2019-2020年九年级英语上册《Unit 5 Films》Grammar 1教学案(无答案) 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit 5 FilmsGrammar 1教学案(无答案) 牛津版总课题9A Unit 5 Films总课时10第 5 课时课 题Grammar A课 型新授教学目标知识目标To use the past perfect tense to talk about past actions.能力目标To use the past perfect tense to ask questions about past actions.情感目标To use the past perfect tense to talk about past actions.教学重难点To use the past perfect tense to ask questions about past actions.教 学 过 程教 师 活 动自主个案预习导学读一读:下列词汇:breath, popcorn soft drink, out of breath, review用动词的适当形式填空。1. He asked me if I _ (be )to Guangzhou.2. By the time he got home, he _ (spend) all his money.3. The plane _ (leave) already by the time we got there.4. It _ (stop) snowing when I woke up this morning.5. Peter _ (read) at least twenty novels in the last term.6. When I arrived, the train _ (start).教学过程Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Revision Revise something about the present perfect tense.Step 2 Presentation “had+ past participle” is the form of the Past Perfect Tense. Step 3 Practice Practice using the tense by pleting a table in part A2 on page 88. Help her to finish it.Step 4 Consolidation Make one sentence using the past perfect tense for the earlier action and the simple past tense for the later action. Use “when” or “after “ as shown.Step 5 Presentation When we ask questions using the past perfect tense, we often put “had” in front of the sentence.“had is used with all pronouns, without any change in form.Step 6 Practice Millie is chatting online with Sandy about a film she saw during the holiday. Fill in the blanks in part A4 on Page 89.Step 7 Homework1. Revise the past perfect tense. 2. Do more extra translations.课内研讨判断下列句中的两年事,哪个是先发生的,把它写下来。1. Millie got off the bus because she had left her schoolbag at home.2. Simon had lost him football so he went to see the sport teacher.3. Kitty and seen the film the night before so she didnt want to go to the cinema.4. Amy felt sick because she had eaten too much ice cream.5. 你能写出过去完成时的结构吗?写出下列动词的过去完成时形式:e.g. be had beensee _bring _sing _begin_go _buy _arrive _e _put _win_用所给动词的适当形式填空1. When I _ (get) to Amys home, the party _ (begin).2 By the end of last year, the factory _ (produce) more than eight hundred thousand TV sets.3 The Greens _ (live) in London for several years before they _ (work) in China in xx.4. After Lisa _ (finish) doing her homework, her favourite TV series _ (start).5. I heard you _ (find) your dog. Where _ you _ (find) it?6. I found I _ (leave) my purse at home when I got to the checkout.训,练巩固单项选择( ) 1. The film _for ten minutes when I got to the cinema.A. started B. had started C. has started D.had been on( ) 2.She told us that her brother _the League for more than three years.A had been in B. had joined C. joined. D. had bee member of( ) 3. This book is a bit difficult. _read something easier?A . Why not to B. Why dont C. Why not D. Why not you( ) 4. Have you finished your report yet? No, Ill finish it in _ten minutes.A another B . other C. more D. less拓展延伸翻译句子1. Daniel 上气不接下气地到了。_2. Kitty 是第一个到达电影院的人。_3. 他说他已经看过这部影片了。_4. 到上个月为止,我们已经学会了1000个单词。_教(学)后记 (我的问题,体悟,收获)


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