2019-2020年九年级英语Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city park教案 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语Unit8 I’ll help clean up the city park教案 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语Unit8 Ill help clean up the city park教案 人教新目标版Section A教学目标:A. 能运用以下句型进行交际。 Id like to work outside. You could give out food at a food bank.B. 掌握一些短语的含义:clean up 清扫give out 分发cheer up 使振作helpwith 在.帮助put off推迟write down 记下put up张贴hand out分发call up打电话e up with想出Step 1 Warming upGet the students to recall the thing we donated money to a sick girl who studied in our school.T: Why did we help her?S: Because she needs help.T: Very good. You are very kind.Then show some other pictures in which there are sick people, homeless children and dirty places.Ask about the students ideas about them.T: What can you see in these pictures?S: We can see the people and places we need to do good for them.T: Right. But what good things can we do for them.The answers may be different. They are all acceptable.Step 2 Watching and talking Understand instructions in 1a, then look at the picture. Talk about the picture.T: Its a volunteer day today. Id like to work outside. But I dont know what I should do.S: You could help clean up the city parks.T: Good idea. Who else has other suggestions for me?S: You could visit sick children in the hospital.T: Good. What else?S: You could help hungry people.T: All of you have given me good advice. Thank you.Look at the picture again. prehend all the sentences in the picture.Step 3 Listening1b. Play the tape. The students fill in the blanks. Then read the sentences together. Ask individual students to prehend the sentences and point out every phrase they see.2a. Make sure the students understand the instructions and then listen to the tape. Try to describe the pictures they have checked with one sentence.2b. Listen again. Fill in the blanks. Point out every phrase in the sentence. Step 4 PairworkRole play the conversation in 2b according to one in 2c.Step 5 Grammar FocusRecall the phrases we studey in this lesson. Encourage the students to explain them in English. Then prehend and read the sentences in Grammar Focus.Homework: Memorize all the phrases in this lesson.第二课时教学目标:A. 能比较流利地讲述自己能够做的事情。B. 能运用语言和语法知识进行阅读并理解文章意思。Step 1 Warming upDiscuss the question “What would you like to do most if we have a Volunteer Day?” The students ideas must be different. Write the things they want to do on the blackboard.Step 2 Reading3a. Say “Look through the passage. Who is mentioned in it? What do they do during the volunteer work?”After they say out the answers, ask them to read the passage again, and finish the chart on the blackboard.PeopleWhat they doHui Pin(She helps young children to read)Lin Pei(He spends every Saturday morning working in an animal hospital.)Zhu Ming(He sings for groups of people at the city hospital to cheer them up.)Learn the passage, and point out the key points in it.Key points:1. be home to sb. / sth. 意思是“.是某人/某物的家”。例:The earth is home to mankind.地球是人类的家园。2. put to good use 意思是“把 投入更好的使用”。例:Workers are very glad to put the new machine to good use.3. not only but also 意思是“不仅.而且”。连接两个并列的成分,如主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定状语等。由于这个词组所强调的是后者,因此连接主语时,谓语的数随后一个主语变化。例:Not only you but also he knows the answer.(连接两个主语)连接两个句子,而当not only用于句首时,前一个句子必须倒装。另外,also的位置比较灵活,也可以省略。例:Not only did he came, but he also helped us solve the problem.4. put off 意思是“推迟”。例:Never put off the things today till tomorrow. (a saying)当推迟的对象是人称代词时,代词位于中间,如put it / them off.Then read the passage with the tape.Step 3 Talking and writingRead the conversation in 3c. Explain “Im not sure what I should do ” and “ coach a soccer”.Then look at the chart in 3b. Work in pairs, make up similar conversations to the one in 3c. While practicing, write down the answers in the chart.Homework: Read the passage in 3a.第三课时教学目标:A. 了解一些短语的用法。B. 能从所听到的对话中获取信息。