加严格地控制因特网,这样我们可以保护我们的孩子不受有害网站的影响。此句要用protect表示“保护”;prevent/keep sb. from doing sth.都表示“阻止某人做某事”;defend表示“保卫”。3The military government in that country is determined to _ all political oppositions.Aput down Bput offCput on Dput up答案:A句意:那个国家的军事政府决定镇压所有的政治反对力量。put down“镇压”;put off“推迟”;put on“穿上”;put up“支起;张贴”。4The police were on the _ within a few minutes.Aplace BpositionCspot Dlocation答案:C句意:几分钟内警察就到了现场。on the spot是固定搭配,意为“在现场”。5Shes due to arrive on Friday. _, what do we do?AMeanwhile BHoweverCTherefore DThen答案:A句意:她预定是在星期五到达。在这期间,我们干什么呢?此句中meanwhile表示“在期间”;however“然而”;therefore“因此”;then“那么”。6Its important for us to use a word or phrase according to the _ in language studies.Asituation BtranslationCexpression Dcondition答案:A句意:在语言学习中,根据情形使用一个词或短语对我们来说是很重要的。situation指“情形”;translation“翻译”;expression“表达;表情”;condition “状况”。7Short hair and short skirts _ at about the same time.Acame into fashion Be into fashionsCe into the fashion De into the fashions答案:A选项B、C、D搭配不对;e into fashion为固定短语,意为“流行起来”。句意:短发和短裙大约是同时开始流行的。8The employer _ his employees and refused to raise their wages.Agot along with Bgot through withCgot in with Dgot tough with答案:Dget along with“进展,相处”;get through with“完成,干完”;get in with“与交往,参加,加入”;get tough with“对毫不妥协,对采取强硬措施”。句意:雇主对雇员们的态度强硬起来,拒绝给他们加工资。9According to an online survey, onefifth of the college graduates havent found _ jobs, which they studied for.Aideal BvaluableCactual Drespectful答案:A句意:根据一次网上的调查,五分之一的大学毕业生没有找到他们为之求学的理想工作。ideal“理想的”;valuable“有价值的”;actual“实际的”;respectful“恭敬的”。10Some teachers often criticize their students sharply, _ the classroom atmosphere very dull.Amaking BmadeCto make Dmake答案:A句意:有些老师经常尖刻地批评学生,这使得教室的气氛非常沉闷。making the classroom atmosphere very dull是现在分词短语作结果状语,表示一种自然而然的结果;不定式作结果状语多表示出乎意料的结果,故不选C项。.完形填空Our planet is teeming(丰富的) with life. Tigers and turtles, bats and bees, gnats and gnus, crabs and crabgrassthe list seems _1_. Weve named more than 1.5 million species, and suspect that millions more remain _2_. Scientists call this mindboggling(惊人的) variety of life biodiversity. _3_ so many species, its surprising to realise that so many are in danger of being _4_.Extinct _5_ are plants and animals that once lived on Earth, but _6_ live anywhere in the world. _7_ species are those most in danger or extinction. Even large populations of animals can be _8_ risk. Passenger pigeons once flew in flocks so large that they _9_ Americas skies. _10_ time, habitat destruction and hunting decreased the birds numbers. The last one died _11_ in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914.Dinosaurs, dodo birds, and passenger pigeons are all extinct. Extinction have always happened _12_, but in modern time, people have pushed wildlife to the brink much more quickly than ever before. Were _13_ wildlife very rapidly!Endangered species are animals and plants that are in danger of being extinct. The US Endangered Species Act of 1973 was _14_ to protect threatened wildlife and habitats so they dont _15_ the way of the dodo.Why do animals bee endangered or extinct? The main reason is _16_ of habitat. Habitat _17_ or fragmentation(破坏) can make it _18_ for wildlife to survive. However, as people learn to take _19_ care of plants and animals, and their habitats, endangered and threatened species may begin to make a eback. In fact, bald eagles, blackfooted ferrets, and many _20_ species already have.1A.endedBendlessClimited Dlimitless答案:B上半句中列举了大量的生命体,故用endless表示“无穷无尽的”。2A.discovering BdiscoveredCundiscovering Dundiscovered答案:D我们已经命名的物种有150多万,并推测还有大量的我们没有发现的物种。remain undiscovered“还没有被发现的”。