2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 2 Saving the Earth》Topic 3 SectionB 教案 仁爱版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 2 Saving the Earth》Topic 3 SectionB 教案 仁爱版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 2 Saving the EarthTopic 3 SectionB 教案 仁爱版The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn a new word and a phrase:ought to, action2. Learn some useful sentences: (1)Would you like to be a greener person? (2)First, you ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room. (3)Easier said than done. (4)Well, actions speak louder than words. (5)May I have your attention, please?3. Go on learning how to protect the environment. 4. Review giving advice. . Teaching aids 教具空的塑料瓶、罐头瓶、废弃电池和其他实物/录音机/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:8分钟)检查作业,复习上节课的内容;同时,对学生进行环保教育,导入对Section B的学习。(分小组向全班同学汇报上节课的作业。然后教师准备一些废弃物,通过做动作,让学生判断教师的行为是否正确。复习上节课的内容并激发学生的学习兴趣,对他们进行环保教育。)T:(教师出示一塑料瓶。) Look at this plastic bottle. Its empty and useless. Lets throw it away. (扔在地上。)Ss:Mr./Miss, Youd better not throw it away.T:Why?Ss:Because it can be reused. T:(教师拿出一罐头瓶。) Here is a can. Its not useful. S1, please throw it out of the window. S1:Sorry. Mr./Miss, I cant do that. We must protect our environment and it can be collected and recycled. T:What a greener person! (教师指着灯,然后做关灯手势。) Oh, the light is still on. S2, would you please turn it off?S2:Sure.T:Its a good habit to turn off the lights when you are not using them. About protecting the environment, what are other good habits? Do you know?S3:We can reduce the waste we produce.S4:We should use both sides of paper.S5:Reuse plastic bags rather than throw them away.T:Well done. This lesson, lets go on talking about how to protect our environment.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:12分钟)创设语境,教学新单词,并通过听录音回答问题、找出重难点等形式呈现1a。1. (继续谈论有关环保的知识,导出并学习生词及目标语言,为听力扫清障碍。)T:Boys and girls, we have talked about how to protect our environment. Would you like to be a greener person?Ss:Of course.T:OK. Let me tell you what we should do. We ought to save every drop of water. We had better walk or ride a bike while were traveling a short distance. Take a cloth bag or a basket instead of plastic bags when we go shopping.(板书并让学生猜其意思,适当讲解并要求掌握ought to;理解distance和cloth。)ought to=shoulddistanceclothT:Everyone should do it like this every day, but easier said than done.(板书并让学生猜测这个句子的意思。)Easier said than done.T:Would you do as what you said?Ss:Yes./Sure.T:Good. But actions speak louder than words.(板书并让学生猜测其意思,掌握action。)Actions speak louder than words. T:OK. Jane and Michael are talking about how to be a greener person. Lets listen to 1a and answer the following questions.2. (1)(教师将已设计好的听力问题呈现在黑板上,听1a录音并核对答案。)How many pieces of advice does Jane give in the dialog?Do you think its easy to be a greener person?(2)(让学生再听1a录音,并说出简的建议。)T: Listen to the tape again, and tell Janes advice.(教师板书。)First, you ought to turn off the lights Second, youd better walk or ride a bike instead of Third, take a cloth bag when (要求学生跟读这些句子,并用ought to和Youd better就环保问题给出一些建议。)S1: You ought to clean the classroom. S2: Youd better not cut down the trees. S3: 3. (让学生仔细阅读1a内容并找出重难点和同桌讨论,教师巡视,了解共性问题并讲解。可简单复习不定式的用法。)T:Now, lets read 1a carefully, and find out the difficulties. Then discuss them with your deskmate.(板书并解释句型结构。)Would you like to be a greener person? Its so easy to be a greener person.Its+adj+to do sth.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)通过做报告、复述对话的形式巩固1a,完成1b。1. (1)(让学生根据板书的重点,将对话改写成一篇报告。)T: According to the main sentences, please change the dialog into a short report. (2)(要求学生复述对话。)