2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 1 Study skills特色教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 1 Study skills特色教案 牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 1 Study skills特色教案 牛津版课题:7A Unit 1 Study skills教学目标 培养学生与他人合作学英语的技能教学重难点掌握在英语学习中与人合作的技巧教学步骤:Part One: Part AT: Boys and girls, last time we learnt about football players. Can you talk about your favorite sportsmen in pairs? Please make dialogues in pairs. (PPT 4)Ss:T: So much for the revision. Lets begin the new lesson. Frank is Daniels favorite football player. However, Sandy doesnt know Frank. She wants to borrow Franks photo from Daniel and look at it. Lets read Sandy and Daniels dialogue together. (PPT 5) Boys read Daniel and girls read Sandy. 男生读Daniel,女生读Sandy。Sandy: Do you have a photo of your favourite football player?Daniel: Yes, I do. Do you have a photo of your favourite football player?Sandy: No, I dont. Can I borrow the photo of Frank?Daniel: Yes, you can. Can I borrow the photo of your favourite football player?Sandy: Im sorry. I dont have one.T: What can we say to borrow something?Ss: T: Right. We can ask “Do you have ?” or “Can I borrow ?” How can we answer? We can say “Yes, I do.” / “No, I dont.” or “Yes, you can.” / “Im sorry. I dont have one.” Can you borrow things from others? Please make up dialogues to borrow something from your deskmate. (PPT 6) Which pair would like to act out your dialogue? I need three pairs to e to the blackboard and act out the dialogues. 邀请三至四组表演对话。Part Two: Part BT: Were talking about borrowing things. Sandy and Daniel are also talking about borrowing things. Lets look at their dialogue. Please read it together. (PPT 7) Does Daniel know how to say Li Huas name in English?Ss: No.T: What can Daniel do? He can say “Excuse me. How do you say that in English?” If you have other problems in your life, what can you say?What can you say if you dont understand something? You can say: I dont understand. What can you say if you dont know the answer to something? You can say: Im sorry. I dont know.What can you say if you want to start a role-play?You can say: Ill start/begin now. Please read these sentences after me. (PPT 8)Part Three: Practice1. Exercises. (PPT 9-10)2. Pair work.T: Can you ask and answer like this? Please ask and answer in pairs. 请两人一组进行问答。3. Game.T: Lets play a game. Please work in groups of four. One student asks the above questions, the other three students answer. The student who answers in the shortest time wins. 让我们来做一个游戏。四人小组中的一个同学问上述的问题,其余三个同学抢答,答得最快的同学获胜。家庭作业: 选用恰当的选项填在横线上,将句子补充完整。A Ill start/begin now. B Im sorry. I dont know. C I dont understandD Excuse me. How do you say that in English?If you dont know how to say something in English, you say: _. If you dont understand something, you say: _. If you dont know the answer to something, you say: _. If you want to start a role-play, you say: _.


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