Step 1 Warming up T: I want to buy new books, but I cant buy them now.S: Why?T: Can you guess?S1: You have no time to go shopping.S2: You have no money now.Say “Yes. I have no money now. That is to say, I dont have any more of money.” Ask the students to think of a phrase about “ dont have any more of money. ” When the students say out “ use up”, tell them another phrase “run out of”. Say “ Both of them can express have no more money now.”Step 2 MatchingLook at the sentences in 1a. Get the students to match them. Ask them to e up with all the phrases in the sentences: run out of, take after, be similar to, fix up, give away, and the meanings of them.Step 3 Making sentences1b. The students make sentences with the phrases in the box. Then share the students sentences.Step 4 ListeningFirst, talk about the pictures. Then listen to the tape. Finish 2a and 2b. After listening, read the material.Step 5 PairworkPractice the conversation between Jimmy and the reporter. Use the information from 2a and 2b.Step 6 Exercises完成句子: 1. Would you please help me _ (修我的自行车).2. The students in our class _ (捐款给) a very sick girl last month.3. We need to _ (想村一些注意) for helping others.4. John _ (象) his father. They are both clever and a bit quiet.5. We are going to _ (建立一个食物银行来帮助) hungry people.第四课时教学目标:A. 巩固本单元的短语运用。B. 能根据所学知识进行写作。Step 1 RevisionReview the phrases we have studied in the last few lessons. Ask individual students to write them on the blackboard.Step 2 Reading and prehending3a. Read the article and underline all the phrasal verbs. They are: cheer up, run out of, put up, ask for, call up, tell. About, hand out, set up, call- in center, e up with, work out, fix up, give away. Make sure the students prehend the whole passage and all the phrases.A point: work out 表示“结果为,结局”例:How did his suggestions work out? 他的提议结果怎么样? 表示“解决,计算出”例:Can you work out how much money it will need? 你能计算出需要多少钱吗?work out the problems = solve the problemsThen read the passage.3b. According to the passage in 3a, make a note of the things that Jimmy did to solve his problem.Step 3 GroupworkDivide the students into groups. Discuss the plan for helping out around. Make notes where they will help and what they will do. Then tell the plans to the class.Step 4 ExercisesMake sentences using these phrases:1. e up with2. give away3. put off4. ask for5. call up第五课时教学目标:A. 巩固短语。B. 强化写作。Step 1 RevisionRetell the story in 3a. Talk about the Bike boy, Jims problem and the way he solved the problem.Step 2 Self checkFor Part 1, the students fill in each blank with the correct phrases give. Then get them to make their own sentences with each phrase.For Part 2, first look at the instruction and understand the notes. Then write an article about Sally. Then ask some students to read their own articles.Step 3 Exercises翻译句子:1. 我们需要提出一个计划。2. 老师正在发我们的测试卷。3. 你能做出这些很难的数学题吗?4. 我认为做一名志愿者是了不起的。第六课时教学目标:阅读理解文章意思,了解阅读策略。Step 1 Free talkAsk “ Have you helped others or have you been a volunteer? Have others helped you while you are in trouble?” Collect their answers.Step 2 ReadingFirst, students look through the passage and find out the main idea of it. “ He is lucky to have a dog from Animal Helpers.” Ask another question then “ How does the dog help him?” After this, learn the passage carefully.Key points:1. fill with 意思是“使.充满,使.装满”。例:The thought fills me with pleasure. fill也常用作过去分词作表语或用来表状态,意为“充满”,即be filled with,此时相当于短语be full of。例:The bottle is filled with milk. = The bottle is full of milk.2. feel / be lucky to.表示“因做感到幸运”.例:I was lucky enough to get a job.be lucky 还可以接that从句。因此上句也可说成:I was lucky that I got a job.Lucky you. 你真幸运。 a lucky dog幸运儿另外记住:luck n. 幸运lucky unlucky adj. 幸运的 luckily unluckily adj. 幸运地3. train n. 火车 v. 训练 相关短语是train sb to do sth. 含义为“训练某人做某事”。例:The firemen train these dogs to help the people in trouble. 上句改为被动语态为:These dogs are trained to help the people in trouble.Then read the passage and finish 3c.Step 3 HomeworkRead the passage.


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