T:Who can retell 1a? OK, S1, please!S1: Michael would like to be a greener person. Jane gives him three pieces of advice. She tells him that he ought to turn off the lights when he leaves a room. When he wants to travel a short distance, hed better walk or ride a bike, not take a bus or a taxi2. (1)(让学生看1b图片,并口头描述怎样做才能成为一个更环保的人。)T:Boys and girls, please look at the pictures about the daily life in 1b. What do they show us? Who can tell us? Hands up!S2:From a we know that we ought to save electricity. S3:From b we know that S4:From c we know that S5:(2)(让学生独立完成1b,教师巡视检查学生完成情况,并以提问的方式核对答案。)T:Please match the pictures with the sentence. Then Ill ask a student to give his/her answers.(3)(引导学生进行拓展,总结更多的日常环保行为。)T:Very good! Pay attention to our daily life. There are many good habits to save energy or protect the environment. What do you often do to improve the environment in your daily life? Who can try to tell us?S6:Take care of the wild animals. S7:Dont cut down the trees. S8:(4)(让学生根据1a,运用1b中的内容重新组织一个对话,提高其综合运用语言的能力,并且进一步增强学生的环保意识。)T: Make a new dialog like 1a according to the sentences in 1b, and practise it with your partner. Then Ill ask the volunteers to act it out. Example:S9: Hi, S10. Would you like to be a greener person?S10: Of course, Id love to. But what should I do?S9: First, reduce waste. Dont buy bottles or boxes which people can use only once. S10: Oh, thats easy. Whats next?S9: Second, recycle boxes and plastic bottles.S10: Thats right. S9: Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)创设语境,教学生词,采用多种阅读形式,呈现并完成2a。1. (创设语境,呈现2a中的生词。)T:Boys and girls, tomorrow is Beach Clean-up Day. Would you like to do something?Ss:Sure./Of course.T:Our class will take part in the activity. Please prepare some big bags so that we can sort the garbage.(教师出示一些废弃的电池、饮料瓶、塑料袋等实物,并引出生词battery。)(板书并要求学生理解。)batteryT:Pay attention, please. Remember to be on time.Ss:(学生很自然会问)What time will we meet?T:Listen to the tape and youll find the answer.(听完核对答案。)2. (读2a,完成小黑板上的表格。)What timeWhere to goHow to goWhat to do (核对答案。)3. (听2a录音,让学生跟读,把新单词和重点内容画出来。然后,讲解知识点,并帮助学生掌握口头通知的要点。)T: Listen to the tape and repeat it. At the same time, draw a line under the new words and important points.4. (教师改动小黑板上的表格内容,要求学生根据新表格的内容,写一则通知,训练学生的写作能力。)What time9:00 a.m.Where to meetOutside the school gateHow to goBy busLunchTake food and drink by yourselvesWhat to doPlant trees, collect garbage T: Look at the form, write a notice for Tree Planting Day, then report it in front of the class. You have three minutes to write. OK! Lets begin! (教师在学生中巡回指导。)T:OK! Are you ready?Ss:Yes. (学生举手。)T:Show your notice. Volunteers?S1:Boys and girls, Tomorrow is March 12th. Its Tree Planting Day. We decide to go to the West Hill to plant trees. I hope everyone in our class will take an active part in the activity. We will meet outside the school gate at 9:00 in the morning. Then well go there by bus and be there at about 13:00. So remember to take food and drink by yourselves. In the afternoon well plant trees and collect the garbage. There will be a lot of work to do tomorrow, so make sure you have a good rest tonight. See you tomorrow. Thats all. Thank you.T: Your speech is wonderful. Anyone else?S2: Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)让学生通过对日用物品的科学分类,增强环保意识,争做绿色环保使者。1. (和同桌讨论可以减少使用、再使用或回收再利用的各种东西,以此来完成2c。同时尽可能多地呈现一些可以减少使用、再使用和回收再利用的日用物品。)T: Look at the objects in 2c. Which can be recycled, reused or reduced? Now, please work in pairs and try to sort them.2. Homework:Write an article about how to save energy. 板书设计:Would you like to be a greener person?Section Bought toWould you like to be a greener person? travel a short distanceIts so easy to be a greener person. Clean-up DayEasier said than done.Its+adj+to do sth.Actions speak louder than words.


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