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2019-2020年中考英语特训复习第3编中考题型攻略篇9补全对话试题“补全对话”适用于考查学生语言交际能力。交际能力是语言学习中最重要的部分,语言的功能就是交际,它要求学生根据上下文、语境和自己对对话内容的理解,补上所缺失的句子。其内容大多与日常生活有关,例如:问路、购物、介绍、就医、打电话、谈论时事、天气、介绍人物或地点等。考查方式灵活多变,有时一个空可以有多种答案,对学生的语言技能、应对能力要求很高。(也会出现从所给的选项中,选择恰当的句子填入空白处的考查方式。) ,题型分析解读时间话题长度题源句子结构xx病情4.5个回合八年级下册Unit 1对话拓展2个特殊疑问句,3个陈述句xx订餐7.5个回合七年级下册Unit 8对话拓展2个特殊疑问句,1个一般疑问句,2个陈述句xx问路6.5个回合七年级下册Unit 8对话拓展2个特殊疑问句,1个一般疑问句,2个陈述句xx保护环境6.5个回合九年级Unit 13对话拓展3个陈述句,1个特殊疑问句,1个一般疑问句分析近几年的云南昆明中考试题“补全对话”可知,其题源以课本常见话题为主,多贴近学生生活,一个场景,两个人物,对地方特色及热点信息较为关注,通常6.5个回合。所考查的5个句子多为常见的特殊疑问句、一般疑问句和简短的陈述句,试卷会通过上下文的提示,给学生思路。再分析近几年的考试结果可以看出:得分的真实性很高,也就是说:真正有能力的学生可以得到满分,而与此同时,得到低分和极低分的考生也不在少数,充分反映了学生真实的语言能力。因此,平时要注重语言功能的掌握,做题时要注意:1必须了解中英文语言表达习惯的不同,不能想当然地用中文习惯来补全英语对话。如:听到别人赞美时,应回答“Thank you.”而不能谦虚地回答“No,just soso”;听到别人说“My mother is ill.”应该首先说“Im sorry to hear that.”表示对别人的同情,再做其他询问,而不应该直接问“Whats wrong? What happened?”。2需了解外国的风俗习惯及语境对语言的影响,也就是说,对什么人,在什么地方说话的方式也应该随之改变。如:对非常熟悉的人,语言方式就可以随便些,正规场合就不能随便。3关注时事话题。每年中考命题都加入了最新时事,这就是语言的时效性,如果学生多了解时事,就可以降低补全对话的难度。新闻多,放进卷子的也多。4不要轻易放弃。一定要完成每个空,因为只要意思能将上下文连接起来的不会产生歧义的句子都可以得分。(昆明中考) 根据对话内容,在空白处写出恰当的句子,使对话意思连贯完整。所写句子应与所给的标点符号一致。A:Hi,Alice.Would you like to help save the environment?B:Id love to.But I dont know how to do it.A:First,you can start by turning off the lights.B:1._Ill do it from now on.Whats next?A:Well,2._?B:Yes,I can.I ride a bike to school every day.A:So second,ride a bike or walk.3._The traffic is too heavy.B:I think so.What else?A:Third,you can save water.B:4._?A:Thats easy.Turn off the shower and when youre not using it.B:You are an environmental protector.Ill learn from you! Thanks a lot.A:5._【解析】1OK/Sure/No problem/Thats easy上句说“首先,你要随手关灯”,下句应该说,好的/可以/没问题因此,只要符合这一意思的回答都是对的。2can you ride a bike下一句的意思是:会,我每天骑单车上学,所以可知上一句是问你会骑车吗?3Dont drive a car/Dont take a car/bus/taxi根据上句,“骑车或者步行”,下句“交通很拥堵”,中间这一句应该填你不要开车(不要打车)等。4How can I save water/How do I save water/What should I do to save water上一句的意思是:第三,你要节约用水,那么下一句应该是问:怎样节约用水。5You are wele/Its my pleasure根据上一句:非常感谢,可知下一句回答:不客气。A(xx昆明中考) A:Sarah,you dont look well.1._Whats_the_matter(with_you)/Whats_wrong_(with_you)/Whats_the_trouble_(with_you)_ ?B:I have a headache and my head feels very hot.A:Maybe 2._you_have_a_fever_B:Oh,maybe.3._What_should_I_do_?A:You should take your temperature,lie down and rest.B:That sounds like a good idea.A:If you still have a fever tomorrow,youd better go to a doctor.4._I_hope_you_feel_better_soon_B:I hope so.5._Thank_you_(very_much)/Thanks_(a_lot)_,Kelly.A:Youre wele.B(xx聊城中考) A:Hi,Lingling,this is Tony speaking.Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?B: 1._Yes,we_are/Yes/Yes,I_am_ .Were quite busy now.A: 2._What_are_you_doing_(at_the_moment/now)_ ?B:Im making big red lanterns.3._Do_you_like_lanterns_?A:Yes,I like them very much.They are very beautiful.Is your father helping you?B: 4._No,he_isnt/No_ .Hes still at work.A:Whats your mother doing?B:She is cleaning the house and putting things away.A:Oh,I know youre busy preparing for the festival.Well,wish you a happy Spring Festival.B: 5._Thank_you(very_much)_ .C(xx绍兴中考) W:Hello,Lucy speaking.M:Hi,Lucy.This is Jack.Are you still going to the 1._sports_ club?W:Yes,why?M:Well,I went to the hospital yesterday,and my doctor suggested I do more exercise.W:I see.Why not join the club that Im going to?M: 2._Is_it_good_?W:Yes.Wonderful equipment(器材),nice people,and its not far from my home.M:What do you do there?W:Well,I often start by running,then swimming.M:Does the club 3._take/have/offer_ training courses?W:Yes,basketball,tennis,dancing and so on.You have a lot of choices.M:Sounds great.How often do you go there?W:Usually twice a week,on Mondays and Thursdays.M:Not bad.I think I can manage.W:Hey,Im going again tonight.Why not 4._go_with_me_ ? M:OK.Where shall we meet?W:Ill wait for you in front of my house at 7:00.M: 5._OK/See_you_. 选择型补全对话D(xx江西中考) A:Hi,how are you?B:Not very well,I think I have the flu.A:Oh no.Your poor thing. 1._D_ B:It might be,I suppose,but it doesnt feel like it.Ive had it for a few days now.I just feel really weak and tired all the time.A:2._C_Maybe you should go home and get some rest.B:Yes,you are right.A:3._G_ B:Thats true.Could you tell Mr.Smith Im sick?A:4._A_B:And could you give him my homework?A:Sure.B:Thanks.A:No problem.5._F_B:Ill try my best.Thanks.Bye.A:Bye,see you.AYes,of course.BIt doesnt matter.CThat sounds terrible.DAre you sure its not just a cold?EHow long have you been like this?FYou take it easy and get well soon.GNo one will thank you if you stay and spend it.E(xx山西中考) ( At break,Amy meets Ken in the hallway.) Amy:Hi,Ken! Janes birthday is ing.Have you received her invitation?Ken:Yes. 1._D_ Amy:Me,too.Im just thinking about the gift.2._F_ Ken:Well,she likes writing.Why not get her pens and books?Amy:3._B_I think shell be happy to get them.Ken:Yeah.By the way,how will you buy the gift? Will you ask your parents for money?Amy:4._C_ Ive already saved my pocket money.Ken:Youre right.I think you should learn to manage pocket money.I just spend it on the things I really need.Amy:Thats true.5._G_Ken:What a kind girl! Learning to save and use money are both important to us.AYes,please.BSounds good.COf course not.DHow about you?ECan you e to my party?FHave you got any good ideas?GI also use it to help others in need.FA:I called you yesterday,but no one answered. 1._Where_did_you_go_?B:I went to the City Library.A:Oh.2._Is_it_interesting_?B:Yes,there are many new books.And there are many people,too.A:I want to go there,too.3._Could_you_please_tell_me_how_to_go/get_there_ ?B:Of course.Walk along Center Street,and turn right at the second crossing.You can find a No.8 bus stop.A:You mean I can take a No.8 bus.B:No,just go along Green Street.You will find it on your right.Dont miss it.A: 4._May_I_take_a_bus(there)_?B:Of course,you can take No.5.A:I see.I will go there this weekend.5._Thank_you_very_much_ .B:Youre wele.


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