3A.As BForCWith DTo答案:Cwith结构在句中作状语,表示原因。4A.extinct BextinctingCextinctive Dextinction答案:Abee extinct“成为濒临灭绝的”,extinct在此作形容词,意为“灭绝的”;extinctive“使消减的”。5A.kinds BgroupsCraces Dspecies答案:D由前段最后一句“there are so many species”可推知,此处应用species。6A.not longer Bno longerCnot more Dno more答案:Bno longernot any longer“不再”,侧重时间,符合句意。no more侧重数量。7A.Endanger BDangerousCEndangered DEndangering答案:Cendangered过去分词形式的形容词作定语修饰species,表示“濒临灭绝的物种”。第四段第一句话亦有提示。8A.at BforCon Dwith答案:Aat risk“有危险”,为固定搭配。9A.lightened BenlargedCdarkened Dendangered答案:Cdarken“(使)变黑”。文中此处指成群的候鸽使天空变成了黑色。10A.In BDuringCOn DOver答案:Dover time“随着时间的变化”。此处指随着时间变化,由于栖息地的破坏及打猎造成候鸽数量的减少。11A.alone BlonelyCseparately Dsingle答案:A由the last one可知,最后一只候鸽是独自死去的,故用副词alone修饰died。lonely“孤独的;寂寞的”,强调感情色彩;separately“个别地;分别地”;single“单一的;唯一的”。12A.actively BnaturallyCpletely Dunluckily答案:B由but可知,前后意义有转折,后半句指出现在由于人类活动导致动物灭绝加速,故前句讲的是自然因素导致动物灭绝。13A.failing BmissingCdepriving Dlosing答案:Dlose“失去”,符合句意。fail“失败”;miss“想念;丢失”;deprive“剥夺”。14A.broke BpastCpassed Dkept答案:C表示“通过一项法案”用pass,此处用其被动形式,故选passed。15A.go BmakeCfind Dtry答案:A此处指阻止其他物种也走与渡渡鸟相同的道路。16A.lose BlossClost Dlosing答案:B由下句fragmentation的提示可知,此处指的是自然栖息地的丧失,应用名词loss。17A.break BdamageCdestruction Druin答案:C由第二段倒数第二句中的“habitat destruction”可推知答案为C项。18A.easy BroughCtough Dstrong答案:C由句意可知,自然栖息地的破坏使得野生动物生存艰难,故选tough“艰苦的”。19A.little BlessCgood Dbetter答案:D此处与以前作比较,指如果人们能够更好地保护植物或者动物以及他们的栖息地,濒临灭绝的物种就有可能得救。20A.other Bthe otherCothers Dthe others答案:Amany other species“许多其他的物种”。.阅读理解SHANGHAIThe dolphins(海豚) of Chinas Yangtze River could die out in 20 years unless fast and effective measures are taken to protect them from environmental dangers, a news report on Friday quoted scientists as saying.The number of the river dolphins, which are found mostly in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze has bee smaller sharply since 1990, with fewer than 100 of them remaining.The serious and difficult condition of the Yangtze dolphins was among the topics discussed at a conference this week in Shanghai.In the 1950s, there were thousands of river dolphins in the Yangtze, Chinas longest river,but environmental pollution, overfishing, boat propellers(螺旋桨)and the buildings of dams and sluice(水闸)gates became a threat to them as well as other species, including bottlenosed and white dolphins in Chinas rivers and the South China Sea.The number of bottlenosed dolphins in the Yangtze has reduced since 1992 to 700 from about 2,000 and the number of white dolphins in the South China Sea is only about 1,000, the newspaper said.According to scientists, there are more than 40 species of dolphins and whales in Chinese waters. The Chinese government plans to build additional areas along the Yangtze for the threatened species.1Since 1992, the number of bottlenosed dolphins has reduced about_.A700B1,000C1,300D2,00答案:C根据文章第五段可知,bottlenosed dolphins的数减少了xx7001300。reduce to意为“减少到”。2What does the underlined word“threat”mean?AA possible danger.BA good help.CA possible barrier (障碍)DA useful thing.答案:A根据本句的主语“environmental pollution, overfishing, boat propellers (螺旋桨)and the buildings of dams and sluice(水闸)gates”可知,threat不可能是有帮助或有用的东西。3When people learn the present conditions of river dolphins in the Yangtze River, they will feel _.Ainterested BangryCdisappointed Danxious答案:D通过文章第三段可以推断人们的反应。4_is/are a most serious warning to the Yangtze River dolphins.AEnvironmental dangersBOverfishingCThe building of dams and sluice gatesDThe shortage of water答案:A通过文中第一段中“.measures are taken to protect them from environmental dangers.”可知,自然环境的危险是最严重的警告。


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